Consumed Awakening

Consumed Awakening

Nice game, like a sci-fi version of Warcraft 3 in indieformat in 2d.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Strategy Games.

Great music.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Consumed Awakening on Steam



It is the year 1984. A lonely computer programmer is found dead in front of a teletype terminal, bad garage rock blasting in his room. The last application he ran? snake::reloaded.

snake::reloaded is an immersive story-driven classic snake game, enjoyed through the beauty of an 80x25 text-based interface. The rules are simple - collect fruit, grow longer, and finish the level.

Find out what happens to the warring factions of the Planet of the Snakes! Use special abilities and items such as your armor, portals and even time reversal to aid in your quest.

Read More: Best Action Simulation Games.

snake::reloaded on Steam

ThreadSpace: Hyperbol

ThreadSpace: Hyperbol

Hyperbol is a truly awesome unique game. It has a tutorial which you can play in offline mode or you can join players online.

Support 10/10

This game is still actively supported by the developer. I got a response in a very short time on their discussion forums.

Graphics 8/10

Graphics are unique and interesting.

Sounds and Music 9/10

Sounds and graphics are near perfect for its genre.

Gameplay 9/10

Gameplay is awesome. Always something interesting and it is enough that you will be enjoying it for months to come.

Real player with 1256.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Multiplayer Games.

This is really an awesome game that is quite fun however it has one major problem ….. it is a multi-player game that is rarely played anymore. You can play the game single player with AI bots (which are quite challenging if set to be so) or on LAN if you have seperate keys handy.


plays on windows 7 & 10 just fine. I have not tested it on win8 systems


None. The game is not only polished, but has no bugs.

fun/replay value



Real player with 81.0 hrs in game

ThreadSpace: Hyperbol on Steam

Beyond Sol

Beyond Sol

This review is based on about 50 hrs play (of which maybe 10 away from screen), single player mode

In short you control a space ship, build a fleet of battle and support ships to accompany you, build a base and extend it, manage resources such as population, energy, credits and 6 material resources. Expand your territory with military bases and vanquish your neighbours. You win either by Economic, military or diplomatic achievements. The focus is on strategy rather than piloting/shooting skills of the ship you control.

Real player with 148.7 hrs in game

Here is my brutally honest review. Be forewarned that the game includes additional software which I will also be including in my review.

Compliance With EU

Not compliant. The game is made with unity and you may rest assured that the included spyware in this game will seamlessly slurp your browser data. It has neither an opt out or an opt in, and will seamlessly connect to without your knowledge until you happen to check your event logs after disconnecting from the internet. In the system events log it will happily appear as a warning that it has failed to resolve dns to

Real player with 108.4 hrs in game

Beyond Sol on Steam

Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire

Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire

RTS Rebirth

Good old RTS days. I’m very glad that recently it has been very favourable for these awesome RTS games which are thanks to steam and of course dedicated devs brought back alive and also brought to us - RTS hungry customers - because admit it today it is damn hard to find a good RTS game.

KKND2 is playable on windows 10, the game (except for menu) is in full HD, music is still awesome and it is as amazing as it has ever been. There is nothing that stops you from playing it, so go for it!

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

One of my favorites. Thanks devs for the great game.

For those of you who get frustrated by random “mission failed”, it seems that it is not random. Some missions have time limit. Unfortunately, there is no time counter. So, try to finish those missions faster. Meanwhile, “unable to create unit” bug can be fixed by saving, restarting, and loading.

Still, it would be great if there is a patch to fix those bugs (which is sadly highly unlikely).

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire on Steam

Nexagon: Deathmatch

Nexagon: Deathmatch

I played this game waaay back in 2003 and immediately fell in love. Its supremely dated by todays standards but its still a gem of a game from a forgotten era. Its kind of like an old school RTS, but there is no resource gathering, you only have 4 units and you build your base ahead of time before starting a match. Its fun to try to build a base that cheeses the AI.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Nexagon: Deathmatch on Steam

Rakion Chaos Force

Rakion Chaos Force

I have almost 3k hours and Rakion just feels fresh with every new update, my nick in game is Savantage if you need when doing stages!

In this game unlike any other game, you feel the pleasure of destroying your enemy’s armor with every single hit, and as your enemy loses it’s armor, you deal greater damage to them.There are 7 unique classes you can choose, each one with a set of abilities and you can improve your character stats and set of abilities according to your own playstyle. I’ve made great friends through this game, and we’re so excited with every new upcoming event!

Real player with 4041.3 hrs in game

Well, as a 15 years old player of rakion , watching the up and down of this game, I have gain a lots of joyful moments and friendships by rakion. In 2005 , Rakion has been captured my heart and lead me playing a long journey because of brand new battle mode , creative movement and tactics. Thank you softnyx.

Some old players and friend return to this games because it is balance on March , cell lv 30( Good job), few cash item and some gold items are similar stat with cash item (Sparta , Nobleness and Bolivar 2 etc,). Also , Login gauge system are quite useful when you need gold and event point . They are friendly to non-cash players ,newbies and people do not have time to play rakion. Besides ,Advanced class (better remove bead) are trying to make the game to be mature and strategic. These are nice issues for innovate the game.

Real player with 1536.7 hrs in game

Rakion Chaos Force on Steam

Space Fighters

Space Fighters

Considering that this is a single man developer releasing his first game, this game is very polished. The Gameplay is balanced and the UI is intuitive. This is a great simple game! I received a key for beta testing and was astonished by the dedication by the developer and his willingness to accept feedback that is actually implemented.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Space Fighters on Steam

Spuds Unearthed

Spuds Unearthed

Played with Samsung Odyssey wmr headset

Spuds Unearthed is a strategy/defense game where you have to keep the spuds from the other side from getting to your base and destroying it.

In order to do this you first need to prepare for every battle by mixmatching different tokens to make different turrets and spud upgrades and vehicles .

You can make a plane put a spud in it and throw it on the battlefield and watch it fly around shooting and bombing enemy spuds.

You have to use your hands for everything witch is great in vr, example is manning your turrets throwing spuds into tanks and planes and throwing them onto the battlefield.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Spuds:Unearthed is so frustrating because I want to love this game so badly. It’s like someone made my favorite VR game ever, then scrambled it up, hid some of it, and took away all the directions and clarity.

This game is horribly broken in a very unique way. Most games are broken because of a technical flaw or poor performance (especially with VR games). Spuds:Unearthed actually runs reasonably well. I get GPU frame drops on a 2080ti in the planet system view, and its crashed mid-battle a couple of times, but both these issues are relatively minor. The art is cute and original. The mechanics are polished and fun (other than a couple useless and frustrating firing mechanisms for the turrets). The heroes are varied, and the turret types would be great if I knew what the differences between them are. But I just have no idea what the hell is going on in the game as a whole, what the purpose is, what different statuses and victories mean, and so forth.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Spuds Unearthed on Steam

100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack

100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack

Welcome to the 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack, a set of upgraded arcade game classics that let you play in real-time with or against your viewers. Imagine something like Twitch Plays Pokemon where everyone controls their own character (viewers use Twitch Chat commands) and it’s absolute chaos. And when you need to step away, AFK Mode will give your channel a way to stay engaged during the downtime.

Current games included in the pack are:

Happy Tanksgiving

In this free-for all arcade game, everyone controls a tank on a battlefield free-for-all. It’s you versus 100. As a streamer, you’ll be commanding a super tank with heavy armor that can be controlled in real-time. Each of your viewers will command their own lightly-armored hovertank by using chat commands. They can kill you, or kill each other, but only one tank can claim victory.

Minesweeper 100

Why are we always minesweeping from a distance? Isn’t it about time we were actually there on the minefield with 100 of our friends, living or dying together, as a team? With Minesweeper 100, everyone controls their minesweeper on an active minefield, frantically trying to work together to clear it before a major earthquake triggers all the mines. Beware! A single mistake will cost you your life, and the lives of those next to you. This mode works well with a very small number of players, and gets even better as more viewers join the sweep!


The ultimate in 100-Player bomb-planting action! Control your bomber, surround your enemies with bombs, and be the last one standing, all the while collecting powerups and tightening the noose around your enemies.

DMCA-free music

With all the issues surrounding video game music DMCAs on streaming platforms, all the music has been either specifically created for the game, or licensed from the same indie artist (Couteau Papillon, who also did the soundtrack to Spaceteam), and is verified by SOCAN to be streamed without triggering a DMCA.

100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack on Steam