

Adventure in this fantasy land, built by the ancient and powerful Time Lord. This mysterious entity has brought some of the greatest warriors from many different times on Earth to a realm of his own creation, named Elisius. He means to observe and study them, and then using his godlike powers, rule over earth. You are one of these warriors, and it is your job to defeat the Time Lord by destroying Elisius, before it is too late.

The nature of Elisius grants every warrior special abilities, which let you harness the Time Lord’s magic to access powers beyond your wildest dreams. Use the money earned from your quest to upgrade your armor and weapons, buy new ships, and explore the islands of Elisius. Whether fighting monsters as a Viking, Cowboy, Samurai, and more, Elisius will always be an entertaining, story-driven experience.

Read More: Best Action RPG Class-Based Games.

Elisius on Steam

Star Control III

Star Control III

This game gets a lot of flak for not being Star Control II. However, on the whole it plays very well. The diplomatic puzzles are of the same calibre if not better, the Story is pretty much exactly where you’d expect the story to continue from the last game. On the whole, it’s pretty fun.

There are a few things in the game that disappoint, and on a replay 25 years after I originally played it, the come off as little more then a game that was rushed to market. Land grinding has been replaced with a colony building system which feels like they were trying to (poorly) copy civilization games (or maybe master of Orion?) games of the day. But managing colonies does little to speed the game along other then sacrificing ship production for fuel production if you manage to run out of gas. And that’s all the part of the game ads up to: establishing little more then an inter-stellar network of fuelling stations. There’s a lot of potential in this, but rather then fun at all it’s a meaningless chore and a distraction.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Action-Adventure Games.

Like Star Control: Origins is a reinvention of Star Control II, Star Control 3 was (and is) a bad, mid-90s attempt to re-invent the original Star Control. I’m a big fan of the Star Control series and played them as a kid starting with SC1 in the early 90’s.

Gone is the Hyperspace with galactic borders of SCII and in comes the 3D starmap and colony building of Star Control 1, re-imagined with Accolade’s attempt at the “hyper realism” that was in vogue in the mid-late 90s. Colors, music, and art is all muted and gray, set in a new quadrant devoid of all life.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Star Control III on Steam

The Sinking City

The Sinking City

NOTE: Despite my recommendation, don’t buy the Steam version. The publisher is screwing the developer (google “Frogwares lawsuit” for more information) and I’d have bought a version that supports the devs directly.

I saw a lot of reviews saying it’s glitchy. It’s really not. Skyrim is a thousand times worse, and so is FO4. Furthermore, Frogwares withheld the final version of the game (AFAIK) until the publisher paid them, so I can only imagine the final version that we’ll get after the courts sort everything out is way better. Worst glitches I ever came across were some weird clothing physics and the clothing of the main character being inconsistent between cinematics and the game. That’s it. If you’re worried about glitches the game is fine. There are reused assets (the most egregious is the diving cinematic) but they have absolutely no impact on playability or the game itself. It’s just a bunch of whining GamerBros.

Real player with 54.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Exploration Games.

It’s an okay game if you get it on sale (below 10 dollars), otherwise it’s not worth it.

The open world is just for the namesake, most of the areas (indoors & outdoors) are just copies of the same 3-4 areas.

The combat is below average almost all the time.

The one thing going for the game is the detective part. I really enjoyed that.

Also there is absolutely no mention of the publisher “Nacon” in this version. Just putting this out there for all the people worried about pirated copy.

One more thing, just buy the basic game and avoid the “Necronomicon Edition”. This bundle just provide two side quests, one costume and allows you to use Pistol from the beginning. The side quests are just there to prolong the game and it’s not good at all.

Real player with 52.8 hrs in game

The Sinking City on Steam

Mediterranean Assault: 1943

Mediterranean Assault: 1943

This is not a bad game a few bugs that getting sorted out as it is EA

Plays like brothers in arms with british or usa.

Different maps to play on. Hope there lot more to come.

A Third-Person Cover and fire system and Find cover and use your squads to attack.

Can also defend.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

While I do like the concept that this game is trying to go for (A sort of Brothers in Arms style TPS) it is just too buggy and unpolished for me to recommend. As of writing this, ive requested a refund, but I will be continuing to watch this game for updates to see if some of the issues will be fixed

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Mediterranean Assault: 1943 on Steam

Sherwood Extreme

Sherwood Extreme

Sherwood Extreme is a gem in a sea of countless games. I have had the pleasure of being in the closed beta as a QA tester. Sherwood Extreme has a simple yet complex variety of game-play mechanics. The average player will always have fun and the dedicated will always be coming back for more. This game has great potential as it grows in Early Access. In the future, I believe the speed running community will enjoy this game. The developers at CageStudios are people who are passionate about their game. They listen to community feedback and want to make a great game. The developers have built an awesome community on their discord.

Real player with 182.6 hrs in game

even though i have 10 hours in this game i can’t recommend this to people which hurts because i loved the time i spent with it. you play as Walmart robin hood in parkour levels killing enemies with various bows you can get through in game currency. you also have a shield but you’ll probably never use that. let me get the pros outta the way first. 1. the game play loop is fun for awhile till you realize the lack of variety and patterns. 2. there’s a decent amount of cosmetics you can get in game for free. 3. you can make chickens explode. now for the cons. 1. the lack of pretty much anything. 2. while i said the game play loop is fun it’s also incredibly repetitive, dull, and slow even though i think the intentions are for it to be fast. 3. the bugs many times my bow wouldn’t shoot this seemed to only happen in certain area but still was annoying. another bug i noticed was the game crashed a fair bit and if i clicked something to fast that would somehow crash the game as well. 4. the rpg system… man at first i loved it but after awhile it felt like a forced attempt to get people to play longer. what i mean by this is the rpg system really don’t help since in order to “level up” and get skill points you need to grind levels A lot and your reward is so small that it won’t matter till way later. on this same topic leveling up weapons was a slow and honestly boring grind since you can just grind the first level over and over(if you go there with a mission for it it’s even faster). 5. the missions. while they seem cool and fun at first they’re actually pretty dumb. they claim to add tons of variety to each level/mission they don’t. they only change a few minor things. for example traps that are easy to avoid, “different” enemies, etc. i can name more but the point is this game if just a slow, boring grind for nothing of value. oh they also have co-op but since almost nobody even plays it’s pointless. i know i said i don’t recommend this game but if you want something that’s fun-ish and relaxing for a bit give it a try.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Sherwood Extreme on Steam

Slaughter Bots

Slaughter Bots

In 2057 entertainment is not experienced but lived as injected nanobots react to your VR contact lens HUD to give pain and pleasure and where AI self learn and mutate to manage your daily life and fight crime and terror.


The game takes technologies from the 2020’s and extrapolates their development and usage out to the year 2057. For example, drones, injected nanobots and the contact lens HUD could become integral to our future daily life in 2057.

In 2057 the Internet is outdated and has been replaced by the Grid, an AI driven experience that thinks, learns and runs autonomously. It’s designed to include external AI that works with the Grid to perform autonomous tasks for transport, security and policing.

Lethal Autonomous Weapons

In the 2020’s the military deploy Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (Drones) but in the future such weapons could become Weapons of Mass Destruction through the release of millions of miniature weaponised autonomous self thinking drones that could actively seek out and target individuals based on their actions and through facial recognition. Therefore security and police drones by 2057 have eliminated global crime and terror.

Contact Lens HUD and Nanobots

In 2057, everyone has a personal contact lens HUD that interacts with the Grid and nanobots that are injected into your body. These nanobots provide healthcare and connect to the HUD to give life like stimuli in response to what is happening on the HUD.

Therefore by combining the HUD and nanobot interactions it’s almost impossible to distinguish between reality and the entertainment virtual world.

What Is Slaughter Bots?

Slaughter Bots is an action RPG survival game set in the future, in the year 2057 where you can play in either 1st or 3rd person.

After your HUD fails and you get disconnected from the Grid, you soon discover the Grid has assumed control and everyone connected to the Grid is in a trance and only responds to the Grid and AI.

The Grid deems anyone not connected as an enemy and people and AI under its control will attack anyone not connected i.e. you.

Can you survive and rescue your family?

Find other survivors and see if you can work with them to utilise your skill sets.

Do you play aggressive or use stealth and cunning to survive, the choice is yours.

Character Selection

Choose a character to play, each has their own personality, traits and abilities. Some skills can be learned and acquired through the game.

For example a character that :

  • is an ex army soldier will be superior in combat situations to a character that has had no military training

  • has a scientific background may not be good in a fight but might be able to use technology against the AI and the Grid

  • has never fired a gun in their life wont be a crack shot or instantly know how to reload advanced weapons, such skills may need to be learned

Slaughter Bots on Steam

Starlight Alliance

Starlight Alliance

Starlight Alliance is an action RPG, featuring two playable characters – Cyris and Lea. If you like fast third-person shooter gameplay with plenty of character development, exploration, and puzzle-solving, Starlight Alliance is the game for you! Likewise, if you’re into shooting annoying drones that tell you to get back to work, we got you covered. Starlight Alliance has it all.


Welcome to the future – where everything is automated, recycling is at 99.9% efficiency, and Earth is considered at its peak. Humans and aliens now live side-by-side in sky cities far above the planet’s inhospitable surface.

It all could have been perfect … but it just wasn’t meant to last.

Mysteriously, the systems started failing and the drone networks began acting up – nobody knows quite why. Two strangers, Lea and Cyris, each experience these system failures in two different ways and find themselves brought together by unforeseen circumstances. As a team, they’ll soon uncover dark secrets on the Earth’s surface and find a chance at salvation somewhere out there in the cold darkness of space!


  • Switch between two playable characters at any time.

  • Explore a colorful yet dark dystopian futuristic environment – on Earth and in space!

  • Enjoy an original soundtrack featuring light chiptune touches.

  • Face your enemies in fast-paced combat and use two fighting styles: Shoot or Punch!

  • Solve light puzzles, featuring jumping, shooting, warping, and more.

  • Gather materials and craft new armor, shields, and weapons.

  • Follow the main story or delve into side quests.

  • Gain experience, level up, and learn new skills!

  • Fight multiple bosses or engage in special fights.

  • About 15 hours of gameplay.

Starlight Alliance on Steam



Elementite is a third-person shooter RPG that fuses natural elements and futuristic firearms in a vast chaotic open world of challenges and secrets in a way never seen before. You control Chrono, a combatant who has the unique ability to control the time element, allowing him to control battles using close-quarter combat skills and to finish off enemies with a heavy arsenal of firearms imbued with natural elements. Use fire, ice, electricity, and poison to unleash an incredible amount of combat combinations and strategies to overcome your opponents, while experiencing the ultra-realistic graphics powered by the Unreal Engine with Ray Tracing.

The idea for the game came from the references:

Film “Project Power” (Netflix 2020) that tells the story of a world where humans awaken magical powers when they ingest power pills.

Devil My Cry series, mechanics of Hack and Slash.

The Division, mix of elements of third person shooting and RPG.

Dark Souls, boss mechanics and dodge.


Humanity has discovered a mineral that can be used to strengthen the human body. This mineral can awake a natural element in the person’s body, making him immune to almost anything that is harmful, including firearms. For some people it can grant powerful control over some elements.

The formula that is used to make this mineral strengthen humans had become a powerful tool for corporations and organizations to earn money, and eventually it became an uncontrolled fever worldwide.

Decades later, humanity begins to fall. The overuse of the mineral had caused diseases, loss of consciousness among other bizarre side effects. However, for groups that have the pure form of the mineral, they were able to evolve their physical capacity to unbelievable levels.

Without governments, the conflict is managed by big and powerful companies that control the extraction and research of the mineral. The society as we know has collapsed. Private armies, terrorist groups, rebel factions and dozens of lost addicts wander the cities that are at war for controlling the mineral.

Civilians are trapped in their homes.

The game starts in the ruins of a metropolis, in the distant future, after a great war that ended the last democratic government in the world. You play Chrono, a former fighter from the last government who escaped from a research lab where he was a victim of experiments with Elementite. Chrono has awakened the unique ability to use the element of time and is now hunted for it.


You play as Chrono, a very talented ex-soldier of the Global Council. He fought alongside Brigit, his ex-girlfriend, for years across the globe to prevent the fall of civilization, until he was captured by the Corporation after the fall of the Council. He was put under lab experiences that awoke powers he had never seen before.


Elementite System

The elementite combat system is divided into two distinct modes, the melee mode and the shooter mode.

-In melee mode Chrono uses his knife imbued with the element of time provided by his own body and performs various combos and abilities that influence time and space such as teleports, slow, time dilation, among others.

In addition, he has the ability to perform physical strikes from other elements if acquired in the skill shop at higher levels.

-In shooter mode Chrono can use up to 4 firearms at the same time that fire shots imbued with the 4 elements fire, ice, electric and poison. As elementite gives enemies the power of element damage immunity, the player must switch weapons to shoot the enemy using his weak point element.

Ice enemies take fire damage, fire enemies take poison damage, and so on.

And this is how the combat system of the Elementite Game works, the player will have to use skill to choose weapons and physical attacks adapted to the enemy’s element in real time.

As in all RPG Chrono has a system of talent points that can be used every time he level up, he can focus his talents on 3 types: Power (Damage), Vitality (Resistance), Agility (time skills).

Another Features

  • Stealth or armed combat.

  • An open world with several primary and secondary missions and the freedom to play the level as many times as you want.

  • An inventory with creation resources. Skill trees to develop your character in a way that adapts to your style of play.

  • New armor, firearms and melle.

  • Shooting mini-games, battle arenas in other dimensions.

  • Cinematics, battles with dynamic bosses.

  • High End graphics using UE4 and Ray Tracing

#### About Me

My name is Danilo, I am Brazilian and creator of the game Elementite. This game has in development since May 2020. My prediction is to finish in 2022.I have been a gamedev for 6 years and worked in other indie games like Room 404 (PC), BlackIris (PC), Eternal Soldier (Mobile) and Volcan Defend the Tower (PC). Due to the pandemic, I am developing the game by myself at home.

I want to create fun and challenging gameplay for Elementite, but for that I need constant feedback from the community that is interested in this type of game. I will always be active on social networks sharing with everyone each new implementation of the game looking for opinions, ideas, and help to test.

The Demo version of the game is available for a limited time so that everyone can get to know a project proposal, however during the months of development I will encourage players to purchase the early access version. The early access version will receive constant updates with new challenges and scenarios and will be the best way for players to share with me the mission of transforming Elementite into a great game.

Hope you like it.


Elementite on Steam

Touhou Mechanical Scrollery | 幻想討幻経

Touhou Mechanical Scrollery | 幻想討幻経

“Gorgeous 3D bullet hell action RPG that Touhou girls are flying!ヽ(=´▽'=)ノ”

[1] Intro

Touhou Mechanical Scrollery. This game is a Touhou Project fan game from developer Mikosansaho and publisher Phoenixx. It features the 3D bullet hell where flying Touhou girls hunt gigantic mecha spiders across gorgeous landscapes. Recently the game has been re-polished, this new update also fixes the mouse and keyboard support issues, and it keeps the frame stable. In other words, the time has come to take a look this game again!

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Alright so normally I don’t review games, but I will drop one for this game. I got this game on launch and been playing it off and on since, due to a variety of reasons. On day one was there a lot of issues for a game that tried to delay to fix the issues? yes there was. However even then I got the issues fixed using a controller and just taking it out of fullscreen mode.

But here is my over all review either way. Is the game fun? Yes I feel it is very fun, with some similarities to other games I have played. It was my third game in the bullet hell-esque genre I have played, and I feel for a 3D Bullet hell, it game me what I wanted. Areas where verticality mattered versus some opponents, such as the Bat-Types and the Land Dragon types, and others where horizontal movement was more important, as seen with the Oni Type, the Sky dragon, and a few others.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Touhou Mechanical Scrollery | 幻想討幻経 on Steam

Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles

Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles

To describe this game, it is a tribute to survival horror games of old and plays similar to them, so just a bit of warning as to what you’re getting into. Having grown up with these types of games, I enjoyed the experience and would recommend this to others. As of my writing this, only the first episode has been released, so the review will cover that.

First, we need to talk about the camera. We have fixed camera angles that will move from one location to the next as you reach the edge of the screen, somewhat obscuring the room by giving you limited view, similar to older Resident Evil games before they went over-the-shoulder action. However, with the exception of only a couple rooms, the angles are very well placed to give you information about the room while not completely hiding an enemy within it. If you look around upon entering a room, there will be clues as to what lies in wait for you, so be aware that if you are the type of person who just rushes into everything, you may get worked over.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles is a pretty direct sequel to Outbreak: New Nightmare, which is a primarily multiplayer based game. Lydia - a character from said game - is the only playable character in Chronicles. Unlike the jump from Outbreak to Outbreak: New Nightmare, Chronicles is on the same general engine and plays out pretty much the same. So, if you enjoyed New Nightmare, chances are you’ll definitely enjoy this game, as it’s essentially a single player version of the multiplayer title.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles on Steam