From my Hooked Gamers review

Tower Defence games are fairly popular. Games like Plants vs. Zombies have bought Tower Defence games into the mainstream. They are normally simple to play, easy to understand and can be played in short bursts. I do like tower defence games, but mostly as a mobile gaming fix. They are perfect games to play during my daily commutes. When the PC version of OTTTD (also known as Over the Top Tower Defence) turned up at our office, I was somewhat intrigued as to what made it ‘over the top’.

Real player with 85.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS Gore Games.

Grade = A. Worth a buy, if you enjoy testing new tactics in diverse maps. However, if you not able to accept mobile phone graphic, don’t buy it

⚖️Check Scoring Scheme


| A+ | 57 ~ 70 |

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

OTTTD on Steam



A good retro tower defence that requires precision and thoughtfullness and u get to choose 1 out of the 2 systems to complete it ! The war path or the peace path .As u progress it gets all the more challenging and u will definatly restart the level at some point :)

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS 2.5D Games.

Kirkileons on Steam

Eternal Starlight VR

Eternal Starlight VR

Yup. 20 hours. Still enjoying this.

Great place to hang out: Music, scenery, story (skippable, for when you’ve heard it), cool ship design, and options for ship upgrades are plentiful and cool looking in their own right. I love a place with a low-key theme, in which epic battles are played out – much better than chaos in every direction all the time.

I enjoy playing the “same” scenario (it has some random alterations) more than once because this game allows for multiple strategies. It’s fun to win one way. Then think of another approach to try and work out how to win that way, too. In formation, or not? Multiple ships, or one very well equipped ship? What are those little fighters really good for?

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS Space Games.

This game is a good example of what I always wanted in VR. Omnipotent view of a 3D battlefield and the ability to RTS the crap out of your enemies. The controls feel good and the combat and ship mechanics all seem very nice. So I would recommend this game just for those factors. Overall, the story plays out balanced and difficulty ramps up appropriately. By the time you get into larger combats later in the campaign, with more ships at your disposal, the VR controls really get a chance to shine.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Eternal Starlight VR on Steam

Five Nations

Five Nations

A nice up-to-date looking 2D RTS like AoE2: Definitive Edition or C&C Remastered,

neat homage to Base Build Space RTS like Star Trek Armada 2 or Conquest: Frontier Wars.

Despite the game was made by a team of 2 people, it does rival AAA products.

While it does lack Multiplayer, Story and Single-player Skirmish are very well done.

The game has a really good Wiki page and Demo version on steam.

Five Nations is an impressive real-time strategy game that borrows action and gameplay elements from many of the genre’s classics. The game has a very deep and complex base build alike Age of Empires, where you have to care for 4 different resources, also the unit population. The map terrain has an interesting variety of open space and white nebulas where units can hide, but not use their abilities and are slower, also there are areas that do damage units if they try to pass them like red storm clouds.

Real player with 112.0 hrs in game

I think its by sheer luck that I found this game. Someone on twitter just randomly brought it up and I got curious and looked it up. I first tried the demo and was very surprised!

For a small studio and their first game this is a REALLY impressive RTS! It does so many things well that alot of AAA RTS’s seem to struggle with. There’s a few blemishes here and there, but overall I am surprised at how polished and well designed all the mechanics are, and the factions feel very finely tuned to fit perfectly in a competitive scene.

Real player with 80.3 hrs in game

Five Nations on Steam

Island Crusaders

Island Crusaders

Probably my new favorite causal RTS game, and cant wait to see new troops/levels added!!! Beautiful art style, with very nice looking characters and levels (Including the main menu). The battles are fast-paced but timed really well to prevent an overwhelming number of troops. Unlike most RTS games I’ve played, you don’t have to dedicate a large amount of time to play this, but there’s a ton of content for such a low price!

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

A really awesome stylish and casual RTS game. Perfect for newcomers to the genre and people (like me) who love RTS games. It has really satisfying battles and it’s super unique and fun to play through. And, there’s a TON of content for being so cheap!!

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Island Crusaders on Steam

Project Hunter

Project Hunter

Although somewhat buggy, overall this was an enjoyable and addictive stealth/action game with some nice skill-based mechanics.

It was a pleasure to see your alien evolve from a small larva-like creature to a full-grown fire-breathing dragon.

The ending was a bit of rushed though - wish there was more to the story.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

For what it is, Project Hunter is a very solid go at making a stealth game playing in the Alien Franchise.

Story: virtually nonexistent. You are an alien specimen that escaped containment, and your goal is to kill all enemies and evolve. I was somewhat annoyed that the opening scrawl was unskippable, but that’s just a minor inconvenience.

Gameplay: Solid, but limited. If you are familiar with the Alien Franchise, you may be perplexed that you start off as a small generic grub rather than the signature facehugger. As a stealth game, your best approach is to always attack enemies from behind, which is a one-hit kill regardless of your form. No particular surprise.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Project Hunter on Steam

Of Ships & Scoundrels

Of Ships & Scoundrels

Did you like Pirates? Do you like turn-based combat? Do you like random maps and exploring?

Then this game could be something for you. For an early access Indie title, it’s got surprisingly good graphics (especially the sea), a real story in single player mode, and some funny mystic creatures. There’s a touch of Age of Wonders, but the battles are less tactical.


  • good graphics

  • mystic creatures pimp the pirates scenario

  • nice story (no Heavy Rain, though)

  • high replay value (random quests, random maps, hotseat mode)

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Looks amazing, nice atmosphere and unique interesting game mechanics. I like it!

You know where the journey is heading. With some little improvements in EA and more content I will be able to put hours in this :)!

Good strategy will lead you to your victory and will demolish your friends, but don’t forget about the immersive story though. Good price for a good game! Go on like this.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Of Ships & Scoundrels on Steam



There was a time of peace and happiness, now is a time of blood, sacrifice and war.

The land we have lived on since the earliest times, where our ancestors lived, where we live, and our children will be born, as well as their offsprings. In this land, we have obtained food and have fought against cruel beasts for survival. It is here that we built our houses, settlements and developed the arts of crafts and farming, and they came and took everything from us. We must fight for our land! Because this land is our life. And for them, it is nothing but death!

Know your enemies

Some people describe them as monsters and the worst creatures that walk on Slavic land. Nobody knows where they came from, and nobody realized what they wanted until their steel and silver swords were covered with the blood of the Slavs. The land, which was once fertile, yielded many crops, will now be burned and stained with the blood of the Slavs.

Build and Manage

Proper development and management of the village is one of the key points for the development of your territory. Raga will have many famous and innovative city-building mechanics. Starting with a small village that you will be able to expand with new buildings as the game progresses. Managing even a small village is an extremely difficult task, proper management of the workforce, food ration, or meeting the religious needs of your inhabitants requires your commitment.

Trade and Farm

Manage your settlement in an optimal way. The exchange of resources with merchants and traders is one of the key factors for the rational management of the village. In the game, you will start your adventure when trade and agriculture flourish. Agriculture is an extremely crucial aspect for your village in terms of its further development. Take care of the proper balance of your crops, because farming will allow you to trade with other towns and cities.


Fight those who came out of nowhere: followers of the crucified god. Train your warriors to face their greatest follower. Fight for the survival of the village and its inhabitants. In the game, you will be able to create many categories of warriors who will face your opponent without fear in their eyes. Take care of the morale of your warriors, without them you can be lost, do not count on the mercy of those with a cross on their backs.

Let the ravens feast on the enemy’s carcass during the day and the wolves in the evenings, it’s time for Raga. It is time for the myths and legends about the creatures that inhabit the land of the Slavs to become true, let the followers of the crucified god see with their own eyes and feel what pain, fear and death are.

Raga on Steam

Gewevo : Interstellar

Gewevo : Interstellar

Hi, with no money and only goodwill, I embarked on the game creation adventure this year with Unreal Engine 4 part-time. Despite the difficulties and my lack of experience, I decided to make one of my childhood dreams come true.

What is Gewevo : Interstellaire ?

It is a real-time space strategy game inspired by the universe of Gewevo where you have to develop your planets, colonize others and conquer the last. There is also a more wargame oriented approach to some aspects of empire management. To put it simply, this is it.

What is Gewevo ?

Gewevo is a science-fantasy univers and a tabletop RPG originally (findable on Lulu) which is expanding regularly with novels (also found on Lulu and Wattpad) and now a video game.

Why that strange name of Gewevo ?

Why not.

Why such simplistic graphics ?

Because I have no talent for it.

Implemented features

  • Random map generation ;

  • One race with one faction ;

  • Construction of buildings on planet ;

  • fleet and ship production ;

  • Tech tree ;

  • Division customisation (HoI4-like) ;

  • Ship customisation ;

  • No microtransaction.

Planed improvements

  • More parameters for random map generation ;

  • More races and factions ;

  • Custom races and factions ;

  • Tech tree extension ;

  • More personnalized ship ;

  • Add an AI ;

  • Add a political system ;

  • Add diplomacy ;

  • Add a campaign ;

  • Achievements ;

  • Even less microtransaction.

Gewevo : Interstellar on Steam

Space Reign

Space Reign

In the near future, as the crucial supply of deep space natural resources is controlled by several megacorporations, take command of a fleet as a private military contractor and complete security tasks for a corporation that suits you the best.

Establish your Company

Start with a single, smaller-sized ship, pledge your allegiance to one of the corporations, earn their trust by completing contracts and receive access to a unique, corporation-specific arsenal of ships and weapons.

Customize the Fleet

Each ship, ranging from smaller, deployable fighters to large cruisers, can be outfitted according to your needs, weapon by weapon, compartment by compartment, which allows you to tailor every vessel to a specific task - be it a recon corvette, close-combat cruiser, long-range missile destroyer, and so on.

Directly control any vessel in your fleet

Apart from manually controlling the designated flagship of your fleet, you have the option to jump in and out of any unit anytime, making sure to make the best use of it’s potential.

Conventional Weaponry

No lasers, no shields, no teleportation or time-travel. Just the power of pure fuel-based thrusters, armored hulls and conventional, near-future like weaponry based around kinetic projectiles and missiles.

Modular damage

Every module and compartment have their specific impact on the performance and capabilities of a vessel, therefore, ships do not have to be destroyed completely in order to win a battle. With the right weapon and a bit of luck, it is possible to disable critical modules, such as engines or main reactor, thus making them combat ineffective.

Sensors and detection

Before you go weapons hot, intel and reconnaissance is just as important as your arsenal. Without the proper use of sensors and detection mechanics, the enemy can easily have the upper hand, even in lower numbers and with inferior equipment.

Space Reign on Steam