Rogue Randy

Rogue Randy

First of all, as a player, I think the distribution of maps is OK. The beginning of the story can also arouse the curiosity of players. But I don’t really like combat systems. I don’t know the attack mechanism of different enemies, and the torch will fall down when rolling, increasing the difficulty. In the dark, it is difficult for players to see the enemy. These different enemies will come together to find the player. I don’t think this is very good. If you want to go to each area and meet a certain type of enemy, I think it’s good. Only after the cooling down of ordinary attack is completed, can we use the attack distance of player range. When you open the item bar, you need to click the mouse to use the item. Moreover, the map of land is diverse, but if many of the same room pattern will make players feel tired, and I think the key guidance is not clear. I don’t know which door the key should open. That’s how I feel about the game

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Survival Games.

Rogue Randy on Steam



This game is just too random. Even the in-game manual straight up tells you that you might have to restart because your seed is too difficult. This is flaunted as the game being “difficult,” but there is nothing difficult about the game giving you unwinnable RNG. That’s just cheap.

You start as a random hero with a random assortment of items you can pick up. You are tasked with progressing to the last floor of the dungeon and defeating its boss. The problem is, your hero is already damaged and near death when you spawn, likely with little SP to spare on skills as well. I have literally been spawned where I am forced into a battle right away without being able to explore for more items and my character gets one shot.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG 2D Platformer Games.


Ariadna’s Bane

Ariadna’s Bane

Disclaimer: all screenshots, videos and other resources represents early development stage of the game.

Read More: Best Action RPG Exploration Games.

Ariadna's Bane on Steam

Ancient Abyss

Ancient Abyss

Great game, needs more content. Also the notion of space in this game is not so intuitive, always there is a chance that you can stuck in some bush or wall or something else. There are still bugs in this game, for example It happened to me to stuck in a chest room, because some of the mobs disappeared, he made noise, but he could not harm me, that’s why I need to restart the game, I could do nothing with it. Overall game is good, I like the pixel art, mob design, main character design, music is good, it needs more diversity, for example two hands sword and one handed sword have the same effect the difference is color and speed, make it different please. I didn’t like that you need boots for passing long empty distances, make it a special skill or something, The gloves are not precise, it’s hard to predict where will you arrive using them. But game is beautiful and is full of potential.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

This game is by no means polished, however it is fun.

Starting with the cons because I want to get this out of the way.

  • I understand what they mean Zelda like, and while this game is not for zelda fans it does take a lot from zelda. The parts, but not the feel.

  • This game has no art polish. It’s a bunch of nice looking art but none of the art shares the same style. You have hand drawn animation clashing against pixel art that’s clashing against 3D models in a very bizarre way that just looks weirder the more you look at it.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Ancient Abyss on Steam

Brain Break

Brain Break

A challenging and interesting puzzle. Very similar to the old games on push-button phones, which is very nice. A beautiful and pleasant picture to the eye. Good animation. A large number of levels that can put you in a dead end. I thought about some levels for more than half an hour. Good musical accompaniment, sometimes even calms down when you do not know how to pass the level. The game as a whole turned out to be very interesting and not bad, even considering that it is a puzzle. I hope the authors will add more and more levels over time, because the game has sunk into my soul. Very good game, I recommend it. I liked everything, and given its price, this is a great game that fully deserves this amount.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

An entertaining and exciting puzzle game called “brain break”, in which you need to place the cubes in the cells assigned to them. The game is made in a simple and concise style, which is very combined with the musical accompaniment. At first glance, everything is simple, but then it only becomes more difficult. The first levels are introductory, and the next ones will be more and more difficult. A variety of levels in the game is enough to take you a couple of hours to complete. Buy and try out the game definitely recommend, it is 100% justifies its name.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Brain Break on Steam

Dungeon Arena

Dungeon Arena

Crappy repetitive game with no clear goal.

No Controller support.

There is not even a roguelike content. Just play, stay alive and die at the end with no reward or something.

Avoid at all cost.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Dungeon Arena is another asset flippy style construction kit/template ripoff from serial copy+paste “developers”, Enoops, who do nothing but pump out copies of game construction kit templates and dump them onto Steam and into cheap nasty game bundles as a cash grab. Dungeon Arena is no exception.

There’s ugly 2D retro pixel “art” in this 2D top down wave survival brawler pretending to be an RPG. Resolution and controls are locked. Instead of charging an insulting up-front fee for this shovelware garbage, Enoops have this time tried a different tack and are instead charging an insulting $8 for DLC to unlock all the samey “classes”.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Dungeon Arena on Steam

ENDLESS™ Dungeon

ENDLESS™ Dungeon

Endless Dungeon is a Rogue-lite Tactical Action game, set in the award-winning but often lethal Endless universe. Recruit a team of shipwrecked heroes, plunge into a long-abandoned space station, and protect your crystal against never-ending waves of monsters… or die trying, get reloaded, and try again.


Well, your ship is dead as a doornail and you’re stuck on some spatial station that went to the dogs back before they knew how to bark. There’s some folks been marooned here for decades, full of tall tales about what is and isn’t; stories about how you might get out – or how you might be stuck here pretty much forever… It’s all on you to figure out what’s happenin’, team up with some other castaways, and survive a brand spanking new story in the Endless universe.


You’d best check your gear and tighten your belt, because behind every door you open is a room that is nasty, new and different. But if you’ve got the right turrets, and got the right iron for the right target, and you use your special talents to hold off the monsters tryin' to chew your crystal, well, you might just live… to open the next door.


Round up your posse from a roster of “heroes” (that’s stretching the term) from all over the galaxy. Every one of these explorers, treasure hunters, and outlaws has their own tale to spin and their own… peculiarities. So head to the Saloon, equip your squad of three, and see if you can get to the core of the station in one more or less contiguous piece.


You can control the whole squad by your lonesome, or round up some friends to unlock the Station’s secrets – and see if you can manage to high tail it out of there together. Have you got the grit to escort the crystal solo, or would you rather test your tactical team survival skills through heaps of doors and herds of monsters?


You’re gonna mostly be concerned about the health of a rock. Yep, you heard me right. Because without those crystals the whole caboodle falls apart – literally. So ride herd on that crystal and say your prayers, ‘cause bugs, bots and blobs are waiting to bushwhack you around every corner.

ENDLESS™ Dungeon on Steam

Razenroth 2

Razenroth 2

I enjoyed Razenroth and this game escaped my wish list. Already I am seeing more improvements to the original along with content and story that hearken back to my many hours into the first one. Keep it up Enitvare you have a fan in me.

UPDATE: Game is still awesome.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Hey! I am a fellow indie game dev, We have been checking out random indie games on stream so if you want to see the gameplay of it check out here:

My review:

Things we liked:

-I liked the art style and general feel of the game.

-Gameplay was really fun and wasn’t confusing to figure out what was happening

-Randomness and replayability of the game. I can very easily see myself putting a ton of hours into this game.

-The leaderboards are really fun.

-I liked the different characters and abilities.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Razenroth 2 on Steam

Castle Heck

Castle Heck

Castle Heck is a procedurally generated dungeon crawler that combines elements you love from Metroidvania with the chaos of Enter the Gungeon. You’ve arrived with several adventurers into a place not quite as bad as Hell – but Heck! Fight through the dungeon and face your inner demons to escape. Select a hero and melee and magic your way through 5 levels of Heck for a chance of redemption. The enemies you face will be the most slightly menacing and mild mannered enemies you will ever have the pleasure of encountering.

Playable characters: Playable characters include those that although haven’t lived a sinful life, yet have not lived the most pristine life either, including, a used car salesman with the most deceitful of used car sales tactics. Use their unique skills to help survive through all levels of Heck.

Weapons: Over hundreds of custom weapons to find and unlock. From infernal flame swords to impotently weak poisonous knuckles, you’ll find epic loot and just some plain stupid as you traverse through the Levels of Heck.

Combat: Imagine Dark Souls but in top down. Combat is skill based and requires players to perfect their timing with perfect dodges, shielding and backstabs. Roll your way to victory!

Heck: Heck contains 5 mind-numbingly difficult levels all procedurally generated to ensure a unique experience for every new run. Complete all levels for a chance of redemption, but fail and perish and you must start all over! But don’t fret! Unlocks and secrets you find through your adventure of Heck will remain with you to help you along in your grueling quest towards vindication.

Castle Heck on Steam

Dungeon Core

Dungeon Core


Dungeon Core is in many ways like Enter The Gungeon. A cute little top down dungeon crawler with roguelike elements sprinkled in. It borrows from ETG in a few aspects with the shop and the overall feel but it does many things equal or better. Sure you could find a “super rare” gun but if its only rated D and you’ve got a weapon rated B is it worth swapping out? Then you have to think about the tech upgrades you have +10 health and +25% shot power to +50% reload time it really can be a difficult choice to make. It has kept me coming back for over 7 hours so far. (I only recently bought it) and it’ll keep me interested for many more.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

Decent rogue-lite with a solid foundation when it comes to gameplay and visual clarity, that being said, it takes good ideas from other games and adds nothing unique to the formula, which is fine unless you like me and looking for more innovation in the genre. I would like to see more active abilities, perhaps in a form of sub-weapons with a cooldown, right now you are limited to alternating between 2 weapons. It does not have a ton of content, but the difficulty of the last section will keep you grinding for stats. There are many temporary and permanent upgrades, granted most of them are passive or have a passive effect that triggers under certain condition, which again, is not an active ability that I can use. So far the weapons are not very exciting, while you can get the generic arsenal from pistols to lasers, I am yet to find anything that really stands out.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Dungeon Core on Steam