HEDE Game Engine

HEDE Game Engine

Stars received: 2/10

Overview: junk to make even more junk xD

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Programming Games.

HEDE Game Engine wants to be the next “easy” game maker out there. While it might be easy, it is so extremely flawed and absolutely terrible! Between missing features, glitches, annoying features, and just how lazy this engine is makes this a hard pass!

All you need to know why to avoid this is this posted on the store page.

“At the current state, you can’t make a build of your game. You can play it only inside our game engine."

Let me just say, that some the artwork assets included in this are actually pretty good! No real complaints there, other than there is not a whole lot to pick or choose from. Half of the assets shown in the store page are not in here, so be warned with that… Here’s the thing though. It’s all just repackaged Unity Store Assets. With very little looking you can just find them all there.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

HEDE Game Engine on Steam

Contract Work

Contract Work

Great retro arcade vibes!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Roguelite Games.

fun game with some cool surprises. lots of ways to customize it. love vaporizing robots 🤖

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Contract Work on Steam

The Swindle

The Swindle

Unfortunately, despite the absolutely wonderful art, music, style and overall concept, just as many people have reported, loose controls literally spoil an otherwise wonderful game.

As a gamer who loves stealth and loves difficult, but fair games, this one is nothing but frustrating.

It is not a matter of artificial difficulty, the levels, mechanics, enemies, and hazards are all generally fair and reasonable in and of themselves. I have no problem with, and even enjoy a game where you will fail a lot as you learn, knowing it is your fault you failed, or even knowing that the game is designed to make you fail if you don’t do things right…

Real player with 90.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Steampunk Games.

This is honestly an amazing game with enough style and design choices to give you an experience you can’t quite get anywhere else, however it has a few very big caveats. Starting with the good, the scope is perfect, I didn’t feel like it dragged on or that I needed more out of it, and the pacing is very good. Finale acts as a good test of pretty much everything you’ve learned through your various successes and deaths. I’m more a fan of roguelikes than roguelites, but this game strikes such a cool balance between the two; I wasn’t sure how much of a gimmick the 100 day mechanic would be but it honestly does an amazing job at getting the best of both worlds. The upgrades are all significant enough for you to care about. I normally dislike tweened animation but this game’s style fits it very nicely, visually the game is quite charming. The soundtrack is also really good, I wouldn’t listen to it outside the game but it gets me way more invested while playing, especially the theme when you’re caught. Honestly, there’s not too many exceptionally notable things I could say, but most aspects of the game in general are very solid, it’s quite a fun, charming, and worthwhile experience. As a very loose comparison to give a sense of how the game is, imagine a cross between Mark of the Ninja’s stealth, and Spelunky’s game feel and world gen type.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

The Swindle on Steam