Cat Gets Medieval

Cat Gets Medieval

wow, this is really not a standard game, a cat as a character) is not very standard. The physics of the cat’s movement is not bad at all and is truthful, with the exception of some points. I was glad that you can play not only alone but also with friends over the network. We are waiting for the second part where the character will be a dog, or another pet, I would look at it and play))

Real player with 340.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Action-Adventure Games.

So having “Completed” this game here is what you need to know. When you boot up the game you can pick a cat to play as, pick tiger, then just go at it. There is no real order to how to go about doing things. However you need to get the Force Collar to be able to beat the game. So after you talk to the king cat head down to the castle dungeon and kill some rats. Then proceed to DIE, ALOT, don’t worry though just keep throwing yourself at the big rat and he will die.

Then grab your new Force Collar and head on down to the crypt in the farm area and grab the only spell worth getting, Rageblade. This spell is a monster at destroying enemies foolish enough to try and stop you. Able to kill just about anything within seconds. You will also notice you can upgrade it any would recommend doing so when ever you have enough candy (the games currency) to do so. Best way to use it is jumping in circles around the enemy.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Cat Gets Medieval on Steam

Cataclysms and Catastrophes

Cataclysms and Catastrophes

The Cult of Ki’Teh is trying to awaken an ancient evil, and only four crazy cats can stop them! Choose to start with the fighter, thief, mage, or bard and gather the other party members through various quests. Each character has special capabilities that will assist in exploration.

Read More: Best Action RPG Cute Games.

Cataclysms and Catastrophes on Steam



Catmageddon is a third-person, top-down cat adventure game, where you can free-roam, explore the city and interact with its inhabitants, follow the storyline and pick your own role in it.


  • Solve riddles and puzzles

  • Interact with other cats, dogs, birds and humans (Furless)

  • Get help from a narrator, but be wary - his instructions are not always clear and might confuse you

  • A beautiful cartoony city, where you can explore and find hidden areas/entrances

  • Different events and story paths, depending on your choices (Choose Your Own Adventure)

  • Catnip Cartels, Catnappers, Sensei Cats, and more!

Read More: Best Action RPG Action-Adventure Games.

Catmageddon on Steam

ZpellCatz: Pumpkin Prologue

ZpellCatz: Pumpkin Prologue

Combat and movement are far too slow for a mouse and keyboard control scheme like this. I understand you can upgrade your equipment and become faster, but that still doesn’t mean anything when both you and your enemies have to come to a complete stop to attack. Honestly, the slow combat and movement feel forced to just to make it more of a grind. I don;t expect a lot of people are going to want to download or buy the full version if the combat is this slow.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

ZpellCatz: Pumpkin Prologue on Steam



You are a cat with magic powers, stranded on a cursed island. Spiteful dogs are lurking in every corner and a fateful evil is about to emerge from the darkness. ZpellCatz is a magical Action RPG set in a colorful fantasy world.

Play it your way

The best way to fight evil? Your way! Choose a combination of hero class and guild class to best match your favored style of combat. Let your cat look the way you want to by picking from a wide selection of colors and garments.

Build your hero

Enjoy a multitude of ways to increase the power of your cat hero. Manage two skill trees, loot items, craft items, enchant items, refine gems, find permanent stat bonuses and more.

Help the townsfolk

The residents of the Greencat Village have lots of problems that need to be solved. Do you prefer rushing through the story by completing main quests only, or do you take the extra mile to gain impactful rewards from optional quests? Your choice.

ZpellCatz on Steam

Cat Quest

Cat Quest

Tl;dr, Cat Quest is scrumptiously pawsome. Unless you don’t particularly like cats.

In this sexy kitty dancing…no, wait, wrong game, scratch that. In this furry…aaargh…scratch three. In this bright, colorful, light action RPG you play as an unnamed cat Dragonborn, erm, I mean Dragonblood, the only cat species capable of slaying dragons and saving the world of Felingard from destruction.

Visuals, sounds, music, even the combat sounds are all cute, charming, fuzzy, warm and simply cattastic. All the animations are very fluid, character designs are smooth and imaginative and the overland map is adorable and a joy to traverse. Catnap animation melts the coldest of hearts.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Okay so I wanna take a minute and seriously talk about the mechanics of Cat Quest because the Gentlebros really put together a very sweet and silky setup.

The inventory system is clean and to the point, and I love it. There’s no trash to pick up, just gear. And you’ll never clutter your bag with six different Longswords – you have one longsword, and if you pick up a second, the first one just gets stronger. The same with armour.

You have three slots for gear: head, chest, and weapon. When you sort your inventory by these three slots, the sorting puts the best piece at the very front so you immediately know what gives you the most benefit. This isn’t perfect, though – say you’re more interested in hitting heavy with magic, or you want to build up your armour. You’ll need to peruse and compair for yourself, but the best well-rounded piece is always right at the top of the list.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Cat Quest on Steam

High School Overdrive

High School Overdrive

Welcome to the 90s.

Set in the year 1997, far away from the big cities, secluded at the edge of a small town, lies the outcast and misfits engulfed with only dreams to ease their reality of tomorrow.

Rin Helena, taking her mother’s name, is a newly transferred student from a well achieving school to a failing school of a small town. Surrounded with antagonistic air, Rin will have to muster her courage and strength to lift herself up. This is a place that will put her down at the slightest gesture of submission.

What brought her to this place?

Will she find the strength to move forward and fight for a hopeful tomorrow?

Welcome to 1997.


If you see something, You can use it!

Explore and Interact with the School Environment!


Many more side activities in High School Overdrive!

The Character Models used in these WIP build are placeholder assets and will be changed in a polished build.

High School Overdrive on Steam

Park Story

Park Story


One rainy night, tyres screech and a car crashes into an abandoned park. Parker crawls from the wreckage to find themselves trapped in a forgotten place twisting in the grip of the demon raven Caim. The enemy may be a Great President of Hell, but Parker is going to discover they have demons of their own.


There’s no way out unless Parker follows the lead of the Lairds — the park’s animal parliament. Parker will need to decide if wildlife who wear waistcoats can be trusted. It’s not the only quest. Ghosts roam the park with their own unfinished business and only Parker can help.


Explore a huge overworld packed with secrets, hidden caves and eerily familiar attractions. Discover more as the mystery unfolds, taking you deeper and deeper into the park.


Venture into unique dungeons each with their own distinct puzzles to solve. Unlock new tools and abilities, unpick interconnected rooms, and learn the history of Parker’s hometown to get closer to freedom. Absolutely nothing procedural, just like classic action RPGs.


Parker will need more than two legs to overcome Caim. Take on the forms of the Lairds — a squirrel, a fox, a duck and a pigeon. Use their natural gifts to crawl, dig, swim and fly to the road home.


Caim hasn’t come alone. His Generals lurk within the dungeons. Twisted versions of their former selves, they opened the gateway for Caim. They’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that it’s others that suffer the consequences.

Embrace the Park. Overcome underachievement. Find your way home.

Park Story on Steam



Surprised this doesn’t have a higher rating. Maybe people are disappointed because they are comparing it to the first game and this game is very different. The first game was great because it has these crunchy controls with old school arcade-paced levels. This game is not like that. Unlike Milk Mine Defender, where you can only go left and right in an infinite loop, these are open maps where you have to hunt around and collect specific things. Also unlike Milk Mine, the powerups are not temporary but are items which can be collected and upgraded. Personally, I love it. It’s like if Star Fox was a 16-bit rpg with all the little side-quests and boss battles. But if you were expecting a continuation of Milk Mine, I can see why it would be disappointing.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

Now I have finished it, I can say it worst its price. It is a very lovely sequel and a quality product for an indy title.

ASTRO AQUA KITTY is such an improvement compared to the previous one.

Now it is an Action RPG shoot-em-up with classes and multiples weapons. An immersive and even more cute artistic direction, a minded and polished level design that increase in size level after level and give you various tasks, all served by very good musics.

Devs made it with great care and you can feel it.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game


Cat Quest II

Cat Quest II

[Disclaimer: This review covers both Cat Quest 1 and 2 as I bought the first game while I received a review-copy from the developers through Save or Quit. You can read the full 4.1K word (20K character) review down below with visual aids and a (soon to be done) video.]

Cat Quest: Back to Where It All Furst Began

With the release of Cat Quest 2, it’s difficult to share the same adoration for its predecessor after having played something that takes everything the previous game did so well, yet simply does the same concept so much better. Thankfully, with the release of the Cat Quest 1 & 2 bundle at a reasonable price, I can happily recommend the original as much as the sequel—but it’s quite clear which game is superior. (Psst, Gentlebros, if you were to recreate Cat Quest in the sequel as DLC with reworked dungeons and the same quests and story, I would happily buy that day one.)

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Sometimes you will play a game that catches you completely by surprise. Cat Quest 2 was one of those games for me. Sure I could tell it had nice graphics and art style. I had seen the announcement trailers and stuff. But I never played the first one, so how fun could an RPG Lite with a cat and dog actually be? Well, let me just tell you upfront…Gentlebros has delivered an amazing game that I truly enjoyed from the very moment I picked the controller. Honestly its a Purrfect recipe for success. Let’s look at the story first.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Cat Quest II on Steam