Dome Romantik

Dome Romantik

Dome Romantik is a roguelike mining game, where you go on a run to strip multiple planets of their minerals, while the native creatures furiously try to stop you. They come in waves, so you have to carefully consider your mining activities to return just in time to defend you dome. Greed can be deadly, information a viable tool for survival. Powerful upgrades will help you stay alive and be productive until you can move on to the next world.

Your Dome

Choose a unique dome that will shape your run. Each dome has different weapons, abilities and upgrade paths, each bringing their own challenges along.

Your Task

Extract minerals and use them to improve your dome and yourself. Install shields, new weapons, or facilities to generate powerful fuel for your jetpack or even ammunition. Improve your mining abilities with stronger drills or innovative ways to retrieve minerals.

The Worlds

You’ll meet many strange lifeforms as you progress through the worlds. They are as different as the worlds they live in, so you need to learn their tricks and focus to stay alive.

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Retro Games.

Dome Romantik on Steam

Crystal Valley

Crystal Valley

In Crystal Valley they explore alien landscapes mine raw materials and build new tools and fight against a large number of enemies.

Experience an exciting adventure, fight evil monsters and build powerful weapons.


You have awakened without knowing and can remember nothing. Next to you is an AXT and a pickaxe. And a note. A note that says. Collect 50 crystals and a portal to open.


Mine raw materials and create new tools and weapons from them. Collect crystals to create portals to advance into other areas.

Fight with your weapons against different enemies. Be it ghosts or skeletons.

Remember, when you die it’s all over.

Crystal Vally relies on repetitive play fun. Every round is different and should give you replay value.

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Survival Horror Games.

Crystal Valley on Steam



Alchementalist is very early in development and as such, some features may change and images are not representative of the final product.

Alchementalist is a procedurally generated rogue-lite dungeon crawler. Use the power of the elements to craft your own spells and create outrageous combinations of elemental effects, altering the very terrain itself! Delve deeper into the mines to find materials and grow into the most powerful character you can. Take on dangerous foes, learn about the secrets of the Ember-mages and challenge yourself to reach the deepest layers of the mines seeking the Ember-source itself.

Explore the ancient ruins of the Ember-mage mines, searching for the fabled Ember-source. Fight dozens of unique enemies, each with their own crafted spells and tactics, requiring strategy and reflexes to defeat. Encounter more and more dangerous foes as you venture deeper into the mines in your quest to find the Ember-source. The multi-tiered mines are partially hand-crafted, partially procedurally generated, guaranteeing each run is unique and exciting!

Find and mine elemental nodes by blasting them away with your magic. Each elemental node will provide different materials based on what spell type is used to destroy it, allowing you to pick and choose what materials you take away from each node.

Use the materials you’ve gathered to craft multitudes of spell upgrades or even completely new spells! Tailor your magic to exactly how you like to play. Change the target of the spells, add splash damage, modify spell effects, even make spells change the very terrain itself, the possibilities are endless.

Hidden deep within the secret lore of the wise, lie tales of an ancient order of mages. Theirs was a life lived in the depths of the earth and they delved vast subterranean mines, plumbing the ancient rock for the magical elements that were formed from the bones of the world. One element they prized above all others. They called it the Ember-source and they craved and treasured it, for it was beautiful, powerful, and addictive.

It was from this desired element that the name of their order came to be: Ember-mages. No one living knows why or how they vanished from this world, but vanish they did, and today their magnificent caverns lie in ruins, with only death and danger inhabiting them. Magical experiments and powerful abominations guard their secrets against those who dwell above. However, their tales and the seeds of truth that may be contained within have always attracted the brave and the foolhardy. You consider yourself both, and you have vowed to find the truth behind the veil of legend. The journey will be long and black and many dangers await. But, perhaps, at the end of the descent, when you have passed through much toil and weariness, lies a treasure beyond reckoning.

The Ember-source beckons, Alchementalist.

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Games.

Alchementalist on Steam

Tunnel of Doom

Tunnel of Doom

A fun game with a unique premise.

I enjoy the combination of tower defense, resource management, and dungeon crawling. The setting is unique, and the story is spartan but functional.

A few points that I feel could be improved upon:

  • Melee combat is very awkward. I assume this is intentional, to promote the use of defenses, but considering how frequently you’ll have to take a pickaxe to a goblin I wish it felt better to do so. I killed a couple of friendly miners by accident simply because of how difficult it is to engage. The pistol is also quite inaccurate; I again assume this is intentional, but considering how valuable bullets are, I wish they were stronger on the whole.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

It isn’t bad, but very short. You can either beat it on normal, or play the hard(doomed story) which makes it almost impossible without seeing waves coming, no map and halving your health and other detriments, so it becomes about luck more than any planning.

The normal will take about 2 hours to beat and become quite easy once you get a few cannons. By the 3rd floor of normal I could afk on waves due to having 4 cannons set up, just had to attack for the mobs that were immune to being seen by the cannons.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Tunnel of Doom on Steam



After playing for a while and giving this game chance after chance after chance, I just can’t recommend it.

But before I get into the review, I will mention that I am a completitionist. Always looking for secrets, always looking to complete the loogbook/Bestiary/unlock every item. Always trying to get all of the achievements, or at least as many as I can.

So that said, I’m gonna get into it.

It’s a long review, so TL;DR at the end


1.) First of all, game can be a grindy to get into. You can have quite a slow start. You are very underpowered, and everything is very crazy and damaging. From a tiny little fly that hits you with one projectile that deals 20 damage, or a bat that flies erratically and has decent range with the attack that does 30 damage, it can get overwhelming. Considering you basically never get health drops naturally, and the usual health item you get heals you for 20, it can get difficult.

Real player with 169.5 hrs in game

1.2 The amount of changes, and love, and quality that has continuously been put into this game should be a lesson for any developers that endeavour to be this awesome.

1.0 Update: Thank you for being a loyal developer. They are far ahead of the pack they must compete in and few between the crowd of applications / games being developed and then abandoned during/before / after release.

This is a landmark in dungeon exploring, and roguelites, there’s a ton of content and when you beat the game, there’s another world to explore. The sheer joy of exploring and deciding if you want to fight the bosses or not, after you defeated them the first time/ or found the secret paths around them, is a bliss. There is lots of luck. Each run can be hours, our just a few minutes. The items you find in the beginning encourage not to skip any zones completely.

Real player with 89.5 hrs in game

UnderMine on Steam

Vector Prospector

Vector Prospector

A very fun and replayable roguelite. This is one of the only games I’ve played in the past year that I actually wanted to get back into and play again!

The randomly generated levels give a new experience each time, and all the different enemies have their own interesting way of dealing with them.

I do think the gameplay has a few flaws in the balancing, particularly with the powerups, but overall it doesn’t impede the fun too much.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

A perfect blend of action combat, exploration and strategy in an incredibly simple package. This is one of the best examples of how a few basic ingredients can be combined to create a brilliant dish. Overall outstanding design and solid execution. GG!

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Vector Prospector on Steam

Power of Ten

Power of Ten

What if you took Asteroids, expanded on the gameplay, and gave it a graphics update? that’s Power of Ten. Well-done pixel graphics, good sound effects, and simple but fun gameplay.

The game has little scenarios*, random maps, and weapons pickups, so reminds me a tiny bit of FTL: Faster Than Light, which is nice (I may be a little biased but I love anything like FTL). Power of Ten is made by one guy, and he’s very active on development and feedback in the PoT community which is something I really love seeing. always a good sign.

Real player with 34.3 hrs in game

Its a fine game. But play space is empty. Just a few planets, astroids, and thats it. Would love you see maybe a passing ship in the background or something to make it move lively. I know its space but come on.

Significant slowdowns and lag may turn people off.

NEEDS multiple updates!

Other than that it makes you feel like a true starfighter. Ships handle great and combat is cool. If its on sale buy it, because itll be a solid game in a while.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Power of Ten on Steam



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Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Muck. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the features will go over a typical gamer’s head. There’s also Gronk’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these mechanics, to realize that they’re not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Muck truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Dani’s existential catchphrase “is it me or is (insert name) looking kinda THICC” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dani’s genius unfolds itself on their monitor screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Muck tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Real player with 27.7 hrs in game

Muck on Steam