Slimey Champions

Slimey Champions

It’s terrible

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Character Customization Games.

Slimey Champions on Steam

Gunmetal Arcadia Zero

Gunmetal Arcadia Zero

Being a big fan of You Have to Win the Game and Super Win the Game (I’ve got 60 hours into it and have speedrun it many times) I was apprehensive about trying a game that appeared to control like Zelda II. My apprehension was assuaged soon after playing the demo. As usual with J. Kyle Pittman’s games, the controls are as tight as can be, the character’s velocity and friction feel just right, and the general difficulty ramps up at a nice gradual pace unlike games like Shovel Knight.

The graphics and soundtrack are even more reminiscent of NES games than his prior games, and the songs are so catchy I’m glad to have purchased the bundle with the soundtrack. The game offers a new game+ replay, where enemies take progressively more hits with each subsequent playthrough. A speedrun mode is also available that not only runs a tmer for you, it performs the splits for you as well. For Mac players with far fewer options for speedrun timers, this is a welcome addition, and one I personally hope will be patched into Super Win as well.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Side Scroller Games.

This game is a mini masterpiece. I beat it in only a couple hours, but it feels like I got so much more out of it than that. Probably that’s mostly because it’s balls to the wall hard. It’s very NES, in difficulty, atmosphere, aesthetic, music, and visuals. Seriously, the music rocks. Even the death music kicks so much butt that it’s almost not too frustrating to die. Almost. This game will anger you, will taunt you, and frustrate you like any NES game would. Do you love the BS Medusa heads from Castelvania? Well you’ll love this game, because every part that has tricky platforming has a million Medusa heads-like enemy, and one of these types drops this chain so even if you dodge the head, you gotta dodge the chain. But after all the fury, all the rage, of playing the same level over and over again, when you finally get that last hit on the last boss, the immense feeling of victory explodes from your blood vessels and implodes your guts all over your monitor. What a rush! And the controls are very fluid, allowing you to play with a satisfying flow. One thing I didn’t like is that the majority of the items you could pick up were utterly terrible. Get the tri-shot, and ignore all other items, seriously, none of them are worth it and if you stab a torch that spits another item out it’s so annoying to try to dodge them all the time. And they take forever to despawn so you’ll gauranteed accidentally pick up a crappy item during a crucial moment. There are also some neat secrets you can find. This game feels like it drew a lot of influences from both Zelda II and Castlevania. I highly recommend this game to any fans of NES games, tough as nails platformers, and anyone who can take a challenge. The guy who made this game also made the free You Have To Win the Game, which is also great, as well as Eldritch, which is a vastly different FPS rogue-like game, and I would highly recommend you check that out too. Please support this dev, he really deserves it and puts out quality content.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Gunmetal Arcadia Zero on Steam

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II

Time Bought: Pre Ordered

Money Spent: $37.50

Worth The Price?: Yes

Position In Game At Time Of Review: Have all my classes max leveled, have game & DLCs on 2 steam accts, got most of the sets epics and all godlikes, farming

After adding the first Van Helsing to one of the most favorite games I’ve ever played, VH2 only polished and added to the enjoyment where the first one left off. I was still playing the first one up to the release of this game and continued playing it during this one. But VH2 not only left off where the last story ended, but improved on tons of things to make this game even more enjoyable than the first. So with this in mind, I wrote a review for people new to the series as well as one for people who have played the first game and are considering getting this one.

Real player with 163.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Co-op Games.

Van Helsing has his work cut out for him. For all the monsters he’s slain, the looming spectres of Diablo, Torchlight, and Path of Exile cast an imposing shadow over the rugged hero. To set itself apart, this modern dungeon crawler has to find a way to truly sink its claws into the player beyond the usual loot’n’grind. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II, the second part of a planned trilogy by Neocore Games, succeeds remarkably in carving out its own identity, but at the potentially steep price of polish and balance.

Real player with 114.1 hrs in game

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II on Steam

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing


Van Helsing is sold pretty cheap every now and then. Despite the huge success of the first game, the sequels and the final cut which bundles all the games in one huge playtrough got very bad reviews. I am not a huge fan of hack & slash rpg´s but i like them sometimes so i decided to give the trilogy a shot. I managed to finish the game in a long session after 2 days and had lots of fun with this game.


Van Helsing doesnt really do anything new that any other game in its genre didnt do already. But what they did was adding the best aspects on many games and combine them. That doesnt mean the game is perfect, its far away from that. The different aspects work good together and offer a solid foundation for a great game.

Real player with 142.8 hrs in game

Stop what you’re doing, do yourself a favour, just go buy and play this game. Or wait for a discount, it’s your wallet after all. I mean who am I to tell you how to live your life. I heard that they give you discounts up to 70%, which is always great. But this game is worth to buy either way.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, to which I’ll be referring as “TIAoVH” from now on for convenience purposes, is a great game with it’s gothic/steampunk atmosphere and memorable characters. The game takes place in the 19th-century Eastern Europe where magic and weird technology is real. You play as the son of the famous vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing and take on various adventures in order to defeat the reign of the mad scientists Dr. Fulmigati. Of course you encounter a wide variety of enemies from robots to werewolfs, harpies to mutant abominations, bandits to creatures that’ll be the very seed of your nightmares on the way. I mean, come on, it wouldn’t be a Van Helsing game unless you get to kill tons of different mobs. Also, your lovely ghost companion Lady Katarina is there to help you out along your journey. The balance between the characteristics of charming and witty Katarina and more down to earth, serious Helsing makes the dialogue in game much more enjoyable.

Real player with 126.0 hrs in game

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing on Steam

Castle Of Alchemists

Castle Of Alchemists

In this tower defense/top-down action hybrid, play as the Bellator, alchemically enhanced super soldier and the first of its kind, to fight against invaders that are trapped in the castle. Delve into the castle, set your traps and towers, equip powerful weapons and gears, and reclaim ground piece by piece. Unlock new powers, traps, and weapons as you save the survivors and gather the lost knowledge.

Decades of failure to achieve the ultimate goal, Philosopher’s Stone, led the masters at the Castle of Alchemists, to impatience, and at their lost of virtue, they made a terrible mistake.They have started to study heretical arts of sorcery to hasten the Magnum Opus. Instead of finding the Philosopher’s Stone, they have opened portals to unknown elemental realms, pouring malicious creatures into our world.

Castle’s defense systems trapped both creatures and the residence of the Castle inside. This solution is though only temporary, since creatures started to break free from this entrapment. It is now up to only a handful of apprentices, and the alchemically enhanced defender of the order, Bellator, to save the castle from the marauders of elemental realms.

As the alchemically enhanced super soldier of the order, Bellator, keep mutating to meet new challenges on the way as you level up and decorate yourselves with an amazing arsenal, powerful armors and a wide variety of equipment. As you progress, find and unlock new schematics for crafting more powerful equipment with unique randomised abilities which expands on gameplay.

Be the first example of Mankind-Perfected as Bellator.

Clash with fire realm invaders in forges, clean the golems of Earth Realms from mines, progress through the halls overrun by ice-realm creatures! A wide variety of enemies with different distinctive abilities, resistances and weaknesses to enhance gameplay and force you to change your tactics to meet ever changing challenges. environments and different goals; preventing invaders from escaping, protecting valuable assets to saving trapped masters and apprentices; to offer a fresh scenery as you progress through the castle.

Build defensive towers to house semi-auto ballistas, revolving cannons or steam powered mounted gatling guns. Install traps including deadly spikes, flame pillars, acid showers, rotating-dart throwers and many more. As you progress, unlock upgrades and different versions of your defenses such as changing your cannons to add a spin to cannonballs so they ricochet from the ground with an extended range, coat your spikes with poison that also slows down, and many more.

Use the synergy of traps and your abilities; by expanding the range of your electric turret via planting it in the midst of other metal traps, and if they are coming in large numbers and coming fast, wet them with showers of water and freeze them with ammonium-nitrate vials! Discover and unlock many more combos using traps and abilities together.

Castle Of Alchemists on Steam

Morbid: The Seven Acolytes

Morbid: The Seven Acolytes


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is it a masterpiece? Yes, if you enjoy isometric pixel art and challenging combat. Fans of soulslike action RPGs get new food.

The backstory of the game is dark and depressing. At the beginning, our main character wakes up on a beach, full of horribly mutated fish and half-rotten corpses. It looks as if we were on board a ship that smashed on the cliffs and the surf washed us up. Luckily there is a sword next to the dead body next to us. We are a warrior, the last survivor of the Order of the Strivers of Dibrom. Our task, for which we have trained all our lives, is to defeat the Seven Acolytes, cursed and powerful beings possessed by evil deities called Gahars. We must kill the acolytes and thus save the kingdom. If we fail, the evil gods will continue to rule and madness will devour the entire world. More information will not be revealed at first. If you want to know more, you have to examine the items you find and talk to the few (more or less) sane people you meet on the adventure. The graphics also provide clues as to what has happened in this desolate world.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Mixed Feeling. Decent, Could Be Better.

Morbid: The Seven Acolytes is a isometric action game. As the only survivor of Strivers of Dibrom, players need to navigate through the accursed kingdom and battle against the seven Acolytes of Gahars, further freeing this land from the terrifying clutch of this eldritch deity. I have a mixed feeling for this game. On one hand, I really like the artstyle and the designs of each mob. The eerie, creeping, bodily-horror always seizes my eyes, and the sense of dread emanating from mere pixel sprites invariably tantalizes my taste for this kind of pixel art. Yet, on the other hand, the level design is quite weak, falling short of depth and the incentive to explore. The combat is sabotaged by enemies' easily-exploited movesets, inaccurate hit boxes, and some questionable design choices. Still, Morbid: The Seven Acolytes manages to deliver an decent, albeit flawed, experience for lovecraftian horror action game.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Morbid: The Seven Acolytes on Steam

Kraino ReAnimated

Kraino ReAnimated

Kraino ReAnimated is a Hi-Bit Action Platformer, with crunchy melee combat, fun platforming, hidden secrets and tricky puzzles. Slash your way through nine action packed levels, ranging from dusty old crypts to the heart of an active volcano! Gain awesome abilities along the way to aid you in your adventure, like the hellfire punch, and the executioners axe!

Featuring nine levels (some with branching paths), a fun mini boss battle and an EPIC boss battle at the end. Each level also has hidden secret rooms with loads of treasure, hidden health and essence upgrades to help you on your quest!

Kraino ReAnimated on Steam

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut

I’d suggest to start the game as an elementalist for zooming adventures & farming fate points & use it as your crafting character(% reduced enchanting costs items) and then make a phlogistoner as your second character for farming gold & get you going through the hardest difficulty levels to earn that juicy 200 fate daily limit & then have fun doing whatever the heck you’d like to do, because you are probably going to be rich as hell that way.


  • Main story is great to follow.

Real player with 566.0 hrs in game

This is my, perhaps, final review of this game - I followed it from the very start, until this unification to one, complete and even better game.

A short description:

It’s an aRPG, in the full meaning of what aRPG is, and what it should be like. It resembles, reasonably closely, to Diablo 2. It offers a classic hack’n’slash experience, levelling, item hunt and character progression. In addition to this, rather uncommon to the genre, story is excellent, and game could even be played as an adventure. Ridiculously funny and witty, game follows a number of cliches - protagonist is a Monster Hunter, which (ever accompanied by his sharp-witted and even sharper-tongued ghost companion Katarina), comes to a fictional land of Borgovia, to rid it of a great evil - a group of scientist who took over the land after his father defeated ruling Vampire Princes. But the story just starts to unroll…

Real player with 552.8 hrs in game

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut on Steam



I’ve just finished the game at 15 hours, and it was an enjoyable experience (mostly) throughout! I have a few gripes, but let’s start with a list of Pro’s and Con’s and go into more detail a little later.


  • Dungeon crawling is fun!

  • Nice enemy variety!

  • Difficulty is mostly fine, with hiccups.

  • Price-to-playtime ratio is pretty good.

  • Definitely replayable! Especially for secrets.

  • Three unique ‘classes’ that are very distinct.


  • Some riddles are a little obtuse…

Real player with 38.7 hrs in game

TL:DR - If you are looking for another dungeon Crawler of the Dungeon Master Variety, then I can recommend this product without hesitation. If you are wondering what separates this title from the rest of the options that are on the market now, then you will want to read a little further.

Bottom line, I can definitely recommend this title, as I have enjoyed the 6+ hours I have been entertained by, by the time of this review. I may have more to add to this review, when I finally complete the game. This review is entirely based around a 6 hour preview of the game title, and I am not sure how much longer I have to complete the game.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Vaporum on Steam

Gestalt: Steam & Cinder

Gestalt: Steam & Cinder

Join Aletheia and a vibrant cast of characters as they race to discover the secrets of the Steam City of Canaan. Clobber armies of Clockwork golems and hunt horrors that slither through depths once forgotten. Thwart the twisted schemes of Canaan’s corrupt overseers, the nefarious Comitium. Fight for mankind’s survival and reveal the dark and dangerous truths riveted into the very foundations of the Steam City.

Step into the shoes of Aletheia and tread the path of the Soldner, an elite mercenary of Irkalla who lives one job at a time. Take up the sword and gun, combining a slew of melee combos and deadly gunplay in staggering feats of skill that will leave your enemies reeling.

Chase down a frenzied mutant charging through the grimy stalls of the Irkallan Black Market, leap across the molten pools blazing in the eternal furnace of Fornax, and fight off hordes of blood-drunk Raiders that prowl the fathomless depths of the Scrap Sea in search of their malignant god.

Canaan is vast, and inside its swirling steam lie innumerable mysteries waiting to be unraveled. After a routine job goes awry, Aletheia sets out on an epic journey to uncover ancient enigmas threatening the very foundations of the Steam City. Challenge powerful new rivals and catch up with old friends as you carve your path through Canaan. Take on side jobs to earn a bit of extra scrap and delve into a history lost to the vagaries of time.

Or maybe you’d just like to wash down your worries at Vincent’s Pub and listen for a rumor or two…

Dash, dodge, and double-jump to keep out of harm’s way and stay in one piece. Wield a furious and fearsome array of abilities and grow stronger with each foe you defeat. Spend experience points to unlock new skills and trade scrap for accessories to customize your build and go toe-to-toe with some of the most formidable creatures to ever lumber beneath the copper sky.

Hear that? The clang of a hammer stinging blood-red steel… The sinister murmur of heresies rushing through ancient pipes… Riddles echoing through vaulted halls of marble and madness. Sounds like fate has a job in store for you, Soldner—it’s time to earn your scrap.

“Thine trembling works of Reason naught but ingots gleaming darkly by the light of a cindered heart—for what art thine flesh before the mother’s touch of flame?”

- Dreams of the Steam Saint Anais, XXXIV, iii

Gestalt: Steam & Cinder on Steam