Zombie Party

Zombie Party

As of May 19th 2016, I recommend. Lots of replay value.

It’s August 2019 and the game still provides much entertainment.

Zombie Party over all was a nice bullet chaos with RPG elements and chaos as a middle name. And you can you will be able to share it with your friends! There are more weapons and extra abilities than you can wrap your head around. There are 4 game modes (Adventure, Dungeon, Arcade & Deathmatch) so its your choice what you feel like. Set your pace with Dungeon mode or if you want a chaos filled flying bullet nightmare check out the other three modes. Plenty of entertainment if this is your flavor of game.

Real player with 137.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Bullet Hell Games.

Zombie party is the first twin stick shooter that I’ve played in my life and I found the experience quite enjoyable. Although I can’t compare it to other games of this genre, I can clearly say that its a pretty well done game. It comes with lots of features, several game modes, it is vastly customizable and has huge replay value. All in all, it presents itself as an almost complete and solid product.

As a newbie in this genre, I found the learning curve quite easy. No matter the game mode chosen, you will have to do essentially the same thing: kill everything that dares to move. To accommodate myself with the game, I chose to play Dungeon mode first - maybe it’s the easiest of all since the mobs are usually in groups, therefore the player has enough time to plan their attacks.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Zombie Party on Steam



Made my day. Amazing!

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Pixel Graphics Games.

Chronac on Steam

Night of the Blood Moon

Night of the Blood Moon

I got the game on the Halloween sale for 79 cents, and since it was sitting in my wishlist for a while i thought i’d finally buy it. Absolutely not disappointed. The design and graphics are simple but really good, the gameplay is smooth, controls are easy to get used to, the game provides a fair difficulty and my god, the music. I personally put a lot of value in a good soundtrack and notBM did anything but let me down on that one. Real banger. Bit disappointed the soundtrack from the trailer isnt in, or i missed it, though i’ve finished the game before, but either way the game is definitely worth it and fully recommend buying it.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Roguelite Games.

Video (gameplay + commentary):



Tight twinstick frenetic action roguelite that reminds me of games like Enter the Gungeon and Binding of Isaac. Easily recommended!

This game has solid and precise mouse/keyboard controls, a catchy soundtrack, uniformly beautiful pixel art and animation, and most of all, a fun game loop.

You’re basically a psychotic road runner that invades dreams and beats up cute and adorable stuff, which you accomplish with your fists or with one of a few different ranged weapons including a boomerang, crossbow, hookshot, magical orb, and more.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Night of the Blood Moon on Steam

Skelly Selest

Skelly Selest

For such a low price, it’s definitely a game to get. It’s genuinely a really fun rogue-like, the playstyle of combat changes between vessel to vessel (character) but essentially it’s that kind of dark souls, all about timing dodging and attacking. The graphics are nice and the actual aesthetic of the menus and how you traverse the options is really nice, on top of that within the game there’s a load of different game modes pretty much opening the enjoyment time out indefinitely, there’s the “x Hunt” which are the first and main game modes where you go through floors/areas eventually reaching a boss, there’s a dungeon crawling one where a key must be found to open the door to the boss, but then also a strategic card game and an endless arena.

Real player with 66.0 hrs in game

See more reviews like this on our curator page: IndieGems.

Update 5/12/2018:

Developer made some really positive changes earlier today. My issues from the earlier gameplay are pretty much all resolved now. Dungeon game mode is now available in the beginning, this makes me feel like the game is receptive to a wider audience off the bat, which is great. There is an Itemography to see what a drop does before picking it up, so you can plan your gameplay better. I continue to enjoy this game so much!

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Skelly Selest on Steam



I adore this game on a variety of levels– from the fast-paced combat to the more methodical RPG-like elements.

With that being said the default controls for gamepads on PC (both Nintendo Pro & XB1) just feel unnatural, and from what I could fing there isn’t a way to remap them in-game. This would be a wonderful improvement to an already wonderful game.

Real player with 36.6 hrs in game

A boss rush rogue-lite that has 3 playable characters and a decent amount of replay value. However, the game also features randomised map exploration that may include regular enemies, shops and special events. I managed to finish the easy difficulty within 30 minutes, although I think there are 3 different final bosses. It may not sound like the game has a lot of content, but you have to consider that higher difficulty may require more upgrades before you can tackle it, plus you can replay with different characters. When you die you might earn some points that could be spent on the skill tree with 3 pages.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

AshenForest on Steam



This game is honestly a ton of fun, very replayable, and as time goes on Boon keeps delivering new reasons to stop in an play it for another long while.

This is one of the few rogue-likes I’ve played where the focus was definitely on the fun, not necessarily the intense planning and stat focus that I’m used to, though that isn’t to say it’s easy! The charm and humor may fool you, but this is definitely the Dark Souls of Nintendo games. (Am I a journalist now?)

The many game-modes, weapons, and options make this one of the most impressive solo-projects I’ve seen. The game does feel a bit rough in some areas, needing a bit more content and polish, but that’s hardly a negative considering the amount of work a single person has poured into this game, and continues to do so.

Real player with 52.5 hrs in game

Wally and the Fantastic Predators has enough potential to eventually stand shoulder to shoulder with games like Gungeon and maybe even Isaac, but it falls short because of technical issues.

Thematically the game is really cute and manages to be funny and tongue-in-cheek in a very charming way, on top of that the game-play seems pretty well designed in the time I’ve played. The overall message is very positive and the game is surprisingly light-hearted for its difficulty. Speaking of which the difficulty options and accessibility options in this game are really good, allowing for a range of difficulties and playstyles.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

Wally and the FANTASTIC PREDATORS on Steam