Hats Are Not Allowed

Hats Are Not Allowed

“Hats are forbidden. Any Bot found wearing a hat will be destroyed on sight. Any bot found not destroying a Bot found wearing a hat will be destroyed on sight.” - RulerBot

The illegal hat in your possession has an unprecedented level of style which will inspire others to join your rebellion. Fight with sword, spear and shield to survive against those who would destroy you. As your power grows you must determine where your true ambitions lie.

  • DUEL

    The dueling system is easy to learn but hard to master. There is no need to memorize long combos. Instead the focus is on quick reflexes, timing and tactics. Beware feints, be strategic with your distance and don’t run out of steam.


    Bot combat modules restrict fighting to duels only. This means battles are conducted via 1v1 duels until one squad has been completely defeated. Strategically select your fighters and either simulate, spectate or take control of the duels yourself!


    Discover and equip new bot parts and items to increase your attributes that best suit your fighting style.


    As “The Hat Wearer” you will lead the Hat Rebellion. Do you seek to start a political revolution aiming for total hat freedom? Do you want to claim power for yourself? Or do you seek to discover the truth behind this world and the authoritarian Genu Corp?

Read More: Best Action RPG Multiple Endings Games.

Hats Are Not Allowed on Steam




Side scrolling 2D action RPG


  • Trading, exploration, long story in chapter form, battles with huge bosses, rare equipment.

  • Various strengthening elements, exhilarating and flexible combat, item synthesis, etc. Estimated playtime: 40+ hours


  • The main character is separated from his childhood friend when his village is attacked by a demon.

  • When he comes to his senses, he finds himself in a world with talking birds and no humans.

  • This is a full-length story about the many adventures of a young man who is tossed about by time and fate, but faces them with true courage and kindness.

What’s new in Revision

  • Wide screen, high resolution support, multi-language support, various useful functions added, and

  • Changes to the specifications of the possession technique, addition of a tutorial demo, and additional events.

  • Gorgeous graphics by illustrators Shigatake and Ryubuchi Haku

Read More: Best Action RPG Spectacle fighter Games.

ASTLIBRA Revision on Steam

Hope Trigger

Hope Trigger

This is a beautiful country, where people always have a smiling face. It is also a high-tech country with world-class alchemy and magic. But it had fallen on the night of the barbarian invasion, they betrayed the oath. I’ve lost people and country and was imprisoned in the dark.

The story started a thousand years ago, an ancient prosperous civilization ended overnight, leaving nothing but ruins. Today, after a thousand years, a girl comes here and meets another girl who claims to be the queen of the subjugation. They will discover the secret of the subjugation, but all this only happened in….


1.Equip two different combos and switch between these combos in battle,use different weapons in combinations to fight various monsters, and experience a

refreshing battle.

2.Special magic system-get red elements from monsters, convert them into magic power and use more powerful and gorgeous magic to attack monsters.

3.Enchanting equipments through various production systems. By defeating monsters to get items and using them to make enchanting jewels, equip them to

increase status or get special skills. You can create your own playing style.


We highly recommend playing Hope Trigger with a controller.


First phase:

The picture above is the screen of development


Read More: Best Action RPG Female Protagonist Games.

Hope Trigger on Steam



The game is a nice change of pace. It is the first game for me where you attack with the joystick. The controls took a little getting used to. Especially my aim was not good, but with a little practice it worked.

The visuals of the game and the music are nice.

In the course of the game you can level up and you get new abilities. This makes the gameplay interesting and fun.

Separately, I must praise the developer, because he responded very quickly to a problem of mine. I had rendering problems and he eagerly sat down with me until we found the problem.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Play through with all the hard achievements to get 100% here (No Hit Bosses Etc.) w/ time stamps: https://youtu.be/fTl6SJ9Bllc

Full play through here (once it uploads) https://youtu.be/XlOMHOSi14I

This game is freaking phenomenal worth every penny it’s a bit short, but god does it play smooth. The boss’s are challenging and it does one of the best things a video game can do which is make you feel over powered and awesome while challenging you with great mechanics. I cannot recommend this enough do yourself a service and treat yourself to this masterpiece.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

LIBLADE on Steam

Magia X

Magia X

Magia X is a good Side Scroller Game that i enjoy playing. With a Good Graphics, Cool Skills Effects, smooth attack pattern, you could kill a bunch of enemies on site as long as your prepared for a fight. But as an early access, there’s a lot of limitation on this game:

1.) Only 1 out of 4 character is available as this moment “The Magic Swordsman”.

2.) Sometimes the esc button which you could access the “Settings” and the “Quit Button” were sometimes not functional. Good thing that this is a Side Scroller Game not a VR one.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Edit: (Changed from a negative to positive review)

The 4 DLC characters are now free to EA buyers of this game and I for one thank the Devs for that.

There is still an issue with controllers not working as intended (you can do everything except actually move in the game), this was due to a recent patch and hopefully will be sorted out.

The 3rd area in the game is still not in but isn’t far off.

The actual game is pretty darn good and hopefully won’t be over shadowed by it’s troubled release as it’s worth a shot.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Magia X on Steam

The Legend of Karl

The Legend of Karl

I played only the demo version of this game, since it is still in early release status.

My comment for the game in general, is I like it very much. The story line is very good. I would love to play the full version of this game.

I only found few glitches from this game, which includes the following:

1. When I keep on pressing the attack button continuously, the combo attack becomes unstoppable. That means I will have no chance to cancel the combo so that I can dodge the incoming attack of the enemy, which results in my avatar to be hit by the enemy. I don’t know if this is the intended programming of the creator of this game, but I hope they can improve this to allow the players to cancel the combo to be able to dodge the enemies' attack.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Great start, guys! Some things I noticed:

  • Some of the translation to English could use some improvement. Specifically, when we got to the point where we had to launch Marbas, it wasn’t clear we had to move the mouse to aim.

  • It would be nice if there was a way to defend yourself. If there is, it’s not made clear.

  • The final boss of early access doesn’t come after you if you don’t move immediately after the cinematic. You can just stand there and shoot at him and let your essence recharge without him engaging.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

The Legend of Karl on Steam

Gunmetal Arcadia Zero

Gunmetal Arcadia Zero

Being a big fan of You Have to Win the Game and Super Win the Game (I’ve got 60 hours into it and have speedrun it many times) I was apprehensive about trying a game that appeared to control like Zelda II. My apprehension was assuaged soon after playing the demo. As usual with J. Kyle Pittman’s games, the controls are as tight as can be, the character’s velocity and friction feel just right, and the general difficulty ramps up at a nice gradual pace unlike games like Shovel Knight.

The graphics and soundtrack are even more reminiscent of NES games than his prior games, and the songs are so catchy I’m glad to have purchased the bundle with the soundtrack. The game offers a new game+ replay, where enemies take progressively more hits with each subsequent playthrough. A speedrun mode is also available that not only runs a tmer for you, it performs the splits for you as well. For Mac players with far fewer options for speedrun timers, this is a welcome addition, and one I personally hope will be patched into Super Win as well.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

This game is a mini masterpiece. I beat it in only a couple hours, but it feels like I got so much more out of it than that. Probably that’s mostly because it’s balls to the wall hard. It’s very NES, in difficulty, atmosphere, aesthetic, music, and visuals. Seriously, the music rocks. Even the death music kicks so much butt that it’s almost not too frustrating to die. Almost. This game will anger you, will taunt you, and frustrate you like any NES game would. Do you love the BS Medusa heads from Castelvania? Well you’ll love this game, because every part that has tricky platforming has a million Medusa heads-like enemy, and one of these types drops this chain so even if you dodge the head, you gotta dodge the chain. But after all the fury, all the rage, of playing the same level over and over again, when you finally get that last hit on the last boss, the immense feeling of victory explodes from your blood vessels and implodes your guts all over your monitor. What a rush! And the controls are very fluid, allowing you to play with a satisfying flow. One thing I didn’t like is that the majority of the items you could pick up were utterly terrible. Get the tri-shot, and ignore all other items, seriously, none of them are worth it and if you stab a torch that spits another item out it’s so annoying to try to dodge them all the time. And they take forever to despawn so you’ll gauranteed accidentally pick up a crappy item during a crucial moment. There are also some neat secrets you can find. This game feels like it drew a lot of influences from both Zelda II and Castlevania. I highly recommend this game to any fans of NES games, tough as nails platformers, and anyone who can take a challenge. The guy who made this game also made the free You Have To Win the Game, which is also great, as well as Eldritch, which is a vastly different FPS rogue-like game, and I would highly recommend you check that out too. Please support this dev, he really deserves it and puts out quality content.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Gunmetal Arcadia Zero on Steam

Recurring Dreams

Recurring Dreams

Recurring Dreams tells the tale of a lucid dreamer named Rath, who’s trapped in the dreamworld unable to wake up. There he finds a strange power that lets him connect with other dreamers, and he ventures forth to help them with their innermost anxieties while searching for his own path to awakening. Wielding the powers of lucidity, Rath faces off with their recurring nightmares to inspire courage and hope within them. Will he find his way back to reality? Find out by playing!

Experience fast-paced high-flying side-scrolling action while exploring the dreamworld! Try the free demo before buying to experience the smooth physics and controls for yourself. The game features customizable keyboard, gamepad, and touchscreen controls (touchscreen is only recommended for multitouch devices).

Recurring Dreams on Steam

Black Blade

Black Blade

This is a Metroidvania Game, main feature are :

A story about revenge and self redemption

a pair of lovers live in a peaceful village, until intruder come and take one of them. the other step on the journey of revenge. after many difficult challenge, beating the most powerful and the weakest enemy, the revenge is achieved, but revenge is not the answer.


there are different enemy standing between you and your goal , beat them so you can move on.


the enemy is not the only challenge, so is the environment.


to find the final answer, you will not only need muscle but also wisdom.

there are three part of this game: beginning of hatred, revenge, self redemption.

for now, only the beginning of hatred has completed, the play time is short. another chapters will be released later for free, with higher price

Black Blade on Steam

Devious Dungeon 2

Devious Dungeon 2

As usual, Woblyware delivers fun pixel graphics for enemy units and NPCs. This game is a good sequel to Devious Dungeon 1. Definitely an upgrade. The first game was way too easy. In Devious Dungeon 2, the enemies are a little more challenging and that makes the game more fun. I still don’t understand the scatter of coins. It is the same as the first game. The coins fly all over the place. So annoying. I never understood why the first game had it and I was hoping it would be fixed in Devious Dungeon 2. But it’s not. Your precious coins will keep flying into spikes. Would have been good to have the coins drawn to you automatically like the magnet feature that some games have.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

It’s true that this game is based on a previous one, obviously the one called the “Devious Dungeon”. But so what? The core gameplay is the same as always – it’s your next door platformer. This time it has a twist – you can select one of three heroes, slightly altering the gameplay. We have a Barbarian (with incoming damage reduction), a Rogue (with double jump ability) and a Wizard (with levitation spell). Tell me, when did you play a platformer with such a feature? Jazz Jackrabbit 2? Well… It’s from 1998… Yea, I know – there are others ;) I’m just trying to point out that it’s rare, ok? So let’s move on. I chose Rogue, and it was… fun ;) I could avoid most of the traps, it gave me a degree of freedom. On your way you gain cash and experience, which means you can upgrade your hero. I ended up with 100+ damage per standard hit and 60-something critical hit (double damage) chance percent… And yes, I bulldozed last half of main bosses. The last boss barely made me pass 100 HP threshold on my side. The point is – in this game you can over-level a bit, so it’s always a matter of time when you’ll finish it. And you don’t have to beat it all at once – the are checkpoints to which you can travel, to continue your adventure or to decrease stage difficulty if the new one is too hard for you to beat it at given time. Overall it isn’t so entertaining that I would consider playing it again with another class. I haven’t even unlocked all items and I don’t think I’ll play this game just to see what’s there. I beat it, have all achievements – and let’s stay at this level. Buy it if you liked the first game, like platformers in general – or you have some spare coins. It’s nothing special, nothing revolutionary, just few (more) hours of fun :) I enjoyed it from start to finish :)

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Devious Dungeon 2 on Steam