

A simple political simulator focusing on a gameplay element that was missing in Democracy 3 and not well developed in Urban Empire.

To keep it short: The game is fun, but somewhat lacking in depth and can be rather random at times. Better to watch gameplay videos to see if it is for you, unless you really love politics and want a parliament simulator badly.

To be more elaborate: The game offers a variety of policies that are unlocked through research. Policy effects are very clearcut and not as complicated and multi-layered as in Democracy 3. Also they tend to be rather simple. For instance there is a policy to establish a pension system, but it is not explained what kind of system it is, nor is it possible to have different types of systems (Democracy 3 at least distinguished between private and public pension schemes).

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Strategy Games.

Mixed leaning negative, with lots of caveats

Firstly, I love the presentation, the UI design, the idea of the sim. It is nice to see so many countries represented, with an actual democratic method of passing or repealing laws and legislation, via voting done by members of the chamber. It is a solid base for the game to (hopefully) improve with in time.

But, sadly, I feel the overtly positive points halt here.

While many countries are represented each one works exactly the same, even if their constitutions and ideology differs. Each will start with the same rules and a empty parliamentary chamber. It is like establishing the very first government. And then the system does not emulate the country you are supposed to be. Every country gets the chamber filled, and then the “lawgivers” themselves pick a PM/President. Not the majority holder. Not public vote. Not the popular vote or the most weighted votes as seen in real systems across the world. Only through pushing new rules and laws can you actually get around to emulating your chosen countries real system.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Lawgivers on Steam

Beholder 2

Beholder 2

I love this game. The dark setting, the artwork, the way the characters speak. If you are reading and wondering if you are going to buy it or not after watching the videos just go buy it already. Good value for the money.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Strategy Games.

I really love this game!

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Beholder 2 on Steam

Not Tonight

Not Tonight

If you liked papers please you’re gonna love this game. Its the same concept of looking at papers and deciding whether they should pass, but as difficult as papers please was. (sorry my review will contain a lot of comparisons with papers please) Instead of working at one place you will work in many beautiful and interesting stations each with an interesting manager/boss. Each station will have different working requirements, some have 3 lines you will have to watch and let people through from and from as much as i’ve played you can get up to 4 sheets to check which creates a really hard game, and you will even have to check things like contraband and dress code. The game will guilt you into letting people in, you will also be bribed, there’s a resistance you could support and you can sell drugs/candy (still not sure) for extra cash.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Great Soundtrack Games.

Survive a oppressive world in this enjoyable Papers, Please-esque

Developed by PanicBarn, Not Tonight took place in an alternate history; a Post-Brexit United Kingdom specifically where citizens that are of European heritage (known as Euros) are constantly being oppressed by the government. You play as citizen #112, another ‘filthy Euro’ just waiting to be deported to your original country. Your goal is simple: avoid your inevitable fate, any means necessary.


As mentioned before, the game overall structure is similar to the much more well-known Papers, Please. In other words, a lot of micromanagement gameplay. As #112, you’ll be working as a bouncer for a multitude of different locales, ranging from nightclubs to drinking pubs to the London Wall itself. Your job is to supervise the entrance and decide whether the customers are allowed to enter or not. Or whether they deserved it or not.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Not Tonight on Steam