

Game Details

Published by: Owlbear Ltd.

Developed by: Owlbear Ltd.

Genre: Action/Indie/Early Access

Release Date: 17 Jul, 2015

Completionist Gameplay: Endless

“Barbara-ian, a mythical badass with perma-rage & a penchant for smashing. “

The Gameplay

Barbara-ian is a top-down run and gun action game with a female protagonist. This should already make you want to play the game. If you need further convincing, read on.

With only one hit point standing between you and certain death (and the loss of your beloved Tome of Laser Vision), Barbara-ian is the true definition of exciting. If you liked Hotline Miami, I would absolutely recommend buying this. The game being in Early Access shouldn’t deter you. Barbara-ian is fully playable and is not missing any key components. The only reason it is still in Early Access is because the developers want to continue adding more content for us to enjoy.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Difficult Games.

This game is difficult.

This game will anger you.

This game will kill you… a lot.

But all the deaths and quick restarts

make completing a level so satisfying!


  • Wonderful soundtrack

  • Fast-paced combat

  • Nice voxel graphics


  • Can’t switch the weapon

  • Sometime is too dark

This is a good indie game!

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Barbara-ian on Steam



I bet I’ve played about forty of these 2D snake games on Steam over the years.. and THIS snake game is easily one of the better snake games on Steam! ..Well worth the money to any fan of classic retro snake games!


To be the ideal snake game, the developer should make some pretty simple changes:

  • The above game options should provide a sound slider. Needing to adjust your volume manually on your PC is just “icky” even in a two dollar snake game like this.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action 2D Games.

An eminently playable version of the classic. Runs really well and has some cool features. needs frame limiting and a volume control.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Snake on Steam

Things That Bounce and Explode

Things That Bounce and Explode

I know now that I can’t handle that many B.A.L.L.s 😔✊

I love the progression and the skill depth!

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Arcade Games.

This game is awesome!! Once you start to play, it’s hard to stop playing it! Lots of power ups, upgrades, random stages, everything that guarantees a high replayabilty. As a fan of both brick breaker and shmup genres, I absolutely LOVE this game and 100% recommend it!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Things That Bounce and Explode on Steam

Virus Blast

Virus Blast

This game has infected me like a Virus.

I love it. It’s incredibly addicting. I purchased it two seconds after Shattered Rift’s stream. We’ve been competing for the leader board. I can’t get enough, and I’m pretty sure I robbed the developers and need to buy more copies for people or find a donate button.

All of my thanks for such an addicting game. Props to y’all.

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

June 21st Edit. Virus Blast is a strong candidate for my choice of Indie Game of the Year 2020. If you enjoy non-traditional games, it’s fantastic. The learning curve is a bit steep, but every upgrade you unlock feels incredibly satisfying.

I’m currently ranked 3rd on the Leader Boards, and the video above shows why Virus Blast is as satisfying to play as it is to watch.

Original review is contained below.


If you’ve ever bought one of those sticky toys from a vending machine, Virus Blast is for you.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

Virus Blast on Steam

Yupitergrad 🚀(Virtual Reality Adventure)

Yupitergrad 🚀(Virtual Reality Adventure)

While I’m not a fan of flat shading in VR, this game has fast enough traversal that I did not really mind. The game is essentially as if Windlands and Super Meat Boy had a Russian child in space. The environments are big, impressive, with huge moving elements. Not Jet Island levels but I very much appreciated the scale of things.

I think the most important part of this game is the locomotion, how to traverse the environment, and I have to say it really grew on me. I got the expected boosts from pulling on the roped plunger you are equipped with, launching me in that direction, very satisfying when you’ve grown accustomed to it and I it makes sense that there are time trial levels. You can also extend and retract this rope while it is attached to a surface, which while not necessary most of the time sure can provide utility and flexibility.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

(Disclaimer: I was gifted this gem to review it, I don’t even know why you would give me that much power but I really really apprechiate it! Also I was told to beat the shit out of the game and tell the devs over any flaws on a rather direct review example of mine (Windlands if you’re wondering). Basically the disclaimer shouldn’t mean anything but here you go)

A game for all the grappling hook enthusiasts or otherwise movement interested parcour junkies - IT’S NOT AN INDIE ENDLESS RUNNER AS I THOUGHT WHEN I SKIPPED PAST IT*

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Yupitergrad 🚀(Virtual Reality Adventure) on Steam

a nifty game

a nifty game


Just from the brief amount I’ve played, I’m kinda surprised that this game has been abandoned. So, for those who have stumbled upon this game by accident (maybe your friend had it in their library or you got a coupon for in from badges), here’s a quick review for ya.

A Nifty Game is a very simple 2D rougelite shooter, similar to “Enter The Gungeon” in overall gameplay. Where it deviates though is through it’s simplicity and clunkiness. Encounters are very simple as they only involve dodging and shooting, and you eventually enter an overpowered state depending on how lucky you’ve gotten during a run. Still, I’ve found myself enjoying the little spirts of battle in the game, even when the clunkiness started showing up. I’m calling the clunkiness an intended feature of the game, given how it ended. I bring it up since there will be points where you escape from the map or where the visuals will look like they’re broken. Still, I found these bits of clunkiness fine and in some aspects enjoyable. The only real problem I have with the game is the music, or lack thereof. The trailer might be chiptune, but all you’ll really hear in the game is wind.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

a nifty game on Steam



ARCADE is a cool hardcore fast-paced action game! In the game, you need to control a spaceship and dodge a heap of shells flying at you or shoot back from them. The ship is controlled by the keyboard, and the direction of fire is by the mouse. The graphics are made in a space neon style, very cool. At the moment, only one mode is available - after holding out for a while, the level and, accordingly, the difficulty increases. But the game is still in development and promises cool new functionality for a change.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

One of the best arcade games I’ve ever played. A lot of exciting levels and interesting gameplay.

New mechanics. I really liked the game, I advise everyone to start playing it. Now there is a discount on it. Many achievements in the game. There is support for the controller. The game is not expensive and very addictive. Those who like arcade games and shooters are sure to play. If there are any problems, they will definitely help you. I advise everyone that the developers do not cheat a little when writing a description on top!

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

ARCADE on Steam

Blood And Zombies

Blood And Zombies

This game combines the base building of Rust and the game play style of Killing floor. At this point in the game (A 0.25 at the time of this writing) it’s just great. I’ve been looking for a game like this for a long time. BUT, I have a couple - to - few suggestions for the developer(s): First is obvious: this game would benefit exponentially from multiplayer (almost goes without saying, really). Second, well, once you get your base going it seems as if the zombies care more about vandalizing/breaking what you’ve built up than killing you, and most of the damage you’ll receive in the game is done indirectly (poison gas/electric zombies dying and leaving damage clouds). And three, the only major bug I’ve found while playing (in 4 hours mind you) is sometimes the camera gets a bit wonky. For example: I could hit the 2 key to switch to my secondary and the camera will flip, buying a new weapon will shove the gun into an awkward/unintended position (clipping through the camera), and facing the floor after looking at the menu (sometimes these issues can be fixed by switching weapons or reloading or buying a gun in the same slot, then returning to the first gun, but it didn’t for the crossbow). For an indie game so early in development, I’d rate it a 9.95/10.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

bugs start to show up and when brought up devs act like they could care less…give your money to “7 Days To Die” video game here on steam….atleast they listen and care….this was one of the worst games ive bought lately……horrible game.

had a fellow friend who also played had the follwing to say but couldnt leave a review but i can-

“Game is bug infested to the max. Mechanics don’t work and my keyboard stopped working multiple times after passing the first wave of zombies.”

my sons copy wouldnt even load up its map….needless to say he refunded at my recommendation when he approached me on what to do.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Blood And Zombies on Steam

Code:STAR DUNGEON  星牢:试炼所

Code:STAR DUNGEON 星牢:试炼所

Code name: Star Prison is a high-degree-of-freedom hack, slash, shooting and magical dungeon game. The player is almost never locked in a fixed room in the game, which brings a high degree of freedom of combat and breakthrough experience.

The main features of the game:

Multi-role real-time switching of the battle system, players need to constantly go deep into the star prison, constantly collect new characters, and use the acquired resources to improve their performance and unlock new talents.

More characters will bring more matching combinations. Players can choose three characters to form a team to enter the star prison adventure. The proficient mastery of roles and skills and reasonable matching will make you deeper into the star prison and get closer The whole ending.

Once as a science fiction writer, the wonderful plot is also the highlight of the game, and the final ending will take many weeks to truly be revealed.

In the Star Prison, players will also prepare a large number of well-designed level gameplay and props, characteristic NPCs, various elite monsters, and bosses, making the game experience worthwhile.

Message from the production team:

The code name Xinglao is an independent game carefully developed by Neon Cell Studio. The working group promises to continue to update and bring more high-quality content to players.

Code:STAR DUNGEON 星牢:试炼所 on Steam

Dead In Time

Dead In Time

Is a hardcore action with a non-trivial level generation system. Each enemy that you meet on your way, is deadly and unique in its own way. Control time, use a large arsenal of weapons and uncover the secret of time.

I always did not like the idea that after the death the player should start all over again. In Dead in time after the death of the hero, you find yourself in the next generated world, where new enemies and traps await you.

Each enemy in Dead in time is unique and deadly in its own way. Due to this gaming experience in each of the worlds will be different.

All the mechanics of leveling in the Dead in time is realized through the items that the hero finds on his way. Each item has its unique skill and has the ability to raise its level. All items above the first level will remain with you after the hero’s death, but will lose one level.

Control time to create “arches” to attack in combat. Also, you can slow down all enemy objects and accelerate yourself, thereby gaining an advantage in combat.

  • Random generation of environment, items and enemies.

  • After the hero’s death, you get to the next randomly generated world, and do not start all over again.

  • More than 150 different rooms.

  • Each world is different for its unique gameplay and enemies.

  • Control time to gain advantage in combat.

  • Become stronger using items and weapons with unique skills.

  • Over 85 different enemies.

  • Participate in optional events to obtain rare items.

Dead In Time on Steam