Eternal Starlight VR

Eternal Starlight VR

Yup. 20 hours. Still enjoying this.

Great place to hang out: Music, scenery, story (skippable, for when you’ve heard it), cool ship design, and options for ship upgrades are plentiful and cool looking in their own right. I love a place with a low-key theme, in which epic battles are played out – much better than chaos in every direction all the time.

I enjoy playing the “same” scenario (it has some random alterations) more than once because this game allows for multiple strategies. It’s fun to win one way. Then think of another approach to try and work out how to win that way, too. In formation, or not? Multiple ships, or one very well equipped ship? What are those little fighters really good for?

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS Space Games.

This game is a good example of what I always wanted in VR. Omnipotent view of a 3D battlefield and the ability to RTS the crap out of your enemies. The controls feel good and the combat and ship mechanics all seem very nice. So I would recommend this game just for those factors. Overall, the story plays out balanced and difficulty ramps up appropriately. By the time you get into larger combats later in the campaign, with more ships at your disposal, the VR controls really get a chance to shine.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Eternal Starlight VR on Steam

Axan Ships

Axan Ships

Probably has a target audiance, it just is not me…

Nice graphics and idea but feels like it is the section of a larger game.

Lack of continuity is a deal breaker for me. But the price is right.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS Singleplayer Games.

Axan Ships on Steam

Space Raiders in Space

Space Raiders in Space


Space Raiders in Space is finally out of early access and now has a dedicated story campaign to round out its gameplay modes. It remains a squad-based wave defense game with minor base and resource management aspects in all modes, so the main question at this point is whether the nine-ish chapter story campaign lives up to the promise of the formula? I’d say yes, which is likely apparent given that I’m still recommending the game. The cutscene narration and images are comicy, but then it’s a comic-based game in the first place, and so adds to the feeling of authenticity. It would have been nice to have additional choice elements in the story or perhaps a branching narrative, but this is Nick and Loren’s first time out as such and so I’m not going hold them to a higher standard than needed. As of this writing Cyberpunk 2077 just dropped so nobody’s going to be reading this review or really playing much else for at least a week, but when everyone gets back from Night City, they might enjoy the comic action of Space Raiders in Space to help wash off all the grittiness.

Real player with 68.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS Indie Games.

Space Raiders in Space! is an endearingly witty and charming affair from the very moment the game loads. From the snarky dev logos to the campy, over the top and gritty sci fi, this game oozes with personality. It features an unusual take on the first encounter with aliens, subverting many of the standard tropes while simultaneously roping many of those same tropes back in to serve a sinister narrative that overlays a unique style of tower defense game fused with auto battler. The game loop of gather resources, construct defenses, and fight off enemies is compelling, while the comic book motif and random chatter among the survivors remains engaging throughout.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Space Raiders in Space on Steam



A realtime, roguelike, card game. Traverse planets, build decks and earn riches while battling to the extraction point. Some will make it, most will die…

IMC on Steam