

Adventure in this fantasy land, built by the ancient and powerful Time Lord. This mysterious entity has brought some of the greatest warriors from many different times on Earth to a realm of his own creation, named Elisius. He means to observe and study them, and then using his godlike powers, rule over earth. You are one of these warriors, and it is your job to defeat the Time Lord by destroying Elisius, before it is too late.

The nature of Elisius grants every warrior special abilities, which let you harness the Time Lord’s magic to access powers beyond your wildest dreams. Use the money earned from your quest to upgrade your armor and weapons, buy new ships, and explore the islands of Elisius. Whether fighting monsters as a Viking, Cowboy, Samurai, and more, Elisius will always be an entertaining, story-driven experience.

Read More: Best Action RPG Class-Based Games.

Elisius on Steam



Uncover XEL’s dark past

XEL is a 3D action-adventure set in a sci-fi fantasy setting. Play as Reid, shipwrecked on the strange world of XEL. Without any recollection of her former life, it is up to you to unravel her past and connection to XEL. Ready your sword and shield as you explore the overworld of XEL and dive into imposing Zelda-like dungeons full of unforeseen threats and challenging puzzles. Throughout your journey you will make new friends and foes, learn new moves, find new gadgets as well as being able to jump through time and space. As Reid delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding XEL, she discovers an endless cycle of peril. Will she be able to break free from it and what will it take?

An ass-kicking 3D action-adventure through space and time

  • Explore the mysterious world of XEL and uncover its dark past

  • A vibrant overworld and challenging Zelda-like dungeons await to be explored and mastered

  • Help Reid figure out who she is and why she is stranded on this strange place

  • Hack and slash your way through gone-haywire-robot-minions and face the exotic wildlife of XEL

  • Solve time bending puzzles and make use of your arsenal of gadgets to unlock secret paths

Old-school gameplay meets new-school features

  • A classic top-down 3D action-adventure with dynamic camera shifts to stay close to the action

  • XEL offers a well-crafted combat system with different attacks, combos, dodging, parrying and gadgets. How you tackle each encounter is up to you

  • Upgrade your weapons, shield and gadgets to kick even more ass and unlock powerful new moves and combos

  • Collect cores to unlock unique abilities that will let you jump through time to traverse prior inaccessible areas or encounter foes in a weaker state and bend the rules of space

  • Zelda-like dungeons and puzzles put your wits as well as your guts to the test

The world of XEL awaits

  • Experience an intriguing sci-fi fantasy tale with a strong emphasis on story-telling, combat and puzzling

  • Meet a memorable cast of characters and engage in witty and charming dialogues

  • Stumble upon secret quests and landmarks to learn more of the lore

  • Discover time-distorted areas that allow you to take a glimpse behind the curtain that led to the downfall of this strange place

  • Interact with your environment and actively engage with NPCs

A timeless soundtrack and visuals

  • XEL offers vibrant visuals, handcrafted by a passionate Indie team as well as a timeless soundtrack composed by Gidon Wolff

Read More: Best Action RPG Action-Adventure Games.

XEL on Steam

A Matter of Time

A Matter of Time

Extremely well made game! The visuals are truly remarkable, and any one who has interest in pixel art, will love and enjoy playing this game! The controls are very well calibrated, and are easy to use. There are many levels containing unique characters and enemies, and there are level upgrades for the character which I find especially interesting, and a good aspect for a game containing levels and experience. There are many fun aspects to this game, which gives it a more wholesome experience.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Pixel Graphics Games.

The game was very well made and I am satisfied with it. I am happy it got successfully funded on Kickstarter. Short but sweet.


  • The graphics are exceptional

  • Nice soundtrack

  • Interesting story line


  • There are a couple of unfixed glitches

  • Would like to see sidequests, make the final enemies easier, and some kind of ranged weapon

Overall 9.5/10

P.S (the last level looked yummy)

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

A Matter of Time on Steam

GunFu Fighter

GunFu Fighter

GunFu is a lost ancient skill.The master of GunFu can control the surrounding time and let it flow slowly.Using the bullet time effect, the geometric distribution position of the enemy is analyzed and prejudged, and the order of planned attacks gives the opponent a fatal blow.

The bullets are limited. You must use the interactive environment to kill the most threatening enemy, and this is the key to victory.

Additional challenge tasks:

1. Use only bullets to kill all enemies.

2. Kill all enemies by any means other than bullets.

3. Don’t kill any enemy.

I hope to be able to reproduce the movie-like fight scene under the minimalist style of painting, thank you for playing my game.

GunFu Fighter on Steam

The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines

The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines









The gameplay itself is very addictive and enjoyable, with a fair amount of challenge (at least playing without assisted mode). As I did not try assisted mode, I cannot speak on the level of fun in that mode.

The game clearly draws a lot of inspiration from disparate fantasy properties. It also draws inspiration for gameplay from Dark Souls type games, emphasizing attack patterns and usage of various weapon abilities to surpass each challenge. The game is very fair, once you use your brain to figure out what is the optimal way to tackle an area. Good reflexes and skill with a controller certainly help as well.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game


It’s a bullet hell game. Thematic element is fantasy and a bit of sci-fi.


1. Fast paced action.

2. Good soundtrack.


1. Terrible story/plot.

2. Frustrating levels (ie. not fun).

3. Controls don’t feel fluid compared to using a mouse and keyboard.

4. Diverse item pool but largely useless as you’ll be using just 3 or 4 of them most of the game out of the 30 or so.


I’m usually not a fan of bullet hell games (ie. games that just shoot a bunch of stuff at you filling your screen with orbs/missiles/fireballs/etc.). I gave this one a bit of a try as it came with a Humble Bundle and it just made me hate the genre even more. Don’t get me wrong, I grinded through the game and finished it on the hardest difficulty so I’ve experienced most of what this game has to offer. And it doesn’t really offer much… a plot that doesn’t pull you in, unnecessary item selection for the sake of having items, a large “variety” of enemies that mostly have the same strategies to defeat, and just some overall frustrating levels due to certain enemy types. The game does include an endgame mode which seems more fun than the story mode. The endgame mode throws you in a large arena where you’ll fight waves upon waves of enemies while starting off with only your basic items. As you defeat more waves, you gain more money to purchase better items. This mode doesn’t need to hide behind a weak plot in the main game, I would have liked it to be the main game itself and just scrap the story mode.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines on Steam

The Tides of Time

The Tides of Time

After finishing the game a week ago, I can surely say that I really enjoyed it and that it is one of the best indie games that I have ever played. The game is heavily influenced by the Legend of Zelda games and especially by the top-down NES, SNES, and Game Boy titles (which are my favorite). In fact, while playing, it felt like a modern Game Boy Color game, which I loved since Game Boy Color is the handheld with which I grew up.


In brief, you play as a young man named Charlie, who is trapped in a time loop and relives the same day, the Festival of the Red Sun, all over again. In particular, a dark shade that was trapped in the lighthouse of the main island causes the Red Sun to come close to the world and burn everything (An idea inspired by the Falling Moon in Majora’s Mask). The player has 10 minutes until the Sun destroys the world and when this happens, the game is reset.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Very good game! The puzzles are nice and fit in well with the time wind dynamic.

I did find 2 bugs however (huge spoiler warning):

! 1. If you fight the whale with the black sword he wont go into his final phase and will just sit at the front of the island and attack you while invincible. 2.When fighting the elephant boss the hit detection on whether you dashed into his legs when he stands up was very finicky and didn’t work for me at all unless I dashed into his legs from the very front within a very narrow time window (i.e it wouldn’t register even if he was still standing). This made me think that for the first few times I fought him that I was doing something wrong when I didnt.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

The Tides of Time on Steam

Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat

Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat

Our story begins with a very good looking pigeon with an amazing name, who’s dream is to act in the great theater that they live in. With the help of a lovely human, a fluffy pigeon and a questionably french bird, they create the perfect human disguise: a trench coat. Heigh-ho, hey-ho! Alas, suddenly, the world ends! Zounds! Bazinga! Yeet! All hope is lost! But, in the nick of time, a figure approaches this spectacular pigeon with an offer. Would you like to try again?

Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat is a fast paced, action, adventure game, where you try to find out what ends the world and stop it before the world ends again five minutes later. And if you fail? Just try again!

Three Pigeons in a Trench Coat on Steam

Ary and the Secret of Seasons

Ary and the Secret of Seasons

Well, it’s definitly a good one… just not a great one, unfortunately.

For starters, the game feels a bit incomplete at times. Like there are 4 seasons, but only two of them actually “do” something, and winter certainly does “the most”.

I did not encounter crashes, but I got into an endless loop with an NPC not getting out of its dialogue, repeating the same box over and over and over again. Some enemies like to leave a hitbox with their gold drop inside, making it unreachable, and the game occasionally makes enemy corpses fly away, or has you clip through the ground. “Used” things on the map aren’t always grayed out, and there’s probably a lot of other minor-ish bugs.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Not sure why people feel the need to compare it to some old game. The fact is that its fun. If you like what you see, you should like the game and have fun with it.

There’s a bunch of quests like helping a guy that lost his home in a funny way to find a new home. Finding secret areas, a small game of being the seeker in hide and seek (one kid hides really well) and much more. Its fun even for an adult if you don’t mind the kids story.

It has an Ultra graphics quality mode which may not be auto enabled by default and looks great. Considering I enjoy games that push graphical limits, I find this game looks quite nice on Ultra. The performance is great as well on an Nvidia 2060 and with vsync enabled (left it on as default) shows a stable 60 fps at 1080p.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Ary and the Secret of Seasons on Steam

Station Commander

Station Commander

The game is good, worth the money. I hope this will continue to be developed with regular patch updates. Some notes:

1. Pirate ships are too strong in early game. Make them less oppressive or add a difficulty setting so fighting pirates can feel more engaging.

2. Repairing ships is a serious chore. I mean like for each ship in a fleet (9 total) there are multiple clicks per ship which gets tedious very fast. Just add a simple way to repair all the ships in a fleet with one click.

3. The scaling on the storage modules is too high, forcing me to use almost all of my free slots to add storage space. I’d really like to use those slots for other modules….

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Very bare bones resource collection / trading game. Best part of the game is gaming the planet economies and trading (sitting outside a planet desperate for food, waiting for prices to go up, selling at the peak, etc.)

Military units are really only for defending your trade/mining ships from pirates, or hunting pirates/other NPCs to take their cargo.

Your station itself, from what I can see, cannot come under attack in anyway so it’s not a high-octane challenge, but more of a fun little game to play with mini-stock markets in every planet (best part of the game is the economies shifting with line charts)

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Station Commander on Steam