City Kong 3D

City Kong 3D

Rampage and ape out in this 3D city crawler as the gigantic simian kaiju, Kong!

Read More: Best Action Exploration Games.

City Kong 3D on Steam

Mushroom Challenge

Mushroom Challenge

I picked a mushroom and gained magical powers that let me fly around with my basket like Thors hammer. I was looking forward to using my new fly ability to get an epic highscore. I reached the end of the map and then fell off.

10/10 would take the mushroom challenge again

Real player with 33.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Simulation Games.

I have been looking forward to this game for a really, really long time. I love the concept.

I realize it’s in EA, so hopefully these issues will be fixed, but currently there is just no reason for me to recommend anyone play this game. There are no forums to give feedback, so the feedback is in a review instead.

The map in this game is so basically painful. There is one rock pasted over and over. I think… 4 different trees? Painful. Where are the fallen trees? Where are some clearings? Where are the different sized, color and texture of rocks that can be used as trail markers? What about a line of telephone poles or something?

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Mushroom Challenge on Steam

Road Gangs Simulator

Road Gangs Simulator

What’s Up Homies?

Do you sometimes think about the old days, when, as a kid, you were running with a piece of wood trying to ‘shoot’ your opponent, while you were hiding behind your neighbour’s car? Planning your own gang, acting like adults while smoking invisible cigarettes to add some seriousness. In Road Gangs Simulator you have a chance to fulfill your unrealised childhood dream, not only by driving fast cars and shooting each other with your enemies, but also by building your own empire!


Don’t wanna hurt anyone but feeling like you could kick some asses? Grab your baseball bat and crush someone’s car. The game will let you destroy every car with the REALTIME DESTRUCTION SYSTEM! Every weapon will affect the system in a realistic way - you won’t be able to destroy wheels with the baseball, in order to do it you’re gonna need some ranged weapon, or a knife.


In the game we have an opportunity to control each member of the gang, his equipment, and also his actions. Do you like some good old RTS games? Then pick your squad and rush into a battle with the top down camera, and give them orders on how to defeat your enemies. If you’re not into RTS genre then you will surely enjoy picking one of your gangsters and controlling him with the TPS or FPS view, while the other crew’s members will take your back. You will get an opportunity to dynamically switch controlled characters - if you lose someone on a battlefield, no worries, just take the control over a next person.


Every district you own have it’s advantages - one may have many car dealers to buy them cheaper, the other one will have a big bank which you can easily rob while having the control over surrounding buildings. If this is not enough you can expand every district with your own buildings - create gangster’s den to train your new crew’s members, build an armoury to provide your gang’s unlimited weapon and ammo.


Do you know someone who doesn’t like muscle cars, or classic japan sports cars? No? We neither, this is why we push many beautiful cars into the game, just to let you spend this dirty money you will earn by assaulting people. Stock cars are not enough? Of course they are not! Go into a garage and pimp it how you like, change body kits, wheels, paint them and create a dream car. Already made a car? Then just go and ride it on roads in this gangsta city - let every citizen know what you have made there!


Your main goal is to take over the city. In order to do it you will have to face some enemies' gangs, earn some money, or just get some respect. During various assignments there is a possibility to do a bank robbery or to fight opposite gangs in the middle of a day. If you’re more like a pacifist, you can just swag in your pimped car so everybody’s gonna know who is the boss on a road.


You’re a gangster, you have got to look like a one. Pick the best outfit out there, make yourself a badass looking guy, but be careful - your colors should match your gang’s colors, otherwise you can be considered as an enemy on the battlefield!

Read More: Best Action Simulation Games.

Road Gangs Simulator on Steam

VR Prison Escape

VR Prison Escape

VR Prison Escape only has two levels but the two levels are the best VR experience of my life. The game is immersive, action packed, puzzle solving, etc. There is so many things they did with the VR that make not just a game but a VR game.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Worst game I ever played.

Horrible performance red bars in steamvr looks like Im creating strawberry milkshake.

Graphics are laughable

Gameplay. It doesnt even the motion controls. You have two arms stuck at you that attacks by themself when pressing the trigger button. So there is no immersion. Just you feeling like you are retarded goro from mortal kombat.

All this with no sound effects and just one music track where the volume is raised so far up that even on mute you can hear it.

Even if this game was free you should only show this to your enemies and use it as a torture device.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

VR Prison Escape on Steam

Mech Game

Mech Game

Mech Game is an online multiplayer cockpit simulation where you command a massive machine of war!

Join with friends or play solo – Position yourself as a Mech Driver, Gunner or Engineer to control 9 different weapon systems, melee combat, jump jets, shielding and more!

You can experience Mech Game in a fully-immersive virtual reality environment with support for the latest VR hardware, or play without VR using a standard keyboard and mouse.

Enhance your mech’s equipment through harvesting ore and killing enemies, then buy or sell your upgrades on the Steam Marketplace!

Phase 1 of Mech Game introduces capture-the-flag style gameplay mixed with AI minions and boss fights. Different modes such as Battle Royale and Open World Exploration are planned!

Join us on Discord!

Mech Game on Steam

Nightvision: Drive Forever

Nightvision: Drive Forever


So there I was, just minding my own business, driving through a mountainous highway. I wasn’t quite sure what I was running from, or exactly sure where I was going. I was admiring the beautiful sky, excellent lighting effects and great overall graphical presentation. I was navigating the treacherous highway and unpredictable traffic pattern, slowly falling into a driving rhythm guided by the soundtrack of chill electronic beats held together with adrenaline filled undertones. My will to survive was at an all time high. I dodged left around a vehicle, then right around a vehicle. I could clearly hear the sound of the air rushing around me as I narrowly missed multiple commuters, each miss slightly closer than the last. After clearing a few of these early morning drivers driving to who knows where, I let out a sigh of relief. No traffic was in sight - only me, the open road, the beautiful scenery and the mesmerizing music. I was 2 miles in to a 6 mile trek, and I knew the worst was behind me. I came around a slight right kink in the road, with my high beams on to increase visibility ahead. The road straightened out, and I began to make my way up a small hill in the path. Up ahead, I could see a bright beam of light - I flashed my brights on, then off, to try and signal the other driver to do the same. The light kept getting brighter and was nearly encompassing my entire screen at this point. I made my way to the far right of the road to give them as much room as possible, with no knowledge of the other driver’s level of competence. Just as I was cresting the hill, BOOM!!!! My heart nearly stopped. My car did stop - and shortly after I lifted my hands off of my Logitech G29, which is superbly supported in this game. I took a 1 minute break to allow my heart rate to slow down. I grabbed a clip of the incident to confirm what I had already suspected - as I crested the hill, the unpredictable computer driver moved into my lane at the last possible moment. We had a head on collision at over 100 MPH. The image of that burgundy SUV is now forever burned into my retinas. I have awoken in screaming agony every night since the incident. My heart has still not recovered, and most likely never will. 11/10 would crash head on into a computer player again!

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

What are you doing procrastinating by reading the reviews? Buy it already!

I love this game, and I shall tell you why, if you’ve read this far but still not bought it…

Story mode gently eases you in to the high speed mountain driving experience. The difficulty starts to ramp up as you progress through the film noir style story mode, and new challenges are introduced gradually as you progress: with more winding roads, beautiful but treacherous weather conditions, and increasing traffic all coupled with the need to keep your speed up at all times.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Nightvision: Drive Forever on Steam

System Shock

System Shock

Customers who pre-order this version of System Shock will receive System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition for free when SS2:EE is released.

“Look at you, Hacker. A pth-pth… pathetic creature of meat and bone.”

You awaken from a six month healing coma aboard Citadel Station, TriOptimum’s premier research facility. Mutants feast on their former crew mates, nightmares of flesh bound to metal roam the dark hallways, and the station’s A.I., SHODAN, is aiming Citadel’s mining laser… at Earth!

Your military grade neural interface is all that stands between humanity and the silicon god coming to remake Earth in their vision.

System Shock is a remake of the beloved PC classic. Updating mechanics, graphics, and enemy A.I. - System Shock is here to offer a new generation of players a chance to go toe-to-toe with one of gaming’s iconic enemies: SHODAN. Fight, hack, and save humanity from a fate worse than death itself.

Weapons & Tools at Your Disposal

“How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?”

Weapons have been completely overhauled to form a new deadly arsenal featuring the MK 2100 Magnum, SK-27 Shotgun, LG-XX Plasma Rifle, ND-12 Rail Gun, the Laser Rapier, and many more.

Plug-in the Mapping Unit implant to chart your way through all 9 levels of Citadel Station, hook-up the Biological Systems Monitor to monitor your health and energy consumption, and install the Multimedia Data Reader to experience the last horrifying moments of Citadel’s crew.

New Threats and Horrors

“My children, a human infection continues to thrive inside of me…”

SHODAN’s twisted mind has remade the crew into her image of perfection. Poisoning their DNA, she mutated their flesh. Clouding their minds, she grafted together steel and bone to make them cyborgs. Around every corner lurks a new and horrible way to die.

Explore Citadel Station for the 1st Time

“You are an interloper, a blight on my domain.”

Citadel Station has been renovated to include new areas to explore, traps to evade, puzzles to solve and secrets to discover.

Hack your way through Cyberspace, a 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) hacking simulator rebuilt to be more dangerous with new enemies and challenges.

System Shock on Steam

Underworld Ascendant

Underworld Ascendant

I realize that this game has drawn a lot of criticism, much of it justified. However, I would still recommend this game to anyone who enjoys games such as Thief or the Deus Ex series. In order to explain why I am recommending this game I will be going through some pros and cons of the game before giving what I feel is a good example of the game at its best.

The Pros

-The game grants the player an amazing amount of freedom in how you can go about accomplishing mission objectives. You can basically build your own character via the skill system and each character build feels shockingly unique. In fact, you can often accomplish objectives even without the use of specific skills so long as you are willing to get creative with what the environment provides.

Real player with 159.0 hrs in game

I have been playing the game quite a bit so far and and it doesn’t feel like an Ultima Underworld successor at all. When I backed the game in the early stages, Otherside promised a very diffent sort of game, they grasped the interest of the old fans of UU and many backed/kickstarted this game in hopes to get an elaborate Underworld 3 with lovable new Characters and a persistent interconnected world.

Here is the kickstarter-link if anyone is interested:

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Underworld Ascendant on Steam

Evil Cucumber

Evil Cucumber

Evil Cucumber is a first-person satirical horror movie in which you play the role of a cat. Your task is to face the possessed cucumbers that have haunted your home. Get out of the mansion as soon as possible. Defend yourself with claws, jump over enemies, use your cat’s agility to run away.

Evil Cucumber on Steam

Lands of Raynar

Lands of Raynar

Help with rebuilding of the ancient civilization!

Lands of Raynar a first-person RTS in which you take on the role of Karia - one of the last inhabitants of the fallen lands. Together with your numinous companion Ivy and people have an adventure through traces of ancestors.

Explore the world

The game is rich in a plethora of diverse landscapes and its elements. Discover ancient secrets that are hidden in flora, fauna and dark caves of Raynar.

Be vigilant

In the world full of life, you will meet a lot of creatures and people with whom you will have to confront. They will pose a threat to your life or they will be able to help you in tough moments.

Develop your village

  • Manage civil buildings to increase the number of the village’s people

  • Build defensive structures that will protect from danger from outside the village

  • Destroy buildings and admire them when they fall apart realistically with the help of implemented physics

Lands of Raynar on Steam