

Updated Added 3/24/2019

Keep in mind this is a game still in beta phase, so it’s not quite finished. I’ll likely update my review as Beacon continues development.

I absolutely love top-down shooters and Beacon is no exception, in fact, it makes me appreciate them more. I’ve stuck around playing since it was released on Itch. It’s changed quite a lot, such as additions of enemies and bosses, loot areas, and of course all the bug-squashing, both technical and literal. It’s a little terrifying that there’ll be even more enemies and bosses later, which means plenty more ways to die, but hey, mutations are a thing.

Real player with 68.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Female Protagonist Games.

Beacon has a nice low-poly artsyle, a pretty good soundtrack, and interesting writing and ideas. It has some weird design choices regarding weapons and enemies, but is over-all rewarding, if not occasionally frustrating due to a few enemies.

The gameplay is pretty typical: you can use 2 guns, have 1 equipment, 1 consumable/held passive, a grenade type, and as many passive non-held items as you want. You can smack things and dodge-roll, too.

The big game idea is that, when you die, you use DNA pickups you collect from enemies and can “mutate” next run… Or you can do what I did and beat it without mutating, which is pretty doable. Mutations change how the character looks/acts/stats and how the character reacts to items and story elements.

Real player with 48.6 hrs in game

Beacon on Steam

Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure

Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure

I don’t have a lot to say about Dinosaurs: A Prehistoric Adventure, it looked promising. I thought this would be a really cool RPG game but with dinosaurs. But sadly this game isn’t what I was hoping for. For starters it looked promising but it fell flat on it’s face. The game is frustrating, the combat system is really awkquard. And the control system sucked.When I was fighting another dinosaur I had trouble with the buttons during the combat, I knew which buttons to push but when I pushed a button to do a light attack and block and heavy attack and so on and so forth, I kept getting my ass kicked, I got to the point that I just got fustruated than having fun with this game. The graphics are so-so but they are nothing special. Also another problem with this game is unlike a lot of video games where you have W,A,S,D to move around, you’ve got to use your mouse and click on a certain spot in order to make your dinosaur move, and I thought what was the point of that. This game sadly failed to live up to my expectations. But hopefully all is not lost, the makers of this game has given us another dinosaur-themed game called Dinosaurs: Prehistoric Survivors. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for that game and hopefully the makers have improved since this game. I don’t recommend playing this game.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Free to Play Games.

You get to be a dinosaur and it’s free.

Obvoiusly game needs work, and hopefully is a WiP.

For those confused about the controls:

“Alpha 1” is the “1” key on your keyboard, “Alpha 2” is “2” and so on.

1,2,3 are your main attack abilities, light, medium, heavy

4 is your special ability

spacebar is block

left alt makes you jump (you should jump everywhere)

5 makes you eat whatever your dino type needs to eat

6 makes you drink water

“T” does some radar thing

“X” will show you all the keybinds on the screen

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure on Steam

Accel Magician Mimi

Accel Magician Mimi

If you look at the rest of the developer’s games, it appears they either used a kit and reskinned it, or made one game and reskinned it, multiple times. Keep this and the fact I’m basing my recommendation on the sale price I obtained it at (59 cents).

Game only consists of 3 stages and bosses, which can easily be completed in under an hour. However, there is 2 player battle mode and co-op, adding to the replayability. Controls are responsive. No optimization issues noted. Difficulty progression is smooth and different enemies have varied enough attack patterns to keep the game interesting.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Exploration Games.

Accel Magician Mimi on Steam

Dino Eruption

Dino Eruption

The Developer have seem to abandon it, which is quite sad because it could be better with a couple of fixes.

My Reverb G2 only shows the left eye screen and the requested Patch which was promised, same like reworked Button Layout never happened.

I will take an eye out for this game but at the Moment I can’t give it a positive Review longer.

Lets hope that this might change again.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Now THIS is the VR experience I’ve been waiting for! Blazing fast graphics and Rex model quality alone would have been worth the money for me. If you’re like Ross and love dinosaurs, this is a must for you. Jurrasic Eruption’s story is cool, but in graphics terms, it’s nothing compared to this gem.

I’d call this game a GTA of paleontology, as exploring and mesing around the world is s much fun here. The story is ok, but what ticles my fancy are seemingly unlimited options and highly interactive and responsive stuff, props and the environment, not unlike Crysis, or Return to Castle Wolfenstein (for those of you that remember).

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Dino Eruption on Steam