Five Nations

Five Nations

A nice up-to-date looking 2D RTS like AoE2: Definitive Edition or C&C Remastered,

neat homage to Base Build Space RTS like Star Trek Armada 2 or Conquest: Frontier Wars.

Despite the game was made by a team of 2 people, it does rival AAA products.

While it does lack Multiplayer, Story and Single-player Skirmish are very well done.

The game has a really good Wiki page and Demo version on steam.

Five Nations is an impressive real-time strategy game that borrows action and gameplay elements from many of the genre’s classics. The game has a very deep and complex base build alike Age of Empires, where you have to care for 4 different resources, also the unit population. The map terrain has an interesting variety of open space and white nebulas where units can hide, but not use their abilities and are slower, also there are areas that do damage units if they try to pass them like red storm clouds.

Real player with 112.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS Singleplayer Games.

I think its by sheer luck that I found this game. Someone on twitter just randomly brought it up and I got curious and looked it up. I first tried the demo and was very surprised!

For a small studio and their first game this is a REALLY impressive RTS! It does so many things well that alot of AAA RTS’s seem to struggle with. There’s a few blemishes here and there, but overall I am surprised at how polished and well designed all the mechanics are, and the factions feel very finely tuned to fit perfectly in a competitive scene.

Real player with 80.3 hrs in game

Five Nations on Steam

Monster Master

Monster Master

FPS heroes versus RTS horde. An asymmetric multiplayer where 1 player spawns the different monsters, and 3 class-based fps heroes try to survive it.

The game is set in to the small town of Kingsfield, where an energy research facility has given birth to a cosmic horror entity called the monster master.

Players can choose to control and mutate the monster horde or survive as a group of class based heroes with unique powers.

The hero perspective is a thrilling unscripted experience where the monsters feel very intelligent. It suddenly is very quiet and you know “It” is planning something.

Read More: Best Action RTS Casual Games.

Monster Master on Steam

Destroy It

Destroy It

“Destroy it” is like a developer test room with only one function: Ragdoll collision. Choose from two houses and a satellite to destroy, click and drag your mannequin, then realize the money spent was a waste. I’d consider this at risk of removal for being some sort of potential asset flip.

Lacking any sort of features or customization, the application opens to a menu with three structures to choose from. Once selected, the said structure spins wildly next to a limp dummy you’re intended to control. No on-screen instructions explain how to do this, but it’s not difficult to discover that the mouse serves to anchor and pull him into the building. There is no environment to speak of, just a large void atop an infinite plane. You can control the camera with WASD keys and rotate with the right mouse button. And that’s about it.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RTS Casual Games.

Great game, besides the repetetive music and way to simple gameplay and bugs and only 3 very badly designed levels it was great. 11,5/10

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Destroy It on Steam