

The player becomes a guardian god apprentice girl,

We aim to rise up a sky island while going back and forth between the extremely vast field that continues to be automatically generated and the island that serves as the base.

First, let’s get down to the field to collect resources.

In an isometric 2D world, monsters, items, dungeons … various things are reflected on one screen.

Combine shooting and slashing actions to defeat monsters and get resources.

Once you have the resources, produce a variety of things and customize the island to your liking.

Read More: Best Action RPG Open World Games.

Crystarise on Steam

Actraiser Renaissance

Actraiser Renaissance

First of all, this is a QUINTET remaster. The mere fact that this game exists is a tremendous blessing for a certain cult fanbase.

The obvious bias aside, is the game good?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE

It’s obvious that a lot of faithful effort was put into remastering this game. From including Yuzo Koshiro’s amazing soundtrack and accompaniment to the astounding artwork given to the many characters, menus and intro cutscene. People put their sweat and tears into this, and it shows in that regard.

Real player with 54.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG 2D Platformer Games.

A great example on how to make a remake. Renaissance does an excellent job of bring the original SNES games action and town sim into a modern era with new graphics, classic and remixed soundtrack, and expanded story that makes you feel more immersed in what was a somewhat bare-bones world before.

The new artwork is great and the story telling is actually quite deep. Everything reads like a positive psalm with the writing really showing some great character development and overall storytelling. Which is good as all the new characters do little gameplay wise. The story is the only way you will interact and learn about the characters and their backstories.

Real player with 40.9 hrs in game

Actraiser Renaissance on Steam

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders is a brand-new casual, light-hearted city builder with a kid-friendly tone and great visuals. The game revolves around an outcast prince who is trying his best to set up a safe city for his people.

Throughout the review, I’ll be bearing in mind that this is an early access title with limited features currently in place, but from where I stand the game base is good.

*– [Real player with 26.5 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Action RPG Colony Sim Games.

--- Barely any content, no real goals or way to beat the game, repetitive, and the challenge of surviving can be eliminated entirely. The only good things about this game are its art style and sound design. Wait until one year or so until it is out of early access to purchase this game. In my opinion this is a little more than a tech demo. As of August 6, 2021 here are the pros and cons of this game: Pros -Cute art style and excellent sound design and subtle background music. -Few but interesting enemy types with unique attack patterns. *– [Real player with 7.1 hrs in game](* --- ![Coronation]( "") ## Coronation For that price literally no brainer, gem. Unique features in its genre, also across genres. A diamond in the rough. The game is more deep than it looks - 14 various skills. 1 - Automatization of eating while running or doing other activities, batch automating mining, not just clicking - so it is not burdensome way aspect of survival 2 - Unique quests system, - Quest navigating orientation with an exclamation mark directly over the world scenery, with clever informative popup messages automatically fading out after a few seconds or after completing the quests reflecting it's state, scrollable -not taking up the entire display. *– [Real player with 508.9 hrs in game](* Despite still being so early in its development, this is a very fun game. The devs are very responsive to community feedback and surprisingly quick to fix issues for such a small team. If you are looking for a full out medieval sims game… it's not quite there yet, but if you enjoy designing castles and fighting bandits, it's already good to go. *– [Real player with 473.5 hrs in game](* --- ![Hinterland]( "") ## Hinterland At first I bought Hinterland because it was dirt cheap on the Summer Sale and I had a few bucks left in my wallet.. and I was kind of nostalgic for some of the old City Builder series that some of the folks at Tilted Mill had a bit of a hand in towards the end.. but really, I wasn't expecting much. I'm actually pretty pleasantly surprised, truth be told. At first glance, it's like a kind of toned-down Diablo I, with a few city building/management elements thrown in.. And that's pretty much what it delivers. Perhaps the younger set or the hardcore strategy or simulation players won't like it, but I'm finding it to be.. almost refreshingly nostalgic. It has a pretty "old school" feel to it, and it's fairly challenging and moderately replayable. I imagine the harder difficulties will prove much beefier to get through than the "easy" games I've done so far.. I could see very much how it can scale. *– [Real player with 103.7 hrs in game](* I played this for hundreds of hours back when it first came out. I still have the disc. I thought maybe the Steam version would have extra content. It doesn't. The original disc runs fine on Win 8.1, by the way. You choose a hero class, some of which are also race-specific. Each of them have advantages and disadvantages with regards to starting equipment, building costs, food and gold production in your city, etc. You can choose male or female, which is purely asthetic. Name your character. Then, choose from 4 difficulty levels (easy, medium, difficult, and hardcore) and 3 game lengths (short, medium, long). The game lengths determine how much of the map is populated with monster bases/resources. You can choose to start with all resources, or with random resources that will not include all of them. You can choose to have raiders and requests from the king for resources, food, or gold. These are well-worth fulfilling, but if you cannot attain a resource, this can be very frustrating. You can choose to start with all parts of the map revealed or not. All of these choices affect bonuses or lack thereof to your game score. *– [Real player with 44.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Skyclimbers]( "") ## Skyclimbers ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( [![](]( --- ![Templar Castle Builder]( "") ## Templar Castle Builder Let us take you for the medieval adventure with The Knights Templar the fearless monastic warriors known as the “Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ”. They left imposing manor houses, castles and fortresses they constructed in the 12th and 13th centuries could host crusading kings one week and withstand enemy bombardment the next. As a player learn how to build manage and defend the Templar Castles, build the military and financial power of the most influential military order of Christianity. ![]( They were called Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon but in fact Templars made a vast fortune trading everything from grain and wine to political prisoners and slaves which made them one of the medieval world’s richest organizations. As a player you will learn how to multiply that richness, invest it and manage. ![]( Being the payer you need to learn how to invest , multiply and defend the property of the Templars Order. Buy the land if you can’t, rob and plunder to increase your Templar territory. Be merciless, reach your goal over the dead bodies of your opponents. Supply your castles and control the commercial trails, be a shepherd for pilgrims. Train your garrisons to be invincible. ![]( Finance and organise the crusades, capture the castles and towns, gather the treasure. Remember Templars built scores of impressive piles all over Europe and the near East, with clusters especially in France, Spain, Italy and Portugal. Given the profusion of myth and legend swirling around the order, it’s not surprising that the structures still intact today can come with titillating extras—think titles, ghosts and legendary hidden treasure . Take care and preserve the treasure long rumored to be buried somewhere in Templar Castles. The stories of the unbelievable richness led to the downfall of the Templars order. As a player you will witness how they built their wealth, how the constructed undefeated castles and where they have hidden their legendary treasure. --- ![Alek - The Lost Kingdom]( "") ## Alek - The Lost Kingdom Updated opinion from edit is at the bottom. Great Concept, I have played 11 hours in and I still want to play. However, the game just crashes now and it's because of a bugged out Hunter. He doesn't hunt unless you interact and close the menu, if you make him quit the game crashes. I lost 10 minutes of progress which turned out to be a lot of stuff being done in that time span. It's fustrating to have an incompetent NPC that carries a heavy liability to cause crashes. I sent a couple of the crashes not sure if the Dev received them. With this problem I am held back from progression in the game. It won't matter if I do another save because the bug can just happen again. *– [Real player with 23.3 hrs in game](* Here I am back for another game review! Today I'm covering elements of Alek - The Lost Kingdom. This is a charming little adventurer simulator that centers around Alek (the PC). In this game you build up and manage village settlements, ward off attacks, and help develop a land. Now mind this game IS only in Early Access at the time of this review. That being said it has a lot to offer. Now I know some of you are going to look at my play time and say "But Relmara! That's hardly enough for a fair review!" The only reason I haven't logged more time in this game is because of a nasty bug that kept me from loading an old game and starting a new one. Here is where I have to say I am thoroughly impressed. Dev. Blackmeyers has been VERY hands on with us early access player when regarding bugs. I know that working out such issues is laboriously hard. I have never had a dev. respond so expediently to an issue. It's very heartening to know that we have someone so invested in their player base working to helm the game. *– [Real player with 12.9 hrs in game](* --- ![Dungeons and Kingdoms]( "") ## Dungeons and Kingdoms The Dwarven Sons of Ivaldi have reclaimed the mountain and begun their quest to forge masterpieces for the Gods. When you learned of this, you struck out with your family, leaving the safety of the human kingdom to venture into the wilds to settle and establish trade with the Dwarves. There you begin to grow your community from a tiny village into your own mighty Kingdom. Assemble a party of heroes and begin your adventure into the unknown seeking treasure, fortune, and fame. **Dungeons and Kingdoms is a combination of city building and small party questing adventures.** #### Build * Modular building - Hundreds of modular building pieces available, build entirely custom structures and layouts piece by piece * Build Plans - You act as the build planner by placing all the pieces and build up modular buildings, then begin construction. Those build plans pass to the job system to be constructed by your workers. You can have many build plans in construction at the same time. * Full Preview - Build plans allow you to see what your buildings will look like fully connected and rendered in game. Your workers will only act on them when you start construction. You can cancel construction at no cost, so you can attempt endless Build Plans until you like what you see. * Edit buildings - Once placed and built, all building pieces can be removed or added allowing no end to how you customize and evolve your world * Assign Builder - Assign anyone for basic construction (fire pits, wood fencing etc) up to master builders for epic monuments and castles * Decorate - Hundreds of items available to decorate and furnish your kingdom #### Blueprints * Save Build Plan as Blueprint - Start placing items as a build plan. When you have a collection of pieces you want to re-use (like a small house, or a smith) you can save the current build plan as a Blueprint. This allows you to place the entire Blueprint as a single building piece later, over and over. * Everything with Blueprints - You can use the Build Plan feature simply as a way to make many different Blueprints. Make a Build Plan, save as a new Blueprint, then Cancel the original Build Plan. #### Tera forming * Excavate - Dig trenches and moats * Tunnel - Mine deep underground, building networks of mining cart tracks setting up functional production lines * Landscaping - Lower, raise or flatten the ground to customize the terrain for your kingdom #### Grow Your Kingdom * Attract People - Either through increased wealth and prosperity, or great deeds by your heroes * Hire Specialists - Send word back to the neighboring kingdoms about specialty positions you need to hire * Trading - Negotiate trade with the local Dwarven city. Focus your early growth on what they need, trade for what you need, or what you can trade with other Kingdoms. #### Manage Your Kingdom * Production - From peasants gathering mushrooms and berries to master masons sculpting great statues, assign your population to jobs to increase their skill. * Training - People will learn and improve at whatever job you assign them to, or send them off to other Kingdoms to learn special skills to bring back to your city. * Smart AI - While some of your people may not be geniuses, they are smart enough to go to work when something needs to be done. In other words, you don't have to worry about getting bogged down micro managing everyone. You can be as involved as you want to be, but the more work you put in to managing your Kingdom, the more effective your population will be. #### Survive * Risk - Outside the safety of city walls, the world is dangerous. From wild animals and other creatures, to bandits, and tribes of Orcs… or worse! * Economy and Production - Starting small, balance your growth with the available resources and trading partners to ensure your people survive * Defend - The more you have, the more others will want to take it. Building and maintaining defenses may make the difference between life and death. #### Questing * Heroes - While most of your population will be regular people with jobs, you may attract, hire, or train up legendary heroes. Take your party of heroes on adventures and quests while leaving your kingdom to be run by the local council, or send your heroes out on their own. * Encounter Areas - The main map is for building your sprawling kingdom. Learn through rumors about quests where you assemble a party of heroes to adventure out into the wild including dungeons, over-world swamps and forests, crypts and other deadly lairs. #### Play as Anyone * Perspective - All play modes are in either First or Third person * Variety - Your main character is the leader of your town, with the goal of eventually becoming a great ruler. You can also switch between any character in your Kingdom. Each character has their own unique skills and traits, training level, and inventory. * Skill - When you directly control a character, you may be able to increase that character's production beyond their automated skill level by doing jobs manually * Automation - Perhaps you leave control of your city to your people and focus on adventures as one of your Kingdoms great heroes. #### Combat * Weapons - Many different weapons to craft, buy, or loot, including swords, maces, hammers, axes, bows, crossbows, and several specialized weapons with many custom animations and sounds. * Custom Smithing - Either attract or train a smith of high enough skill, and build your own custom weapons with unique stats * Enemies - From neighboring enemy tribes of Orcs, to many different creatures and monsters ensures a diverse range of combat tactics and experience. #### Sandbox Mode Sandbox mode available - build anything you want without restriction or having to worry about resources, money, or dangers. --- ![Urban Survival]( "") ## Urban Survival This game is Awesome! So creative and fun even for a early access game there is loads of content and the Devs. are constantly adding new stuff. they have limited-time seasonal updates were you can get unique holiday weapons and armour. Its stuff like that, that makes this game such a fun and fresh experience not to mention the humour keeps me laughing the hole time. *– [Real player with 31.5 hrs in game](* Great game! This is exactly what I've been waiting for! It has exactly what I want in a game! Open world (although its not so huge from what I can see but nonetheless feels great), base building/managing, crafting/cooking, looting (lots of looting lol), combat/gang wars and the power to pee on anything! lol. I'm glad I wish listed this game and then purchased it on day one, it was worth every penny! Its been keeping me entertained and glued to my seat. I look forward to seeing this game grow in development! Keep up the good work Helix Games! *– [Real player with 14.8 hrs in game](* ---