Post Void

Post Void

You run fast, shoot baddies in the face, get an adrenaline rush from the music, and don’t know what emotion to feel or if the emotion needed to fully enjoy this experience even exists. Just like me when McDonald’s won’t let me bathe my naked body in the sods dispenser.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Psychedelic Games.

Well, finally completed the game so i assume that makes me creditable for a review.

This game is amazing. Absolutely Amazing. When you first play it, you have no idea where to go and the bright colors distort your eyes. As you play, you get more used to the game and layout, speeding through levels that you struggled with at the beginning. Going through the levels themselves is a huge adrenaline rush due to how fun and fast paced this game is. Would most definitely recommend it to any other adrenaline junkies like me. 10/10 Indie GOTY for me.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Post Void on Steam

Void Bastards

Void Bastards


Void Bastards (VB) is a FPS rogue-lite game in which players collect parts to repair the Void Arc, a prison spaceship. Stranded in the Sargasso Nebula, you, the WCG Client, are tasked with fixing the ship while avoiding the many threats found throughout the nebula.

✔The Good✔

  • Lots of replay value

  • Challenging and fair runs

  • Fantastic art direction

❌The Bad❌

  • Enemy awareness can be wonky at times

Real player with 153.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Singleplayer Games.

This is both a review and a word of advice to players before they begin, regarding how to play it.


Play the game on Hard or Hard Bastard difficulty, not Normal difficulty.

Explanation and review:

I was this close to writing a negative review of Void Bastards, after finishing it on Normal difficulty. I enjoyed it, but the amount of content was mismatched with the price, and I’d purchased it - despite reading other reviews to that effect - hoping the game would continue to be expanded.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

Void Bastards on Steam

Tower of Guns

Tower of Guns

10 hours in now and I’m still learning.

Tower of Guns is great some of the best Run ‘n’ Gun Fun available.

The game mechanics aren’t too punishing or lazy, things are simple and work well, when you are fighting through a horde of spikes are shooting a wall of spikes you don’t need clutter and there isn’t.

The gameplay is fast and keeps you on your toes even with a high level gun with a powerful mod to boot, level design is great fun and beautifully imagined. The secrets idea is great fun as you’ll never know when you’ll find one or see a platform above you and wonder whats up there and you may well spend minutes scouring a level for fake walls and platforms long after the enemies are gone.

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Roguelite Games.

To me one of the best games of this year, Tower of Guns has far exceeded my expectations. Although I saw some early gameplay on YouTube, I wasn’t sure how well the roguelike/lite gameplay would fit in a FPS. Needless to say, it worked beautifully. 


Essentially, Tower of Guns is about fighting your way up a tower filled with automatons all hell-bent on your death. You begin by choosing a weapon and a perk. As you complete the game, you will unlock other guns/ perks which can be used on different playthroughs. On your way up, you’ll also collect power ups, such as additional jumps, damage, luck, jump height, and difficulty increases or decreases. Additionally, you may replenish health and experience (more on that later) via pickups.

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

Tower of Guns on Steam

Force Reboot

Force Reboot

Force Reboot is a fast-paced nonstop FPS with rogue-lite elements. You need to get past all of the rooms as fast as you can.

  • Rush Through Various Rooms

  • Destroy Everything You See

  • Pick Different Buffs and Debuffs

  • Repeat

Force Reboot features:

  • 3 different levels. Each level is unique.

  • 50+ different buffs and debuffs (Low Gravity, Reflection Bullets, Four Guns etc.)


  • 5 types of enemies

  • 4 types of guns (Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Laser Gun)

  • 20+ different types of rooms

(This game in active develpment and this list will expand with every update)

Force Reboot on Steam



Awesome game, plays sorta like a scifi Binding of Isaac, really cool, high difficulty curve at the start.

Unique about this game - Weapons have infinite ammo, but can overheat, in order to reduce heat you need to jump and dash, sort of a “Move or Die” type mechanic which keeps things fast paced. Really awesome Idea, and something that makes it stand out amongst other games of the genre.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Although marketed as a story driven game, what first excited me about Gunnhildr was when I read it was a first-person shooter rogue-lite, something I’d never seen executed well but certainly something I’d love to see executed well. Unfortunately, Gunnhildr doesn’t quite deliver… yet.


Where Gunnhildr does deliver is the story, which is no surprise when the game is marketed as a “narrative shooter”. The story is arguable the most polished part of the game, there is a lot of interesting lore to unravel about Norse gods and the world of Gunnhildr. However, it’s how the game tells the story that is an issue. It is a complete overload of information. The number one rule of story telling is “show don’t tell”, Gunnhildr shows nothing and tells a lot.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Gunnhildr on Steam

Sweet Surrender VR

Sweet Surrender VR

nearly 10 hours in, and I’m a HUGE fan of this game. It has some bugs, but definitely makes up for it by being one of the most fun VR games currently out there by far, in my opinion.

let me say first that the reviewers not recommending this must be incredibly hard to please, you know the type… the gamers who throw controllers, and rage about bugs.

the game just came out, bugs are to be expected. with that said though, I do think this should have been listed as early access.

I’ve encountered plenty of game breaking bugs, such as:

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

I wanted to like this game a lot. But in the end, I couldn’t. The core concept of the game is great, but it has too many design flaws and way too many bugs.

The Good:

  • Great performance

  • Chip upgrade system is fun in concept

  • When firing on all cylinders, combat situations are a lot of fun

The Bad:

  • Bad weapon balance. Two handed weapons are almost impossible to use. I would be astonished to see anyone actually complete a level with a shotgun. Dual wielding automatic weapons will always be the superior choice in every situation.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Sweet Surrender VR on Steam

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition

This game feels more like a concept in progress rather than a finished product. I have to state this one thing before I start saying anything else. The concept is great, too. But the game-play feels lackluster without more content to flesh out the existing gameplay.

You will spend about 80% of the time mining resources on planets and salvaging resources with a tractor beam while fighting aliens whether you do it yourself or send your clones to do it. The available resources are incredibly limiting and often infuriating in how little is available for what you need despite entire planets that realistically would have more than just the one patch of resources you could collect.

Real player with 87.1 hrs in game

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition Review

A strange and unique experience awaits…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. New Game Plus

  2. Multiple Endings

  3. Sandbox experience

Gameplay & Controls:

The controls for the game are fair and easy enough to make use of. The game handles pretty decently as well. Whether you are on a planet fighting off attackers or crawling through your shafts clearing out infestations.

Combat is pretty average, to be honest, and not that well balanced either. Your favourite weapon will be the pistol since it doesn’t run out of ammo and is far easier to make use of. The game is a mixture of ship building, exploration and simulation elements. As you explore planets and debris, you upgrade your ship to accommodate more crew members and gain access to newer technologies to make surviving easier. You don’t really manage your crew, they go about their own thing, food, water, and all those needs are non-existent, which is a let-down.

Real player with 66.7 hrs in game

Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition on Steam

Immortal Redneck

Immortal Redneck

This game is truly one of the best Arcade FPS’s I’ve played. It combines so many great elements from different games in such a way that creates incredibly fast paced, fun game-play. That being said, there are a few small things that could be done to bring Immortal Redneck from greatness to near perfection.

One of the best parts of Immortal Redneck is the Redneck himself. He’s just a genuinely fun and engaging character. Just like Borderlands, it pays to give the character you’re playing some personality. The opening cinematic immediately got me excited to kill some varmits. The majority of his dialogue is fantastic. From switching weapons, to paying the pyramid toll, he’s just a great character to hear/play. Id say the only downside is that his dialogue doesnt feel complete. He only has lines to say about encountering like 2 kinds of enemies. Id like them to add dialouge for encountering/killing more enemies, and critical kills. Honestly I just cant get enough of the redneck.

Real player with 729.6 hrs in game

What we have here is a first-person shooter rogue-lite thing with cartoony artstyle and some nosense excuse plot about a redneck who is captured by monsters and mummified while on vacation in Egypt, only to break out of his sarcophagus and go on a rampage through some pyramids.

You go from room to room, clearing them of enemies and hunting for bonus chests, until you progress up the pyramid and eventually conquer it. Repeat 3 times for 3 different pyramids.

I’m enjoying it a lot, it runs nice and smooth, and it gets it’s fast-paced retro-insipred shooting done well. Total package is well worth the money in my opinion.

Real player with 141.7 hrs in game

Immortal Redneck on Steam

Mist Hunter

Mist Hunter

Awesome crazy game!

No-bullsht frantic arena shooter with randomized upgrades and unlockable weapons. Cool visual style and fluid shooting and traversing mechanics. Good quality overall.

It’s a rely good game and it deserves more exposure, lots of fun in it’s current state, but has potential to be extended with more mid/long-term mechanics, a progression/upgrades system similar to Dead Cells or even procedurally generated levels.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

At the time of writing this review I have only done a single run. The game is quite fun and different. The movement feels really nice and I personally love the art style. If you like FPS games but also like games where you get tons of different runs (i.e Binding of Isaac) then this is a nice blend of the two genres. 9/10 in my book easily.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Mist Hunter on Steam



This game is a masterpiece of difficulty that punishes the slow, the weak, and the stupid. I say this not out of malice or contempt for the player, but from a position of experience. I have been that slow, weak, and stupid player at one time. I’ve been totally thrashed and left wondering what had happened…and I personally wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve lost legendary items and I had no one to blame but myself when I did. Yes, I was sick to my stomach, but my own failings were to blame. I surpassed them, recovered, and ascended.

Real player with 38.5 hrs in game

In A Nutshell

Mothergunship is an exaggerate fast-paced FPS with a futuristic setting, in which aliens invaded Earth and wiped the majority of the population. You, as a member of The Resistance, will need to board and destroy alien ships in order to locate their command center, the Mothergunship, and destroy it.

This game is mainly about two things: facing dozens of enemies in fast-paced, old-school style FPS combat, and building absolutely insane guns from a very original, intuitive and well made crafting system. Your command center will be your ship, in which you will find various facilities to upgrade your character, once you get enough XP to level up, a shop to buy guns and parts to use in future missions using the money you accumulated previously, a test range to build weapons freely and test the best builds, and lastly, the mission panel, where you will be able to select the next mission, either main, secondary, or endless mode (once unlocked).

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game