Jurassic Fantasy

Jurassic Fantasy

I really enjoyed this game!

At first I completely missed that you could put points into your stats by clicking on them so I moved around at the lowest speed, attack and defense which, needless to say, didn’t go well at all.

However, once I figured out how to increase stats it became 100x more enjoyable!

I eagerly await Jurassic Fantasy II!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Open World Games.

I’m really enjoying this game, but each time I play, the game ends up going to a black screen at some random point (typically ~10-20 minutes in) and it shows a picture of a sad computer. There’s no way to back out of that and return to the game. I wouldn’t mind so much if there was a way to save/not start over every time it happens. Any assistance would be appreciated!

4/22/21 Edit: I’m sorry, I really like the game, but I have to recommend against it at this point because it keeps crashing before I can finish it.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Jurassic Fantasy on Steam

Everpixel Valley

Everpixel Valley

Action RPG meets farming simulator.

You’ve inherited a dusty plot of land. With your trusty axe, you set out to establish your pixelated dominance. Can you turn your farm into a bustling empire? It won’t be easy - you’ll have to fight off hordes of enemies seeking plunder. But you won’t have to do it alone - raise an army of tutu-wearing dinosaurs , obese unicorns, and sharks with friggin' laser beams on their heads to take the fight to your enemies.


  • Turn your dusty plot of land into a bustling farm! Sow crops, raise critters, and gather materials. But be careful - you’ll need to build defenses. Invaders will seek to pillage your hard work.

  • Hack n' Slash ARPG: Defend your farm - wade into the fray and make your enemies regret coming to your turf.

  • Character development: Over 24 perk trees to choose from! Choose carefully - you can only choose one primary and three secondary trees!

  • Dynamic Landscape: Specializing in a tree changes the farm around you! Pyromancer’s farms become grow hot while Toximancers poison the very land around them! Choose your crops accordingly - not every crop enjoys fire; not every crop is hydrated by poison!

  • Crafting: Everything you grow, every material you gather from your foes can be used for crafting. Forge slime swords, gem-infused chainmail, or tools to accessorize your buildings. The materials you use determines the enchantments you get!

  • Critters: What farm is complete without dinosaurs, wiener dogs, and walruses? Raise your livestock from eggs into your greatest allies! Bring them into battle or use them as mounts. Your critters eat different crops and produce different materials, so experiment to find the combination that suits your taste!

About Us:

Doom Dino Games is currently a one-man show. I am a professional software engineer that never forgot why I became a software engineer in the first place - I wanted to make great games. Eclectically inspired by games as varied as Diablo 2, XCom, Stardew Valley, Super Mario, Battle Brothers, Dwarf Fortress and Baldur’s Gate 2, I am passionate about making games that I want to play myself.

Read More: Best Action RPG Crafting Games.

Everpixel Valley on Steam

Dead Event

Dead Event

after playing the game for about 35 hoursi decided to write a revieuw

The world kinda sucks u into it and its rather addictive game wich is created by a solo dev who actualy listens to the comunity balance wise and if u have some nice ideas the game keeps getting updated regulary whit balance fixxed and content being added tldr of what the game is like u are a monster on a alien world where u are trying to survive by killing other players / npc’s foor either loot or materials as there’s a equipment system wich is ever growing new stuff being added its rather a grind to find the perfect items u like for ur build as there’s alot of freedom in how u build ur monster stats wise but also gear wise its not straight forward as equip is all rng onwhat affixes it has wich makes every monster unique already but to top it off there is also a skill system wich add another layer to debt of ur monster and uniqueness

Real player with 73.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Survival Games.

HELLO n_n some ideas to make this game more fun

-Some enemies travel in group ( the queen spider can have 4 or 5 little or mid spider around for example )

-Add more efects to attacks only we can see bites and punches

-Put 1 river in the map or more water resources (i die many times because i couldnt find water TT_TT )

-The map is big, but you can make more bigger??

-Nest or spawn of creatures ( put some caves or ruins like dungeons can be GREAT )

-Random generated events ( like alien invasion or earthquakes can make holes in the ground and spawn creatures

Real player with 35.9 hrs in game

Dead Event on Steam

Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure

Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure

I don’t have a lot to say about Dinosaurs: A Prehistoric Adventure, it looked promising. I thought this would be a really cool RPG game but with dinosaurs. But sadly this game isn’t what I was hoping for. For starters it looked promising but it fell flat on it’s face. The game is frustrating, the combat system is really awkquard. And the control system sucked.When I was fighting another dinosaur I had trouble with the buttons during the combat, I knew which buttons to push but when I pushed a button to do a light attack and block and heavy attack and so on and so forth, I kept getting my ass kicked, I got to the point that I just got fustruated than having fun with this game. The graphics are so-so but they are nothing special. Also another problem with this game is unlike a lot of video games where you have W,A,S,D to move around, you’ve got to use your mouse and click on a certain spot in order to make your dinosaur move, and I thought what was the point of that. This game sadly failed to live up to my expectations. But hopefully all is not lost, the makers of this game has given us another dinosaur-themed game called Dinosaurs: Prehistoric Survivors. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for that game and hopefully the makers have improved since this game. I don’t recommend playing this game.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

You get to be a dinosaur and it’s free.

Obvoiusly game needs work, and hopefully is a WiP.

For those confused about the controls:

“Alpha 1” is the “1” key on your keyboard, “Alpha 2” is “2” and so on.

1,2,3 are your main attack abilities, light, medium, heavy

4 is your special ability

spacebar is block

left alt makes you jump (you should jump everywhere)

5 makes you eat whatever your dino type needs to eat

6 makes you drink water

“T” does some radar thing

“X” will show you all the keybinds on the screen

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure on Steam

Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors

Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors

I just completed the game today and before I get into my thoughts of the game keep in mind that this is an Early Access Game which has been out for only 16 days. That being said you can’t expect it to be on the same level as a game that has been in Early Access for months or the same level as a finished product. Onto my thoughts…

After 20.1 hours of gameplay I have found that this game is well built for the most part and is well thought out. The game requires using a different play style at the different phases of your dinosaur’s development. The way you set your dinosaur’s stats really does affect how easy or hard the game is.

Real player with 108.1 hrs in game

This game is pretty fun and pretty tense every once in a while it needs some improvements though:

-Different roars

-Add more dinosaurs in campaign mode

  • All mechanics except growing in free roam

  • If it’s possible, add herds for you to come across or join

  • Add roaming utahraptor packs

  • and nesting (nesting would be a good idea because in both free roam and campaign it would give you something to do once you’re fully grown)

  • and possibly (to add realism and since it’s single player) add a sleeping system

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors on Steam

Source of Survival Early Access

Source of Survival Early Access

This game is special. Within 5 minutes my weapons disappeared and I had noumorous bugs with the interface. I hope more people appreciate this work of art and play it.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Game is not ready yet.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Source of Survival Early Access on Steam

Escape Dinosaur Island

Escape Dinosaur Island

Top tier, please make a second one

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

My god, this is awful. I saw Vinny playing this and thought, “ha, this looks like a laugh, I’ll buy it.”

Ugh. Also it keeps trying to boot my VR headset for seemingly no reason. Avoid.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Escape Dinosaur Island on Steam

Master Boy

Master Boy

**Chinese cuisine is famous all over the world, and its food culture has a long history, which includes the Chinese people’s love for cuisine.

Over thousands of years, eight major cuisines of Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan and Anhui have gradually evolved.**

**“Master Boy” is a happy-paced third-person cartoon casual role-playing game with Chinese cuisine as the theme.

Players can communicate with friends and accept tasks in charming urban areas:**

Exterminate invaders, defend farms and beaches, collect ingredients:

Get rewards and improve your own attributes, I’m sure you will enjoy it.

Master Boy on Steam

Survival RPG 3: Lost in Time

Survival RPG 3: Lost in Time

As its two predeseccors, it is a nice simplistic adventure and survival game. It is a little bit more complex. I enjoyed it very much and hope for more in the future!

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Fun casual crafting adventure

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Survival RPG 3: Lost in Time on Steam

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition


This was a beautiful game. It’s a game you could theoretically finish without much effort and time, but the world, the side characters, and the cultures played so deep a part in the story that I found myself sinking 200+ hours into it and not thinking twice. There is so much here in lore picked up in scraps and holograms hidden on your travels.

The thing that stuck out to me the most here was the relationships. Helping the people of the world was as important to the story as anything else, and it comes full circle

! at the end when those people that you choose to be compassionate to (or not) show up in the final epic battle (or they don’t, depending on how you interacted with them) . There are as many opportunities to show compassion and to be human as there are to kill things. It is such a human story that sets itself apart from your run-of-the-mill first-person shooter. It’s exploration and mystery as much as it is combat. It’s learning about people and cultures as much as it is learning about the machines, the world, and the secret of what Zero Dawn really is. This is not to distract from the story which was absolutely unique and incredible in how it unfolds, especially as you get closer to the heart of the truth.

Real player with 226.4 hrs in game

Horizon Zero Dawn is an awesome and fun game, definitely up there at the top of my list of favorite games.

It feels a bit like a fusion of the Tomb Raider reboot series and The Witcher 3 to me. Many of the game mechanics seem very familiar from either of the two but are somewhere in between. The climbing especially feels like somebody wanted a TW3 like game with climbing, was inspired by Tomb Raider (or Uncharted for that matter) and implemented a light version of that. Saying this however is not to diminish what the game achieves in any way. The net result of it is a very entertaining, fun to play set of game mechanics, from combat to stealth, a bit of crafting, riding, etc. (As with the other games many of the combat subtleties you only really learn on the harder difficulties.)

Real player with 149.3 hrs in game

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition on Steam