What a fun game, really love it. It was the first auto-battler I played and I became a fan of the genre.

Real player with 48.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Arena Shooter Games.

snake game go brrr, this is the first game in a while that i played for 7 hours straight. i would say this game is insanely under priced but i’m not complaining, each time you beat the game you unlock new difficulties and can make your snake a unit longer. i love the many different classes and units you can pick, things such as aoe or projectile attacks, or other things like the merchant which gives you interest on money and other stat booster and abilities you can get from beating elite enemies. buy this game. now.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

SNKRX on Steam

Skelly Selest

Skelly Selest

For such a low price, it’s definitely a game to get. It’s genuinely a really fun rogue-like, the playstyle of combat changes between vessel to vessel (character) but essentially it’s that kind of dark souls, all about timing dodging and attacking. The graphics are nice and the actual aesthetic of the menus and how you traverse the options is really nice, on top of that within the game there’s a load of different game modes pretty much opening the enjoyment time out indefinitely, there’s the “x Hunt” which are the first and main game modes where you go through floors/areas eventually reaching a boss, there’s a dungeon crawling one where a key must be found to open the door to the boss, but then also a strategic card game and an endless arena.

Real player with 66.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Pixel Graphics Games.

See more reviews like this on our curator page: IndieGems.

Update 5/12/2018:

Developer made some really positive changes earlier today. My issues from the earlier gameplay are pretty much all resolved now. Dungeon game mode is now available in the beginning, this makes me feel like the game is receptive to a wider audience off the bat, which is great. There is an Itemography to see what a drop does before picking it up, so you can plan your gameplay better. I continue to enjoy this game so much!

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Skelly Selest on Steam



After playing for a while and giving this game chance after chance after chance, I just can’t recommend it.

But before I get into the review, I will mention that I am a completitionist. Always looking for secrets, always looking to complete the loogbook/Bestiary/unlock every item. Always trying to get all of the achievements, or at least as many as I can.

So that said, I’m gonna get into it.

It’s a long review, so TL;DR at the end


1.) First of all, game can be a grindy to get into. You can have quite a slow start. You are very underpowered, and everything is very crazy and damaging. From a tiny little fly that hits you with one projectile that deals 20 damage, or a bat that flies erratically and has decent range with the attack that does 30 damage, it can get overwhelming. Considering you basically never get health drops naturally, and the usual health item you get heals you for 20, it can get difficult.

Real player with 169.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Pixel Graphics Games.

1.2 The amount of changes, and love, and quality that has continuously been put into this game should be a lesson for any developers that endeavour to be this awesome.

1.0 Update: Thank you for being a loyal developer. They are far ahead of the pack they must compete in and few between the crowd of applications / games being developed and then abandoned during/before / after release.

This is a landmark in dungeon exploring, and roguelites, there’s a ton of content and when you beat the game, there’s another world to explore. The sheer joy of exploring and deciding if you want to fight the bosses or not, after you defeated them the first time/ or found the secret paths around them, is a bliss. There is lots of luck. Each run can be hours, our just a few minutes. The items you find in the beginning encourage not to skip any zones completely.

Real player with 89.5 hrs in game

UnderMine on Steam

In Celebration of Violence

In Celebration of Violence

This is a much more interesting and rewarding game to play than it may appear at first. In fact, my first impression was that the game was relatively simple, and fairly standard. This was anything but correct. It takes a bit of time to get into and really understand what is going on, but that is also part of the idea of the game. You start as a peasant in the middle of a great fugue, everyone has lost their memory, and this factors into many aspects of the gameplay. Items as well as spells and to a slightly lesser extent weapons must be discovered multiple times to completely reveal their description and effects, most of the game is not explained forwardly to the player, it’s left to you to discover how things work. This can be a little intimidating or confusing at times, but it’s an interesting concept.

Real player with 352.6 hrs in game

Wonderful game, worth every single one of the 799 pennies it cost me.

It’s a modern Rogue-like with a quite slow-paced, deliberate combat system that takes a bit to get into.

Basically, swings of your melee weapons have some windup-time and cannot be cancelled and require a little insight into the movement patterns of enemies to connect. Early encounters with ranged foes that love to move just outside your weapons swing (or stab, lunge etc.) may make you exclaim ‘NOT fair!’ but after it clicks for you become an easily dispatched source of XP.

Real player with 202.7 hrs in game

In Celebration of Violence on Steam



After a whole 1000 hours of playing this game, I think it’s time that I should write my thoughts about it. I’m gonna be listing some strengths and weaknesses of this game and the severity is determined by the amount of +’s or -’s, up to 3. I’ll state a solution for any problem I have if I can think of one. Also, spoiler warning. If you don’t want to get spoiled, just skip to the bottom of this review.

+++Nearly limitless replayability. I’ve managed to stick with this game for 1000 hours because it keeps putting me in unique scenarios, despite the level generation variety not being great. Not only are there a lot of builds but the gear is so random that you’ll be getting very different stat spreads and equipment perks to use at various points in the game.

Real player with 1053.4 hrs in game

This is a beautiful little game. It’s deceptively simple but almost impossible to master, and with enough complexity that it has extraordinary replayability. The different character classes are all unique with their own starting equipment, stats, and abilities, which allows for a wide variety of play styles. Want to run around all the enemies and attack from a distance? Be an acrobatic rogue and roll, jump, and climb around to your hearts content. Want to just brute force melee everything? Be a berserker wildling and solve all of your problems with fists. Finding a method that works for you is important because the game can be mind numbingly difficult.

Real player with 717.2 hrs in game

Vagante on Steam

Immortal Redneck

Immortal Redneck

This game is truly one of the best Arcade FPS’s I’ve played. It combines so many great elements from different games in such a way that creates incredibly fast paced, fun game-play. That being said, there are a few small things that could be done to bring Immortal Redneck from greatness to near perfection.

One of the best parts of Immortal Redneck is the Redneck himself. He’s just a genuinely fun and engaging character. Just like Borderlands, it pays to give the character you’re playing some personality. The opening cinematic immediately got me excited to kill some varmits. The majority of his dialogue is fantastic. From switching weapons, to paying the pyramid toll, he’s just a great character to hear/play. Id say the only downside is that his dialogue doesnt feel complete. He only has lines to say about encountering like 2 kinds of enemies. Id like them to add dialouge for encountering/killing more enemies, and critical kills. Honestly I just cant get enough of the redneck.

Real player with 729.6 hrs in game

What we have here is a first-person shooter rogue-lite thing with cartoony artstyle and some nosense excuse plot about a redneck who is captured by monsters and mummified while on vacation in Egypt, only to break out of his sarcophagus and go on a rampage through some pyramids.

You go from room to room, clearing them of enemies and hunting for bonus chests, until you progress up the pyramid and eventually conquer it. Repeat 3 times for 3 different pyramids.

I’m enjoying it a lot, it runs nice and smooth, and it gets it’s fast-paced retro-insipred shooting done well. Total package is well worth the money in my opinion.

Real player with 141.7 hrs in game

Immortal Redneck on Steam

Heroes of Hammerwatch

Heroes of Hammerwatch

Felling like god killing everything in the path just to die in a damn trap, love it.

Real player with 178.7 hrs in game

Gery vood

Real player with 108.3 hrs in game

Heroes of Hammerwatch on Steam

Catacomb Kids

Catacomb Kids

Catacomb Kids is an unforgiving dungeon-diving platformer with tight design and a living, exotic environment. In it you play as a kid who has descended into the mysterious Catacombs in search of treasure or knowledge, or a good fight. Each of these things can be found in great measure within the dungeon.

The goal of the game is to obtain the Orbs of Leveling hidden or guarded in each level of the dungeon in order to become powerful enough to defeat whatever lies at the bottom. The gameplay involved in doing this consists of both a solid platformer/brawler core and some of the deepest systems I have seen in any game.

Real player with 310.5 hrs in game

Catacomb Kids is a wildly in depth game that rewards creative thinking and diverse decision making. There are many thing that contribute to the unique gameplay experience i find i have when playing the game, one of them is that the game is hard, as is advertised, the game will in most situations test your critical thinking and your twitch reactions with the ability the change the outcome of any encounter with good planning or good reactions, for example, if you see three enemies you could just go in there and beat em up to the best of your ability mashing the attack button, jumping attacks, rolling or shield bashing and parrying, this could result in a victory, you get the loot and go on your way, but it is more risky you could also pick up a boulder and place a portal so the boulder will loop and gain speed effectivly making a blender and then taunt enemies into it to get the win, both resulted in the same thing, a victory where you got what you wanted, but both were different approaches and both had a different mind set. That is what i find the most intriguing, i have spent a few hours in this game and i am sure i will spend some more, the game boasts some comfortable platforming with some pretty tight controls that feel nice for me, the combat can be fun and unique with the four different classes in the game at the moment i find myself bouncing between all of them and using them in all different ways, cleaving through hoards of enemies with the bully or igniting a group with the poet using flame wave or using my lighting boots on the wanderer to lighting dropkick through a group stunning them all or even using the tinkerer and having my robot use a potion of smiting i made to spray over a bunch of undead. What i feel i am trying to say is if you are a fan of games that pay attention to the small things and the little details then this might be for you, what i am saying is that if you like a challenge and like to be tested this game might be for you, what i am trying to say is that if you like a game where you can get involved in a community and change the game for the better and have you input matter right now, this game might just be for you. I seriously love this game a lot, it has been well worth my time and money despite not putting all that much time into it yet, it has kept me entertained even unfinished, to be completely honest i have only beaten the game two times on permadeath, despite playing a pretty good amount, this game is pretty hard, or i am trash who can really tell right now. In conclusion, the game is hard, the game is rewarding and the game is getting more and more content as the days go on. If you got this far thanks for reading and please try out the game, and if you do maybe DM me and we can do some co-op.

Real player with 266.6 hrs in game

Catacomb Kids on Steam



Short(ish) Review:

An excellent game with an attentive developer and superb level generation - something deserving merit in its own right: it’s not just built out of unique ‘chunks’ or totally random individual dungeon levels, but built from the ground up so that the entire dungeon interacts - a masterpiece of procedural development - and better, one which feels totally natural while exploring the unexplored!

Not to mention - the worlds within are gorgeous. You can feel the chill in the icy winds, be stunned by the verdant life in the teeming underworld or move through the silent, echoing halls of the long-dead and above all, the sounds: hear the whispering sounds of dead gods in forgotten corners, your own footsteps and the shuffle of things moving behind walls: ‘atmospheric’ doesn’t cover the half of it.

Real player with 385.3 hrs in game

Well, I gotta say… this game absolutely came out of nowhere for me. Apparantly showing up in August, yet I’d never seen it even once until Steam randomly threw it at me recently (stupid overloaded store…). And that’s a bloody shame: I buy alot of different games pretty often, but of all of them I’ve gotten this year, this is probably the one that deserves the most attention by far. Hopefully, perhaps this review can help to convince some more people to buy it.

Unexplored is an action roguelike (as in, real-time) that creates a very detailed and interesting world for you to explore, as you control your amorphous one-eyed blob of a character (???) throughout an extremely intricate dungeon full of traps, monsters, exploding things, and all sorts of junk that you’d expect to find in a horrible dungeon of doom. The Amulet of Yendor (which apparently is like the greatest thing ever, according to roguelikes) is your goal, which needless to say is at the bottom of this horrible death pit.

Real player with 188.1 hrs in game

Unexplored on Steam

Deathstate: Abyssal Edition

Deathstate: Abyssal Edition

Deathstate is what you get when you take Binding of Isaac, add some “bullet hell” mechanics, and put it in a colorful 16-bit H.P. Lovecraft universe. It’s a relatively simple game: Steer one of a growing cast of unlockable characters through a series of procedurally-generated worlds, gobbling up unlockable guts–monstrous hearts, eyes, brains, lungs, etc.–and equipping arcane tools that modify your stats and offensive capabilities.

And I quite literally mean “steer”: As a single stick shooter, you don’t have direct control over when or where you shoot. Instead, your character automatically targets and shoots enemies when they come into range, leaving you to focus entirely on movement and dodging. This unusual choice may turn off some players because it sounds like a dumbed-down twin stick shooter. It doesn’t help that the first map (called a “layer”) is frequently pretty easy, leaving many to assume you can simply sleepwalk through the game while your character does all the work.

Real player with 148.5 hrs in game

Do you want a game which can fill up your time with good content and challenge? Do you like to mix element from danmaku (bullet curtain) and rogue-like? Then you have your game : Deathstate.

This review has been made after clearing the full game at version 1.13, which means 100% achievement and the hardest possible run.

For which player ?

Thanks to a scaled difficulty the game can be played by both novice to danmaku and experts. However, as it is now this can has some flashy effect that may pose a problem for color-blind people along with those having photo-sensibility.

Real player with 38.4 hrs in game

Deathstate: Abyssal Edition on Steam