Bullet Hell ADVANCED

Bullet Hell ADVANCED

this game looks great it sounds great it plays pretty good but I have some problems. The game is fun but when there are so many bullets on screen at the same time it is a little hard to see the enemies though I got used to it pretty quickly. the controls were horrible at least at first. It reversed left and right so it was hard to remember my directions while moving but you can swap the controls in the settings menu. Now my two biggest problems,repetition and game errors. so talking more about the “repetition” so when playing the game you have four unique secondary abilities and three primary fire choices. I enjoyed trying the different abilities but the primary fires are not great. the primaries called plasma and kinetic are the same or extremely similar I couldnt tell which. That leaves only two real options for primary fire hitscan or a projectile and I always use laser. The second major problem is the framerate dips(very uncommon but happened) while I have a high end computer may just be my settings though and the game crashing/freezing which really ruined my expierence though it never happened mid game. the game is fun but with all these problems I wouldnt recommend this.(edit this game has made many improvements since I reviewed it and I think its a whole lot better now I still encounter some glitches here and there but overall its a very good game.)

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Loot Games.

it is a very fun game, and very engaging. it takes a bit of time to find the controls, and needs a tutorial, but is fun once you get the hang of it. some functions I would add would be a high score, a multiplayer (that would be very fun) and for all the stray bullets that hit the enemies to do damage. once you figure out the containers that carry weapons, it can be very hard to grab the weapons, so maybe an asteroid or junk floating around the weapon to provide cover while picking it up? the game overall is very fun, but could use difficulty levels. I found myself not really ready for a hard mode when I didn’t really know the functions of the game. also switch the defualt a and d keys for left and right movement, it is confusing. I feel that too much of the game revolves around finding a good weapon at the start without taking too much damage, but once you get a good weapon, it is very fun. if you found some means to extend the game length, that would be awesome, because I always die once the big thing comes out (don’t know what it’s called).

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Bullet Hell ADVANCED on Steam



At it’s core, Spelunky is a precise 2D platformer, with a very simple yet elegant scoring mechanic. Each level through which you descend is littered with treasure, and your objective is to get to the end of the game, beat the boss, and escape with as much gold as you can carry with you. This would get a bit boring if the levels were the same every time, so instead the layout of the platforms, items, and enemies changes every time you retry, although the four themed areas (plus one special, secret one) always appear in the same order. Interestingly, in this version, there is a daily challenge: a seed is generated and every one who attempts the daily challenge will play the same seed, and the scores are ranked at the end. Best I’ve achieved is twelfth in the world. Mind you, the disparity between my score and that of the person in pole position was enormous.

Real player with 474.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Roguelike Games.

Spelunky is an exquisitely designed hybrid roguelike/platformer that is simple to learn, but very difficult to master. Often a single mistake from certain death, you must depend on your own skills and knowledge to progress through the procedurally generated caves, uncovering the treasures and secrets that lie below. Death comes often, especially to newcomers, but every death is a learning experience that improves your chances of survival in subsequent attempts.

Spelunky is a game that is simultaneously merciless and fair. Even with multitude of threats you’ll face, almost every death you experience is preventable and the result of poor judgment or a lack of skill. All of Spelunky’s mechanics and enemies follow a persistent and predictable logic, each element a tiny cog in a massive interlocking machine. Learning about the inner workings of Spelunky’s world is necessary to venture into the deeper reaches of the caves.

Real player with 448.0 hrs in game

Spelunky on Steam

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge

Let’s make this clear. This game is my life. And no, this isn’t satire so grow up a little bit and understand passion when you see it. I have logged over 730+ hours and I intend to log thousands more. Not only do I play this game daily, but I put over 30+ hours a week into it at the minimum. If you can do math like me that puts it at about 4.28571429 hours a day. (no I didn’t use a calculator, I can do math in my head.) Anyone who is just staring out on steam should get this game. It’s cheap and user friendly. Not to mention is is only O N E dollar! That is incredible! I have gifted this game probably 10 times and I’ll do it again. I’m also a moderator in the Bad Rats discord, which I am highly proud of. I worked tirelessly to get that position and I think I’m close to getting admin. Anyways, no matter the type of gamer you are, Bad Rats is for you. Just don’t think you’ll ever be as good as me. Please give this game a chance to change your life like it did to mine.

Real player with 1159.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Beautiful Games.

Bad Rats is a revolutionary first person shooter that sets a new standard for this era of gaming. This is game published by Electronic Arts and is developed by Dice on the new Frostbite 4 engine to provide a superior graphic fidelity compared to other marvellous titles including Crisis 3. The story of the game takes place in the year 2035 when North Korea officially ends the cease fire for the Korean War and launches a series of surprise attacks on the United States of America and South Korea. North Korea launches an overwhelming amount of long range ballistic missiles towards major metropolitan areas in the United States which devastates the population and cripples the infrastructure of the government to be able to function properly to contain control of the United States. North Korea launches a full scale aerial campaign on Seoul with a relentless wave of troops pouring across the DMZ of North Korea and South Korea. China and the rebuilt Soviet Union organized by Vladimir Putin has been supplying North Korea with highly advanced military technology and expertise has secretly been supporting North Korea for a war since 2006! You play as a squad in the Navy Seals for the United States called “Bad Rats” Your objective is to assassinate all cats in the region of Asia to cut off all food supplies from the North Koreans and collapse the regime of Kim Jong Un. Using the destructible environments from the Frostbite 4 engine you must use the environment for a tactical advantage to exterminate all cats from Asia. Fan favourite maps return including Seige of Shainghai where you must collapse a skyscraper to kill all cats in the building. Facial scanning technology from LA Noire returns to add an extra layer of realism with realistic facial animation movements to add more emotion to the already immersive world. This is a highly addicting shooter that takes place in locations across the world from nuclear wasteland America to the glorious lands of North Korea. You have a massive arsenal of over 500 weapons to use with thousands of gadgets and gun camouflages. Bad Rats is integrated with the Steam Workshop which has created thousands of community maps and gun skins to be submitted into the game for future free DLCs called “Operations”. Each operation adds an extra layer of immersion into the game with a huge variety of community maps and skins to be added to expand the already masterpiece of a game. Bad rats is a very skill based shooter and requires extensive training to truly shine in multiplier. Bad Rats is the only first person shooter on the market to add a innovative competitive mode with ranks to determine your skill level. In multiplayer there are 2 teams. Counter Cats and Cats. The counter cats must plant a bomb on one of the two locations on the map to kill the population of cats in the area. The cats must prevent the counter cats or the “bad rats” from planting the bomb by either killing all the Counter Cats or defusing the bomb to save the population of cats in the premise.Bad Rats is a highly addicting shooter that any seasonal gamer should try out but I assume you already have! Bad Rats global sales have exceeded 1 billion on the first day outselling the Call of Duty franchise. It is very rare to see game a game this flawless since the release of Half Life 2. If you like first person shooter games you already own bad rats, if you don’t you are missing out on one of the most brilliant game of this century.

Real player with 404.5 hrs in game

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge on Steam

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown


-Cpt. Heavy McHeavyface, before launching a rocket at a Berserker.

! The rocket misses, killing a VIP plus the rest of his team near the evac point in the process.


XCOM: Enemy Unknown is an intense game, almost nerve-wracking at times, but generally rewarding as you plan and fight your way through droves of alien invaders with a variety of classes, equipment and abilities. You might find yourself save-scumming (reloading saves for better results), but that happens to the best of us. The game will push you to take risks and deal with consequences, both in long-term strategy with base, crew and international management, and in short-term with tactical combat. While lacking in a few aspects such as a deeper plot, and leaves some optimization work to be desired, Enemy Unknown will get your tactical thinking at full throttle for a steady incursion of (sometimes brutal) enemy forces.

Real player with 365.4 hrs in game



XCOM Enemy Unknown has an expansion pack called XCOM Enemy Within . I’m not going to include that in the review because I’m planning to write a separate review for it. This review will only be about the BASE GAME + ALL DLC.

Also, I have not played the original XCOM games (shame on me, I know) so I won’t be making any comparisons to those.

Real player with 329.1 hrs in game

XCOM: Enemy Unknown on Steam

FTL: Faster Than Light

FTL: Faster Than Light

It’s cheap, it’s fun, there’s lots of different ways to play. There’s lots of mods that add tons more content. Easily one of the funnest games I’ve played.

Real player with 371.2 hrs in game

My favourite strategy game of all time. 99% of your losses will come down to your misplays/poor decisions. Losing always sucks but you’ll usually learn something new

Real player with 244.8 hrs in game

FTL: Faster Than Light on Steam



Buyer beware. This is barely worth calling a game. There are no levels, just clicking shapes to remove them as they spawn over time. If too many build up, you lose. There is no progression. The same few shapes spawn randomly until you get bored and quit/lose. The shapes consist of: A small sphere you can click any time. A box that gives -1 point when red, +1 point when orange, and cycles colors every few seconds. A cylinder that switches between grey (unclickable) and orange. A rectangle that starts with between 1 and 9 health randomly, that you must click down to zero to dismiss. These shapes spawn every second or two and bounce around the screen. You click them. That is it. That is the entire game.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Perfect game to warm up my aim. My score was 463 after a couple of tries and it was a lot more challenging then i thought it was. Took a lot of focus and hardcore hand endurance, my right hand can’t move and I typed this all with my left hand.8/10

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Polary on Steam

Risk of Rain

Risk of Rain

it’s mid

Real player with 649.6 hrs in game

A fun game with great pixel art and fantastic music. Short enough to play any time, with enough random factors to keep it interesting. I found the baseline enemies to be a bit too spongy for my liking, so I play exclusively with the Artifact of Glass enabled. IMHO this game did not translate particularly well into 3D for RoR2, and so I keep finding myself playing this one, the original.

Real player with 259.1 hrs in game

Risk of Rain on Steam



Alright, listen up peasants.

You ever wanted to feel like a badass with a laser sword and swipe at hallucinations, while being trapped ALONE on a desolate planet with your only chance at getting back home is a dinky little ship, guarded by a massive molten rock amalgamation?

Yeah, this game AIN’T IT, or is it?

FIND OUT NOW AND PURCHASE [ –-[i]italics, valve pls] instead of throwing your twitch prime sub away to Ninja’s deceased and overpopulated channel.

Look, I’m going to feed you some truths, so hang tight, alright?

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game


I received this game for free but all comments are my own and were not under review nor looked at by any party before uploaded.

I’ll be honest, if I didn’t receive this game for free, I probably would not have played it but that is only because I choose not to buy any games or many games (especially indie’s since there are so many good ones from what I have heard) as a way to keep me from getting addicted (and boy is this game addicting). Although if you are the type to play a lot of games and you are a fan of MegaMan style games then this should appeal to you and definitely worth the 10$ (original price).

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game




During one late night, insomnia-fueled, mindless scrolling on 9gag I stumbled upon a gif from this game and I liked what I saw.

The next day I tried this (then)early acces indie game and I LOVED it. Seemed simple and it was, but with a ton of small, but amazing features.

You race a high speed ship down a proceduraly-generated road filled with obstacles and power-ups, all in retro-arcade setting.

Game features various game modes including a ranked daily run. If you don’t feel like competing, you can always just sit back and enjoy casual or training modes. On the other hand, if you seek higher challange, game also got a hardcore mode for you. Colour scheme is customizable and sharable so you can adjust it to your liking.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

This game should not be fun. It’s like a coin-op Tron ripoff or something, so by all rights it should be as boring as Pong. Why is it fun? I don’t know. There’s something wrong here. You should play it because a grown man you’ve never met told you to and said it’s fun while comparing it to games you’re too young to know about. Well, some of you.

This is a stupid review. Stop reading it and play the game that Taranasus made and gave away. It’s a lot of fun, really pretty, and costs $0.00, so unless your computer is too weak to run it (ahem, you are running Steam, are you not? Your computer can probably run a game or two), you should download the game and play it. Then you can write an equally stupid review in an attempt to use irony to convince other people to play a game you have absolutely no stake in. See what I did there?

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Vecter on Steam

The Binding of Isaac

The Binding of Isaac

49 Cent doing a sale?

Play this

enjoy it

then go straight to the remake

enjoy that too

Favorite Roguelike series

Real player with 249.6 hrs in game

where’s your god now huh

**Actual Review:

This game has (for a former flash game) really nice graphics, banger soundtracks (Basement 1 is op imo), smooth controls (uses arrow keys and wasd or wasd and mouse, don’t waste your time on shooting with mouse man.) and performance. I love that the story is much deeper than what you thought when you first started playing, I won’t say too much but Christianity is involved. TBOI has a big replay value because of the endless combination of various items found in the dungeons and multiple characters with different starting items and health variations that get unlocked by playing the game in specific manners like getting different endings (for example to not spoiler anyone who hasn’t had the opportunity to experience this wonderful game) plus almost every play through is different from the last. TBOI is also really balanced in difficulty, getting harder the further you explore and it actually gets wanna be the boshy hard near the end, especially if you have a bad run and your found items are bullsh… . Biggest Pro though: who does not want to shoot tears (or something else ;3 ) at poop

! and your insane, murderous and obese mum? ?**

Real player with 158.4 hrs in game

The Binding of Isaac on Steam