The Snowboard Game

The Snowboard Game

A great Indie Funsport Sim

The Snowboard Game has the potential to be one of the best snowboard simulations on the market, but in its current state, it’s maybe not for everyone. It is comparable to the newer Infinite Air with Mark McMorris, the older Amped Series or the famous SKATE series, so if you are into such simulation like funsport games, just get it :-)

First of, one important TIP:

If you right-click on the game in steam, go to properties, and then to BETA, you can try out the Beta and also the current internal WIP version. (I Play the Internal Version at the moment) These BETAs have many new trick features (Nose Slide/Press Tail Slide/Press on rails, overall improved rail mechanics, more realistic arials, bails if landings are too hard, nicer UI and many more. It’s maybe good to play through the missions in the official version, because of the more realistic arials and railing some missions are really hard in the BETAs.

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Simulation Games.

I LOVE THIS GAME- but before you buy…. You’ll end up catching an edge, getting stuck in powder, take several hours to learn how to flip with any sort of consistency, take 20 minutes to beat a single challenge getting the specific spin/grab combos, and tap the side of your board into a rail and instantly eat it. The controls are clunky and hard to learn, but at the same time are by far the most realistic and best feeling snowboard game on the market. Either that sounds like the snowboard sim you’ve been waiting for, or pure hell, and that gut reaction will be your experience. But if you have the patience to learn it, when you start landing double corks with the hardcore mode on and string together massively difficult lines it’s by far the most rewarding a snowboard game has been for me. And this includes Shaun White Snowboarding, Stoked, Steep, and SSX. If you want an arcade-y game any of those will be objectively more fun, but if you snowboard and miss the feeling of carving into a jump to set up your spin this is 100% worth the money and is clearly the only snowboard game programmed by someone who actually knows what standing sideways feels like and has set up the game physics to be as close as possible.

Real player with 38.5 hrs in game

The Snowboard Game on Steam

Horatio Goes Snowboarding

Horatio Goes Snowboarding

A lovely homage to classic skiing games, full of charm and character. Horatio is a brilliant chap and I hope we see more of him.

Classic mode sees you running across a road to get a copter to the slopes, then snowboard down the mountain, avoiding trees and other obstacles (the Yeti is marvellous and will have you swearing at the screen)

Whatever you do, make sure you unlock the Endless mode (you just need a lifetime total of a million points, doesn’t take too long) as this concentrates on the boarding and features an absolute corker of a tune that really kicks in around the 50 gate mark. It’s worth playing for that alone.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Arcade Games.

Great snowboarding game , it has two modes and leadearboards. It has perfect run/chain and many ways to get bonus points similar to another great game: Xotic .

The developer added discomode: night and day cycle in the endless mode with crazy nights lights and music tempo accelerator when you get to the checkpoints and it slows down when you miss the flags. They added some extra stuff to make the game more fun and added more options for bonus points like the bot skiers.

As a suggestion : add an endless mode clasic with no discomode for players who don’t want the bling , i find the effects a little distracting when going for the highscores. A dude in the forums was asking for an endless zen mode with lower difficulty maybe add the same levels but with lower speed , it’s a great mode for players who say the game is to hard and for hardcore players to learn the levels :)

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Horatio Goes Snowboarding on Steam

Sand to Surf

Sand to Surf

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Free to Play Games.

Aesthetically, I love it.

Mechanically, its a really bad interpretation of a boarding game.

  • You have 3 boosts that recharge (think Overwatch’s Tracer blinks). You can recharge them faster by gathering orbs. However, these orbs are roughly 5-6 boosts away from each other, so this expansive open environment is a SLOG to get through.

  • There’s no clear direction to travel towards. After beating the first level (which looks really cool cinematically) the camera guides you to a giant orb somewhere in the middle of the map. Ok, that means I head towards the giant orb right? Nope! You’ve gotta travel a long distance in some arbitrary direction.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Sand to Surf on Steam

BSL Winter Games Challenge

BSL Winter Games Challenge

Game is a fun challenge, I always liked the sliding center. For $1.69 you can’t go wrong.

I just played this game non stop for a couple days, lols, lots of fun trying to drive and beat your own times, plus online player’s times to beat.

Real player with 22.5 hrs in game

hey really like your game especially on the luge bobsleigh track…okay it is arcade and the starts are unreal but it does have a strong sense of realism when you go down the track. I tried other winter games and this one is a great work in progress. there are some need for improvement of course but for the luge, bosbleigh and even santa sled…this is fun!! I really feel to be on an ice track….looking forward for your updates and sure would like a true downhill event.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

BSL Winter Games Challenge on Steam



This is the kind of game that just gets better the more you play and become one with the control. I’m using WMR headset and at first I couldn’t see my controllers so I thought I couldn’t play it. You’ll need to bind WMR control in the options menu, then your controllers will appear in game. Took a little while to get it but as I played and experimented I found myself having a complete blast! (PUN intended) the first time I blast jumped!! The challenges will make you work hard to complete and that is helping me to get better. Great Fun!! Really excited to see the different boards and what they will be like. Big thank you to Tomy Horst. I would buy again.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

Fun for the price but it’s not quite as polished as Jet Island - some of the physics are off and there’s a few poor UI choices as well as a bunch of spots on the map that would benefit from some minor tweaks. For example halfway down one of the long downhill halfpipes where the pipes join it acts like a collision - easy fix would be to lower the bottom one a tiny bit but for some reason they havent done it and I have found 3 or 4 in 3 hours playing no doubt theres more

If they fixed up the bugs, polished the map and the physics I’d happily pay $30 for an improved Hovrboard 2 as its a lot of fun at its core

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

hoVRboard on Steam

The Ramp

The Ramp


The controls took a bit to get used to but very easy and super flow-like once you get the hang of it.

The problems i have is i wish that once you get air you could then grind upon your landing because the orange box in the skate park bowl map just looks way to tempting :)

I do really wish the creator would announce plans for updates like workshop support, new maps, tricks, custom or other characters, and bowl transitions, this would make it feel like less a tool and more of a mini-game sandbox type which it already feels like but all in all the ‘tool’ is worth the money just wish the creator would get serious.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

This game does exactly what it says on the tin, and it does it pretty dang well! If you want a game to just relax and unwind to, or you’re looking for a different skateboarding experience, definitely give this a shot. For the price, it feels like a steal! Yes, it only focuses on one kind of skating and I see how that may not appeal to everyone, but what it does, it does really good. The feeling of gaining momentum or just flowing through tricks on the different ramps (there are more than 1) feels incredibly rewarding. Getting the hang of the controls doesn’t take long either. Buy it! Support awesome stuff like this!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

The Ramp on Steam

Winter Sports Games

Winter Sports Games

I was expecting something like the N64 game “Nagano Winter Olympics 98”, in other words: I wasn’t expecting much, but at least something fun. This is not fun. This game is an absolute waste of money and time. For those who don’t know yet, you have to buy it physically to get a Steam key. My strong advice is: don’t. For the love of whatever you believe in, don’t! As another reviewer mentioned, this takes away the opportunity to get a refund, and trust me, you’ll want that.

This game features modes strongly resembling Nagano: Slalom, Downhill, Ski Jumping, Bob (2 people), Luge and Curling.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

With curling cancelled, I was looking for a curling fix. Unfortunately, this package didn’t have what I was looking for.


The ice surface appeared pebbled and that’s a nice attention to detail.

It looks like the developer cares about making a fun product, and they deserve credit for their efforts.

The control scheme is easy to learn and I can’t complain too much about the controls in general.

Credit for a clever 2-sweeper control scheme.


The stones are thrown straight by default, which should be an impossible thing to do.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Winter Sports Games on Steam



Yes! You read right, arcade snowboarding is back! Which means SLOPECRASHERS is crafted with one thing in mind and that is FUN! This starts from the character selection screen and goes down into the core physics of the game. So press START, choose a character, a board and a hangglider, optionally even up to three buddies of yours for SPLITSCREEN MULTIPLAYER and hit the slopes!

STUNTS, STUNTS and more STUNTS. Yes, very important, because the more daring a stunt is, the more speed you will get out of it. Oh and COMBOS! Chain those stunts together with manuals, small tricks and railslides and redeem the combo meter when you are ready for that EXTRA SPEEDBOOST!

Oh, you thought you could go for a chill ride? I mean yeah you can but look out for your opponents causing EXPLOSIONS, MOLES digging up the ground beneath you, ANGRY SNOWMEN trying to stop you and much more. So go collect items and PROTECT yourself or ATTACK the others! (But for those moments when you just want to cruise down the track and explore everything the slopes have to offer you can choose an opponent-free game mode as well)

And btw, these slopes are not just in snow environments. No! Where we’re shredding, WE DON’T NEED SNOW! So don’t wonder if the next race/slalom/stuntshow/… starts in a shopping mall, a hot desert or a tropical jungle area!

Join our DISCORD community and go behind the scenes of the creation process of the game or join me (the developer who is currently writing this (or wrote this because you will read this later than me)) in my LIVE-STREAMS where I am working on the game and chat with me there.

Slopecrashers on Steam

That Flipping Mountain

That Flipping Mountain

Tl;dr: It’s a masterpiece. If you consider yourself a gamer you’ve got to play this.

That Flipping Mountain is inspired by Getting Over It but it’s not a Getting Over It clone. By gameplay and even more by style it’s much closer to Jeff Weber’s previous game Just Ski and definitely a worthy successor. As such it even starts after the same hut where Just Ski has ended. On from the first tree to over devil’s chimney and the ice cliff to the radio tower it features various elements of Getting Over It in its own style, just enough to recognize and appreciate these elements that have been perfectly adapted for the setting and gameplay of That Flipping Mountain.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

This is - by far - the best rage game I’ve ever played. The secret to its success? It has perfect controls - unlike most rage games, which find their difficulty by making their games hard to play, That Flipping Mountain gives players a character that controls perfectly - at any point they can predict the exact location to which they’ll make him jump - the only thing they have to worry about is making sure that their character sticks the landing. This isn’t easy by any means - it took me nearly 20 hours to beat the game - but the difficulty is entirely fair, and there are no unexpected surprises - as long as the player can master flipping, they will eventually beat the game!

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

That Flipping Mountain on Steam



been nearly a week owning and playing the game every day. Sometimes it feels like your the only one playing the game, rarely seeing other people. Other times you can be doing your own thing and suddenly there’s 4 people along side you. I’ve already met some people that I play with now even though i felt like i wouldn’t have because i thought i had got the game too late and that there wouldn’t be so many people playing, i was wrong.

Otherwise its a pretty fun game, tricks are pretty difficult on mouse and keyboard though. Sometimes even delays in them, and struggles figuring them out.

Real player with 60.5 hrs in game

Update: I must admit when I need something fast paced that isn’t about shooting a gun, this game satisfies that desire. And I almost ALWAYS get my games on sale!! I’m waiting on their welcome add on to be discounted more than 30% right now.. It’ll probably be a while. I don’to recommend full price for this game..

I do get annoyed with the keybindings and resetting them up may confuse me further so I’m unsure atm about that. Hitting shift is instinct for running but it also is for changing your device (board, skis, etc) I don’t like that part and the esc screen very much. The controls for that stuff aren’t up to my standards but the rest of the game is so satisfying ♥

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

Steep™ on Steam