Our Darker Purpose

Our Darker Purpose

This review will hopefully bust the myth that Our Darker Purpose is a cheap copy of Binding of Isaac:

This game deserves so much more attention! I can’t think of many reasons why anyone would dislike it, except maybe its difficulty. One thing that might be putting people off is the game’s seeming similarity to Binding of Isaac, which is understandable, but very superficial. I played the hell out of Binding of Isaac. I finished both the original and the remake with all their DLCs on 100%. It’s got a very special place in my heart. But I would never say Our Darker Purpose is a cheap copy of it. It’s very much a game of its own. Besides belonging in the same game category as Isaac, it’s not affected or derived from it in any way. There are indie games out there that downright copy Isaac and use the word ‘homage’ as an excuse for their lack of creativity.

Real player with 139.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Roguelite Games.

An evil version of the wayside school looms in a vast depressing void where you the player will guide a seemingly innocent fire ball girl named Cordy, who recently had all her friends murdered when all the adults vanished, through a school filled with psychopathic orphanage/boarding school students up an irrational amount of floors to seek answers from the entity known as the administrators. Cordy is destined to die many times, but still mysteriously can restart her journey a bit differently every death afterwards. In the afterlife you can take classes which if equipped give different abilities to help you on your journey.

Real player with 101.8 hrs in game

Our Darker Purpose on Steam

Legend of Dungeon

Legend of Dungeon

Not Quite Legendary

Legend of Dungeon = Roguelite-lite + Commodore 64 + Rainbow Vomit

This game reminds me of action games back on the ol' Commodore 64. I make this reference even though I know it will plainly sail straight over the heads of most of you youngsters, making me feel like the aging and increasingly irrelevant gaming hipster that I am. sigh

Uh, anyway. The premise of this game is very Rogue. IE - Journey to the bottom of the randomly generated dungeon to collect the frazzledazzled THING and return for ultimate glory. Unlike Rogue, it is very light on the RPG mechanics. You collect glowing experience orbs from fallen enemies and gain levels which translates into direct health and damage increases. There is no stat or skill management whatsoever.

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Games.

Legend of Dungeon is a permadeath roguelike dungeon-crawler game. Every time you play, it is a different dungeon. It is never the same dungeon unless you input the same seed. The objective of this game, you need to navigate your way down to level 26 to grab a treasure and bring it back to level 0 to complete the game. You will come across a variety of monster mobs and 7 different bosses to kill. Once you grab a treasure at level 26, heading back to level 0, you’ll find difficult mobs existing at all levels. This is identical to Impossible mode except it is not that way at start. The difficulty of this game is relatively easy (considering my guide) but there is Impossible mode where you’ll deal with potential powerful monster mobs right away starting Level 1 instead of deep in the dungeon.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

Legend of Dungeon on Steam

The Flame in the Flood

The Flame in the Flood

Short answer: This game, although not for everyone, is an indie darling. Although containing a clunky crafting system and becoming monotonous downriver, it boasts a great soundtrack with interesting characters and subtle lore accompanying smooth storybook style animation. Resource management is your friend, as you need to eat but you need to craft, and you only have so much inventory space.

Now, sit down for a long one.

Let’s start with the bad:

Many reviews of this game mention “difficult controls” and it’s understandable: What they’re talking about is the rafting mechanics down the river, controllable via the space button and either the WASD keys or the right mouse button. Rafting in this game can be hard, no ifs and or buts about it. Before the rudder upgrade to your raft (which I recommend rushing, for this exact reason) it can be nigh impossible to avoid hitting a rock or two in the early miles. You get better at this in time, but you’ll still space bar your way into the river bank occasionally.

Real player with 77.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Survival Games.

Technical foibles can’t extinguish this game’s soul.


The Flame in the Flood is a survival game that commits to its enticing concept and doesn’t try to do too much with it. You’re thrown straight into a focused survival experience that has you rafting your way through a world blanketed in biblical floods. Your only steady companions are your dog, your raft, the long water, and Chuck Ragan’s game defining soundtrack. Unfortunately some minor bugs regularly sully the immersion. With its stylistically limited scope, this game weighs in on the shorter end of the spectrum for the survival genre, but it is still a good value.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

The Flame in the Flood on Steam