Axan Ships

Axan Ships

Probably has a target audiance, it just is not me…

Nice graphics and idea but feels like it is the section of a larger game.

Lack of continuity is a deal breaker for me. But the price is right.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS Singleplayer Games.

Axan Ships on Steam

Space Reign

Space Reign

In the near future, as the crucial supply of deep space natural resources is controlled by several megacorporations, take command of a fleet as a private military contractor and complete security tasks for a corporation that suits you the best.

Establish your Company

Start with a single, smaller-sized ship, pledge your allegiance to one of the corporations, earn their trust by completing contracts and receive access to a unique, corporation-specific arsenal of ships and weapons.

Customize the Fleet

Each ship, ranging from smaller, deployable fighters to large cruisers, can be outfitted according to your needs, weapon by weapon, compartment by compartment, which allows you to tailor every vessel to a specific task - be it a recon corvette, close-combat cruiser, long-range missile destroyer, and so on.

Directly control any vessel in your fleet

Apart from manually controlling the designated flagship of your fleet, you have the option to jump in and out of any unit anytime, making sure to make the best use of it’s potential.

Conventional Weaponry

No lasers, no shields, no teleportation or time-travel. Just the power of pure fuel-based thrusters, armored hulls and conventional, near-future like weaponry based around kinetic projectiles and missiles.

Modular damage

Every module and compartment have their specific impact on the performance and capabilities of a vessel, therefore, ships do not have to be destroyed completely in order to win a battle. With the right weapon and a bit of luck, it is possible to disable critical modules, such as engines or main reactor, thus making them combat ineffective.

Sensors and detection

Before you go weapons hot, intel and reconnaissance is just as important as your arsenal. Without the proper use of sensors and detection mechanics, the enemy can easily have the upper hand, even in lower numbers and with inferior equipment.

Read More: Best Action RTS Indie Games.

Space Reign on Steam

Evolution of a Mini World: Physics Wonderland

Evolution of a Mini World: Physics Wonderland

Worth a try. Lots of real physics.

For example, special/general relativity, Doppler changes, solar system etc.

There are also wormholes, black holes, firewalls.

BTW: Miles instead of kilos would be better, especially as we are now out of Europe.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS Casual Games.

The physics are solid, the story is cool, but the gameplay is not that perfect. Very rich content. Considering the price, still recommend.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Evolution of a Mini World: Physics Wonderland on Steam

Eternal Starlight VR

Eternal Starlight VR

Yup. 20 hours. Still enjoying this.

Great place to hang out: Music, scenery, story (skippable, for when you’ve heard it), cool ship design, and options for ship upgrades are plentiful and cool looking in their own right. I love a place with a low-key theme, in which epic battles are played out – much better than chaos in every direction all the time.

I enjoy playing the “same” scenario (it has some random alterations) more than once because this game allows for multiple strategies. It’s fun to win one way. Then think of another approach to try and work out how to win that way, too. In formation, or not? Multiple ships, or one very well equipped ship? What are those little fighters really good for?

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

This game is a good example of what I always wanted in VR. Omnipotent view of a 3D battlefield and the ability to RTS the crap out of your enemies. The controls feel good and the combat and ship mechanics all seem very nice. So I would recommend this game just for those factors. Overall, the story plays out balanced and difficulty ramps up appropriately. By the time you get into larger combats later in the campaign, with more ships at your disposal, the VR controls really get a chance to shine.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Eternal Starlight VR on Steam

Station Commander

Station Commander

The game is good, worth the money. I hope this will continue to be developed with regular patch updates. Some notes:

1. Pirate ships are too strong in early game. Make them less oppressive or add a difficulty setting so fighting pirates can feel more engaging.

2. Repairing ships is a serious chore. I mean like for each ship in a fleet (9 total) there are multiple clicks per ship which gets tedious very fast. Just add a simple way to repair all the ships in a fleet with one click.

3. The scaling on the storage modules is too high, forcing me to use almost all of my free slots to add storage space. I’d really like to use those slots for other modules….

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Very bare bones resource collection / trading game. Best part of the game is gaming the planet economies and trading (sitting outside a planet desperate for food, waiting for prices to go up, selling at the peak, etc.)

Military units are really only for defending your trade/mining ships from pirates, or hunting pirates/other NPCs to take their cargo.

Your station itself, from what I can see, cannot come under attack in anyway so it’s not a high-octane challenge, but more of a fun little game to play with mini-stock markets in every planet (best part of the game is the economies shifting with line charts)

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Station Commander on Steam



A very cute and fun game!!

Reminds me of galaga, except it has it’s own unique and fun gameplay 3

Made by an awesome person who takes time and devotion to make his games the best!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Metori on Steam