ASTRD is an arcade roguelike shooter where you build & upgrade your ship to face endless waves of enemies. Inspired by auto-battlers and other roguelike shooters, you build your ship from Blocks that each have unique attacks, abilities and passives. Choose and upgrade your Blocks to find unique combinations and synergies that will unlock class bonuses, allowing you to face each new wave of enemies.


  • You ship always moves forward. Turn it up, down, left, right to steer

  • Blocks automatically shoot enemies when they come in range

  • Build out your ship and combine classes to unlock class bonuses

  • Clearing waves grants you gold to upgrade your ship

  • Upgrade blocks by buying more copies


  • 20+ Unique Blocks to customize your ship

  • 10+ classes with class bonuses and modifiers

  • 4 game modes: Regular, Speedrun, Infinite & Sandbox

  • Mod the game with easy to modify json files

This game is completely open source, under the Creative Common BY-NC-ND 4.0 license


Corona by Alexander Nakarada, serpentsoundstudios, promoted by chosic

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Arena Shooter Games.

ASTRD on Steam



There are several users who have written detailed and thorough reviews of this title, I am not going to attempt to do anything approaching some of the excellent reviews that I have read.

I am however, so impressed with this game that I feel I must share my two cents about how immersive and amazing the experience and gameplay are.

Many, many years ago I had a gaming PC…. to put this in perspective, the World Trade Center was still around in those days, we had only elected 1 George Bush and nobody knew what an iPhone was.

Real player with 132.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Sci-fi Games.

An shining example of how Early Access can work and a brilliant mixture of roguelike and space shooter


dares to experiment and comes out a winner.

I’ve had my eye on Everspace ever since last year when it was on Early Access. Reading those words invokes a feeling a wariness to any consumer who has seen hundreds of EA titles rise and fall either in the blink of an eye or suffer a prolonged cycle of non-development and eventual death.

I held off buying the game last year but once I saw that Everspace was getting a final release in May I made a promise to myself to buy it during this summer sale. The discount was not that big but boy was the price worth it.

Real player with 82.0 hrs in game


Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition

This game feels more like a concept in progress rather than a finished product. I have to state this one thing before I start saying anything else. The concept is great, too. But the game-play feels lackluster without more content to flesh out the existing gameplay.

You will spend about 80% of the time mining resources on planets and salvaging resources with a tractor beam while fighting aliens whether you do it yourself or send your clones to do it. The available resources are incredibly limiting and often infuriating in how little is available for what you need despite entire planets that realistically would have more than just the one patch of resources you could collect.

Real player with 87.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Sci-fi Games.

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition Review

A strange and unique experience awaits…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. New Game Plus

  2. Multiple Endings

  3. Sandbox experience

Gameplay & Controls:

The controls for the game are fair and easy enough to make use of. The game handles pretty decently as well. Whether you are on a planet fighting off attackers or crawling through your shafts clearing out infestations.

Combat is pretty average, to be honest, and not that well balanced either. Your favourite weapon will be the pistol since it doesn’t run out of ammo and is far easier to make use of. The game is a mixture of ship building, exploration and simulation elements. As you explore planets and debris, you upgrade your ship to accommodate more crew members and gain access to newer technologies to make surviving easier. You don’t really manage your crew, they go about their own thing, food, water, and all those needs are non-existent, which is a let-down.

Real player with 66.7 hrs in game

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition on Steam

The Last Hope

The Last Hope

Running simulator

In the game we play the role of a viking who must save the world. To do this, he has to go through several portals in order to reach his destination, which is Mars. In addition, we have to control life, collect food and drink. On the road we will also meet various enemies.

And now what does it look like? The game is to run from one point to another in front of you. Eating and drinking is useless, all we have to do is find first aid kits, which usually lie on the road. Enemies are bugged and don’t want to attack us, so the whole game is based on running through yourself. And so through 5(?) locations.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

(Got this game for free from . Thanks, guys!)

I am walkin' to the limit! I am walkin' to the limit! I AM WALKIN' TO THE LIMIIIIIIIT!!!!!

The Last Hope is a game about walking to a destination which you have to discover while making sure you survive to meet it. During your quest, you will need to maintain your health, hunger, and thirst…which can become quite a challenge in various areas (this limit is removed the moment you board the plane to the USA, which makes the experience more casual and enjoyable). The overall objective is to push a small object a short distance (like nudging it off a cliff), but with a very long run towards the destination.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

The Last Hope on Steam

Power of Ten - Demo

Power of Ten - Demo

An amazing game, you wouldn’t be able to tell that it was a demo! A handful of different ships you gradually discover through the game, an wide array of weapons/abilities/traits to select from. Beautiful pixelated action with diverse enemy encounters and battle settings. A promising show for the to-be-released version, definitely put this on your wishlist.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

A great top-down space action game. Fly your space ship, dodge shots, and blow up baddies. It’s not a bullet hell game - it’s a race to mine for resources, achieve objectives, and put out fires as baddies attack inhabited planets. I’m a veteran of such games and found this one a fun challenge.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Power of Ten - Demo on Steam

Neon Dragons

Neon Dragons

Neon Dragons is a fast-paced roguelite spaceship action, with item collecting mechanics, and retrowave-style visuals. The player’s objective is to survive as long as possible in each stage and eliminate all bosses in the game.

Explore different universes full of danger, adventures and surprises, while eliminating enemies and collecting resources.

Play your way, creating your own strategies while surviving as long as possible.

Key Features

  • Increasing difficulty

    Plan your steps well within the universes as enemies will grow stronger as the waves pass, demanding more skill and attention

  • Powerful items

    With a wide variety of active items, you’ll be able to create different combinations of items to cause the greatest possible destruction.

  • Constantly changing

    The game universes are never the same, always with different challenges and unexpected dangers. With different items and attributes, no match will be the same

  • Retrowave visuals

    Destroy enemy ships and dodge missiles in the best Retrowave style, with neons and vibrant colors that bring the universe to life

  • Powerful Bosses

    Survive long enough to face powerful and challenging bosses who will put all your skills to the test

  • Progressive evolutions

    Play and unlock upgrades that accumulate as the game progresses, making the game more and more interesting as time goes on

  • Unlimited play

    Even after completing the game, you will still be able to continue playing to increase your highscore and compete for scores with other players.

Neon Dragons on Steam

Power of Ten

Power of Ten

What if you took Asteroids, expanded on the gameplay, and gave it a graphics update? that’s Power of Ten. Well-done pixel graphics, good sound effects, and simple but fun gameplay.

The game has little scenarios*, random maps, and weapons pickups, so reminds me a tiny bit of FTL: Faster Than Light, which is nice (I may be a little biased but I love anything like FTL). Power of Ten is made by one guy, and he’s very active on development and feedback in the PoT community which is something I really love seeing. always a good sign.

Real player with 34.3 hrs in game

Its a fine game. But play space is empty. Just a few planets, astroids, and thats it. Would love you see maybe a passing ship in the background or something to make it move lively. I know its space but come on.

Significant slowdowns and lag may turn people off.

NEEDS multiple updates!

Other than that it makes you feel like a true starfighter. Ships handle great and combat is cool. If its on sale buy it, because itll be a solid game in a while.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Power of Ten on Steam

Space Abyss

Space Abyss

Space Abyss is simple right now, but it still shows a lot of potential for more to be added in the future! I like the idea of it; cruising around, collecting minerals, destroying cube planet systems with increasing power and finding other minerals that can be used to empower what you’ve collected.

The graphics are impressive, there is an amazing balance between Gameplay and Visuals, I’ve only seen one type of enemy so far, and am curious if newer types of challenging opponents will be implemented, as well as probable expansion of the pre-existing arsenal.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

The game needs some kind of tutorial to explain the mechanics, but there’s potential!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Space Abyss on Steam

Spaceship Commander

Spaceship Commander

Good game from my perspective. Fills that spot between Stellar Tactics and Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls. Can’t wait for this game to mature. Pretty sure my standards are not the same as everybody else’s. I see lots of potential in this game and I hope my hope for potential from this game is not doused later. So try it out for yourself if you are interested enough to play.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

The Devs of this game despite having a fair few negative reviews have remained strong and kept working on this game instead of just giving up like so many others have.

This game from what I have played of it so far is genuinely pretty good and I think has received a bad rep by people who wanted a quick go and then refund it without giving it a full run.

Keep it up guys.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Spaceship Commander on Steam

Underwater Space

Underwater Space

Underwater Space will take you to an unknown world in which you’ll experience exciting battles, discover new species and places. And you’ll take care of resources supply, development of your base, and your own ship.

The underwater world is beautiful but also very dangerous. Beware of deadly monsters that are hidden in deep water. Some threats can be well spotted but some of them may not look like they want to make you dead.

Fight in exciting, underwater battles for resources needed to survive. Experience spontaneous small battles when searching for new resources. And a big, organized war.

Explore this wonderful world. Discover new species and fantastic places. Study ancient ruins and what’s left after an old civilization. Admire the beauty and learn the history of this world.

Gather resources by yourself and organize your base to do it when you’re busy with other things. Remember that without them you won’t last long in this place. And you’re not the only one that wants them.

Develop your base with new technologies. Build mines in new places, defense buildings to keep enemies away. Create new ship improvements, new weapons. Everything that will make your life easier here.

Underwater Space on Steam