

Have you ever felt like living through the 2019-2020 school year?

I sure hope you haven’t. But now you can simulate living through it! The school year starts off unsuspectingly enough, but you very quickly realize that the town’s mafia is controlling people through an unseen world. As Sophomore John Smith, it’s your job to infiltrate the mafia’s bases with your friends and take down the evil lurking in broad daylight.

There’s a story to be told

You’re not going to be facing the same cut and dry school year like you used to. Taking down the 21st century mafia isn’t an easy task for a Sophomore, after all. Don’t like reading? Some scenes are voice acted!

Action based combat

Live in the moment! Fight your way through the mafia’s ranks with real time combat. From sword fighters to gun slingers to robotic mech users and more, your friends have your back throughout the whole journey.

The mafia isn’t the only threat you’re facing!

If you enjoy living, you better hit the books! As a student, you have to keep up with your school life, social life, AND mafia life. If you thought the mafia was scary, just wait and see what happens when you don’t do your homework! Most importantly, you need to be there for your friends.

Work on yourself outside of battle

Fighting enemies isn’t the only way to become stronger in this game. You can take a well-deserved break from combat by playing some computer games to make more equipment to use in battle. There’s even a skill tree you can customize! Or perhaps you’d wish to train with your allies directly…?

New Game Plus!


Read More: Best Action RPG Third Person Games.

Angelwood on Steam

[International] Absented Age: Squarebound

[International] Absented Age: Squarebound

Surprised this game didn’t get more reviews.

This game plays somewhat like a Mystery Dungeon game, but at the same time an action RPG.

First of all, when you start the game you are greeted with an extensive options menu. You are able to optimize the game’s screen and sound by quite a bit, which feels really neat. Once you start in the game, it immediately brings you to it’s gameplay. The gameplay consists on moving around the field, when encountering enemies, you have the options of attacking head-front or performing counter attacks when they turn yellow, which happens when they attack you and miss.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Action Roguelike Games.

When I heard vgperson translated it, I figured I’d give it a chance. (He translated a bunch of horror games like Ib, The Witch’s House, Mad Father…). And this is pretty good so far! Maybe a “One Way Heroics” meets “Card Captor Sakura” meets RPGmaker? No? Well, others will describe it better. I’ll just say check out the demo if it sounds curious to you. Maybe a proper review after I finish the game.

PS: the developers have been silently and quickly patching every issue I’ve encountered. They must be ninjas.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

[International] Absented Age: Squarebound on Steam

This Starry Void

This Starry Void

This Starry Void is a sci-fi dungeon crawler set in a space-craft found mysteriously adrift near Saturn. Guide a remote-controlled robot through the vessel, fighting off the horrors encountered there in your search for survivors. Inspired by the first-person dungeon crawlers of the 1980s and 90s, This Starry Void focuses on a single character to create a new level of tactical combat.

Face-to-face with an incomprehensible power, what choice would you have made?

Read More: Best Action RPG Action-Adventure Games.

This Starry Void on Steam

The Dungeons of Castle Madness

The Dungeons of Castle Madness

Love this game! The goal is to get through all the areas and confront the Baron in Castle Madness.

There are a few puzzles here and there and in some areas you have to be very eagled eyed or you might miss something really good ;-)

My only tip is - talk to the characters, you might learn a thing or two!

Real player with 197.3 hrs in game

I’m enjoying this game quite a bit. Combat is fun, especially with some of the newer updates that have been pushed out by the devs. It seems to be a harder game if you want to play as a pure wizard but then maybe I’m just better as a warrior type or some type of blend in between. The retro look works well, on some levels better than others, and there can be a few frame rate issues sometimes but nothing too bad. The game seems to be getting frequent updates so I think any issues will get resolved (if they haven’t been already). The new gem bag is great, it means less items taking up space in the backpack. The crafting skills do pay off in this game so I’d add a point or two into them as you level up. All things considered I would say, recommended. And good value, too. I’ve still got a long way to go before I finish it.

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

The Dungeons of Castle Madness on Steam

Aeon of Sands - The Trail

Aeon of Sands - The Trail

Aeon of Sands is an unconventional dungeon crawler with a unique aesthetic, witty writing and gameplay that will challenge even the most seasoned player.

The action takes place across a large number of dungeons reachable via a world map which is vaguely reminiscent of some older games in the genre (SSI Gold Box games / Realms of Arkania). However not all locations are accessible in a single playthrough with many areas being accessible only if you make certain choices, have certain objects or party members. The “dungeons” are not strictly underground complexes either but include cities, outdoor areas, installations, etc…

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

In short the game is nice, but it has many annoying shortcomings.

I liked:

  • the world and its spotty lore, it is well done.

  • the retro graphic is exactly i was hoped for.

  • quest story is not so great. I expected something more heroic, but it fits well into the world setting.

  • dungeons are large and full of illusion walls and secret buttons. It is fun to find them, but also it is mandatory, so it could be frustrating on long run.

I didn’t like in UI:

  • text descriptions was artistic but strange, like it was written by a non-english writer.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Aeon of Sands - The Trail on Steam



Archaelund is a roleplaying game with deep classic roots but also exciting innovations to bring you the ultimate adventure.

  • Exploration as you remember it: you can play Archaelund your own way. Take your party of adventurers through a vast open world and explore as you wish, find awesome secrets and run into unexpected trouble, get involved in conflicts or just pursue your own goals and discover what lies beyond the horizon.

  • Unique dual perspective: just as the best classics did, you’ll be able to explore the world of Archaelund in immersive first-person, wondering what lies behind each corner of the dungeon. When combat starts, the view seamlessly changes to top-down perspective, and you’ll issue orders to your party, placing them over a battle grid to face your enemies in a deeply strategic turn-based combat.

  • Deep and engaging character progression: a career-based system will have your characters start out as street ruffians, squires, hunters or even beggars; later on you can move into new career, including advanced ones like Knight, Loreseeker, Assassin or Battlemage. A character might leave behind its humble origins, but those days might bring in unique talents to your advantage!

  • Deadly battles with a focus on strategy: a non-inflationist, bounded system will ensure that every battle matters, and every opponent is scary. When your characters advance in levels, you’ll gain new tactical options to defeat your enemies, not just increased numbers.

  • An expansive world, handcrafted in detail: Archaelund is big enough to lose yourself in; yet everywhere you go you’ll meet people to talk to, unique quests to complete, mysteries to solve and, of course, battles to fight and treasures to loot.

Background: the Fall and the Exile

The Andorian Empire united the whole human race under the same proud banner for millenia, until a magical cataclysm brought the Horrors from another world. The Empire and most of the human race was annihilated in just a few days; only a few hundred ships could escape to the savage island of Varannar, a distant imperial colony beyond the western ocean. The refugees endured the hardships and tried to rebuild their old civilization, but never again stood united under the Imperial banner.

The newly founded Exiled Kingdoms bore the scars of the Fall, each of them in a different way. Varsilia, the mightiest and noblest of the Kingdoms, became grotesquely obsessed over Imperial history and preserving its traditions. Ilmarans turned into fanatical zealots of a new faith, while in Thuram, the remnants of the Imperial Wizards established a magocracy that disregards all matters except the arcane, and quickly declined into endogamy. On the west, the Kingdom of Mercia had emerged from the surviving Imperial Legions, establishing a nightmarish rule based on slavery and arbitrary discipline.

The four Kingdoms held irreconcilable views and ambitions, and locked together in a small and hostile land as they were, they often plotted against each other or even clashed openly in the battlefield. It seemed as if a perpetual cycle of war, famine and misery would become mankind’s unavoidable fate.

Archaelund, mankind’s new frontier

The future of the Kingdoms, however, brightened up generations later when a sea route to the old continent of Andoria was discovered, and it was proved that the Horrors were no more. Most of the old continent appeared to be an uninhabitable wasteland, but finally a vast and fertile coastal region was found: Archaelund.

For the first time in a long time humanity left aside the old grudges and obsessions and looked up to the future. Expeditions were arranged, and thousands of colonists, soldiers, adventurers and rogues embarked to Archaelund. The promises of land, riches and Imperial relics excited the imagination and ambition of thousands, from mere farmers to noble second-sons.

The re-colonization of Archaelund went on but the Exiles had to face many obstacles they had not foreseen. The Horrors may be no more, but they left behind a scarred world where eldritch energies and warped monsters roam the lands, and imperial ruins are often an unpredictable arcane hazard. Conflict between the Kingdoms is still very alive, and to make things worse, a subterranean race called the Geldryn (once slaves to the Andorian Empire) now aspires to inherit the surface world, and raise against the Exiles with increasing might.

Despite all the dangers, Archaelund is still a land of adventure and opportunity. Just like many others before, your party of adventurers has finally saved up enough money to embark and sail East. The Silver Star has crossed the Andor Sea for two weeks, when you catch the first glimpse of the ancient land of your ancestors, unimpressed by its mundane visage. Little you suspect that, very soon, you’re going to get involved in a plot that traces back to the terror of the final days of the Empire, and now threatens to destroy the remnants of civilization…

Archaelund on Steam

Surprise Party!

Surprise Party!

oh my gosh idk where to start. its creepy and funny and weird and I just freaking LOVE IIITTTTT I HIGHLY recommend this game.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Was only able to suffer through a little over an hour of this. It’s got some good things going for it. I think the music is great and does most of the work to establish the atmosphere where the environments fails to. I think the uncommon enemy designs were solid, one of which being creepy and intriguing enough to get me to push through the vent section. Character designs aren’t dull and most have their own personalities right out the gate

The writing is…eh. The kids' dialogue was good, the adults' nothing special, and the villains often stumbled into vocabulary and phrasing right out of a creepypasta. A lot of clunky, over-establishing plot details without any grounding e.g. “mwahaha we’re going to do X to you” monologuing without any suggestion of expressing motive. It creates narrative dissonance as it’s unable to ingratiate itself with the narrative before their entrance

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Surprise Party! on Steam

That Role Playing

That Role Playing

While I do like a good throwback dungeon crawler, this game misses the mark on several levels. 1. There is no character progression, no equipment upgrades, etc. All you get is health and shields (which in the end are essentially the same thing) 2. The game starts out difficult, but should progress from easy (to get you used to the developers style) and get harder. 3. The integration of reverse polish notation math questions in order to progress in the game is downright whack.

What I did like were the sound effects, some made me laugh. The general concept is good but needs to fix/add what I posted above. You can leave the graphics as is, I like the 1980’s Ultima-ish style.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Great game allowed me to remember very good moments. It seems easy but it actually very tricky. And I learned a new word. I recommend everyone to try it!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

That Role Playing on Steam



Remember the old days playing on your Digimon at school, well this game reminds me of that.. but on my PC playing over the net with friends. I have it on in the background as I’m working or playing other games. I’m really enjoying it and look forward to updates the Dev’s are working on.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Simple, yet requires a lot of strategy to set up character builds. Fun to play and break. Remember O' Developer, the Beta Champion will one day beat you.

Also, I would recommend buying 11/10.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

CodeWalkers on Steam



It’s a terrific game. Fight Knight has a lot of uniqueness to it and doesn’t follow gaming trends much at all, beyond a bedrock of mostly old school foundations. A dungeon crawler with combat a bit like Punch Out and God Hand, it lacks almost all now standard progression mechanics and instead focuses on the actual game you play. Difficulty ramps about linearly, not many games can claim that, and it never becomes trivially easy. The bosses are highlights and the basic framework of combat and how enemies mix and match gives a lot of variety to encounters. The different gauntlets you equip are surprisingly different from one another and provide actually different playstyles as opposed to very minor moveset reworks.

Real player with 146.4 hrs in game

fight knight is an all around fantastic game. it’s a unique blend of dungeon crawling mixed with a first person punch em up.

the combat is a lot like God Hand; it’s challenging and has tons of situational moves you gotta use at the right time. there’s lots of enemy variety and encounters that kept me on my toes. the different weapon upgrades also each had different playstyles. i got filtered by a few bosses, but after changing strategies and equipment, i did eventually manage to beat them, which was intensely satisfying.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game