Mars: War Logs

Mars: War Logs


Mars: War Logs is one of those gems that lurks behind “A” titles, just waiting to shine. Very much like Mad Max or WoW in playability, tactics, NPC aggro proc, and utility of various game strategies, the GUI will be familiar to anyone who has played a 3rd person and the particulars are not complicated; you can also change keybinds for fine-tuning. The detailed plot can go in at least three different major directions near the end, and choices determine results on several questlines, but the first two chapters will be very similar/same for any given playthrough. First playthrough on"normal" difficulty was challenging to learn but not difficult, and my second on “difficult” wasn’t too bad

! (except for the Moles in 2 particular encounters)… but “Extreme” has me stumped. There must be a build order that I haven’t identified correctly… yet.

Real player with 92.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Games.

Single-player action RPG with 3rd person view, in the sci-fi setting. Very story-driven, which means NO for the open-world experience. But there is none good tale as well. Just a decent action part in a narrow tunnel of somewhat “noir” agenda. In truth, the game isn’t all bad, it’s just plain and mediocre. But I’m freaked out by how it is presenting itself there on Steam: “An Intense Cyberpunk Rpg On the Red Planet!” While it is really telling about humans on the fourth planet, it is as far from cyberpunk, like me from being a wealthy man. And “Intense” means it is very short and linear. Not a good point to present for decent “story-rich” RPG, you agree?

Real player with 33.7 hrs in game

Mars: War Logs on Steam

Martian Potato

Martian Potato

It really had potential but I can’t recommend this one. The video explains why.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Games.

4 english scroll down

Ну шо можно тут сказати? У игры есть два положительных момента: 1) крутая озвучка (выбор между женским и мужским голосами одних и тех же актеров на обоих языках); 2) игровая механика, которая заставит попотеть любителей экшена. Главные минусы игры идут как бы рука об руку: совершенно бездумно взятые модельки персонажей и отсутствие адекватного лора. К сожалению, многие инди-авторы забывают, что в человеке должно быть всё прекрасно: и тело, и одежда, и душа, и мысли. В качестве подарка кому-нибудь фанатеющему от трешового космоса - рекомендуем.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Martian Potato on Steam

Red Faction

Red Faction

Red Faction 1 (RF1) is a great game, but I’m posting a negative review because the port of the game that Steam sells barely works as it is.

I bet RF1 would run well on Windows 98, ME, or XP, but no one should be using a 32-bit version of Windows anymore, and that has been the case since Windows 7 came out in 2009. You can pretty much take my review of Max Payne and pretend I am talking about RF1, because with RF1, we have another example of Steam being lazy and selling a port that, for the vast majority of users, doesn’t work as it is.

Real player with 21.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action FPS Games.


Big scary hydraulic door with a ‘press to open’ button on the wall next to it giving you the willies? Not to worry! The giant overpowered rocket launcher provided in the open confines of most mining stations can safely dismantle the nearest wall and create a you-sized hole to climb through! Just ignore all the potentially flammable gas from the mines by the way. There are only a few thousand people down there – we don’t care about them, and neither should you.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Red Faction on Steam

Unearthing Mars 2: The Ancient War

Unearthing Mars 2: The Ancient War

This game is nothing like the first one. Even though the first one got mixed reviews I liked it for the mix of different gameplay styles (shooter, puzzle, exploration etc.) and for not getting repetitive. But this one is just another shooter and sadly not even a good one. As you have probably already read there are no locomotion options. You can only teleport to predefined spots on the ground. Very often you cannot even teleport to the next spot until you have killed all enemies in the current area. So, the typical gameplay flow is like teleport, kill all enemies, teleport, kill all enemies, teleport… and so on (I think you got the point). The game feels very repetitive just after a short time. But the worst part is that I can not even finish the game because of the limited teleportation system since an enemy stuck behind a wall and I am not allowed to teleport to the next spot. I retried the chapter three times and always with the same result (enemy stuck behind the wall and I cannot teleport anywhere). Furthermore, all achievements seem also to be bugged and cannot be obtained (that’s not a showstopper for me but I just wanted to mention it). Even if you liked the first game, I can clearly not recommend this one.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

If you liked the first one this is worth picking up, just as polished but so far it’s been pure action (haven’t finished it yet). Like the prequel or something.

I mostly came for the story but the action has been surprisingly good. Feels like somebody’s been playing Sairento only this game is way more polished. Gunplay is ok-ish is similar to Doom VFR.

I’m at the last battle in about 2 hours. Dying a lot. Not gonna beat it because I want to go back and play the game on hard. Overall good game. Epic music and cool sci-fi locations, reminds me of Metroid Fusion.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Unearthing Mars 2: The Ancient War on Steam

Doge to the Moon

Doge to the Moon

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Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Do you like to tendies? Does your wife’s boyfriend like to get drunk, chill and vibe to some endless running? This game might just be the game for you.

Sure the meteors look like cookies, but Doges love cookies. cool secrets at 69 sec and 420 sec for you! Be part of the movement to get this hero to the Moon!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Doge to the Moon on Steam

Mars or Die!

Mars or Die!

Guys please fix the (hit boxes / bounds whatever) for the environment or something why do I have to get stuck on every thing my AI buddy gets stuck on everything. I already can not rotate the camera WTH? This is severely aggrevating please tell me this was not the intended user experience. So far that’s been my experience with this game. I tried this because it had controller support but now I don’t know if that it even makes it justifiable purchase I do not recommend at this time.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

In A Nutshell

Mars Or Die in an hybrid between tower defense and survival game. Set in a quite distant future, it tells the tale of two unfortunate explorers, sent on Mars instead of the Moon, by their rather comical dictatorial government, and their struggle to survive extreme conditions and hordes of hostile aliens.

At first, only the Campaign mode is available, featuring nine levels of increasing complexity and lenght, with different objectives each. Once completed, it will unlock and Endless mode to test your strategic skills against unlimited and always more powerful alien hordes. In the first few levels you will control your two characters separately, so either the Sargeant or the Scout, but then once reunited, you will have to manage both at the same time, using their unique abilities to overcome obstacles and stay alive.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Mars or Die! on Steam

Caves Of Mars

Caves Of Mars

The Caves Of Mars is the new 2D action space shooter game set in the mysterious caves of the planet Mars.

Tharsis is a mountainous region on Mars where hundreds of caves have been discovered. These caves contain precious gems which are heavily guarded by enemies and alien life forms.

Navigate your spacecraft through these caves, destroy enemies and alien lifeforms and collect as many gems as possible. Collecting gems will increase your health and gain points. You will gain extra bonus points the more gems you collect and enemies you destroy.

There are 100 cave levels to complete, each one procedurally generated randomly so no two levels are ever the same. As you progress through the levels the caves will become larger, more complex and you will encounter more challenging enemies, aliens and obstacles.


You will encounter many different enemies as you progress though the caves. Some guard their position and don’t move, whilst others form waves of enemy spacecraft which will follow you. The more powerful enemies will take serval hits to destroy.

Enemy Bosses

Watch out for enemy boss spacecraft. Some of the Key Cards are in the possession of enemy bosses so you will need your weapons to destroy these and collect the Key Card.


Watch out for Alien lifeforms. Some of these can move, jump or fly and throw lightning bolts.


Collect Fuel to Boost Your Health.

Power Ups

Collect vessels containing Weapons and Shield Power-ups. Collected power-ups are displayed in the right-hand panel. Activate / deactivate these by clicking them or selecting keys 1-8. Each power-up with change the appearance of your player spacecraft.

Key Cards and Laser Doors

Find and collect ‘Key Cards’ to unlock ‘Laser Doors’ to gain access to each section of these caves.


To help there is a map of each cave system indicating the location of each Key Card and the laser doors they unlock. Open this by clicking on the map button. The caves get larger and more complex as you progress so you will need this map.

Laser Beams

Beware of the laser beams which you will need to negotiate your way through as they switch on and off. Each laser beam will turn off and on as you approach it. To return you need to navigate the sequence of laser beams before returning.

Moving Platforms

Navigate Your Way Through Moving Platforms.


Your spacecraft will automatically descend downwards until it hits the ground or an obstacle. Control your spacecraft using arrow keys or WASD keys. Fire using either Spacebar or Mouse Click.

Caves Of Mars on Steam

Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition

Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition

Red Faction: Guerrilla is a sequel of the underrated first-person shooter Red Faction from 2001, taking place exactly 50 years later after the events of the first game. The original Red Faction had a revolutionary concept - the player could destroy nearly everything - something the developers were sadly not fully able to accomplish. It only had a basic story, but shined in gameplay (in my opinion it was better than Half-Life): we had to battle our way through the ranks of the evil Ultor Corporation that terrorized and experimented on the miners working on Mars, through non-stop combat, including vehicles and the use of environmental destruction.

Real player with 199.7 hrs in game

Steamworks is here, the great tyrant GFWL is dead and gone! A round of applause is in order for Nordic Games for reviving this wonderful game. Now, on with the review.

Red Faction: Guerrilla is an insanely fun game, let’s get that out of the way right now. The open world nature combined with the destructable nature of almost every structure in the game makes for one of the most enjoyable, destructive romps you’ll ever have in a game. While you play through the story mode you’ll have a wealth of options for how to deal with objectives, many of which involve the destruction of key buildings. Perhaps you’d like to get up close and personal with your hammer, maybe you’d rather hop in a truck and send it flying through the side of a building or you might just hail it with rockets from afar, all of which are perfectly viable options.

Real player with 166.4 hrs in game

Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition on Steam

Red Faction®: Armageddon™

Red Faction®: Armageddon™

Short game, but tons of fun. The weapons are some of the most unique I’ve ever come across, and are worth the purchase of the game. The game itself is narrow and linear, with awesome graphics (DX11) and decent voice-acting. Get it on sale and get ready for a fun 10 or so hours.

Installed size on hard drive (all DLC): 9 GB

You can view the opening of game here .

This time around, we are playing as Darius Mason, son of Jake Mason (from the film Red Faction: Origins), and grandson of Alec Mason (Red Faction: Guerrilla). The terraformer has been destroyed, driving all of Mars' human residents underground. But even deeper inside the Mars crust lies an alien threat. If that sounds Red Faction: Armageddon has ventured into B-movie / game territory, you’d be right. It’s a linear shooter, with some fantastic weapons (magnet gun! though the Napalm Laser is another favorite) and decent atmosphere and graphics. While I suppose much of Armageddon has been done before, it’s done well here. So well that I was disappointed when the game ended that there wasn’t more to it.

Real player with 68.0 hrs in game

The Red Faction franchise got its start in 2001, with the original title seeing critical success on numerous levels; making it an instant, must-play classic. While 2002 saw the second game released, further development in the series was halted until 2009, when fan-favorite destruction sandbox Red Faction: Guerrilla saw the light of day. Although the Red Faction IP was sold to Nordic Games after the unfortunate demise of THQ, no information has surfaced regarding new entries into the series. Therefore, 2011’s Red Faction: Armageddon will have to do.

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

Red Faction®: Armageddon™ on Steam

Mars Quest

Mars Quest

If u miss games like Vyruz: Destruction of the Untel Empire, this might rub the right place. More development and it will be fine.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Mars Quest on Steam