Aura Kingdom 2

Aura Kingdom 2

First off bugs everywhere. From players getting stuck and becoming invisible after exiting a dungeon. Or becoming an eidolon or a monster from a dungeon. Lost or reduced EP. Countless bugs since day 1 or its release and until now not yet fixed.

And then the RNG. Jesus Christ the RNG in here is fudging brutal. If you dont love RNG or gachas then this game aint for you. RNG Gods will brutally beat the shit out of you here. Oh you have a fusion blueprint that is 80% success rate? Nah lets throw that and make it fail. I think success meant to be fail. 80% Fail. Gacha boxes have a horrible rate also. Everything is by chance in here and if youre unlucky then this game aint for you. Skill are nothing here. Money and luck is all you need in this Game.

Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Multiplayer Games.

Buyer beware!!

No support of any kind, one click and the avatar plays the game without any interference of the player, auto-attack kicking in at unwanted moments, random removal of our account key making us lose our avatars and progress, no refunds possible, program-technical issues, i.e. downloading the game from scratch, each time we play it, gatcha system that doesn’t grant us any fun items. A quest localizing system that is broken; it only shows us the direction to the quests when we auto-track, so right when it is not relevant anymore to figure the direction out anymore.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Aura Kingdom 2 on Steam

Swords of Legends Online

Swords of Legends Online

This game is worth playing if you want to get into it seriously. Contrary to popular belief if one wishes to play this game on a casual level and not pursue mastery I’d avoid playing so this review will not focus on that audience.


Engine - This game uses the Havoc engine, which is terrible. You can be using the best hardware on the market and your game play experience won’t be entirely smooth. There are ways around this to have a smooth performance in PvE Raid & instanced PvP environments. The game will be updating to Unreal Engine 4 in a few years.

Real player with 856.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Open World Games.

I am the guild leader of one of the last standing OCE/SEA guilds in this game and also one of the highest DPS/Healing Bards.

Publishers (GameForge) of this game are a let down, there is a disconnect of understanding between them and the players and also they do not appear to have an understanding of how to keep their own game alive and what is best for the game.

BAD TRANSLATION - They did a poor job in translating the game, including skills and stats which leaves players confused on how to maximise/optimise each class, this is quite important due to end game raid content being extremely difficult (DPS checks, mechanic checks, enrage timers, etc). There is literally no guide or tutorial for so many things in this game that people have had to go and translate Chinese content (e.g. the card game, skill rotations, stat guides) and GAMEFORGE have not fixed or addressed any of it to this date.

Real player with 841.5 hrs in game

Swords of Legends Online on Steam



Metin2… Old korean grinding MMO. Only name of this game and soundtrack in first location “enter the east” fill my heart with warm. Yeah, it’s all about nostalgia. I still love this game through many years. But now, let’s be honest and write about this game objectively without good feelings. This game, perhaps, one of the worst game in MMO genre. Literally, pay 2 play system which kills all, absolutely terrible grinding (you will waste months and years to get to the top without donation), game also as many others suffer from cheaters. I don’t recommend this game to anyone, except entirely clear people who never play MMO and want to try. This game is ♥♥♥♥, yeah, but really simple to learn and this is single advantage of this game.

Real player with 2018.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Multiplayer Games.

If you are looking at this game because you remember playing it a long time ago then let me save you the time. The game has barely changed since its peak days back in the mid to late 2000s. There is new items, the level cap is raised, Inflation hit this game economy hard, and there is a few new places but they are more like dt runs for higher level players… Nothing new worth coming back for….


Do you have a severe gambling addiction? No? Would you like to?

Real player with 886.3 hrs in game

Metin2 on Steam

Mirage Online Classic

Mirage Online Classic

The game has one of highest toxic community I have ever seen, those people publicly admitted to using bugs to take advantage of the game instead of reporting them, the content is very short right now and there is a balance issue as well as it needs a lot of quality of life improvement.

The game in overall is based on action combat even thought there is a tab targetting that allows to use special class ability.

The leveling has absolutly no reward, only equipments matter, killing rats will give you more exp than doing dungeons.

Real player with 1542.9 hrs in game

The game is pretty fun, still lots of content being worked on at the moment that’s yet to come in the game and there isn’t much benefit in playing hours and hours per day to the point it starts feeling like a chore so you can take your time with the game and be patient, go at your own pace. The community and people in discord are friendly and helpful as well, don’t hesitate to ask for advice.

Some people have been writing reviews about Zeus saying he’s toxic, but after playing for over 300 hours and frequently with all of the other active players, this hasn’t been the case at all and he even changed my name for free with the exception I was new, which wasn’t an offered service. Both the devs are nice people and they have a discord you can join to talk with the community and make suggestions for the game which they are very open to.

Real player with 314.3 hrs in game

Mirage Online Classic on Steam

Royal Revolt II

Royal Revolt II

build your base, level your king, take people’s gold.. seems simple enough but smooth gameplay, decent graphics, events and tons of unlockable things make this super addictive.

you can easily play for free but i would still reccomend spending $5-10 early on to get a bundle of extra attack slot, extra spell slot, extra worker and the worker/gem bundle. they only offer it early on so don’t wait on that… also if you have friends playing it u can only use friend codes before level 10 i believe to get all the free currency from that.

Real player with 628.5 hrs in game

Many upgradable and customizable things. It has much depth.

Gameplay seems simple in earlygame, but should be okay in endgame.

P2W? Well, you can use gems for almost everything, but you can earn gems for free (events, tournaments, random rolls etc…), and what you can do with gems won’t affect gameplay, except some extra spell you can cast by spending gems.

Purchasing gems is very expensive and i doubt a rich person would spend so much to cast many spell. And gems you earn for free are enough to cast spells,

Real player with 215.4 hrs in game

Royal Revolt II on Steam



Leafling itself is a interesting game to say the least. The concept of it is great, really well thought out and over all a great game. The people who run the game are a COMPLETELY different story. The fact that they can ban you for simply asking for ETA (82 days waiting on 3 items.) on custom items that you have paid for is beyond me. They give you timelines of when you should be expecting them and fall back on those promises. They continue to “forget” to give people items that they have paid for(when they have the items apparently finished) and then blame the customer for “back charging”. It is clear to me why people who have purchased those items back charge as you simply just do not get what you paid for. Would love to support the game and see it grow but with developers such as Aesthetic make the game so unplayable due to her toxic mindset is just disgusting. It really pains me to have to leave such a negative review but the things that happened regarding Aesthetic just make the whole experience a dumpster fire.

Real player with 591.0 hrs in game


▢ My 90 year old grandma could play it

▢ Easy


▢ Hard

▢ Impossible

It gets harder while you get better gear and level up, so perfect combination.


▢ What is this?

▢ Meh

▢ Good

✅ Great

▢ Beautiful

▢ Masterpiece

▢It was a game?

The graphics are really good for a 2d game it’s not crowded and nothing seems out of place, there are also night and day cycles, something that is really nice. And sun rays to shine down on you gives a calm vibe.


▢ Bad

Real player with 336.3 hrs in game

Leafling on Steam

Lost Ark

Lost Ark

The game is in a storytelling marvel, and offers so much content that you could fill an entire day with Lost Ark alone and still have plenty left over to do. While we are in Alpha testing I will hold off on making any comments as a final review - but, in the interim I will say I have been enjoying the game so, so much. While Amazon Games has stumbled in the past with past titles, I feel they will do a good job publishing the title for a western audience. Cheers to the staff who have worked around the clock, and cheers to the community who has waited tirelessly since they heard about the game for it’s arrival to the west. We made it, lads. ♥

Real player with 46.0 hrs in game

Had been looking at this game since it released in Korean and am so excited that it’s finally releasing in NA. After playing the technical alpha, I’m hooked! The combat is fun and engaging. While very similar to the Diablo games, the combat in this game also features chain attacks or combos (depending on the class you’re playing). The story is compelling enough to keep your interest (although I powered through it to avoid spoiling anything major for the full release) and the environments are beautiful and interesting.

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Lost Ark on Steam

Dead Event

Dead Event

after playing the game for about 35 hoursi decided to write a revieuw

The world kinda sucks u into it and its rather addictive game wich is created by a solo dev who actualy listens to the comunity balance wise and if u have some nice ideas the game keeps getting updated regulary whit balance fixxed and content being added tldr of what the game is like u are a monster on a alien world where u are trying to survive by killing other players / npc’s foor either loot or materials as there’s a equipment system wich is ever growing new stuff being added its rather a grind to find the perfect items u like for ur build as there’s alot of freedom in how u build ur monster stats wise but also gear wise its not straight forward as equip is all rng onwhat affixes it has wich makes every monster unique already but to top it off there is also a skill system wich add another layer to debt of ur monster and uniqueness

Real player with 73.8 hrs in game

HELLO n_n some ideas to make this game more fun

-Some enemies travel in group ( the queen spider can have 4 or 5 little or mid spider around for example )

-Add more efects to attacks only we can see bites and punches

-Put 1 river in the map or more water resources (i die many times because i couldnt find water TT_TT )

-The map is big, but you can make more bigger??

-Nest or spawn of creatures ( put some caves or ruins like dungeons can be GREAT )

-Random generated events ( like alien invasion or earthquakes can make holes in the ground and spawn creatures

Real player with 35.9 hrs in game

Dead Event on Steam

Reign of Darkness

Reign of Darkness

Disclaimer: I have over 255+ hours into this game and truly enjoyed this passion project. I have been power leveled, done countless dungeon grinds, tanked, dps, healed in groups. This is a critical review from an experienced player who has taken a 5+ month break and come back with a fresh character. I have also supported the developer by purchasing in game items.

As of 10/16/2020 I could not recommend this game to any new player. Between the not so friendly leveling experience to low player base. This group centric game just misses out on the party experience. There are not many active players to support leveling from 1 to 100,to even consider leveling with others, via a dungeon. Plus there is not even enough quests/mobs in the world (Outside dungeons) to get you to 100, if you went solo.

Real player with 346.3 hrs in game

AS OF 12/14/2020

As Ive played this over the year I had grown blind to what this game offers and ignored red flags with the games developments over the span of my playtime. Currently the devs are working hard on the game to push out lots of content rather than balancing and bug fixing. As more Content is released the less polished the game looks from when I first started playing with fresh Awe-struck eyes.

The quests are dull, unoriginal, and lazy, with the dialogue for them being the most bland and uninteresting I’ve ever come across in an mmo. The newest quest additions become a game of “Where’s Waldo”, looking for a hidden object in the open world. These quests tell no story and seem to be there just to be there so they can advertise “Many quests” When in reality there are no more than 35ish lackluster/ boring quests in general. Lore and story are no where in sight and tells no actual story as of right now.

Real player with 256.0 hrs in game

Reign of Darkness on Steam

AdventureQuest 3D

AdventureQuest 3D

You’ll probably only like this game if you enjoyed AQW.

The EXP curve is terrible, even if it’s supposed to compensate for the low level cap. You’ll get to the point where if you want to level up, you’ll have to grind certain dungeons a bunch of times, not to mention that they give far less EXP than story missions (which you probably can’t do if you are grinding the dungeons for EXP in the first place).

The graphics are nice, with it being capped at 60 fps. Everything has good brightness (loving me that bloom). I’m also glad that there’s actually sound effects in this game. That spawn-in sound effect is kind of annoying, though.

Real player with 178.4 hrs in game

Play it if:

-you’re bored

-you have played other AE games,

-you dont mind a grind

-you can keep in mind its early access, and not a polished product.

Dont play it if:

-you dont like grinds

-you need a story to get behind (ashfall might change this I guess, we will see)

-you are looking for the best looking game out there… (you can however use Reshade -, and tone down the saturation, add in some better FXAA, add better bloom, and add some sharpening.)

Compared to other AE games, this one seems promising, but will need some good content to really convince me its a game worth sticking with. as of now, it has seemed pretty one dimensional, however that is expected, as the devs work through making their first 3D game. promising concept guys, just follow through :D

Real player with 150.5 hrs in game

AdventureQuest 3D on Steam