Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge

Let’s make this clear. This game is my life. And no, this isn’t satire so grow up a little bit and understand passion when you see it. I have logged over 730+ hours and I intend to log thousands more. Not only do I play this game daily, but I put over 30+ hours a week into it at the minimum. If you can do math like me that puts it at about 4.28571429 hours a day. (no I didn’t use a calculator, I can do math in my head.) Anyone who is just staring out on steam should get this game. It’s cheap and user friendly. Not to mention is is only O N E dollar! That is incredible! I have gifted this game probably 10 times and I’ll do it again. I’m also a moderator in the Bad Rats discord, which I am highly proud of. I worked tirelessly to get that position and I think I’m close to getting admin. Anyways, no matter the type of gamer you are, Bad Rats is for you. Just don’t think you’ll ever be as good as me. Please give this game a chance to change your life like it did to mine.

Real player with 1159.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Beautiful Games.

Bad Rats is a revolutionary first person shooter that sets a new standard for this era of gaming. This is game published by Electronic Arts and is developed by Dice on the new Frostbite 4 engine to provide a superior graphic fidelity compared to other marvellous titles including Crisis 3. The story of the game takes place in the year 2035 when North Korea officially ends the cease fire for the Korean War and launches a series of surprise attacks on the United States of America and South Korea. North Korea launches an overwhelming amount of long range ballistic missiles towards major metropolitan areas in the United States which devastates the population and cripples the infrastructure of the government to be able to function properly to contain control of the United States. North Korea launches a full scale aerial campaign on Seoul with a relentless wave of troops pouring across the DMZ of North Korea and South Korea. China and the rebuilt Soviet Union organized by Vladimir Putin has been supplying North Korea with highly advanced military technology and expertise has secretly been supporting North Korea for a war since 2006! You play as a squad in the Navy Seals for the United States called “Bad Rats” Your objective is to assassinate all cats in the region of Asia to cut off all food supplies from the North Koreans and collapse the regime of Kim Jong Un. Using the destructible environments from the Frostbite 4 engine you must use the environment for a tactical advantage to exterminate all cats from Asia. Fan favourite maps return including Seige of Shainghai where you must collapse a skyscraper to kill all cats in the building. Facial scanning technology from LA Noire returns to add an extra layer of realism with realistic facial animation movements to add more emotion to the already immersive world. This is a highly addicting shooter that takes place in locations across the world from nuclear wasteland America to the glorious lands of North Korea. You have a massive arsenal of over 500 weapons to use with thousands of gadgets and gun camouflages. Bad Rats is integrated with the Steam Workshop which has created thousands of community maps and gun skins to be submitted into the game for future free DLCs called “Operations”. Each operation adds an extra layer of immersion into the game with a huge variety of community maps and skins to be added to expand the already masterpiece of a game. Bad rats is a very skill based shooter and requires extensive training to truly shine in multiplier. Bad Rats is the only first person shooter on the market to add a innovative competitive mode with ranks to determine your skill level. In multiplayer there are 2 teams. Counter Cats and Cats. The counter cats must plant a bomb on one of the two locations on the map to kill the population of cats in the area. The cats must prevent the counter cats or the “bad rats” from planting the bomb by either killing all the Counter Cats or defusing the bomb to save the population of cats in the premise.Bad Rats is a highly addicting shooter that any seasonal gamer should try out but I assume you already have! Bad Rats global sales have exceeded 1 billion on the first day outselling the Call of Duty franchise. It is very rare to see game a game this flawless since the release of Half Life 2. If you like first person shooter games you already own bad rats, if you don’t you are missing out on one of the most brilliant game of this century.

Real player with 404.5 hrs in game

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge on Steam

Bunny Battle Arena

Bunny Battle Arena

A fun game. It is challenging but, not overly so.

You will die ALOT.

Yet, you will not feel like it was a careless mistake or a battle system skewed against you.

DISCLAIMER: I did receive this game for free but, my views are my own.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Blood Games.

Honestly is quite an awful game, pretty sure its like a mobile game or something or at least that’s what it seems like, there’s no options menu, you can’t change the bad controls, half the time you don’t hit the enemies you’re attacking, the further you get into the game the more you just get swarmed and stunlocked, there’s only 1 level in the whole game you play over and over again just with harder enemies and new bosses sometimes. You can unlock new weapons and abilities and stuff but it takes forever to get enough points to unlock stuff, I imagine you lose points for dying so you pretty much can’t upgrade and get better and I imagine eventually you’ll just run out of lives and have to start over. There’s a level select screen at the beginning but you can’t go back to it after the first level and you can’t go back and redo previous levels for more points so bit annoying. Some of the art is kinda cool though and the music is alright, the cursor is annoying cause you can’t tell where you’re clicking cause its so big. It just feels more like a college project than a game, definitely not worth the asking price. I wouldn’t pay a dime for this. Sorry bout that. 2/10

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Bunny Battle Arena on Steam

Family Man: Prologue

Family Man: Prologue

I’ve played through the Family Man Prologue three times

and I’m so impressed with it!

I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it because I’m not usually drawn to

games with this style of graphics but I have to say that I was pulled into

the world immediately.

In fact, the menu music was very evocative and set the right tone from the first second that I booted it up.

The soundtrack is one of the best features in the game. I really liked the guitar rock at the beginning! Then, what I found really effective, was the way that the musical changes enhanced the alternating settings and scenes.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Survival Games.

I really don’t understand some of the negative reviews. I have an older computer with a processor from like 2012 and my budget graphics card. The game ran pretty smoothly in fullscreen and on the highest resolution. The graphics may be a turn off for some people, but not me personally. I’m not gonna lie, I’m very intrigued by this game. I immediately got sucked into the story and was genuinely sad when I had to stop playing. I went out with a punch to the guys face though. Wish-listing the full game and hope to support the devs with a purchase when I can afford it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Family Man: Prologue on Steam



This game is an absolute delight. It is a cheap game though and I would only recommend it at a price point of around 10 bucks. I paid 13.50 CAD and feel it was money well spent.

You need a particular mindset going in, however. Things you should know about the game.

It’s comprehensible, but it’s not super well translated.

Movement and control are very tricky, and take a while to get used to.

There is almost no animation in the game. Characters will rotate, but there’s very little moving of limbs and stuff.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game


+Learning to correctly orientate your character and effectively using the different poses is fun for a bit.

-There is not much in terms of a story.

-Be prepared for this playing the exact same song over and over till you are sick of it.

-Certain levels will be frustrating in difficulty.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Otokomizu~漢水~ on Steam

Family Man

Family Man


Finished my fourth (and final) playthrough in record time. It becomes incredibly easy to do once you know all the ins-and-outs of every mission and the best practices for home management. This Angelic run felt the most muddied as the game often demands some negative actions (offset by donating foods) before you can do the ultimate good, so it didn’t feel truly pure. There’s also a lack of punch in the actual conclusion. I very badly wanted to

! confront Mr. Delroy directly, but what I got was a little more hollow.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Played through this game and got one of the four endings. While the game can be entertaining at first, I really cannot recommend that you buy this game. There are multiple reasons for this. The first being the overall quality feeling of the game… The game feels like a half-assed game. I don’t know if the developers knew what they had in mind when they made the game, but the end product turned out to be a mess. The currency system feels unbalanced, the needs of your family are not difficult enough to make the game challenging, they only require you to do some really basic minigames over and over again to grind the stats, really distracting from the actual game, and very annoying. When I wasn’t trying to keep up with the family needs I just found myself running around the town looking for jobs to do. The jobs were always the same, “talk to this person, then talk to me” “Pick up thing from here and deliver it there”. No variety whatsoever. It just got really really boring.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Family Man on Steam



Not so much a grossly incompetent game as an utterly pointless and uninspired one, given the “current year” and all. Honestly, give me an old-school top-down shooter like Commando over this any day of the week. Especially one ending with the letter “y”.

Oh, and for those who were wondering: this game has precisely nothing to do with the slightly-more-famous Dota 2 (aside from some “meme”-based nonsense). You should feel a fool for even asking.

Verdict: 4/10.

(PS If you enjoyed this review, feel free to check out my two Curator pages:

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Avoid this low effort game based on trying to mock an expert in Russia who tried to analyze why a student killed 19 and left 70+ injured in a school shooting in Russia back in mid October of 2018.

You can watch my video here which talks about the reason this game was made, and why I don’t recommend it as opposed to much better games at a similar cost which are simply much better made games (and that also aren’t just trying to cash in on a meme which came from a school shooting in Russia that left innocent people dead)

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game


911 Operator

911 Operator


My System Spec

| Windows 8.1, i5-4570 3.5GHz, 16GB DDR3, Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 |


Review Version 1.0.0


Will be updateing review as it goes on


DLC Warning

I recommend you buy the DLC it does suck that you need to in order to get the best out of your troops. It should already be in the game. Is the full game and dlc worth it i say yes.

  • The dev says they will be adding new units for FREE in updates and in DLC -

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Please don’t block the line

This game is a nice little surprise. Really it’s pretty good, it’s not just another cheap cash grab.

The game is simple. You’re a 911 operator and your job is to manage the emergency services and answering 911 calls.

You have three main services in your control – police, medics and firefighters. You can choose a unit and send it to the point of the map where the incident happened. Depending on the incident you need to choose which units to dispatch. If there’s a robbery it might be smart to send a larger group of police officers with guns and medics to take of the wounded. If there’s a red light offense you probably can send a single officer there to give him a fine. Same with all the other incidents. Sometimes you get some serious incidents like drug cartel or prison break which means you better send a lot of units there.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

911 Operator on Steam