

Here i am with another review


Massive is a top down shooter game for PC, Mac, Linux and mobile devices. It is a pretty straight-forward game, you pick a character, pick a weapon, shoot aliens, repeat. You have a nice amount of alien weapons to choose from.


It is a pixel art style game, wich gives it a retro theme. It is beautifly drawn and high quality. Guns have good detail and characters have nice clothing,


You have 2 modes: Adventure and Survival. In adventure you kill aliens in order to get to the boss in each stage. Each stage has approximately 5 levels before the boss appears. Also to make it less repetitive, each level is randomly generated so everyone has a unique expirience. In survival… well the title says it all, kill endless waves of aliens until you die. Multiplayer is slowly being implemented but come soon.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Co-op Games.

I’m really glad I ended up getting this game! ‘Massive’ is a blast to play! (No pun intended…lol) Good, quick action that keeps you on your toes…and it’s fun! Good for short-term and long-term play too…whichever sets the mood. Definitely recommend, and there’s frequent updates and GREAT developer who is awesome at communicating, as well as being very attentive to player comments. PLUS, there’s a group for the game, where you really get great insight into what the developer is aiming for (no pun intended…lol) in updates and player needs. Totally can’t miss (Again, no pun intended…lol) with ‘Massive’ on every level!!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Massive on Steam

Arc Wizards 3

Arc Wizards 3

My full S Rank play through here:

Game is a 7 out of 10 for me the creator definitely improved on it from naginata your sprite is still thicc compared to the enemies but I don’t believe your noggin in this game has near the girth of the geisha from naginata. I like that he added an upgrade system for your weapon in this one where when you get special move bar filling items your shot upgrades and if you take damage you lose it pretty nice reward for not taking damage. Bat form is so much better than jumping as well it can be irresponsive at times for reasons I couldn’t pinpoint but it’s a DEFINITE imrpovement to jumping in naginata. The special move in this SUCKS terribly compared to naginata. Stage 3 is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long and one thing that would take this game a long way is instead of focusing on making the game more difficult by making stages longer and adding a greater number of enemies would be adding different mechanics for enemy attacks quality quantity. Another change that would be super beneficial in this game but possibly a lot of work would be some kind of upgrade shop where you can unlock different attacks, special skills, etc. it would add replay value and just make the game a whole lot more entertaining. Definitely glad the creator made improvements though!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike 2D Platformer Games.

Update: So, I was able to play again, and was doing rather well now that I understand what to do and how to do it. It was nice after a certain stage that when I died I could reload and try again from the same point, and not have to completely start over. Unfortunately, the game froze again and the character stopped responding to the controls. This really needs to be fixed because the only thing to do at that point is to close down the game which just makes me not want to play again. So until this issue is fixed, I cannot change my rating. Once that issue is fixed, I will change my rating from “No, I do not recommend,” to, “Yes, I recommend this game.”

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Arc Wizards 3 on Steam

Rogue Lords

Rogue Lords

I really enjoyed Rogue Lords, and I decided to write this review as I have a slightly different take from the others I read.

It took me ~40 hours to finish all chapters, and I always played with the same team (the starters: Dracula “the Support”, the Headless Horseman “the Tank”, Bloody Mary “the DPS”). I think I had a total of two game overs, one at the second or third chapter, and one at the second-to-last (but see below).

I read several reviews mentioning that the game is hard and RNG can hit hard. I think they are not wrong, but I did not find it THAT hard: I think it’s more a matter of COMPLEXITY. Damage already starts in the double digits, and it is not unusual towards the end of the game to hit for 30-50 (multiple times). With 3 characters on your side and 1-3 characters on the other side, you can also have several status effects in play at the same time (probably the maximum I’ve seen is ~20). You accumulate this with relic effects and maybe even battle effects, and suddenly it becomes really easy to make a fatal mistake. I remember in one boss battle I accidentally made the Headless Horseman use an attack that steals HP and SP, while he was under the effect of a Zombie debuff (healing received becomes damage), so instead of healing him I made him Vulnerable with 0 HP and 0 SP. Fun times.

Real player with 132.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Dark Fantasy Games.

Note that while I am giving this a thumbs up, there are definite issues that sour the experience (that I will go into more detail over below). Honestly, this rating should be 3/5, 6/10, or a neutral but we don’t have those options.

Long story short:

Rogue Lords is a fun roguelike very much like Slay the Spire, but not being a rip off in the slightest. It has a unique cheating mechanic and is pretty difficult while also having balance issues and run destroying bug. The concept is unique, fresh, and fun, but the gameplay could use some retuning and class balancing.

Real player with 116.7 hrs in game

Rogue Lords on Steam

Ninja Ken

Ninja Ken

0.05$ average platform game. Not good, not bad. Can’t use joystick or change keyboard.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Ninja Ken on Steam