Wonder Wickets

Wonder Wickets

Hello! I am Prilaja and you’re reading my thoughts on Wonder Wickets.

A perfect blend of cute, starry-eyed characters, whimsical fairy-tale worlds, simple controls with a high skill ceiling & music of a galactic spectrum makes this the best $10.00 USD you can spend on Steam.

Let’s go over that first note: cute-starry eyed characters.

Have you ever wanted to play space mini-golf/croquet as a puppy of the stars?

The answer is yes, let’s be honest here.

Just about all of the characters have a infectious enthusiam with how they talk and move.

Real player with 81.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Cute Games.

This game really is very good. The puzzles are challenging, but often have several solutions that can each lead to getting a good score. And I’ve found myself more than happy to go back to past levels that I didn’t score so good on the first time and play them again to bring my score up!

While some levels can feel kinda impossible to score well on, it’s often simply a matter of simply figuring out the finer details. If you aim to get yourself to gold or even platinum on all of the levels, than this game can easily last you for several days, and that’s a low-bar estimate given that I have yet to beat it all myself!

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Wonder Wickets on Steam



Bipgolf is a multiplayer minigolf game with a twist. Two teams must fight to get the best score using only themselves as weapons! Play with up to 10 “friends” for ultimate chaos.

The game has 5 challenging courses of 9 holes each. It supports Steam friend invites and invite links for games up to 10 players. The game has a custom physics system designed for accurate ball on ball collisions.

Key Features

  • 5 challenging courses of 9 holes each.

  • 10 player games.

  • Bespoke networked physics.

  • Friends + invite links for fast lobbies

Read More: Best Action Multiplayer Games.

Bipgolf on Steam

Cheap Golf

Cheap Golf

Recommended with a few exceptions.

It’s a mini-golf puzzle reflex arcade bullet-hell(?) game. Dragging the mouse for power and aiming is pretty standard. Difficulty varies wildly so expect some levels to frustrate.

Where it’s let down is with the controls, you’re supposed to click and drag then let go to shoot, except often randomly the mouse ‘sticks’ and then requires an extra click to shoot, I’ve no idea why and it’s the biggest cause of all my failures on each level. Also the drag bar is difficult to judge the power/aim and will have you rocketing across the level in the wrong direction where only a nudge was necessary.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Retro Games.

The writing for this is really funny, interesting, and well-done: a science-fiction comedy about AI, physics, computing, determinism, cryptocurrency, psychology, space, that has you questioning the meaning of life. There are even “ads” that the AI makes you click on that link to an external website with bizarre advertisements for products that help flesh out the story and who this AI “Susan” is - a character on par with GLaDOS.

The gameplay and difficulty is extremely well-tuned. There are some hard levels but they should only take 5-7 minutes of trying to beat, and when you do it’s very satisfying. The difficulty doesn’t constantly increase as there are plenty of relaxing levels throughout and some series of levels that just beat themselves for the visual effects. After beating a challenging level, sit back and enjoy a few easy ones and the story. This game is all about the experience.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Cheap Golf on Steam

Golf Ace

Golf Ace

It may surprise some that 6.2 million American millennials are considered golfers, playing about 100 million rounds per year. This represents 28 percent of all golfers in America who spend a total of about $5 billion per year.

So, why do we love this game?

Real player with 82.0 hrs in game

Best way to play is as the title says, “with friends”. Sure you can play online with random people, but all the hilarity is added when you’re in a call with your mates, and the one guyis raging hardcore because he jut can’t make that shot.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Golf Ace on Steam



tiny, simple but clever game based on physics

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Unparalleled game-play with sophisticated mechanics and alluring visuals. The perfect game for the average or experienced, proficient golfer. While incomplex at first glance, even the most astute mathematician may struggle with the troublesome trigonometric functions required to usurp dominance over some levels. Over all i rate this game 8.237 / 9.487.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

GOLF in PAPER on Steam

Trivia Vault: Golf Trivia

Trivia Vault: Golf Trivia

You get what you paid for, 5K achievements at minimum price. If you’re an achievement hunter looking to increase the number of achievements on your profile showcase, then I highly recommend buying this. Else don’t waste your money. This is not a game, it’s just a way of distributing achievements.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Fast achievement SCAM game! You get 5000!!! achievements just for turning it on for one second! Why?! Why is it here?! There is a ton of games like this,with absolutely the same layout and design just different theme (golf, food, etc.). Instead of it being one game with different themes they split it in hundreds of useless mini scam games. Just look at this “developer’s” list of games - half of them are the same trivia game each with 5000 useless spam achievements.

There is a lot of “developers” here on steam producing games like this in bulks. Some of them with stolen art and bad, stupid design. They sell them on e-bay in 50-games-bundles for 2$. If you think that you’ll get a good deal for only 2 bucks, you’re wrong - all the games are waste of time, quick achievements scams. Don’t pay for this! Don’t support this scammer developers! Games like this ARE and SHOULD BE free.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Trivia Vault: Golf Trivia on Steam



Chetz is a great game that combines platform gameplay with Chess aesthetics. Don’t be fooled by the simple graphics, the game is indeed challenging and requires precision. Good exercise to train your reflexes.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Very original concept that leads to a ton of fun mix & match combos. Trying to figure out which pieces to use against which obstacles is changeling but executing those moves is harder still. Would recommend using a Xbox controller

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Chetz! on Steam

Marble Mage

Marble Mage

this game has me hooked. super fun and unique charge mechanic sets it apart from other marble games, while working extremely well. as a speedrunner, it opens up TONS of cool tech, and it’s enjoyable casually as well. controls very well, just takes a bit of getting used to. the star system encourages the player to explore different ways of playing the game (raw speed vs collecting crystals), the level design is really fun, the music is jammin', and your character is just a cute lil cat fella!

any cons i could think of really just pertain to the lack of options when it comes to display/audio. it’d also be nice to be able to navigate menus with the controller. but that’s not really taking away from the gameplay itself, which is superb. and at $3 for 60 levels, you’re basically robbing the game devs. GET THIS GAME

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

This is really good.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Marble Mage on Steam

Tower Unite

Tower Unite

A social minigame simulator with a heavy emphasis on meta progression/customization and community interaction. What started as a Gmod custom server has evolved into an incredible standalone activity filled social space, and one of my all time favorite games. While socializing isn’t necessary in Tower Unite, it might be kind of hard to avoid getting roped into it once in awhile ;).

Highly recommend this game to those who like achievement hunting, social spaces, house building/customizing, minigames (minigolf, bowling, supermonkeyball, infection, arcade games, gambling, fishing, etc.), seeing player created content (workshop and player housing), and/or item collecting/collectibles. And probably other things honestly, this game fills a lot of niches!

Real player with 718.2 hrs in game

Really fun game, honestly it’s a game I come back to every now and then. I really think that the amount of mini-games is nice, although I feel like it could use map customization, but the fact it has so much customization with your own houses/condos and character model is pretty great already, definitely a game I recommend, it’s a must get if on sale if you like social games of sorts. More so if you plan to play this with friends.

Real player with 690.0 hrs in game

Tower Unite on Steam



In Extrorb, you control the action! Maneuver your orb through challenging ramps and boost zones over oceans and forests! Try your luck at one of the traditional levels and relive the joy of visiting the arcade! Up for a game of hoops? Grab a friend and compete for highest score on one of the 8 different local multiplayer levels!

Have a blast!

If you get stuck, or you just really want to annoy your friends, resetting your orb has explosive consequences.

Want a boost?

Some levels require an extra push to get you where you need to go.

Tons of player skins!

At launch there are 33 skins to choose from, all of them unlocked!

Shared multiplayer boards!

Not only do you get to share half a seat with your friend, but each level places you against each other on the same board! Coupled with explosive physics this can lead to some intense head to head battles for the best score.

Forests, Icebergs, Arcades, oh my!

At launch there are 8 single player and 8 multiplayer levels with a large variety to choose from. From classic arcade scenes to serene larger than life forest levels, there is something for everyone.

Achievements & Stats

Global leaderboards will help compare your skill against the best in the world, as well as multiple Steam Achievements to unlock!

Amazing Soundtrack!

We’re using some awesome tracks from Dark Fantasy Studio in Plouguerneau, France!

Extrorb on Steam