GIF: The Game of Inevitable Frustration

GIF: The Game of Inevitable Frustration

This is a great game that is also very challenging!!!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Cute Games.

A fun game! Challenging from the start, even for those with plenty of platforming experience, though that’s implied by the title. Looks good, friendly art style, audio taunts start to grate after a while but thankfully these can be switched off.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

GIF: The Game of Inevitable Frustration on Steam

Woah Dave!

Woah Dave!

Every criticism I read about the game feels deeply unfair. Look at a game like the original Mario Bros, or Ms. Pac Man, or Centipede or Tetris. Sit there and tell me with a straight face that those are “simple” or that they “lack depth”. It is possible to find brilliance and depth within elegant simplicity; we see that in modern titles like Minecraft and Downwell and Molemen Must Die! just to name a few. And you will find that elegant simplicity here as well.

In the swamp of games that is available in today’s market it could be very easy to dismiss this game quickly as a turd, after seeing it’s admittedly crude graphics. And I could even see a person becoming disenchanted due to the lack of obvious game instructions - it’s left to the player and yet it’s all there to be taken-in and easily deduced if you are observant.

Real player with 69.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Multiplayer Games.

It’s good, but it feels like the endless mode to an awesome game that doesn’t exist.

This is an entry in the “elimination platformer” genre, a genre that has been dead for over a decade. Back in the days of the arcade and early home console, this type of game was one of the supreme rulers, including classics like Bubble Bobble, Balloon Fight, TumblePop, Joust, and Mario Bros., just to name a few.

However, when you think about all those classic games, they always had “waves” or “levels”, but Woah Dave! Just throws you into one long level that progressively gets harder. Eggs and Skulls drop randomly from the sky, and you can throw skulls at eggs to produce coins, or you can let the eggs hatch into monsters. If you leave the monsters alive, they will turn into three progressively harder enemies the longer they are left alive, each which yields more coins when killed. Sometimes a UFO will appear to mess with platforms if it’s not killed fast enough, and sometimes a “Woah block” will appear that can clear the screen of all enemies. And that’s all there is to the game. No special items, no multipliers, no different levels with different platform structures, no surprising new bosses or enemies. Just survive for as long as possible and collect coins for a high score. I feel like a lot of people are going to play this for ten minutes and then forget about it.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Woah Dave! on Steam



At it’s core, Spelunky is a precise 2D platformer, with a very simple yet elegant scoring mechanic. Each level through which you descend is littered with treasure, and your objective is to get to the end of the game, beat the boss, and escape with as much gold as you can carry with you. This would get a bit boring if the levels were the same every time, so instead the layout of the platforms, items, and enemies changes every time you retry, although the four themed areas (plus one special, secret one) always appear in the same order. Interestingly, in this version, there is a daily challenge: a seed is generated and every one who attempts the daily challenge will play the same seed, and the scores are ranked at the end. Best I’ve achieved is twelfth in the world. Mind you, the disparity between my score and that of the person in pole position was enormous.

Real player with 474.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Roguelike Games.

Spelunky is an exquisitely designed hybrid roguelike/platformer that is simple to learn, but very difficult to master. Often a single mistake from certain death, you must depend on your own skills and knowledge to progress through the procedurally generated caves, uncovering the treasures and secrets that lie below. Death comes often, especially to newcomers, but every death is a learning experience that improves your chances of survival in subsequent attempts.

Spelunky is a game that is simultaneously merciless and fair. Even with multitude of threats you’ll face, almost every death you experience is preventable and the result of poor judgment or a lack of skill. All of Spelunky’s mechanics and enemies follow a persistent and predictable logic, each element a tiny cog in a massive interlocking machine. Learning about the inner workings of Spelunky’s world is necessary to venture into the deeper reaches of the caves.

Real player with 448.0 hrs in game

Spelunky on Steam

The Impossible Game

The Impossible Game

Probably my favourite game in the list of hyper-difficult platformers on Steam, The Impossible Game uses a simplistic art style with equally simple mechanics which work well together to create an enjoyable, addictive and challenging game, it also holds the “excellent soundtrack” trophy like many others of the same genre. The PC version also comes with a level editor which is a really nice addition and gives the game some more playability.

The objective is simple, jump, clear and doge oncoming obstacles and reach the end of the levels without dying. Sounds easy enough, but the short time window which you have to make your decision on whether or when to jump or not makes things incredibly difficult, though sometimes equally frustating.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

After some time i had to change my mind about my vote…

i really looked forward to try that game myself and had to wait like 3 years or even more to finally arrive on my favorite plattform, the pc as i don’t like to play on my android phone or sit in front of my tv to play. i use my spare time after working on the pc and what did i get for my 5 bucks? a unfinished port it seems. the music and the game itself is visually the same beside the unecessary blure all over it with no option to turn it off.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

The Impossible Game on Steam

Gunkid 99

Gunkid 99

Gunkid 99 is a great platformer that will sure keep you entertained. With so many different maps and guns there’s always something you can do, every single map can be replayed, there’s 2 modes, normal which is every gun you currently have unlocked the game will switch between every single weapon, Equipped is a mode that lets you play any map with your preferred loadout. My favorite loadout is Mini Cannon, Smg and Laser Rifle. You will unlock weapons as you go along. this game feels great the single developer did a good job on making this game feel incredible. Right now the developer of this game is taking suggestions and feedback in his discord server.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Gunkid 99 is an arcade action platformer in a similar vein to Super Crate Box

There are 5 different worlds, each with their own enemy types and challenges. Each world has 7 levels, and every level can be played infinitely on a leaderboard. Replayability is strong in this one if you enjoy grinding for highscores.

To get score, you have to collect weapons. There are several different weapons that will spawn randomly (or in equipped mode, you can shorten the list down to 3 weapons that can spawn) and you have to do this within a time limit. If you go longer than about 20 seconds, you lose. So gameplay consists of running around the level, dodging and killing the neverending swarm of enemies, and constantly picking up toys to shoot at them. The game is frantic and gets very difficult.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Gunkid 99 on Steam

PixelJunk™ Eden

PixelJunk™ Eden

Let me start by mentioning that I’m not very fond of platform games. Never have been. They usually feel way to linear and restricted to me, and hardly ever offer exciting game mechanics.

While PixelJunk Eden technically is a platform game, this label wouldn’t do much justice to it, as it truly is so much more! The game mechanics are simple yet innovative and the gameplay is very fluent. The player can move around freely over the entire map, explore every corner and in the meanwhile develop the map as it grows with you (by seeding plants).

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

PixelJunk Eden is a title in the “PixelJunk” series of games, developed by Q Entertainment. The series is basically a partnership with Sony with the aim of making short, intuitive PSN titles.

Eden is focused around exploring maps and finding “Septima”, which are basically the stars from Mario 64. There are 10 levels and 5 extra levels; each containing 5 Septima each for a total of 75. Just as in Mario 64 opening new levels requires a set amount of Septima, but by the time you have 25 or so all the levels should be open.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

PixelJunk™ Eden on Steam

Proyecto Flamingo X1

Proyecto Flamingo X1

Its all part of the game. This game has a life of its own

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

Amazingly fun experience! The gameplay is really pleasant, addicting and fun, you can play for hours trying to beat the machine and once you get it you still want to play to beat your score and be the number 1 on the leaderboard! Im quite sure there are many secrets in this game…will you find them before me?

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Proyecto Flamingo X1 on Steam



Rough sketchings, nothing Fancy,

an Action Figure collects notes scattered through various stages while escaping his prison.

Not as simple as it seems.

Physic, Memory and especially Finger Nimbleness.

Trial and Error till you can understand the way out of the stage.

The base game is doable,

but the Retry of above 300+ levels can be ridiculously tedious,

not many will ‘have’ the patience and ‘can’ continue.

And seriously doubt few can really complete the game.

So very often while playing, I felt the developer had gone the extreme in creating this puzzle platform game.

Real player with 41.2 hrs in game

In Turner Bean Boy Games don’t really attempt anything that hasn’t been done before. However, the results of their game are a well executed gem has a price that screams bargain.

What is Turner?

Turner is a 2D puzzle platformer. The game is set in an an asylum with the player being inserted into the role of Turner. Turner has led a troubled past and an unstable mind. Why else would he be in an asylum? There are two movement mechanics in the game. The first is your basic set of left, right and jump. The second is a rotating/turning system. This second system rotates or turns the entire level in either clockwise or anti-clockwise direction - it’s your call. You will need to quickly learn and become skillful with both mechanics as they are equally essential to complete the game. They have been well designed and work as expected.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Turner on Steam

Mission XAM

Mission XAM

This is the second chance I gave this game. There is a small progression (switching weapons finally works) but I still can not recommend this game even for determined achievement hunters (because the achievements do not work).

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Simple retro platformer game. Gets repetitive fast as the levels are basically the same over and over again. I’m sure the developer had a lot of fun designing the game assets (as stated in the description) and they do look good for a retro-styled game. If you’re looking for something to pass the time with and gain some Steam Achievements, then give this game a try. However, if you’re looking for a platformer with more depth, look elsewhere.

Note: I was able to reach level 5, but the game bugged out on me as my character would not pick up the ammo spawn when moving over it. The ammo is crucial to passing the levels. At this point I’m stuck at level 5 and cannot progress forward. The game just released, so hopefully the developer will fix this issue.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Mission XAM on Steam

Super Crate Box

Super Crate Box

Super Crate Box is a game so simple and self-explanatory that it’s hard not to enjoy. Vlambeer’s arcade-style survival platformer is a great little game that tasks players with collecting crates that randomly spawn around the side-scrolling arena while waves of enemies wander about on set paths. It’s the least complex thing imaginable, but it works really well, particularly as a ‘pick up and play’ type of joint. It’s not something to be taking extremely seriously, which is its greatest asset.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Super Crate Box is a small, indie game that consists of the player battling against green and white monsters with a variety of firearms. You play a character and your objective is to collect as many crates (which contain different kinds of weapons, which one uses to defeat the monsters.) before dieing. This game can be frustrating though, considering the fact that your character dies in one touch of any of the monsters, one has to be carefull in jumping around a small map and firing guns at monsters, who can sometimes be in groups of many and can be difficult to take out.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Super Crate Box on Steam