Bullet Hell ADVANCED

Bullet Hell ADVANCED

this game looks great it sounds great it plays pretty good but I have some problems. The game is fun but when there are so many bullets on screen at the same time it is a little hard to see the enemies though I got used to it pretty quickly. the controls were horrible at least at first. It reversed left and right so it was hard to remember my directions while moving but you can swap the controls in the settings menu. Now my two biggest problems,repetition and game errors. so talking more about the “repetition” so when playing the game you have four unique secondary abilities and three primary fire choices. I enjoyed trying the different abilities but the primary fires are not great. the primaries called plasma and kinetic are the same or extremely similar I couldnt tell which. That leaves only two real options for primary fire hitscan or a projectile and I always use laser. The second major problem is the framerate dips(very uncommon but happened) while I have a high end computer may just be my settings though and the game crashing/freezing which really ruined my expierence though it never happened mid game. the game is fun but with all these problems I wouldnt recommend this.(edit this game has made many improvements since I reviewed it and I think its a whole lot better now I still encounter some glitches here and there but overall its a very good game.)

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Roguelite Games.

it is a very fun game, and very engaging. it takes a bit of time to find the controls, and needs a tutorial, but is fun once you get the hang of it. some functions I would add would be a high score, a multiplayer (that would be very fun) and for all the stray bullets that hit the enemies to do damage. once you figure out the containers that carry weapons, it can be very hard to grab the weapons, so maybe an asteroid or junk floating around the weapon to provide cover while picking it up? the game overall is very fun, but could use difficulty levels. I found myself not really ready for a hard mode when I didn’t really know the functions of the game. also switch the defualt a and d keys for left and right movement, it is confusing. I feel that too much of the game revolves around finding a good weapon at the start without taking too much damage, but once you get a good weapon, it is very fun. if you found some means to extend the game length, that would be awesome, because I always die once the big thing comes out (don’t know what it’s called).

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Bullet Hell ADVANCED on Steam

Tower Keepers

Tower Keepers

Is a game that has a lot of problems If the heart does not really love it, suggest that you never play.

  • There is a problem with just starting to log in. Sometimes it will not check the stream and can not enter the game. This one is still easy to fix by deleting Delete Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ userdata \ 259069783 \ 881490, then it will give you a new stream link and access it.

  • But if it crosses the link itself and the button will be a little smaller by slightly shrinking the left and right sides This condition is as severe as I try, but I can’t fix it. I only need to re-install Windows.

Real player with 7390.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Party-Based RPG Games.

Misunderstood by new players. Yes, you can “speed up” the starring of your epic heroes with money. However, there are equalizing heroes at the common and uncommon range that level the playing field with strategy and knowledge of the game. New players just get pounded in because they can’t be bothered to figure it out. Knowing which common and uncommon heroes to invest in as a f2p player (buying stones up to 5k gold on the shop every day) in conjunction with knowing which SuperRare/Epic heroes you want to funnel stones into (tower/missions-never waste on a common/uncommon hero even if they are preferred) is what makes a player. Is it possible for somoene to spend thousands of dollars to star up a tough epic hero? Absolutely. We called those guys a “JimRen” when I was dinging up as a f2p having to vs him. He was the iconic p2w and he never did any pve content, leveling as slowly as possible by beating up on f2p players in pvp and nothing else. One of the best moments in the game for me was when I used 4-5* common heroes in the 46~ range to beat his 7* epic and SR heroes. Literal thousands of dollars spent, defeated by some game knowledge and strategy. Don’t whine about p2w when you don’t understand the game.

Real player with 3492.0 hrs in game

Tower Keepers on Steam



i have been playing the game for several months now. there are no problems with this game. everything works properly. technical support is outstanding. i had a problem starting the game because of my system setup is unique and the game itself gives you info on how to contact support. an impressive first for me. the game tells you what is wrong with it and how to fix it. nice. simple fix takes seconds just enter a special code and it fixes itself to work on my system. never heard of that before. top notch game support.

Real player with 68.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Strategy Games.

so it says to purge drill rigs to relocate and various other commands that do not have options associated with them. how exactly does this work? do i write my own script to implement these dynamics that supposedly exist or do i just accept the fact that the game is not only broken but not even complete?

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game


God Awe-full Clicker

God Awe-full Clicker

This review will be updated every now and then.

  • 12th July 2019. Recently Offline progress was added to the game. It works fine as long as you log in to see it. Note that you do not gain offline rewards if you get the daily rewards pop-up instead.

  • 7th April 2019 I went for the God-like bonus, so starting here my account is technically no longer F2P, but the March review is still from a F2P perspective. (I was F2P up to Path 8107)

Edit: Forgot to specify that at the time of getting this premium bonus I had purchased everything from the premium shop other than one Pet and most Realms for freely earned Apples.

Real player with 2886.6 hrs in game

Recommended if you’d like to have something to do while watching videos or doing other less engaging stuff.

Very active devs. Quite transparent, responsive, polite. Frequent content patches.

There is a leaderboard in this game. If you care about that, this game is pay-to-win. If you don’t, it’s not. Premium currency is farmable and is a lot more accessible than other games with p2w systems. You can eventually collect all the premium upgrades with time and dedication- there is no paywall. But if you care about ranking, you likely won’t beat the guy straight dumping cash on the upgrades, unless he goes on a hiatus.

Real player with 1116.6 hrs in game

God Awe-full Clicker on Steam

Void Vikings

Void Vikings

An interesting game… Recommended for a fans of twin-stick shooters looking for something a little different.

The core concept of paying back a student loan by pillaging local star systems is both unique and provides some tactical options. Should you pursue an expensive yet effective degree and struggle to pay back both the principal and interest, or settle for a cheap but shoddy education and focus on upgrades? Ultimately, you need both the education and the upgrades, but the premise disguises what would otherwise be a transparent grind.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Fun, polished little arcade wave space shooter with a couple of modes including a ‘diablo’ style randomised loot system, customisation, leader boards, and several distinct ships to fly.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Void Vikings on Steam

MU Legend

MU Legend

Played this game for the past year since OBT. The game is a diamond in the rough. Has a lot of potential but Webzen Korea ruined global version. They have full control over game. Webzen global who hosts it has no permissions to do anything (basically middle man) anything they need to fix they have to go through korea even for the smallest of changes which causes problems take forever to be fixed. As more and more time goes by more p2w stuff gets added to cash shop and gap just gets bigger between f2p and wallet warriors (few exceptions for f2p who put hours upon hours a day). If you want to stay competitive you will have to buy costume/wings which give additional stats that our only temporary. So you will keep having to buy them each month if your not lucky to get one of the unlimited costume/wings from their rng lootboxes. So on top of costume/wings/pets/premium being competitive wont be cheap. But really not a point anymore because playerbase has dropped so much over the past month because the way the company handles game. The biggest thing that ruined game for me is company doesn’t care about their playerbase whatsever. They make polls (most recent one being do you want XP pills in shop) community said no, then two days later they put them in shop. Not first time they completely disregard commmunity. But $$ is the only thing important to webzen to anyone that has been playing for awhile now can see it they are just milking their players till this game comes to an end. Its sad because their is a lot of hidden potential in game that can be improved upon, but thats not companys priority. A lot of people I played with are only still playing till next big game comes out and use this as a “placeholder.” I tried to stick with the game, but can’t do it anymore. Most of my friends quit for one of many reasons. So leaving this review in hopes that I can save someone from making the same mistake I did by giving them my money to support a game they don’t even care about.

Real player with 435.8 hrs in game

So the game has mixed reviews. Everyone says “P2W” both in reviews and in-game. However at first glance I couldn’t see what all the fuss was about. Sure there were some convenient options and a small boost to stats. No biggie I thought. When you get to max level you start to realize how much you can buy your way into the game. How long and grindy everything is. You can basically spend the rest of your life in this game and never get the best gear. Personally I never liked the infinite grind concept.

Real player with 218.6 hrs in game

MU Legend on Steam

Epic Skater 2

Epic Skater 2

Great Game.

Real player with 148.9 hrs in game

Last review was of the early access version. Only right to do the full version of the game. This game is Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2D basically. And by basically, I mean WTF I played this 5 hours straight a day?? The game is great, every problem/ bug thrown at the devs they fixed at a resonable timeframe. Achievements are good to go after, and 100 of them. Devs listen on their discord. For an eternity of re-playability, get yourself a THPS/ THPS2 soundtrack playlist and go on a mix of nostalgia and new age gaming wave to really put yourself in a fucking early 2000’s gaming nuthouse.

Real player with 104.4 hrs in game

Epic Skater 2 on Steam

I Am Overburdened

I Am Overburdened

Actually played this game for 84 hours. Surprisingly even for me.

First of all, I walked through it few times and forgot bout it for a while. Months later I tried some more with new game contents and got all the achievements. I was curious about some game mechanics e.g. Luck, dodge, crit, etc. and was upset a bit the Author didn’t write a manual or smth. Nevertheless, I decided to make it clear by myself as far as it possible.

So I tried to cheat stats or HP via Cheat engine or Artmoney to start mechanics testing but failed over and over(burdened). Dunno, if there was any protection, but somehow it didn’t work.

Real player with 247.1 hrs in game

This is a classic example of a rogue-like game. It’s also quite minimalistic, which is actually quite nice. It’s incredibly easy to get into and understand, but the amount of items in the game make it a new experience each time you enter the randomized dungeon. You need to make decisions based on greed outcome/rewards, and try to understand how all the items can interact with each other, so that you can make a really OP character. The game is essentially turn-based, and very simplistic combat, and yet, even though it’s very simple, it’s a very enjoyable process, that has me keep coming back for more.

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

I Am Overburdened on Steam