Underwater Space

Underwater Space

Underwater Space will take you to an unknown world in which you’ll experience exciting battles, discover new species and places. And you’ll take care of resources supply, development of your base, and your own ship.

The underwater world is beautiful but also very dangerous. Beware of deadly monsters that are hidden in deep water. Some threats can be well spotted but some of them may not look like they want to make you dead.

Fight in exciting, underwater battles for resources needed to survive. Experience spontaneous small battles when searching for new resources. And a big, organized war.

Explore this wonderful world. Discover new species and fantastic places. Study ancient ruins and what’s left after an old civilization. Admire the beauty and learn the history of this world.

Gather resources by yourself and organize your base to do it when you’re busy with other things. Remember that without them you won’t last long in this place. And you’re not the only one that wants them.

Develop your base with new technologies. Build mines in new places, defense buildings to keep enemies away. Create new ship improvements, new weapons. Everything that will make your life easier here.


Read More: Best Action Roguelike Sci-fi Games.

Underwater Space on Steam



It’s a very fun game for the first few hours. You unlock the other races, try new weapons, and kill the bosses. Unfortunately the amount of content is limited. Only four bosses (that I have seen), five races (which is a pretty decent amount to be fair), and around 10ish weapons. The game gets old quick and needs more variety. The four bosses are always in the same order and have an annoying unskippable intro where they usually appear out of the ground. The bosses are fun first time round, but I feel maybe a few more in the mix would improve the replayability aspect or the game. Also the third boss fight drags on a bit too long in my opinion, and his regeneration makes killing him take awhile. This game is a work in progress though and the developer seems to update the game every few weeks so It’s safe to say more content is coming soon.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Simulation Games.

The AI in this game makes me feel like every single basic enemy is the shittiest 12 year old in COD. They have no interest in killing you, only in being a net negative in progression. They will space you out litteraly forever, but not let you leave because they will rush you down the second you turn away. Every fight is agony. The bosses are the easiest enemies in the game, because they behave in a way that makes sense with the tool,s you get as a player. Everything about the game is cool, save for the AI, which makes me fucking hate this game. Difficulty is not giving the enemies instant reaction times, the ability to negate ranged combat with melee weapons, charge at you from off-screen, and work together to deny you resources. Imagine if in BOTW the moment any enemy hit half health ran away from you at top speed, and handed its loot to someone else, dying in the process. That is the AI in this game. The best build is 1 spike on your head, with greasers everywhere else. It’s the only shit they cannot space you out from.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Sipho on Steam



Your ship has crash-landed on a stray rogue planet, and your ship is out of fuel… It’s up to you to delve beneath the frozen surface and find a way to get your ship back into space while fighting strange sea creatures and uncovering the mysteries of the world beneath the ice!

  • Randomly generated enemies and upgrades

  • 8 weapons, 14+ upgrades, and 40+ enemies

  • 8 distinct zones, 8+ bosses

  • 4 ships with unique playstyles

  • Tight, polished movement and controls

  • Gameplay systems focused on risk and reward

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Colorful Games.




I was a huge fan of the original Plants vs Zombies, so I got this Day 1. I wasn’t sure about it at first, but much like how a chicken that spits out explosive eggs sprouts from a tentacle, it grew on me! This is a game that doesn’t show its entire hand at once and gets better the more you unlock.

Like PvZ, there is a ramp up from from nothing (1 sunflower = lowly 2 tentacles) to a full complement of destruction (a full garden of bullet peas = multiple legs of crushing, spitting, cutting action!). However, this sense of escalation is built through the entire game instead of short rounds; on the bad side, this means that each game starts of a bit slowly and it takes a while to build, but on the good side, once you build up your arsenal the action is sustained from that point. In that sense, it’s not as much of a dip-in, dip-out game like PvZ since the feeling of a satisfying complete play session is measured in whole playthroughs, not rounds.

Real player with 90.3 hrs in game

This game is juggling a lot of balls for having such simple gameplay, and it gets a lot of it right.

Some examples: the game has ocean portions where you float at the center of the screen and land portions where you roll around. They’re different enough that you have to think about how your purchases are going to be affected by each level type, but similar enough that you can figure it out on your own pretty easily. The goldfish provides enough gold to give you an edge in Hard Mode, so you need to be careful about when you get rid of it to free a tentacle for a weapon. You can spend money on lives, but don’t spend too much or you’ll be underpowered… The balance in all these things is really perfect, and it must have taken a long time to figure out how all that should work.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

Octogeddon on Steam



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A game that borrows inspiration from the roguelike and survival genre alike and puts you in an instant fight for survival against mysterious creatures, starvation, insanity and more.

Be prepared to fail over and over again while you keep learning how to keep a good balance of yours crews needs and safety.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

I bought this to do a review of it for YT. Never before have I heard myself so depressed after a video. It isn’t from the melancholy of Lovecraftian literature either.


Aesthetically it reminds me of retro-indie games. Pretty good in that regard. However I’m not a fan of the GUI trying to move out of the way while I’m attempting to use it (infuriating to say the least). It took me about 15 minutes to learn the mechanics and I’m still not sure I have all of it with an hour of playing. I got the furnace once, but I’ve not seen it since and died soon after, considering the game doesn’t teach you how to use it. I tend to succumb to sanity being exhausted, but it’s impossible to keep my crew sufficiently saturated and not crazy. Frankly it’s not fun for me to die and die again with little to no progress being made so I don’t want to play it anymore.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Thalassophobia on Steam



I saw a cod hold a gun like a mafioso. Jellyfish still as painful as they are irl. Fish whose one arm is extremely buff, probably cause his wife was fished. Can sell the fish to the black market. Communism. You can make fish shoot themselves as if they lived in such a country.

20/20 Game of the Year.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Honestly, I have fun with this but there’s a lot of things that don’t feel entirely good to put up with.

Your hook feels very slow, to the point of agony, and while I’m sure the late game is a blast, the early game definitely feels a bit lacking.

Also, there’s some items that just feel like a pain to get early on that really are only remotely viable when you have something else. Like, items that activate after damage are very common despite how liberal health is in the game.

Overall though, I’ve had a fun time with this so far, definitely going to give it more of a shot, but there are some things I dislike, but willing to push through to see how the game is a bit further on. Definitely a very tough game, and I look forward to hopefully cracking it some time.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Fishticuffs on Steam



As a late 19th Century brinepunk mercenary-for-hire, you are employed to explore the subaquatic ruins of an ancient civilization. However, your mission of discovery turns to one of survival as the sunken kingdom’s corrupted inhabitants make it clear that interlopers are not welcome.

Wield an array of exotic, adaptable weaponry, and fortify yourself with mysterious, enhancing powers as you engage in a seemingly perpetual battle against the watery domain’s ranks of mutated guardians.

Abyssus is the latest creation from Swedish developer DoubleMoose, which was founded by ex-developers from Coffee Stain and Ubisoft.


Equip yourself with human brinepunk firearms or strange, ancient weapons as you prepare to face foes unlike anything you’ve ever encountered before


Modify and customize your guns to suit your playstyle, and harness the power of passive and active abilities to give you an edge over enemies


Inspired by the folklore of Atlantis, and the designs and architecture of the Aztecs and Incas, the world of Abyssus is richly atmospheric and steeped in mystery

Abyssus on Steam