Hentai Vs Furries

Hentai Vs Furries

This game saved my life.

I am 69.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 494.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Nudity Games.

I am so glad i have this game. cured my depression

So I was actually gifted this game by my friend, and at this point im the guy to dump interesting games on, but as a man, a self-proclaimed respectable person, what I have said above this is true. I was an empty husk of a person before playing this game, and thanks to this, I have found myself, who I want to be.

I didn’t think I would say this, but, thank you Hentai Vs Furries, I will remember you for as long as i live.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

Hentai Vs Furries on Steam

Rescue your chickens

Rescue your chickens

Note: this game has quite a few paid reviews giving it a false “Mostly Positive” rating.

Rescue Your Chickens is a 2D retro pixel single screen platformer. With the charming premise of controlling a rooster who must collect chicks and return them to the hen house, the charm ends sharply after that point.

While the artwork is nice, the game is fixed resolution, uses lazy retro pixel graphics, and is fixed to 4:3 aspect ratio (for a game released in 2016!). Gameplay is completely identical to every other retro pixel shovelware game on the market (bad). Controls and hitboxes are poor quality so you will die just getting close to things without touching them.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Psychological Horror Games.

Rescue you chickens is a game basically revolving about a co.ck chasing after his chicks cough cough beside the dirty joke it’s actually real lol. You play as a rooster saving his chicks while his wife is out in a beauty contest don’t ask how tho.

There are thirty levels but I can’t say that they are different.

The background is the same, The same platforms, It’s the same for everything.

The gameplay is bad Left and Right for movements, Up for jump, + or - to either increase or decrease the volume and that’s it. There is nothing else you can’t fight, you can’t dodge, you can’t do anything. Meanwhile the levels are full with spikes, rats, hornets spiders and frogs. Yup these things looks like they are roosters' worst enemies. Ha suck is National Geographic.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Rescue your chickens on Steam

Tenta Shooter

Tenta Shooter

Tenta shooter is a shumup, this is my favorite shumup ever made, it have some powerups to unlock, when you unlock this cards you can equip them before start your playtrough to move faster, or to make more damage, the bomb button in this shumup reflects projectiles and the game have a good variation of difficult levels from very easy to super hard, its magnificent, it even have cool configuration modes for older computers, mid level mini boss battles, real boss battles and unlockables, this game is totally awesome!

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Sexual Content Games.

Good game if you are a fan of shootemups. Some skill is required in bullet hell games to get through this. The art and music are good as well. I like how it feels like you are descending into a forbidden place the further you go into the game giving this creepy feeling. It has a bit more of a forgiving life system then your typical bullet hell, even with the bullet counter to help you out even more. The game is a bit short and expects you to perfect the levels it has for points and other goodies. That said that is where the hentai comes in.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Tenta Shooter on Steam



People say that games like The Last of Us 2, Hades, and DOOM Eternal deserve recognition, but the real winner for me is Poggers. Poggers is a true symphony of story, character, and gameplay. The inspiring music and breathtaking visuals truly blew me away the first time I played it, and I was helpless to its charms. I am proud to be one of the few people to have every achievement in this game, and I wear my one million point badge with pride.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Well, with almost 7 hours of play, I think it is time to get this game a review. I am going to write this review like this.

Positive Aspects (+)

  • Visuals aspect (Cartoonish, arcade style, colorful)

  • Sounds Effects ( Perfect for the game itself, funny)

  • Gameplay ( Easy to handle and to understand the game and even with a how to play option on the menu.But so challenging at the same time)

Negative Aspects (-)


Final conclusion : Fun game, challenging, hard and simple at the same time, have a nice feeling to it, it’s addictive, and for 3,39$, it is easily worth it. TAKE IT. Thank for reading this review and amazing work Zax !

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Poggers on Steam

Rayman Raving Rabbids™

Rayman Raving Rabbids™


–—————————– ——————————- ——————————- ——————————-


(+) Good grapichs quality for cheap game

(+) So much interesting mini game for wasting time

(+) Nice soundtrack, especially “Misirlou” :D

(+) Bring back my childhood memories LOL

Real player with 47.1 hrs in game

People typically hate on this game for inevitably being the decent of Rayman games for half a decade, and that is actually true. Though I do wish this turned out to be the full fledged “Rayman 4” that it was supposed to be, this game is still fun.

I grew up a huge Rayman fan because of the characters, they were so entertaining. The Rabbids are an entertaining group, as proved by a line of sequels, mainstream merchandise. and a television show. Since Rabbids are your only source of character selection here, you’d think it’d be sub-par, alas the Rabbids continue to entertain with their outlandish behaviors.

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

Rayman Raving Rabbids™ on Steam

Hentai 3018

Hentai 3018


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Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

From the brilliant mind behind “Achievement Printer” comes another title that–wait for it–prints achievements. Idle 2 hours on desktop to unlock ‘em all, then wipe it from your memory forever. Containing absolutely no adult content, the title is misleading. So why the positive reviews? Its achievements contained custom images commissioned by the community, and profile decorators ate it up. Though it breaks no overt rules, consider it at risk of removal.

Published before Valve put quality control restrictions in place, limiting number and profile visibility, 3018 managed to beat the odds by catering to two niche communities: Achievement hunters & Profile bling. With 3,455 achievement slots, the developer took submissions to add anyone’s favorite images, from popular animes to well known memes, TV shows, actors, pets, and so on. But the DMCA hammer hit and the dev sprung into panic mode, deleting the majority of its content and replacing it by big disclaimers. Now, he’s in the process of reworking it to use all of the open space for any requests that won’t put the “game” in jeopardy.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Hentai 3018 on Steam

Miss Neko

Miss Neko

At first I bought this game for my boys as a meme and we all had a laugh about it. But then suddenly, we decided to play and see who can finish it first. The puzzles were actually challenging and I could feel my heart (and something else) pumping with adrenaline as we rushed through the levels, spamming rock in the Rock, Paper, Scissor mini-game. By the time we hit the fourth level I had to tap out as my screen became a dense and sticky situation stained white. As I failed to keep up with my friends I could hear them falling victim one by one to the cat eared succubus’ visually tormenting them with the hot urge of rubbing one out. None of us were able to make it to the end without falling asleep from exhaustion. Unfortunately a few days later all of our girlfriends have left us as we have become addicted to trying to beat the levels faster and faster, aiming to clock the game within one minute. This game is slowly taking over my life and I’m glad I spent $1.50 on it. I now have 14 cat girlfriends and can sleep with one per night every two weeks. I highly recommend this game to all ages 3+. Definitely worth it as it has allowed me to bond with my inner demons and also my internet friends.

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

OK Good things:

1] Cheap at sale $0.30 - $ 0.50

2] 4 Trading Cards

3] 104 Achievements easy 100% for Achievement Hunters.

4] Free 18+ DLC:


Gameplay: The game has 3 sections.

Part 1: There are 15 puzzles involving Swapping tiles Jigsaws. Starting with 16 pieces in first puzzle and ends in 80 pieces in 15th last one. Mostly easy if you spend time couple of hours. OR Press T and solved in a second. Take your pick. This unlocks half of achievements per character.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Miss Neko on Steam

Love wish

Love wish

Each girl has 5 puzzles, each one a little harder than the last. The final pictures have some simple animation. The art is decent, although some girls have piercings. Playtime was longer than expected as there’s 75 pictures.

For some reason, sets 13 to 15 have different girls on the puzzle pieces compared to the finished picture. For example, set 13’s pieces show a blonde elf girl, but the finished picture is a dark haired China dress girl. These 3 sets are also the only ones with penetration and appear in the trailer for the game’s sequel, so I think there has been an asset mix-up.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

A game you can gift your gal [if you are a guy] without any trashing in return? Because game has no nudity or vulgarity associated with cheap Hentai games. Another easy Anime game with 12 gorgeous Artworks. I recommend this game not for it’s simple but boring gameplay, but for artistic passion of developers and this game is more a presentation of artistic designs in a sense. Buy it at $0.30 - $ 0.50 at region store sale, get a fast game with easy 75 achievements 100% in 10 minutes, see beautiful wallpapers and get 4 Trading cards. NO CARTOON NUDITY THANK GOD .

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Love wish on Steam



Really nice game in which You have to select and take over areas. I’d say that the genre is very simple (I even forgot that this kind of games existed as I played games like this around 10 years ago) but in this game every level feels unique. There’s story mode with 3 stages for each girl and if You want it You can install optional free patch that adds nudity. There’s also arcade mode with global scoreboard which is kinda mid-level difficulty to get top score in because of the score multipliers being bigger with difficulty increased. I’ve got 4th place playing every level on hard but I kept dying on one level so I gave up. The art style is nice and gameplay is satisfying as long as You don’t grind arcade mode for top scores and keep dying in the same level. Difficulty changes include changes to player/enemy movement speed, negative bonuses from boxes and scores multipliers (x1, x2, x4). If You’re aiming for good score the game can be really hard with each level unique mobs movement and attack patterns. Here’s an example of one of the unique bosses

! in one level there’s a guy yelling to his father to stop downloading while he’s playing and the game keeps freezing every few seconds saying “waiting for other players” Girls and bosses have voice acting which is really nice. Overall I recommend buying it on a sale as the story mode is 1-2 hours and not everyone’s gonna grind arcade mode for score. I think I spent too much time doing it as I kept dying many times which resulted in 8 hours of total gameplay until I finally decided to just play it on easy to get the achievements and finish the game.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Great game! Brings back memories of playing the original prototype known as Gals Panic back at selected arcades in the 1990’s. Honestly no one cared back then when a swarm of teens were over the Gals Panic arcade cabinet in the imported arcade wing at the local arcade. Giving this game an adult content rating is a bit strong in my opinion even with the optional complementary adult add on. The complementary adult add on adds nice visuals that are tastefully done. Nothing out of the ordinary in my opinion. I’ve seen much more graphic adult instances in general anime. What is so taboo about showing a adult-cartoon body? However, violence, foul language/profanity, death, and body part decapitation is perfectly normal in the majority of modern video games these days.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Mokoko on Steam

Sexy Sniper

Sexy Sniper


Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Ok, the game is just an assett flip, and it has some really annoying bugs, but it is cheap fun. Doing the mission is nice and finding the right route is not too easy. And besides that, it is just a big fun to kill all the stupid enemies with the gun in slow motion, the bugs are a laughing factor too. So, if you are a fan of cheap, trashy games, then take a look.

Gameplay video:


Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Sexy Sniper on Steam