Axis Football 2015

Axis Football 2015

Ok I’m fully supporting these devs because this is really the only way that we are likely to get a good football sim on the PC. EA has exclusive deals with NFL and NCAA and will never port to the PC. MS is trying to make make exclusive deals with 2K so that they can have sports games exclusive to xb1 and MS10. In addition It looks like MS is trying to start yet again their own distribution network for the PC that will only run on xb1 and MS10.

I don’t like this environment where you are being forced to buy a console or upgrade an OS just so you can play games. If you are like me and don’t like the way this is going then you need to support indie developers like this who are really trying to make a difference.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Strategy Games.

First off I would like to say that I think the passing mechanic is the best innovation to the football genre in over a decade. I just wish that the rest of the game was as well fleshed out. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had fun with the game, but it feels like it should be in early access or a promotional tool to get a kick-stater going and not something being sold as a finished retail product. Also, it’s awesome that this game supports Xbox One controllers.

For me it just has too many issues to recommend it at $20, which puts it in the same class of competition as games like Rocket League and SuperMega Baseball. But at a discount it is worth checking out but bear in mind it does have a few glitches and bugs here and there.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Axis Football 2015 on Steam

Axis Football 2016

Axis Football 2016

I want to give as detailed and unbiased review as possible so no one is misled.

I recommend this game not just because it’s the only football game on steam, but also because this game has also showed a good amount of progress from last year’s version. With that in mind, I’m not saying this game is perfect. This game is most likely slightly overpriced. Not as overpriced as 2015, which I couldn’t see spending 15 dollars on. That price, is probably more fit for this game, and for ‘15, a cool $6-10 dollars. The game needs funding though, so overpaying isn’t awful because Danny puts the money back into the game.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Strategy Games.


+This Game is way better than Front Page Sports Football that was released a few years ago.

+Graphics slighty better than Maximum Football, not much we can have for PC American football market.

+Price is very reasonable, cheaper than Front Page Sports Football, Maximum Football and most of the popular PC

currently on the market which majority of them are NON 3D simulation.

+Adding the sideline cheerleaders is a big plus.


-No Individual Player Stats.

-No AI vs AI (I was hoping it would be included on the initial release).

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Axis Football 2016 on Steam

Axis Football 2018

Axis Football 2018

For me, Axis 18 got off to a rough start. At first it was receivers who caught everything even if they were triple covered. Then there was a problem with the run game. CPU teams would finish the game with something like 14 yards in 18 attempts. Then there were issues with the ball not being spotted correctly, or the wrong team getting to choose what happens on a penalty.

And then it all got fixed. The developer listened to his customers and fixed the issues that were reported.

Axis 18 is now a pretty solid football game. The stats are realistic and the game is enjoyable to watch. Yes, I said watch. I play strictly exhibition mode. I watch the games. Occasionally I’ll play in coach mode if I want to call the plays. So I can’t comment on how the game is if you control the players.

Real player with 118.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Strategy Games.

I was lucky enough to be able to play the beta for this game and now that the game is out, I bought the game and am more than happy with it. Let me start by saying that the game is developed by a small indie team, but man do they listen to the community! ‘Can you add this or change that?’ Discuss, update, test, done. That’s the attitude that makes a game successful. They had a vision when making the game, but they know gamers have options and the future is looking good for sim football. So here are my thoughts on the game.

Real player with 99.4 hrs in game

Axis Football 2018 on Steam

Axis Football 2017

Axis Football 2017

Having so much fun with this game… as far as non-NFL, non-Madden games go, this is top notch. I’ve been turned off of Madden for a long time, so this game has been awesome to see progress to the point it is at now.

It’s not perfect, but it’s fun and that’s all that really matters. Gameplay is fast and smooth - it reminds me a bit of Tecmo Bowl back in the day. The aimed passing is a lot of fun, I still have to get around to setting up my controller with joy2key so I can combine controller movement with mouse aimed passing… then I think I will have the perfect set up.

Real player with 189.3 hrs in game

This is the only cheap American football game on the market as of now. When I saw it, I was ecstatic! I wanted a football game for the PC so badly. While it’s nice to have a game that can compete with Madden in some form or another, I have to admit: This game is nowhere close to Madden as far as animation quality, lack of bugs, AI quality, etc. You can do far more in Madden than in this game. It’s insanely buggy, and the AI is not on the same level as Madden. If you want to decide your own defensive plays, expect to see safeties and CBs just giving up on recievers. Even IF they keep with their target reciever, you will never see an interception… EVER. At least when it’s your safeties. You’ll get picked off over and over and over again. Juking and power plays are lackluster, and rarely work. If you decide to simulate a season (which you can do, and I’m so glad you can), and if the team you chose doesn’t reach the playoffs, there is no way to simulate past that point. You have to delete that Franchise Mode save, and start over.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

Axis Football 2017 on Steam

Woah Dave!

Woah Dave!

Every criticism I read about the game feels deeply unfair. Look at a game like the original Mario Bros, or Ms. Pac Man, or Centipede or Tetris. Sit there and tell me with a straight face that those are “simple” or that they “lack depth”. It is possible to find brilliance and depth within elegant simplicity; we see that in modern titles like Minecraft and Downwell and Molemen Must Die! just to name a few. And you will find that elegant simplicity here as well.

In the swamp of games that is available in today’s market it could be very easy to dismiss this game quickly as a turd, after seeing it’s admittedly crude graphics. And I could even see a person becoming disenchanted due to the lack of obvious game instructions - it’s left to the player and yet it’s all there to be taken-in and easily deduced if you are observant.

Real player with 69.6 hrs in game

It’s good, but it feels like the endless mode to an awesome game that doesn’t exist.

This is an entry in the “elimination platformer” genre, a genre that has been dead for over a decade. Back in the days of the arcade and early home console, this type of game was one of the supreme rulers, including classics like Bubble Bobble, Balloon Fight, TumblePop, Joust, and Mario Bros., just to name a few.

However, when you think about all those classic games, they always had “waves” or “levels”, but Woah Dave! Just throws you into one long level that progressively gets harder. Eggs and Skulls drop randomly from the sky, and you can throw skulls at eggs to produce coins, or you can let the eggs hatch into monsters. If you leave the monsters alive, they will turn into three progressively harder enemies the longer they are left alive, each which yields more coins when killed. Sometimes a UFO will appear to mess with platforms if it’s not killed fast enough, and sometimes a “Woah block” will appear that can clear the screen of all enemies. And that’s all there is to the game. No special items, no multipliers, no different levels with different platform structures, no surprising new bosses or enemies. Just survive for as long as possible and collect coins for a high score. I feel like a lot of people are going to play this for ten minutes and then forget about it.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Woah Dave! on Steam

Axis Football 2019

Axis Football 2019

I really want to like it and I kinda do but there are still too many issues for me to play it full time. One thing that really bugs me is the number of interceptions. I’m seeing at least 7 per game, and that is on the low side. Some games as many as 15. And this is not me being a bad player, I’m talking just a regular cpu vs, cpu game.

QBs will generally complete anywhere from 30-80% of their passes, but the weird thing is nearly all the incompletions are from dropped passes or interceptions. Very rarely you might see an overthrow, under throw or a pass thrown out of bounds. There’s no spike to stop the clock, either. Receivers drop WAY too many passes, sometimes even when they are wide open with no defender around. It happens in real life to, but not to this degree.

Real player with 125.8 hrs in game

Enjoying it so far. But I do have my good takeaways and some bad.


  • Plays smoother than 2018 in some ways. Seems the AI is a little smarter with finding gaps and knowing where to go in open space, but you still get things like the AI returning kicks and running the sideline at like the 12 yard line for no reason.

  • Expanded playbooks (defensively at least). The defensive playbook is much larger with more options for different blitzes and zone variations, though the offensive playbooks look to be almost untouched for the most part.

Real player with 61.4 hrs in game

Axis Football 2019 on Steam

Café International

Café International

I really like the game. It is perfect for a few quick rounds. Very interesting to find the right strategy. As it is with card games there is an element of luck of course but that’s just the nature of the beast, I guess.

Real player with 198.4 hrs in game

Unfortunately very disappointing

I was really looking forward to this but it is not the classic game from 1989. It is either a later version or the card game. It constantly creates the situation that your hand is full of nations without the corresponding tables being available. Then you have to put these cards on the bar & then, when the tables come up, you don’t have the cards anymore - stupid.

In the original game you knew the tables upfront & if they were full you know that you can put the corresponding cards to the bar because you don’t need them anymore.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Café International on Steam

Sports Bar VR

Sports Bar VR

I’m a pretty amateur pool player and have on a very casual interest in real life in pool. I mean amateur in the “oh look I hit a ball, yay” kind of amateur. Yet I love this game. It’s one of the best, most full featured games on the Vive currently.

The Pool Hall itself is fully realized with loving detail to explore. A full physics engine lets you mess around with basically anything in the environment in some cool ways. Menus are a breeze to navigate. Playing pool feels very natural and inuitive after only a few minutes. I don’t know if these skills I’m gaining would transfer that well back to real life, but I have a feeling at least the knowledge I’m gaining would. At the very least, I can already feel a real sense of progression in my ability after only playing a dozen or so games of this and that feels great.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Simply the best VR game in my collection. It works fine on the Quest 2 with Virtual Desktop and an AMD 5700XT – an occasional hiccup even over 5G, but mostly smooth. There’s a little image ghosting (contrails) but not so much that it bothers me. I used to play pool when I was young (for fun not money, but I took it fairly seriously) and now I live miles from the nearest table and have no room or budget for my own. So VR pool is actually the key reason why I finally broke down and bought my first VR headset!

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Sports Bar VR on Steam

Call Of Unity

Call Of Unity

Yes,this is technically a bad game, but it is actually so FUCKING FUN TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!

I just bought this game for me and my

friend as a joke, but goddamn it made so much fun.

The movement is the best.

@developers – pls add new weapons and a better map, also new attachments for the weapons. This game actually has potential in my opinion. pls develop it further!!!! 3

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Fun cheap game that’s kinda addictive. Most players are bots, but if the developer works a bit more harder, it could become a knockout. If you like fast paced, first person shooters, you may like this. And for the developer, make more weapons, maps, and attachments, And maybe skins. This could become a top of the steam store, i cant even imagine a single player for this.

8/10 Not enough weapons, attachments are kinda useless, only 3 maps, Fun though! CBAK. (Could Become A Knockout.)

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Call Of Unity on Steam

Emoji Charades

Emoji Charades

We have had a wonderful time playing emoji charades, this game has become a new nightly fun routine! The concept is simple and works very well. You can see us playing it on our channel below.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

emoj charades

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Emoji Charades on Steam