Feral Fury

Feral Fury


Solid controls

Fun gameplay

Passive Upgrades that carry over

4 characters

A dozen or so weapons

Persistant and cool blood effects


Not much content (feels like ~10% of Isaac’s content in comparison)

A weird driving section (luckily you can skip this section)

Another weird ‘train’ level. Luckily it’s short, i guess it’s supposed to connect the story but i’m not feeling this part.

It’s a pretty bare bones, mini-Isaac game with 4 characters & a dozen different weapons. Not sure there will be any more updates/content though so I suspect i’ll be done with the game at around the 40-50 hour mark, which is still very good value. There’s enough end-game content and variety to keep you playing for a while.

Real player with 44.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Violent Games.

My story of Feral Fury began with my roommate who came to me one day and said ‘So I found a thing you might enjoy’. Famous first words. So, he winds up showing me this neat little twin-stick shooter with a panda in power armor. My first thought was ‘that’s adorable’. My second thought shortly after was a resounding: ‘THIS IS AWESOME!’ He tells me that I’m free to play it when he’s at work, as we Steam Share. He has .7 hours on it at the time of my writing this. I have almost twenty.

If you like games like The Binding of Issac, Nuclear Throne, Enter the Gungeon and others, Feral Fury is a MUST BUY for you. I’ll go ahead and echo what everyone else seems to say, but it’s true. The controls are tight and responsive, allowing for the fine movements you’ll need. The combat is both visceral and fast-paced, making split decisions the difference between life and death. The system is as forgiving as it is unforgiving, punishing second-thoughts and the slow-witted, but rewarding those who understand how the game functions. The soundtrack is perhaps a bit too cheery for what the game is, but it just underlines the deceptive nature of the game.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Feral Fury on Steam

Berserker’s Descent

Berserker’s Descent

Big props to the developer for completing this early access properly, most devs would abandon the game with those sales a long time ago. The game improved a lot, not just since the EA release date, but even from a few days ago, particularly when it comes to rebalancing enemies, it feels so much better now. I know it looks ugly and the animation is not exactly appealing, but it’s a really fun game for replay value, it has a lot is going on under the surface with the attacks cancels, dodge-rolls, stagger mechanics, juggle mechanics and other compounding upgrades. Not to say that everything is perfect, the hitboxes in this game is something you going to have to learn by trial and error, and the platforming can be a pain in the butt. The game is not too complicated, ultimately you just have to rely on your reflexes and you don’t have to utilize all the fancy moves, but the combat variety does make it more enjoyable, there are more than a few ways to swing the sword, plus all of the timing bonuses.

Real player with 82.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Violent Games.

The Game: The game is a rouge-lite side-scroller mixed with a brutal melee combat system Risk of Rain meets Dark Souls, if you will With simple graphics and addictive gameplay.

The Good Things: Combat feels great. Shifting between normal Light/Heavy attack’s to special move’s is very smooth and rewards good timing with faster swings, more I Frame’s on dodge’s, ect. The game has a very high skill sealing that feels extremely satisfying to get better at.

The Mixed Things: There is a lot of different perks too choose from as you go through you’re run. they, however. Have a lot of balance problems. Example. Why would I choose to push my enemy slightly farther away from me with each hit when I could just increase me DMG so I can kill them quicker? More then likely done just so you don’t get the ultra OP perks as much

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Berserker's Descent on Steam

Rising Hell

Rising Hell

If you’re browsing reviews and trying to figure out if this game is worth your time and money then here is a quick answer for you: YES. It’s a must have game for anyone who enjoys action packed platformers!

What attracted me when I first saw this game was its overall concept. I will keep it simple for you: you control a demonic creature who’s mission is to escape Hell. And you gotta love the devs take on Hell in this game. It’s basically a vertical tower-like place which you have to ascend in order to make your way out of this demons infested nightmare. Pretty creative in my opinion. So I guess that makes it a vertical action platformer where you fight through hordes of demons trying to ascend higher and higher.

Real player with 115.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Roguelite Games.

I’ve been eyeing this game for a while, waiting for it to enter full 1.0 release. I bought it immediately, and so far, I am so, so impressed.

The core controls are simple: you have your attack, you have your jump (which doubles as a cool aerial finisher), and you have your i-frame dash. It’s simple, but it works; movement and attacking is buttery smooth, and opens up the real core of the game: the platforming and movement. The platforming and environmental design is simply wonderful. You’ll be double-jumping and wall-clinging around as you endlessly climb upwards, using enemies to bolster your height as you dodge saw blades, spikes, and burrowing thorns. As a huge platforming fan, I’m very pleased to see it have such a strong place in the core game design, especially on special zones like the Slaughter Spire, which has you rushing upwards using enemies as platforms while a row of saws rises quickly beneath you. It’s challenging, it’s frenetic, and, most importantly, it’s a ton of fun. It’s also worth mentioning the aesthetic is great, too - backgrounds, enemies, and traps are very detailed without becoming cluttered or unclear.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Rising Hell on Steam

Brutal Wizardry

Brutal Wizardry

Brutal Wizardry is a wonder to not miss about wizard

in the setting you can enable the locomation you wish , free locomotion or teleportation

and there is more settings for everyone can enjoy the game with or without gore

in this game you are a wizard with the telekinesie power we can send the enemies in the air or crash them on the ground or against a wall or a trap or do explose them

and there is a lot of more powers you need to unlock

there is a number of various weapons to unlock and too trap to unlock

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Pretty fun game that has different ways to play the game by using different magic abilities and such. I do wish that the environments were more open and fix some of the animation for different models like the axe throwing one, who does a little T-pose once he throws it. Other than that I’m enjoying it.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Brutal Wizardry on Steam

To Hell with Hell

To Hell with Hell

There’s hard, there’s really hard, and then there’s this game. As someone who’s partial to the “die a lot and progress” genre (enter the gungeon and dead cells are quite possibly my favorite games ever), but to hell with hell is an a whole other league. With all that being said, and with only being able to get to level 4 (oh, you’ll see!) the game has a TON of content and never really feels unfair. Also, the game is absolutely perfect for loading up to play a quick game where you try to make it to the next level, in that respect, I certainly recommend the game, however, unless you’ve honed yourself on hardcore Japanese bullet hell games (think ikaruga), you won’t stand a chance…but that doesn’t mean you won’t have fun!

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

if you like NUclear throne or Enter the gungeon BUY THIS.

lol :) No really, it’s a great game - one that can even rival juggernauts like Enter The Gungeon.

The gameplay is very similar to that game, but wildly different at the same time. The feel and controls are mostly the same, but everything else is entirely different.

  1. Masks - This is the a very unique system - think powerups in Binding of Isaac, except every mask changes you into a demon - bestows you with special attacks, stats for all weps like - range, damage, accuracy - etc. They also all have their own HP meters and special skills - like a dodge move, and a special lock-on attack. or maybe a Beholder that can shoot a firebal that explodes, etc. You can carry up to 2 masks by default, once it dies, it’s gone. if you lose all your masks, you are just Nastasia - weaker, only a dodge move and nothing special. Very weak - so you want to get those masks.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

To Hell with Hell on Steam

Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse

Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse

Firstly, I have played this game for absolutely 100s of hours during the testing phase, and was given this for free.

I am intensely excited that I was able to be part of this process.

Seeing how much love the dev put into this, and being able to assist along the way, was awesome.


Gameplay is a top-down twinstick shooter.

It reminds me a lot of games like Crimsonland, Brigador or Zombie Driver: utter chaos and giblets all over the screen.

Game reacts nicely and has a somewhat steep learning curve as each District will introduce more and more difficult llamas requiring slaying.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game


+You will die a lot (It’s a real rogue-like).

+Good visuals, smooth gameplay.

+You are fully at the mercy of RNGesus.

+It’s satisfying painting the walls with the blood of demon llamas.

+Contains many bad puns.

+Couch co-op promised and delivered.

+No spoon-feeding of powerups and what they do.

+twin stick shooting is fun.


-You will die a lot, sorry buddy.

-No online multiplayer (would really be a great addition).

-I’ve confused the health bar for the energy bar more than I would like to admit.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse on Steam

bit Dungeon III

bit Dungeon III

I’ve played a lot to say the least in a short time.

It’s fun if you know what you are getting into. Complex in a certain way (understanding stats, bosses, and effects) and can also be very simple in way that I don’t need to explain. If you’re a loot crazed maniac who likes Diablo, then welcome home, this is for you.

Let’s get to it – Main Game: There’s five bosses. One optional that opens up one more cool fight. The enemies on the huge map that changes every new game are all designed very well and get progressively harder though I think the difficulty eventually plateaus, as well as, the stats of the loot. While every enemy can be boiled down to “some pixels that damage you in close proximity,” if you think that when playing this game then it’s probably not for you.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

I will start off by saying that there are thinks I like and things I hate about the game. That said, I totally recommend this game.


-Slower progression of levels - I hate when this is fast tracked. It feels like no accomplishments. This is not too slow but just slow enough to make gains feel like an actual achievement

-Weapon choices - You dont need 100 different types of weapons to make a good hack and slash dungeon crawler. This just has a couple types. Each type has lots of variety to it.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

bit Dungeon III on Steam

Colt Canyon

Colt Canyon

This is a very nice western themed top down rougelike game. I see a lot of top-down shooter games get compared to Hotline Miami, and to some degree this is understandable but, I feel, usually unwarranted. However I think this game actually is quite similar to Hotline Miami. The gunplay feels quite smooth and fast. Melee and throwing weapons are also viable methods of killing. There are also some stealth mechanics. Most of the enemies die quickly, especially if you can catch them off guard.

As the game goes on the player can save prisoners who can give the player perks like better accuracy or more damage with certain weapons. Most of them will also offer to join the player instead of giving a perk. After enough levels the player can get a whole posse of followers going.

Real player with 108.2 hrs in game

Colt Canyon Review - A gunslinger’s dream

Get shooting!

Brutal western roguelite shooter delivers dynamic combat and enthralling gameplay.

Colt Canyon, from the outside, has a rather simple premise; you need to save your partner - kidnapped by bandits at the beginning of the brief tutorial - by shooting your way to victory through the hordes of bloodthirsty bandits that populate the otherwise desolate plains of the wild west. And whilst it appears that’s all there is to this game, its complexity as you play seems to unfurl in front of you, very much deserving of the “easy to pick up, hard as hell to master” mantle.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

Colt Canyon on Steam

Fresh Body

Fresh Body

Interesting game, where you can build your character the way you want. For an early access game, it has alot of stuff to offer for its price. Anyone who likes hack and slash games with random elements, and is not afraid of grinding, should try it out.


-Tons of body parts

-You can make character to look like any enemy or boss in game

-You can have same skill set like any enemy or boss in game

-Different rarity body parts, that lets you farm them untill you make a build that you want.

-Additive fast gamestyle

Real player with 64.8 hrs in game

I wish there was a meh option for Steam reviews; if you can get it on sale, it’s alright. If not, I don’t quite think it’s worth as much as is being asked for right now.

From the beginning, you NEED to have an online connection to play this game. It is not optional; there are some boons to this. Progress is saved and apparently loaded from that server. In case of a computer crash, your progress is saved. However, with it not being optional for a singleplayer game, it’s not appreciated by me personally.

Real player with 59.2 hrs in game

Fresh Body on Steam

The Pit: Infinity

The Pit: Infinity

Let me start off with the basics of this review. I love this game. To a point that i may be a bit addicted to how it plays. I have not had anyone to play multiplayer with yet but that may soon change in the future. We will see. But…

The Pit: Infinity is not a game you go into expecting a typical first person shooter. This is a game that has been adapted from Kerberos' own very well received Traditional Roguelike game Sword of the Stars: The Pit. and from experience it has that mentality in mind. Things are meant to be taken methodically and planned. If you expect a typical modern shooter. your gonna end up having some trouble with this game. If you come in with a mentality of the original Rogue or even The original The Pit mentality. it will serve you far far better.

Real player with 269.5 hrs in game

The Pit: Infinity review

Infinity Janklet Edition

Having completed at least one solo run, its time to lay out the good, bad…and the jank so that you may make an informed purchase. This is the first time Kerberos Productions has returned to the 3rd dimension in 8 years, and for that i congratulate them. This game set out to recreate its 2D original and i think it accomplished that very well. There is definitely some fun to be had here, especially with the multiplayer addition. That being said, it also had/has some issues.

Real player with 68.0 hrs in game

The Pit: Infinity on Steam