Escape The Pacific

Escape The Pacific

Review is for Alpha Build 0.45

Let me preface this review by saying that I am a long time player of the sandbox version of the game The Long Dark, and in many ways that game has almost ruined other games for me because I have enjoyed it so much. It also definitely affects what I look for in other games and when I came across this title I thought it might be a fit in my very narrow want list. I was looking for a game that was a single player game with no NPCs, no zombies, and a general sense of aloneness in the game world. I found that in this game for sure.

Real player with 289.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Games.

Hello survivors!

After some 150h playing Escape the Pacific, early access survival/crafting game I felt a need to share.

This game phased me back in time, waking a memory of excitement: playing some new game on my Spectrum ZX Sinclair, back in 80'. That sensation while you are waiting the tape to load and then the new exciting adventure takes over your entire life. I am not referring to CGI or loading time - this game is in early access so you can expect somewhat unrefined gaming environment… but the point is that all that is irrelevant compared to the fun and joy I experienced following this game for just over a year after I received it as a gift from my friend Medic.

Real player with 279.8 hrs in game

Escape The Pacific on Steam

I Am Alive

I Am Alive

Like a flawed masterpiece, I Am Alive delivers a fantastic post-apocalyptic experience.

Set in the fictional town of Haventon, a catastrophic series of earthquakes, followed by the advent of a thick ash cloud that took the name of “the Event”, have left the whole place in chaos and it is up to the nameless protagonist to go and search for his missing family, one year later.

Anticipating The Last of Us’s release by roughly a year, this game tried to create the former’s depressing and realistic atmosphere, while combining it with Prince of Persia’s parkour platforming, succeeding in some areas and failing in other.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Post-apocalyptic Games.

A rough hidden gem.

(I beat this game originally on the PS3)

Okay so it took Ubisoft: Shanghai 6 years to make the damn game and the age of it is immediately apparent.

When I first laid my eyes on the game I could not believe the sight - the graphics were so horrendous that I died a little inside. I went on to adjust brightness and contrast to no avail; I could barely see any difference or improvement. The anti-aliasing in this game is about -2x or -4x, that’s right MINUS. The jaggies are all over the place. The water is a mess. The textures are also extremely dated. I can’t take screenshots on my PS3 (I could if the game was on Steam thank you very much) so I started taking photos with my phone and sharing it with my friend. He could not believe it either. Call me a spoiled PC gamer but the graphics really killed off a portion of immersion for me right off the bat. The graphics are below average, I am sure most console gamers will agree with me.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

I Am Alive on Steam

Down To One

Down To One



Down To One is a promising battle royale game, but it needs urgent new updates, before is too late!

This is a highly bugged game and incomplete… But…

This game is an indie game, and for an indie team this is a big work!

The gameplay works well, is solid, the game is very funny, but it needs a lot of improvements and some additions.

The variety of weapons is very good, and the foods, survival, system is good too (better than H1Z1)!

A lot of bugs (some are serious) needs to be fixed because the gameplay and fun is seriously compromise.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Open World Games.

BROKEN LANGUAGE ALERT! I’m not a native English speaker, but I’ll try my best to make my thoughts clear and literate.

Well, it seems that Down To One is being criticised for it’s animation, optimisation, some bugs, that spoil gaming experience, and that is a problem. But still, this game has some interesting features and ideas, which, anyway, need to be polished and refined.

For those, who don’t know - Down To One is a game with a conceps similar to one in a japanese movie “Battle Royal”, and it’s the closest one to it. 42 men start a survival deathmatch with only one to be victorious.

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Down To One on Steam



[0.3] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.1] Graphics

[0.1] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

Stars received: 0.8/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: useless ….

Overview: avoid.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game


My Thoughts:

So, there are plenty of things about this game that I could talk about. I received this game from someone who didn’t want it so they had given me the key to redeem and try out. Is this game a bad concept? Absolutely not, but there are plenty of things about this game that I would say makes the $19.99 USD price-tag very high for what the game truly is. This game seems to have no story-line according to the description and what I have played so far. This game has you start off as a random person in the middle of a ongoing fight between what looks like humans and shadow-people with bright glowing eyes. Everyone will attack you on sight without really giving you time to find any weapons to defend yourself; this is due to the fact that you start out with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and your health and hunger always starts out at 80% full capacity. You walk forward towards shipping containers and a building in front of you. You decide to walk to the right side of the building to find a singular bag with only 3 ITEMS and i haven’t found any type of weapon OTHER THAN GRENADES each time I search through one of these bags. That alone doesn’t make sense, since the bots always starts out with rifles and stuff so you are already outnumbered, without any guns in your inventory, with low nutritional statistics, and the enemies already have the upper-hand. You realize this, you freak out, try to kill them with the grenades that you had found, and you see the people are STILL STANDING AFTER IT HAD WENT OFF NEXT TO THEIR FEET. The enemies proceed to blow your brains out so you try to find a “Restart” button with no avail. The only buttons you find in the pause menu are “Resume” and “Main Menu”. You think to yourself “Okay, this is okay. I’ll just restart by going to the menu and starting a new game. Well sorry, you can’t do that. When you click “New Game”, you spawn in already dead as it DOESN’T restart you completely so your character dies as soon as the intro animation starts. So now you are forced to completely close the game USING TASK MANAGER to close the game and you are forced to relaunch it through steam or the launch icon for the game. So cool, you restarted a game, how about we go and get you a gun from this bag? Well the bag contains nothing but possibly health, food, grenades, and water; BUT NO GUN. So you take your loss and you want to continue on with your very short-lived adventure but sorry, you can’t find a button in the world that will close that menu. COME TO FIND OUT, THAT BUTTON ISN’T F LIKE IT SHOULD BE, ITS FREAKING TAB. TAB! Oh well, you try to continue but you die again and you are back to square one. So you try to find out how to use those very USEFUL GRENADES that you had gotten by revisiting the bag beside that building you are spawned by. Well, looking into the control options, you can’t bind anything yourself and it will only tell you how to do things like interact which is F BUT IT DOESN’T WORK TO LEAVE INTERACTIVE MENUS, and basic movement options. So you press every key on your keyboard and you find out that the Grenade button is G but throwing them is like chucking a FREAKING BOULDER so you throw the grenade and when you do, it doesn’t kill the enemies so you still die.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Allotropy on Steam

Ammo 666

Ammo 666

Now it’s your turn to survive!

There are 2 different maps in the game and the maps are chosen randomly.

Kill various zombies that come in waves at you.

Collect points by killing zombies to get new Weapons, Bullets and Health kits.

If you survive long enough you can fight against the boss.

Get the highest score and rise on the leaderboard!


4 Different zombies

2 Different Map

3 Different Weapons

1 Boss

Ammo 666 on Steam

Box Survivors World

Box Survivors World

One of the worst shooters I have ever played. Gave this a 1/5 because at the very least the game runs properly?

details shown here:

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game



Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Box Survivors World on Steam



overall 3/10

badly designed and implemented game.

after first few minutes interest to play is gone.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

An excellent shooter where we play as mafia cats.

There are a lot of different opponents in the game, namely: jackals, mice, wolves and many others.

And the best part is that the game is not very demanding with the characteristics of a computer.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

CatMafia on Steam



cool game

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

This game is actually really well made. It’s challenging, fun, and polished. It’s a small game but with a lot of effort and love put in to it

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Cavebound on Steam

Cyber Drive

Cyber Drive

Cyberdrive is:

Waves of enemies constantly attacking without giving you a break

Average lifespan at easy difficulty 1 minute.

Only one thing is required of you “KILL YOUR ENEMIES !!!!!”

3 different maps.

Awesome music.

3 Levels of difficulty:


Normal(Hardcore x2).

Hard(The mode was not invented by humans and is not recommended for people).

4 types of weapons.

HUGE amount of achievements.

Cyber Drive on Steam

Dark Fairy Tales: The Boogeyman

Dark Fairy Tales: The Boogeyman

Dark Fairy Tales: The Boogeyman is a first-person multiplayer survival horror game.

We have started providing FREE DEMO Steam Keys. Please join our DISCORD server to learn more. You can find the DISCORD invite at the bottom of our website.


Deep in the forest is the old manor. The dark fairy tale from childhood is being challenged by 4 innocents. They want to know if the myth of Ouija is true, but they never expect the presence of a real devil. Now they have to pay for their curiosity and for their lives because the Boogeyman is going to hunt them down.

The Boogeyman

With his legendary power, Boogeyman has to kill survivors as many as possible before they escape the village, and before the sunrise.

The Boogeyman has multiple unique skills to help him hunting survivors.


As the result of their curiosity, they have to escape the Boogeyman by taking advantage of the environment, and cooperate with each other – but don’t think your friends are always your friends, they have multiple reasons to betray you!

Although those 4 friends don’t have remarkable skills like the Boogeyman, they can utilize items spread around the map to fight against the Boogeyman, to make the Boogeyman get trapped, or even kill the Boogeyman!

Progressive Play

The player and each character have their unique ways of leveling up. More details of the progressive play will come soon!

Dark Fairy Tales: The Boogeyman on Steam