



Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Roguelike 3D Games.

OplitisAV on Steam

Save Data

Save Data


You are a data-integrity program inside of a computer and your job is to prevent other programs from having their data corrupted!

“Enemy” programs emit electron projectiles and your job is to deflect them to “ground” and not accidentally damage the programs themselves in the process. Features 3 worlds of crazy bullet-heck action with semi-randomized room order and an upgrade system that provides a bevy of interesting ways to progress!

The story behind Save Data

Save Data is part of what has retroactively been termed a “molasses jam” run by the Bay Area Dev Collective. The theme of the jam was to make a violent genre non-violent. As I’ve had a growing interest in action games, specifically of the shoot-em-up variety, naturally I wondered what it would be like to make such a game non-violent. The result is shoot-em-up where you have to protect the “enemies”!

The other molasses game jam games are also on steam:




Read More: Best Action Roguelike 2D Games.

Save Data on Steam

Shoot Trip Die

Shoot Trip Die

The Story so far…

When our strung-out hero, Chester BoDean, quits his job at Brappy’s pizza he comes face to face with their demon of a boss named Melvin the Most Foul! whos angry at Chester’s resignation letter. Chester could care less, and simply flips him the bird! This sparks the journey of a lifetime for our beloved junkie, as Melvin opens a portal to a strange dimension and tosses Chester down into the strangeness! Chester’s only option? Kill Melvin OR die trying!

#### You got what it takes?!

Shoot Trip Die is a Disgusting, Vulgar, Tasteless, Rogue-like, Twinstick Shooter driven by Insanity, Addiction, and Rebellion!

Take control of Chester BoDean and travel through procedurally generated dimensions! Travel deeper and deeper through these realms in order to inch closer and closer to your escape!

But it won’t be easy…

you’ll need to mow down Bizzare foes with your trusty finger guns! while you collect an assortment of power-ups to aid you on your rampage to get you back to your beloved mattress (Should probably wash the sheets when you get back too…)

#### Content out the WAZOO! You’ll be itching for more! and more!! AND MORE!!!

  • -Face melting visuals!

  • -Brain exploding tunes!

  • -Addicting Rogue-like Gameplay!

  • -Unlockable Micro Games!

  • -Drugs! Sex! and Rock n' Roll!

Read More: Best Action Roguelike Psychedelic Games.

Shoot Trip Die on Steam



What a beautiful game.

Simple, elegant, and subtle, but for folks who enjoy figuring things out alone, and who don’t need a resolution to feel rewarded. The satisfaction that comes with figuring out each step is worth the time puzzling over them, even if the answer are almost as mystifying as the instructions.

I’m not usually a fan of rouguelike games, but that style perfectly fits the feeling of this little gem. And the soundtrack that builds with your various interactions is a lovely enhancement to the general otherworldly feel.

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

There’s just something about this game that makes me really want to play it every day. Grabbing a beer, shading the room and playing illumine on a big, soft couch is my current favorite way of relaxing. On the surface, seeing the game for the first time, you may be forgiven for thinking that this game is boring. If so, it may not be for you. If, on the other hand, you feel even the slightest hint of curiosity or interest: Buy it. It’s about discovery, curiosity, leaning, experience, courage, patience and much more. And the way the themes and the visual and auditory design bring this across in this game is beyond magnificent. Truely a beautiful game.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

illumine on Steam



Great indi game

-great music

-good replayability (it is fun to see how many new powers and builds i can make)

Reminds me of Binding of Isac, if you like that you will enjoy this game.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

I love the music, it really suits the gameplay well. Reminds me of an old pc game i used to play Xenon 2. A rogue-like space shooter!

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Eyeb on Steam

Vector Prospector

Vector Prospector

A very fun and replayable roguelite. This is one of the only games I’ve played in the past year that I actually wanted to get back into and play again!

The randomly generated levels give a new experience each time, and all the different enemies have their own interesting way of dealing with them.

I do think the gameplay has a few flaws in the balancing, particularly with the powerups, but overall it doesn’t impede the fun too much.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

A perfect blend of action combat, exploration and strategy in an incredibly simple package. This is one of the best examples of how a few basic ingredients can be combined to create a brilliant dish. Overall outstanding design and solid execution. GG!

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Vector Prospector on Steam

Witch’s Reign

Witch’s Reign

So first things first, this game is not worth the $10 price tag. That’s a steep price for a game that is fairly short, at the time of this review.

I got this game on sale for $3 and that is a pretty good price!

This game is pretty good, it’s got some solid puzzle ideas and I like the simple art design. It’s a memory puzzle where you explore a dungeon of sorts and make sure you don’t die to traps and monsters. You have a small line of sight due to a candle that can be blown out or lit again in order to trick the monsters onto the traps.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Lucky me gets to write the first review for Witch’s Reign. This is a very simplistic, bare bones top down “survival horror puzzle”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. What you really get is what seems like a mobile app where you can only see one square ahead, and in only one direction, so you need to move around an obscured grid/maze without getting eaten by baddies or falling in traps.

This has been slapped together with Unity, the game engine that’s been enabling mediocrity everywhere and giving Starbucks baristas delusions of grandeur since 2005. However, it’s very unpolished, to the point I don’t think this is an asset flip or a copy+paste of someone else’s tutorial or game demo. Nor could I find it on app stores, although they have higher QA than Valve, so probably wouldn’t permit this. So, I guess kudos to the developer for having a try. I think that’s more likely the explanation, that someone wanted to make a game but didn’t really know how, but put it on Steam anyway. I kind of wish Steam wasn’t a dumping ground for half baked ideas, there’s places like itch.io for that.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Witch's Reign on Steam

Skyward Descent

Skyward Descent

A really compelling game, I started it up to see what the deal was and immediately lost half an hour to it.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

The game is very easy to pick up and play, and for the most part the gameplay is easy to understand. There are a few things that are frustrating to me playing this game, though.

After defeating a boss, if you haven’t taken any damage, you get an option to shuffle around some of your stats. I’ve gotten options like “+30 HP & -30 HP” multiple times, which is incredibly frustrating because it makes one of your options useless. There is another power up called “Lucky Items” that is supposed to give you more stat boosts in the game, but I never noticed any difference when I got it.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Skyward Descent on Steam

Waves 2: Notorious

Waves 2: Notorious

This game, even as early access is one of the best shooters I’ve ever played. (I’m not young been gaming for 30 years.)

Without doubt anyone who liked Waves original will love this game. It’s just better in every way. The same goes for Geometry wars fans, I love that series (Geometry wars 3 was best IMHO) but Waves 2 equals that. It really is that good.

The game play itself is fast, frantic, addictive and looks better than most games of this genre.

The menus are somewhat confusing at first, but this is offset by the great game play. Arcade is easy to jump into, but other than that the menus are not really intuitive. May seem like a small thing, and the game is still early access so once it’s easy to understand all the options it will be much more beginner friendly.

Real player with 569.8 hrs in game

This is one of those games for twitch/adrenaline junkies - of which I am NOT one - that will ensnare regular scrubs with its addictive nature. It’s fast and furious, and currently all about the season leaderboards. A short game only lasts a few minutes long, but if you’re skilled, you can rack up the score and dominate people who play for longer periods of time.

I love this app, but be warned: it’s been in development for a few years. The Developer is active in the forums, and he/she responds to the community frequently. Parts of the game have changed SIGNIFICANTLY since it got the green light from Steam. The bottom-line is that this is already a lot of fun, but it’s not finished, and could change again.

Real player with 80.8 hrs in game

Waves 2: Notorious on Steam

Evil Heart Fever

Evil Heart Fever

Bear with me, this is my first long review. Overall I’m recommending this game, as it was decently entertaining and it’s only 1$ (and I got it on sale 40% off).

The gameplay is solid enough, basic twin-stick style shooting to take down waves of enemies coming at you from the sides of the screen. Your character shoots at crosshairs where your mouse is located, and can do a quick dash every 2-3 seconds depending on your stats until it reaches the crosshairs. The progression is fairly solid, staying relatively challenging without any real difficulty spikes aside from possibly the bosses, who are chosen at random; some bosses are pretty easy to downright unthreatening, while others can be incredibly difficult to deal with while still fighting the swarms of basic enemies. These bosses show up every so often (with health scaled to your level), and regular enemies stay spawning during your fight with them at no slowdown. You can even end up with multiple boss angels simultaneously if you don’t kill each one fast enough. As you kill angels you gain levels and earn perks, a choice of 1 from a random 3 possibilities, thus allowing you to get stronger to face the tougher stock enemies the game will flood you with. You can even get one of five special transformations, each with their own unique perk, by acquiring three specific perks related to the transformation. Pretty simple, but a decent enough gameplay loop for a dollar.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

A really fun multidirectional-shooter-roguelike mashup thing, amazing product for a dollar. It’s theme feels nice and cohesive, between it’s mix of Lovecraftian and religious items, enemies, and the player itself if a nice touch, and works well. The game looks alright, nothing amazing, but it does the job and doesn’t hurt to look at. There are only a few flaws with the game, such as what I assume are bosses being really fucking hard to kill, meaning you need to get lucky and be beefed up or have a synergy by the time one comes. There’s also the kinda of small library of upgrade items, which is about 35-40, and while that isn’t too small of an amount, some more items would be pretty dope.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Evil Heart Fever on Steam