Paw Paw Paw

Paw Paw Paw

Disclaimer: A copy of this game was provided by the publisher.

Paw Paw Paw is a beat em up about the Antipants revolution inspired by Castle Crashers.

Most of the combat revolves around staggering, both the player and the enemies can repetitively attack to keep their enemy from taking action. Early in the game, the enemies take a lot of hits until the damage is upgraded. Surprisingly destroying chests/trees and other destructibles that drop items take too many hits. Some later enemies and bosses can’t be staggered which makes them challenging.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Action-Adventure Games.

Personally enjoyed this game A TON! If you enjoyed Castle Crashers back in the day, this game will give you a decent reminder of all the excitement that came within that game! Not only are there multiple characters to play as, but also classes to choose from that each have their own benefits. Each class has a few characters that “match” that class in which these said characters will have the same abilities. This game is great for those who like to play Local Multiplayer! Got some friends to play over Remote Play? This game is compatible with that too! The game doesn’t get any easier with more people, but it does become more enjoyable as a group! Personal favorite class is Barbarian (Slow hitter, but HEAVY DAMAGE!!!). Classes reach a certain point and get an “Upgrade” to make the abilities is even BETTER! I say it many times, and I’ll say it again, this game reminds me a TON of Castle Crashers, but I feel like the concept was even BETTER than before!

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Paw Paw Paw on Steam

Death Tales

Death Tales

After 4 hours of gameplay here are my thoughts.

The game is visually stunning and amazing to look at. I thought the colors would be weird, but it flows and is captivating. The art style is both whimsical and creepy at the same time. The soundtrack and sounds are not overpowering and very thematic (as a content creator I turn them down a bit for streams & vods but for normal play you don’t need to). Mechanically the gameplay is smooth and the challenge is appropriate. You will get lost in the gameplay and be drawn into the world. The equipment choices and power ups allow for a variety of playstyles - scythes, hoods, armor and spells are plentiful and have all sorts of fun uses. Speedrunners can run through areas once just to collect gear to give them an edge, and completionists can run a stage multiple times to collect all of the rewards. There are also events, shops and quests to add to the depth.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Co-op Games.

Hack and slash you way through a colorful world of Fantasy and platforms with over 40 pieces of armor and gear (my favorite is the Unicorn set which I now have 2 parts of!!)

You are a new Reaper gone rogue and you will fight different creatures in epic color!

The levels and the different scythes,armors and enemies with there one effects/abilities! I LOVED IT!

I loved every second of it, I will play this a lot! Thank you so much for making a game that I fell in love with after 5 min of starting it! STUNNING!!

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

Death Tales on Steam

Magic Rampage

Magic Rampage

fun old school style game

Real player with 119.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Magic Games.

nice game to relax, adventure game that is simple and pleasant to play.

Real player with 99.7 hrs in game

Magic Rampage on Steam

1/2 Red Riding Hood

1/2 Red Riding Hood

Very Enjoyable Experience!

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

This game was made with love! The passion is true! Definitely an unique journey worth to see for yourself!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

1/2 Red Riding Hood on Steam

Battle Sad Boy

Battle Sad Boy

amazing :))

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

If you want to unfriend or simply let someone know you don’t like them, in a most hateful of ways…leave this steaming pile of dog turds on their Steam Library doorstep.

The controls, if they actually work…made this boy very sad? The jump button just simply stops working on level 2, making you have to restart, over and over, until it, by chance, decides to work long enough to complete the level.

Thankfully, it worked on the 3rd level…too bad the level itself is glitched all to hell.

I can’t figure out if the devs are just sadistic worshipers of the unholy, attempting to spread anger and rage across the land. or if they actually tried…and unlike the Engine that could….they in fact, could not…make a game worth playing.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Battle Sad Boy on Steam

Gun Witch

Gun Witch


I don’t like the pixel art, the jokes fall flat, you can’t mute the music the controls are annoying and you can’t change them, the story was ass, the boss battles were simple, you can’t aim your attacks, the bats were the only remotely challenging enemy, health potions were too powerful, mana potions were too weak, the randomised stats could make you really weak or way too strong, you can get stuck in an are near the parkour section witch made it necessary for me to start from the beginning, i was level 30 on my first playthrough with only 68 health and did 36 damage with the starter weapon, 2nd playthrough level 19 145 health 76 damage on my starter, the random stats break the game, the ending was unsatisfying, the 4th wall breaks were lazy.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

It’s a short game about a girl named Beretta, who wants to be a gun witch wich doesn’t sound too bad for a story but…

the reason I can’t reccomend it is because of how boring it gets after you played half through the game.

The first half of this game is fine, as you shoot monsters and gain experience points while doing the quests. But later you will find yourself just going to other people and talking to them over and over again.

It just kinda changes the game for me. The level system is also a bit messed up. You never know, if you are going to end the game with lots of health and a weak weapon or a strong weapon but with little health. Everytime it’s completly random.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Gun Witch on Steam

Inverse Evolver

Inverse Evolver

Inverse Evolver - Just a roguelite.


Human body modification technology is invented in 20xx. Through the use of modified organs implanted in the bodies, human beings obtain power and wisdom beyond physical limitations.

In 2127, this technology is already very mature. Depending on it, science, technology, society, and art no longer have the bottleneck. All of these usher in explosive development.

Ninety-nine percent of human beings have taken part in the modification process. They call themselves “cyborg”. But they are so wrapped up in the benefits of the technology that they don’t realize the crisis is imminent. Their thinking modules are attacked and controlled by the central system of the modification, which is called “the Heaven Brain”. So the cyborgs all lost their infinite power. They become the puppets of the Heaven Brain and force the original people who have not been transformed to do the so-called modified surgery.

To defend against this crisis, the original people establish an underground basement, the “Inverse Evolvers.” They hope to be able to protect themselves against the cyborgs there.

The powerful cyborgs became puppets, while the weak original people take on the task of saving humanity.

Without modification, there is no strength to fight, but with modification, there is a slow loss of humanity. What’s your choice?

Inverse Evolver on Steam

Shikari Rising

Shikari Rising

Better prepare yourselves to die!

Shikari is tagged as “souls-like” and although I have only played a few of the Dark Souls games, this is the first game in the “souls-like” category in this graphical look that I have played.

You had better keep your focus here as one too many wrong moves and you will die, enemies in groups are brutal and some lone enemies are quite formidable, and bosses hit heavy and can hold their own no problem.

This is in early access and although I have not made the best progress over 12ish hours in game….the current development of Shikari Rising as it is now seems very stable, I have had no crashes, no bugs big enough that I have noticed to alert me, minor things that with time could be sorted out “looking below” is the only action that does not seem to do anything for now or yet, but that is not game breaking at all, and there is quite a bit to enjoy here for a early access game, despite a lot of dying, I am enjoying the game!

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

Both the visuals/animations and music of Shikari Rising are already really lovely. As a fan of monsters, I love their design.

I’m not too good at these kinda games, and still need to practice more, but I’m enjoying it a lot; it’s very fun and quite difficult. I recommend it to anyone who’s looking for a challenge. :)

I’ve also encountered no bugs so far, and that’s a huge plus.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Shikari Rising on Steam

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure

Forgive me if this is not professional looking, I am not one to do reviews. But for this game, I’d like to tell about the game and help spread word of it.

Gurumin is a light-hearted and colorful adventure that was first released on the Christmas of 2004.

In this adventure, you play as Parin. The setting is Teise Town, where you move here to live with your grandfather while your parents travel abroad for excavations. You get acquanted with the people in the town and then meet a girl who introduces herself and her brother as Pino and Puku, respectively. They then show you the way to the fabled Monster Village, where your adventure beings!

Real player with 107.3 hrs in game

With first impressions in mind, it may be hard to decide if buying the game would be worth it. Certainly I was not the only one that felt the same way after reading some of the reviews on this game. After choosing to buy it, there was no regrets to be felt as the game progressed.

The beginning can throw off gamers from seeing the true colors of this game. It almost felt like watching a cartoon with the ‘odd’ opening cutscene, full of characters you won’t be introduced fully to until later, playing right after the setting is introduced. It is unskippable so prepare to watch it and its entirety. Afterwards, feeling skeptical about the game is totally natural. Eventually, this notion is more than compensated with the game’s solid gameplay and attention to detail, specifically how the main character, Parin, reacts to people and the environment. As this game is a port from the PSP well over a decade ago, the developers certainly took the time to add in small details that made the game more enjoyable.

Real player with 99.6 hrs in game

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure on Steam

Recurring Dreams

Recurring Dreams

Recurring Dreams tells the tale of a lucid dreamer named Rath, who’s trapped in the dreamworld unable to wake up. There he finds a strange power that lets him connect with other dreamers, and he ventures forth to help them with their innermost anxieties while searching for his own path to awakening. Wielding the powers of lucidity, Rath faces off with their recurring nightmares to inspire courage and hope within them. Will he find his way back to reality? Find out by playing!

Experience fast-paced high-flying side-scrolling action while exploring the dreamworld! Try the free demo before buying to experience the smooth physics and controls for yourself. The game features customizable keyboard, gamepad, and touchscreen controls (touchscreen is only recommended for multitouch devices).

Recurring Dreams on Steam