

In Gripper, androids celebrate “Burning Man” by burning humans. That’s why all inhabitants bear a physical injury of one sort or another. You and your deaf sister are no exceptions. The two of you live peacefully on a farm until someone comes and burns it down. Now, your sister is missing. All you have left is your car with a hook. The time to learn how to kill with it is running out.

  • Take on the journey of a hero named None and follow the voice of his sister — a deaf singer.

  • Tear your enemies apart with a hook and finish them with their own weapons.

  • Discover and rip away the hearts of 11 colossal bosses to gain new abilities.

  • Explore 11 bizarre biomes which will form a vast and majestic world right in front of your eyes.

  • Fly through 11 nightmarish tunnels to the beat of incredible tracks by KillTheBarber!, VEiiLA, Under This, Yamila, Mezzanine, pqQp.

  • Solve puzzles and decipher the codes of Garbage Collector to reconstruct the world history.

  • Immerse yourself into the retro-waves and tunes of mini rhythm games.

  • Collect all hidden statues to reveal the skeletons and tragedies of each character.

Gripper is our personal story of loss. We turned it into the game to let it go. We hope it will help you too.

Read More: Best Action RPG Action Roguelike Games.

Gripper on Steam

Night: Silent Killer

Night: Silent Killer

The story takes place in the overhead dimension [network]. You are night, a robot created by the master. The master gives you the power to protect the master who convenes the Ceremony. In the process of following the procedure, you know more and more about the host and the enemy. When the enemy of the master tells you what happened before you were “created”, which side will you choose when you get closer to the truth? You have a choice.

Main features

the truth

Each side has its own stand and different views on the same matter. Which side would you choose?

Play the role of a defender in a routine ceremony, or an enemy who brings chaos?

Learn from the words of the host and the enemy, travel in the bluebird battlefield, and make a decision.


The enemy was disguised like our friends.

The most important thing is whether we can find the difference between them.

The spirit of the host does not seem to be very good. Under the heavy pressure, the confused words, together with the vague message of the enemy, cover up the truth.


The master gives you the power to attack in different ways.

Use energy and strength, wield a heavy wrench, and use extremely fast missiles to clear your target.

High-level being gives you [Power]. With the help of power and program modification brought by past choices, you can gain the power of angel and ghost, and control extremely powerful destructive power.


There are also some puzzles that need to be solved in [Cyberspace].

If you can’t go through it, someone is helping you.


Is the purpose really to protect the owner?

What should be done in the ceremony?

The content of the second week’s is being produced:

Or do you follow the advice and free yourself from all this?

More powerful Light and Darkness.

Here is the strategy for the confused players after passing several levels:

After the second chapter, you can stick to help the enemy “Spams”.

At each level (ceremony), find the cars that launch no red shells or with unexplained loss of life, and destroyed them.

After the third chapter, you can use the light transformation to distinguish them.

Description of game development progress:

At present, all the contents of the first Reincarnation have been completed, meeting the release conditions.

The content of the second Reincarnation of the subsequent update mainly includes:

Control various units, not just Night.

Night’s light form and dark form are strengthened, which are more powerful and lasting longer.

The free transformation of Night, go towards the true ending.

Control Wheel to fight in BlueBird Battlefield.

Read More: Best Action RPG Choices Matter Games.

Night: Silent Killer on Steam

Killer 19

Killer 19

its like katana zero, but your cpu usage goes up to 99%

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Multiple Endings Games.

Killer 19 on Steam

Life In Yima / 依玛村生活

Life In Yima / 依玛村生活


Real player with 33.1 hrs in game

Just some girls doing business.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Life In Yima / 依玛村生活 on Steam

螢幕判官 Behind the Screen

螢幕判官 Behind the Screen

I liked this game a lot more than I was expecting to. Honestly from the pictures, it just seemed like a bizarre fantasy game with a very imaginative child protagonist, but the story is much deeper and darker than what I had imagined. The story has you experiencing the formative memories of a convicted murderer, but you learn that the story presented is not what it seems to be. And the main character’s life had been a series of unfortunate tragedies. There is a constant theme of abuse within the relationship of the protagonist and his father who is both emotionally distant and abusive. Each section of the game deals with a different period of the child’s life and your method of progressing and the game play itself changes. It’s a very neat concept and eliminates a feeling of repetitiveness you may get from similar types of games. You grow attached and you want to see the hero become successful and overcome all the difficulties you faced. It’s an unfortunately grim game but well told and worth playing.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

One of the few great little indie game you’ll play. One of those who’ll mark you and make you think about your own life.

Even if it have 3 to 5 hours of gameplay, you will think about it for the next 10 hours.

I definitely recommand it. Play that game.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

螢幕判官 Behind the Screen on Steam

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

Ys IX - Monstrum Nox does not reach the level of masterpiece that is Ys VIII - Lacrimosa of Dana, but it is still a solid, great fun adventure to dive in, and a good stopping point to look back, reflect on how far the series has evolved before the next stage.

For newcomers, I think you should wait for sales, for the price to properly reflects its quality, as you pay more than VIII yet receive lesser. But Ys fans? Well, it’s up to your generosity whether to hit it now or later.

Final Score is 8.5/10 – Great

Real player with 200.1 hrs in game

I cannot not recommend this.

1- It’s a Falcom Game and all their games are labours of love.

2- It’s the next installment of the Ys franchise and Ys is the Gold standard for Action-Adventure Games. That means it’s got fast-paced combat, exploration and a ton of quality of life stuff to keep you from getting bored.

3- The Falcom Sound Team jdk have another fantastic music score, check out their Youtube channel:

As for things more specific to this game in particular:

Real player with 94.9 hrs in game

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox on Steam




Side scrolling 2D action RPG


  • Trading, exploration, long story in chapter form, battles with huge bosses, rare equipment.

  • Various strengthening elements, exhilarating and flexible combat, item synthesis, etc. Estimated playtime: 40+ hours


  • The main character is separated from his childhood friend when his village is attacked by a demon.

  • When he comes to his senses, he finds himself in a world with talking birds and no humans.

  • This is a full-length story about the many adventures of a young man who is tossed about by time and fate, but faces them with true courage and kindness.

What’s new in Revision

  • Wide screen, high resolution support, multi-language support, various useful functions added, and

  • Changes to the specifications of the possession technique, addition of a tutorial demo, and additional events.

  • Gorgeous graphics by illustrators Shigatake and Ryubuchi Haku

ASTLIBRA Revision on Steam



“We sure can have a lot of stuff! We can even have nothing!”

~Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Letande vs. crappy Russian RPGs! Round 999! FIGHT!!! Seriously, though. When it’s about crappy Russian (also, Ukrainian) role-playing games, I’m a freakin' veteran. I’ve played and finished pretty much everything there was – from Заклятие (Spells of Gold) to Талисман (Talisman, an RPG in Slavic setting from 2003, not to be confused with German point-and-click adventure from 1995 and Nomad Games' adaptation of Game Workshop’s tabletop game). To be honest, though, I didn’t expect any new games of the kind. I mean, something like that? It was possible only during the very certain time period. A period, when majority of the Russian people didn’t have access to Internet connection and it was possible to sell pretty much any crap to them for the price of proper products. Games like Орда: Северный Ветер (Horde: Northern Wind) were possible only because there was no YouTube to show people what they’ll actually get for their money. The more accessible Internet became – the less of such games we’ve got. The lest one of the kind I’ve played was, I believe, Ukrainian Заговор Тёмной Башни (Dark Tower Conspiracy, AKA Dungeon Quest) in 2006. After that? All those wannabe developers switched to mobile games. Which are not nearly as fun to suffer through.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Well, I have no idea who made English translation , but he must be executed.

For rest of the game - world and soundtrack combined are TASTY , pleasure for my eyes and ears for this price. Blood is shameful though, combat - found it funny, but only for 3 hours not more.

7/10 for Indie like that. Trash cause of translation, but good enough for that money and I still understood the story.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Bogatyr on Steam



After series of disappointments to find a decent story-driven RPG among modern games and tired of replaying classics I’ve decided to give a chance to a Chinese RPG. So I’ve bought Gujian3 and… put it aside after the first mission considering it to be some mediocre slasher. Last year I gave a go to another Chinese RPG - Xuan-Yuan Sword VII and was relatively satisfied by its story ang gameplay. After that I checked my Steam library and found long-forgotten Gujian3. Struggling to drop it during the first mission I’ve reached Skyelk and finally found what I seek in games - a decent RPG with involving story and interesting characters. And it appeared to be so involving that became my “second reality” for two weeks. Thorough gameplay took 100+ hours and almost none was boring.

Real player with 188.4 hrs in game

This review has no spoilers and is very long.

Before you buy it, you should know this game is heavily story-driven and exploration-based. If you are a gamer that like exploration, collecting rewards, and/or storytelling, you are in for a treat!

This single-player game does require internet connection to run. This very inconvenient function might have something to do with IP protection during its initial release in China to prevent pirated copies. Unfortunately, the IP protection was carried over to the Steam version, likely because the developer wasn’t planning to release the game in English during its initial release in 2018.

Real player with 184.1 hrs in game

古剑奇谭三(Gujian3) on Steam

Pulut Adventure RPG

Pulut Adventure RPG

This game is not finished. What little bit i was able to play made very little sense, the controls are not good, the dialogue is nigh incomprehensible, and the game didn’t know what text to put up and just said something to the effect of “cannot read null” and locked up, never to be functional again. I got this game in a giveaway, so at least I didn’t lose more that about a half hour of my life that i can’t get back, but I’m gonna give Pulut Adventure a hard no. (Unless the dialogue can be fixed and the game actually finished… maybe I’d try it once more, but it doesn’t seem likely.)

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Pulut Adventure RPG on Steam