Kill Demons

Kill Demons

Classic RPG single game, carrying players full of memories!

Liu Qingfeng, a disciple of Sanqing palace, obeys his master’s orders to fight the sword protector in the demon cave and get back the demon sword. On the way down the mountain, I met Murong Xiaomei in Wangyou village and killed the snake demon with Murong Xiaomei. Later, he ran into the mysterious woman yuan Pingzhi in Jianye city. The three of them wandered the river and lake together. In the process of killing demons and demons, they gradually discovered a big secret. How will Liu Qingfeng choose? Can they finally save the world? It’s up to you to continue to write about the world of Voldemort

Read More: Best Action RPG Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Kill Demons on Steam

Drox Operative 2

Drox Operative 2

Drox Operative 2 is an Action-RPG on top of a background of AI-controlled 4X sectors.

You can influence, beg, threaten and bribe endless races into situations, trades and treaties more beneficial for your guild (and most importantly yourself) but never have to worry about actually running things as you tend to your own business as the captain of your own ship.

A game loop (or “Sector”) consist of completing quests, killing monsters, hunting, destroying or rescuing various targets while exploring your sector which is made up of many solar systems. Said solar systems are joined together by jump gates and wormholes. Sectors make up galaxies whose main elements persist between your adventures. Your galaxies can be visited by any of your characters. Winning a sector consist of reaching one of many win conditions; a new sector is then created to your specifications, such as size.

Real player with 416.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Open World Games.

  • TL;DR: As with every Soldak game review i posted before i would strongly advice anyone reading this to at least give the demo a try. Soldak titles lack the triple-a quality graphics other titles have, but this is entirely offset by offering great gameplay experience.

Soldak Entertainment is a bit of an anomaly in my game collection.

I have been buying Soldak games for nearly a decade now, and during that time i purchased virtually every game and expansion pack made. What makes these games anomalous is that each and every single one of them ended up in my “100+ hours played” list. And to add some context to this: Less than 10% of the 600 or so games in library meet that criteria. That of course isn’t exactly an objective metric that clearly proves the quality of these games, but if nothing else it should at least hint they are fun for some people.

Real player with 187.8 hrs in game

Drox Operative 2 on Steam

Drox Operative

Drox Operative

Update 25/11/2016: Nominated for my “Just 5 More Minutes” Award.

I saw some footage of this game in January 2013 which was enough to tempt me into trying the free demo. My curiosity was piqued but I wasn’t expecting much - just a bit of a time killer to tap away at and fill up a bit of the afternoon. I came away several hours later with the music stuck in my head, feeling as if very little time had passed, then went on to have a dream about Drox Operative that same night. I bought the game from Soldak’s site the next day and have been playing Drox on and off since then without ever having cause to regret the puchase.

Real player with 71.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Co-op Games.

Drox Operative can be described as an Action RPG. It has all the elements of an action rpg, for example you have a character(ship) who has attributes that both increase the overall stats of the ships in obvious categories, such as damage, or speed, and which allows you to equip the items you loot from the dead, provided you reach the minimum level in the required stat. The items you collect from the vanquished correlate in many ways with the types of items you would find in an average RPG sporting a normal human(or whatever) character. You have weapons and armour. However, the ship nature of your main character quickly makes its presence known because you have alot of item types which you will not usually find in an average RPG sporting a humanoid.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Drox Operative on Steam

Station Commander

Station Commander

The game is good, worth the money. I hope this will continue to be developed with regular patch updates. Some notes:

1. Pirate ships are too strong in early game. Make them less oppressive or add a difficulty setting so fighting pirates can feel more engaging.

2. Repairing ships is a serious chore. I mean like for each ship in a fleet (9 total) there are multiple clicks per ship which gets tedious very fast. Just add a simple way to repair all the ships in a fleet with one click.

3. The scaling on the storage modules is too high, forcing me to use almost all of my free slots to add storage space. I’d really like to use those slots for other modules….

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Very bare bones resource collection / trading game. Best part of the game is gaming the planet economies and trading (sitting outside a planet desperate for food, waiting for prices to go up, selling at the peak, etc.)

Military units are really only for defending your trade/mining ships from pirates, or hunting pirates/other NPCs to take their cargo.

Your station itself, from what I can see, cannot come under attack in anyway so it’s not a high-octane challenge, but more of a fun little game to play with mini-stock markets in every planet (best part of the game is the economies shifting with line charts)

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Station Commander on Steam

Naval Action

I have almost 6k hours and belong to a wonderful and very successful community in the game. I actively played and tested almost all content in the game. You can assume that I might know what I am talking about.

I am fan of historical simulation war games. Enjoying Totalwar series for years and particularly attracted to age of sail games thanks to Pirate of Burning Sea. Naval Action is the only successor in the market for this genre now. That is the main reason I had big hopes and enthusiasm toward the game and still playing till another come, mainly sticking with my friends.

Real player with 6996.5 hrs in game

As much as I would love to see a game like this succeed, I must recommend that you avoid spending money on this game right now. If you are interested, I suggest you wait till it releases and watch the reviews then. Let me explain why.

I have many more hours in this game then is posted in my steam information. I was a closed alpha, pre steam, tester. At the time their was a small group of Russian or Euro testers that numbered, less than 50 as far as I can tell. The second batch of testers, another 50ish, included many Americans. I was one of those testers. I believe that was in early 2014 or 2015. Either way, I have been involved in this game from closed alpha, to early access, to sea trials, to open world going on years now.

Real player with 2762.1 hrs in game

Naval Action on Steam