Serial Hunter

Serial Hunter

You are John Doe. On the surface, you lead a perfectly normal life as an investigative journalist in one of the biggest newspapers. Of course, if one could call “normal life” writing about crimes the day after day. You know this world very well. You also know how often the perpetrators are not held responsible or are given sentences inadequate to the crime. Well, it’s time to take matters into your own hands and put things in order.

Read, Listen and Follow

As an investigative journalist, you have access to many tools that allow you to track down the bad guys. Use police frequency monitoring, whistleblower services, and connection to municipal surveillance to establish the identity and whereabouts of your target. Plan your actions carefully, learn your targets' life patterns and become their shadow. Only then will you perform the perfect trial.

Be the Judge and Executioner

It is only up to you what judgment you will pass on your target. Does a thief who steals from lonely old women deserve a prison? Or is it enough to break his hands with a crowbar as a warning? The choice is yours and only yours, as you are the conscience of this world and the good spirit of this city. The fate of its inhabitants is in your hands!

Expand Your Arsenal Of Justice tools

Earn experience points and unlock more and more toys - from baseball bats to construction tools. There are plenty of ways to deliver justice and your imagination is the only obstacle. Do justice with style, as befits a true gentleman, or make fun and be creative! But remember to always clean up the mess…

Stay Balanced

Remember that society also has its idea of justice. If you lose your emotions' reins and of the line too many times, you will face negative reception. The police will throw all their strength on the streets to get you down. Remain the hero in the eyes of the public, or do enough to see yourself become a villain - the choice is yours.

Main Features:

  • become a self-proclaimed hero

  • watch and learn the criminals' life patterns

  • prepare a plan before striking them down

  • make significant choices and see the world changing

  • only you decide what punishment will be adequate for each crime

  • balance your actions to become a praised hero or unleash your fury and become a villain

  • gather XP points for each mission to buy new weapons and unlock different scenarios

Read More: Best Action First-Person Games.

Serial Hunter on Steam

Eyes of the Night

Eyes of the Night

Eyes of the night is a very fun game yet is still very simple to learn and play. After downloading the game I very quickly found myself enthralled in the games ominous and captivating environment and couldn’t help but play “just one more game” trying to evade the wolves and beat my score from the previous round. The game seems to be well made and I can’t wait to see what the future updates will bring to the experience. Overall, the game is very fun and if you have five dollars laying around I highly recommend you give this game a shot.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Dark Games.

Atmospheric and Entertaining

I haven’t spent too much time playing it yet, but Eyes of the Night is a very entertaining game. The gameplay is simple, yet good, and the world design and music creates an atmospheric experience. I think that it’s worth noting that the music reminded me a lot of that of the Amnesia series, which I adore. Overall, I recommend checking this out! It’s fun, inexpensive and a good way to support indie developers making unique games.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Eyes of the Night on Steam



Oh man oh man. What can I say about this game?

Overall, I would say this is the Dark Souls of horror escape room games, with their well thought out game design and intent. Each checkpoint gets harder and harder, as it becomes more demanding of your attention and memory (and patience too). Every time you die, you will become frustrated, and may be tempted to rage quit, and yet you find yourself wanting to just try it “one more time” to beat this hellish game. But you will become better and better at it (whether it’s avoiding those doll-obsessed zombies or rolling doctors who turn into logs), and ultimately, when you finally finish it, you will feel a deep satisfaction.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Foreign Games.

One of the most, original, challenging and fun games I have played in a long time.

DEDstress is a very fast paced single player game with very high energy. Having to solve puzzles and use my brain while being chased by some crazed nurse is something I have not felt playing anything else. It isn’t horror, but it comes close to a panic attack simulator.

This game has given me heart problems.

69/10 would panic spray again.


☐ It’s free!

☑ Worth the price

☐ If u have some spare money left

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

DEDstress on Steam




An experimental fusion of narrative FMV (Full Motion Video), point and click investigation and quick time event (QTE) based interactive games.


The latest live action crime thriller game by New IDEA Games.


A “classic” hit ‘n run case or at least it seems like. Play the detective’s role and try to solve the case with your assistant, Susan. Pay attention to the details during your investigation, find the clues and evidence, complete the puzzle and be sure you are ready to face your demons and answer all the questions, since your life depends on it…

Deluded on Steam



its really good horror game i think reality system is very nice i recommend this game :)

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Just the worst POS

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Desdemona on Steam

Past Cure

Past Cure

No cure for what ails this game…

Here’s how much this dev believed in their game: Just 4 months after releasing the game, they stopped development/updating on this game.

Instead of trying to fix what’s wrong with their game, they stopped working on it just 4months after releasing it, and haven’t released an update in over 3 years!

That should tell you all you need to know. This game is so trash, not even the devs want to touch it.

For more reviews, visit my curator page:

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

I absolutely love the concept of this game. The cinematics are beautiful. The story line is intriguing. Its a nice combination of shooter & psychological horror. The cut scenes are engaging & the story keeps you pushing forward. The controls are a bit wonky, would be awesome to see the ability to change your key bindings. I feel like this game has a ton of potential and with a bit of updating could be amazing. Work on controls & key mapping. A few minor technical issue fixes like cut scene voice becoming desync if you pause during. All in all a good game.

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Past Cure on Steam

Restless Kids

Restless Kids

Restless Kids is a multiplayer thriller game. It begins with 5 children trying to undermine the demarch job as the neighborhood elections are prepared. They do everything in their power to reduce the peace level of the neighborhood and not to be selected as the reeve of the neighborhood. This will not be easy for a retired police reeve.


You can choose the reeve at the beginning or you can use it randomly. The children have to do the random missions on the map. Each task reduces the peace of the neighborhood according to its level. The reeve increases the peace by reactivating these tasks. If the peace level drops to zero within 15 minutes, children win the game.

Play as the children

Certain tasks are assigned to children. Cutting electricity, blowing water pipes, pressing bells, etc. If children can reduce peace to zero within 15 minutes, they will be the winner. This encounter should not forget to escape from the headman. Don’t forget to save your imprisoned friends too!

Play as the reever

The chief task of the reever is to keep the peace of the neighborhood alive. It can reactivate the systems that children have broken in the neighborhood and restore peace control or gain time by catching them and imprisoning them. If he can keep up peacefully within 15 minutes, the reever will win.

Mission system

The fact that the main event we aim in our game is fluency has made the task system a little difficult. The random assignment of the tasks leads you to find the tasks. Only the icon of the assigned task appears in the upper left and gives you a clue. Good luck!

Restless Kids on Steam

The Teleport

The Teleport

Information / Review English

The Teleport is a First-person horror / Adventure game developed by Emre Abali.

Story / Gameplay

A Spaceship that was sent to an unknown Planet to explore, to reveal its Secrets. At some Point, however, the contact breaks off and radio silence prevails.. Now you come into play to get to the source of the Problem. Our Character is in a Team of 4 People who are teleported to a Spaceship that has not been heard from for a long time. Once there, you’d like to flee again quickly, because corpses are scattered everywhere in the Spaceship.. After a short Exploration, you don’t think twice, since everyone is dead, at least that’s what it seems. You want to come back and come back alive. Your only Problem is, the energy was only enough for the outward journey for another Teleportation..

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #119 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i]

“Get Away From Me…!!”

Here’s The Thing:

You are part of a crew of four people(?) with a macguffin of a teleporter and you have to transport yourselves to a ship that lost contact with base. Like all sci-fi devices, something goes inevitably wrong and members are quickly separated. Armed with a surveillance console, a janky robot and Lady Luck, you must get yourself out of this mess~

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

The Teleport on Steam

My Safe House

My Safe House

If you’re travelling on a business trip or sick with uni assignments and just wanted to take a break for 15 minutes, then this game is perfect for you. A few bugs with the game but not those type of bugs that will either crash the game or make you wanna scream in frustration. Lots of potential. It would be nice if the developers were to add more scenarios in the game such as office complex or hotel but then again it their first game. Also would be nice if you can actually see the man who is hunting you in the house.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Alright, here’s the usual video insert here for a visual playthrough:

With that said and done, here’s what I think of this tiny lil’ project… and of course, there’s spoilers.

-Story? What story? It’s just a home invasion scenario. There’s some idle chit-chat between you and your sister, but as far as I could tell, that’s about it.

-The audio was alright, in terms of how it was designed between ambience and cues. The cues could’ve been executed better in gameplay, because it was pretty difficult to tell where the enemy was in terms of closeness more so than direction.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

My Safe House on Steam

Alan Wake

Alan Wake

Alan is a famous writer of psychological horror books who goes with his wife to vacation in Washington, more precisely in a small town called Bright Falls. In this place the protagonist begins to experience episodes of its last book published and about which he does not remember to have it written. However, all the current events in your life are directly and indirectly related to this book. Here could be a lot more said, however they would be spoilers of the game.

Alan Wake’s graphics are very beautiful, well rendered and polished. The detail levels of various objects are quite high. The light and shadow effects are exceptional and the textures are very well crafted. Details such as the reflections of light over the water and the light of the lantern illuminating the setting or even focusing on objects through a glass are excellent. Undoubtedly graphically the game is very well done. The fictitious and mountainous town of Bright Falls with its native forests, abandoned and old mills, empty houses and sheds made of wood and weathered are exceptionally well portrayed. When you are driving a car, a pick up or a jeep very fast pop-ins are present, but do not even bother.

Real player with 190.0 hrs in game

Alan Wake is a psychothriller game based on supernatural powers. It shows how powerful darkness really is. The game is set in a rural town called Bright Falls in Washington state, USA. Alan Wake is a professional writer from New York City who decides to go on a vacation in a small town. However, his vacation turns into a nightmare as he is attacked by possessed beings known as the Taken. Wake’s wife is apparently kidnapped from their cabin located in a nearby lake, encouraging Wake to look for her in the wilderness. The game is spread across six episodes that feel like a TV show.

Real player with 73.9 hrs in game

Alan Wake on Steam