Overlord - RPG Online Battle

Overlord - RPG Online Battle


We already SOLD and TRANSFER the entire OVERLORD game to the owner of the https://overlord.world/ website. For more information, please contact admin@overlord.world . Best regards,

Read More: Best Action RPG Battle Royale Games.

Overlord - RPG Online Battle on Steam

In Darkness

In Darkness

I’m liking this game so far. I rarely do reviews but I thought I would on this game. I thinks it’s quite unique and being a Ratling is different kind of character that personally like. Most evrything seems to be wrapped up pretty tight and the fact that it’s early access means more on the way. Keep up the good work.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Character Customization Games.

Camera feels very close to the ground and at a very steep angle, makes me feel like im staring at the dirt.

Please add an option for camera distance at least.

Also the first mission in the air ship is buggy as hell, keep getting stuck on nothing and dying.

Other than that, pretty good game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

In Darkness on Steam

That Role Playing

That Role Playing

While I do like a good throwback dungeon crawler, this game misses the mark on several levels. 1. There is no character progression, no equipment upgrades, etc. All you get is health and shields (which in the end are essentially the same thing) 2. The game starts out difficult, but should progress from easy (to get you used to the developers style) and get harder. 3. The integration of reverse polish notation math questions in order to progress in the game is downright whack.

What I did like were the sound effects, some made me laugh. The general concept is good but needs to fix/add what I posted above. You can leave the graphics as is, I like the 1980’s Ultima-ish style.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Puzzle Games.

Great game allowed me to remember very good moments. It seems easy but it actually very tricky. And I learned a new word. I recommend everyone to try it!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

That Role Playing on Steam

Baldo: The Guardian Owls

Baldo: The Guardian Owls

6th Sept, 2021

This game is really fantastic, the gameplay is very long which makes the adventures VERY EXCITED + the price is VERY WORTH to get this game. if you buy a game which cost $10-20 but it only finished in 4-10 hours, what do you feel about the game? Anyway Puzzles/Riddles are very hard, so it’s really challenging. Issues about bugs, I agree that this game has bugs. But so far it doesn’t affecting the main storyline, while you play the game, the game creator also works to fix these bugs. So YES! I still recommend it, just to warn you that the puzzles is really SUPER HARD, be sure to prepare your heart to take up this challenge.

Real player with 80.0 hrs in game

This game should have been recommendable with it’s low price, Zelda like game play, and Studio Ghibli like art design but instead it’s terrible.

First off the main map gives no details for each zone. The quests are anyone’s guess since they rarely give any hints as to what to do and the only way you can even get a hint is through the library option in the Rodia town and you have to pay for those hints and since getting money in this game can be tediously long, good luck with that. Also something to note is essential items required to go further in the game are made extremely difficult to find because of the vague nature of the quests. Like for example you don’t even get a sword until you do a dungeon first and you can find yourself being cornered by enemies with no means of offense throughout the dungeon and unless you are really paying attention to the text, you won’t even be aware of that fact until you complete the dungeon.

Real player with 73.7 hrs in game

Baldo: The Guardian Owls on Steam

Old Gods

Old Gods

Old Gods is an RPG with battles, puzzles, a beautiful game world and many interesting characters.

Fight your way through caves with lava, old castles or dark forests. But you won’t get very far on your own - only in pairs can you manage to fulfill the task of the creator and thereby possibly get your life back.

Co-op Game

The game can only be played with 2 players. You can play as a couch co-op or via Steam Remote Play Together.


You wake up in a place called nirvana. An old lady wants you to transfer your soul to a company so that you can then be assigned to heaven or hell. You slowly realize that you may have died. But this is only the beginning of your misfortune. The machine that should assign you goes crazy and the video call with the rulers of heaven and hell escalates. Your soul roll tears apart and everything trembles. Your eyes go black and two voices ring out in your head. The creators have a special task for you: bring down the gods! You wake up but you are no longer yourself… you are two people now….



Mimi is a truly rare creature. She can easily shrink so small that she fits in your pocket. Mimi also has a truly unique accent that she adapted during her summer term at the duck school. Without Mimi, you would not get very far on your adventure.

Next Character coming soon…

Old Gods on Steam

ENDLESS™ Dungeon

ENDLESS™ Dungeon

Endless Dungeon is a Rogue-lite Tactical Action game, set in the award-winning but often lethal Endless universe. Recruit a team of shipwrecked heroes, plunge into a long-abandoned space station, and protect your crystal against never-ending waves of monsters… or die trying, get reloaded, and try again.


Well, your ship is dead as a doornail and you’re stuck on some spatial station that went to the dogs back before they knew how to bark. There’s some folks been marooned here for decades, full of tall tales about what is and isn’t; stories about how you might get out – or how you might be stuck here pretty much forever… It’s all on you to figure out what’s happenin’, team up with some other castaways, and survive a brand spanking new story in the Endless universe.


You’d best check your gear and tighten your belt, because behind every door you open is a room that is nasty, new and different. But if you’ve got the right turrets, and got the right iron for the right target, and you use your special talents to hold off the monsters tryin' to chew your crystal, well, you might just live… to open the next door.


Round up your posse from a roster of “heroes” (that’s stretching the term) from all over the galaxy. Every one of these explorers, treasure hunters, and outlaws has their own tale to spin and their own… peculiarities. So head to the Saloon, equip your squad of three, and see if you can get to the core of the station in one more or less contiguous piece.


You can control the whole squad by your lonesome, or round up some friends to unlock the Station’s secrets – and see if you can manage to high tail it out of there together. Have you got the grit to escort the crystal solo, or would you rather test your tactical team survival skills through heaps of doors and herds of monsters?


You’re gonna mostly be concerned about the health of a rock. Yep, you heard me right. Because without those crystals the whole caboodle falls apart – literally. So ride herd on that crystal and say your prayers, ‘cause bugs, bots and blobs are waiting to bushwhack you around every corner.

ENDLESS™ Dungeon on Steam

Stones of Harlath

Stones of Harlath


One of the best VR Experiences I’ve found, the game doesn’t try to be something it’s not. It feels like an Old School Retro modernized and made to immerse you.

There are always small things with new games that need improvements, but with this game it’s more of just QoL fixes, for example the Fire Places are extremely Loud and not connected to the Audio Settings, even with everything at the lowest and only Dialogue Volume up it still over powers the Dialogue Audio I’ve experienced, as well as the Crypt that you’re sent into by Friar Lyle, the end boss has Whispers that are also extremely loud not connected to Audio Settings, if it went away when you killed him it would not only be a QoL fix but improve Immersion.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

pretty good and stuff

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Stones of Harlath on Steam

The Immortal

The Immortal

This version is utterly disappointing, I was hoping for a much better experience than the console versions I played long ago. Honestly I played the Genesis version about a year ago so it is even more painful this PC versions lack of execution. Most of the interactions with enemies are barely as enthralling as the Sega Genesis or N.E.S. ports of the game, lots of missing dialog. The gore and fatalities in the Genesis version are strangely absent which makes me upset I sold that one thinking a PC let alone Steam edition would be the true experience…I was sadly mistaken. There is no options to change anything (including resolution), no save/load ability, no enhancements, no play this or that version of the game. Combat is slower than the Genesis also and there are no grunts or cries of pains when attacks land. Surprisingly the consoles music sounds better somehow too which shouldn’t be possible! PLEASE AVOID THIS WAS A SHAMEFUL CASH GRAB NOT A RELEASE THAT RESPECTED THE FANS!!!!!!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The Immortal on Steam

Nasty Rogue

Nasty Rogue

Hello game dev!

You’ve made a pretty fun game, honestly I would recommend it, though right now I feel maybe the price is a bit too high for what you get, though achievement hunting and trying all 3 classes definitely pads the play time a bit.

With that said though, your Hardcore Achievement seems to be bugged right now, I heard from someone it only works on slot one? I made my first character on slot one, normal difficulty, and made my second, a rogue, on the second slot hardcore mode, got to the very end and no achievement?

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

I think this game has a huge future!

I saw the game on one stream, decided to download a pirate and watch the game, after playing 6 hours passed completely, then decided to go to steam and see if the game is developing and was very pleasantly surprised to learn that it’s just an alpha!As a result, I bought the game in steam, and re-passed on the expert at 100%

and I’m going to re-try the game on hardcore after adding a character slot!


1 nice voxel graphics

2 good sound

3 interesting but still unfinished combat system (Dark souls + Trove)

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Nasty Rogue on Steam



A lot of people have given negative reviews because the game changed quite dramatically, which actually was a good thing because it became more original. Also, the devs very quickly addressed the main issue of it needing combat for items.

But yeah, we were all confused and lost when version 0.4 launched, as it was a completely different experience, and none of us had a clue what to do.

Right now there is no story, no tutorial, no guide and completely bonkers monsters. But it’s a survival game, not an RPG.

Real player with 77.0 hrs in game

After doing a live stream on this game for 5+ hours I fell in love with it, I really hated it at first because players kept joining our co op session and killing us, after a while they stopped joining and we were able to craft explore and survive together, The game information says it’s online Co-Op but it’s not. it’s more like Co-Op PVP because you can’t set up a private session for just your friends. The crafting is easy once you get used to the menu however there are a few things I would like to see changed like when you hit E to loot a box and have to press I to close your menu, Why not E to open and E to close? The game in my opinion is well worth $10 Dollars maybe even $14.99 I had a few building issues when you build at the beginning you have to follow the quests and if you over build without the quest it doesn’t count and you have to do it over. that’s one thing that could be updated, I love the fact if you do die you can run back to your stuff, sometimes you lose things but it’s a good thing you get to get something back instead of starting over. some items are hard to find if you don’t bother looking things up which I didn’t because I was streaming the game and didn’t want to bother with it, I absolutely love the game mechanics and the layout of the game, hopefully they keep updating things and adding new stuff. I would like to see a way to sleep to make it morning faster so we don’t have to work in the dark as much. overall this game rocks in my opinion good job Developers this game is a winner in my opinion.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

ScrewUp on Steam