

Nice little Game.

Fun to play. Good for short sessions, when you don’t know what else to do.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Singleplayer Games.

After playing this, I just want to put on a Member’s Only jacket and go to Flynn’s Arcade.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

ClusterDisaster on Steam



Hacktag is one of those hidden gems that do not appear on the front page. I found the game through exploring the games Steam had to offer and this one got my interest with the game being about hacking and co-operation. Little did I know I would have a lot of fun with this game.

Hacktag is all about hacking like the name suggests. The basic objective is to hack 999 GB of data. There are currently 2 other objective types as well, which are finding out the password of boss computer and hacking 3 mainframes. Whatever your objective is the gameplay is similar in each one.

Real player with 97.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Online Co-Op Games.

An isometric view of Monaco with characters from Armello is what I think of when playing this game. However, it has much more charm and is palm sweating, heart-beatingly, exciting.

I’m unsure as to how the difficulty scales or if there are different maps or even specific map layouts but the maps I’ve played are certainly doable. Some were sort of “challenging” in the sense of more security, more running about and getting things in a specific order, while others were pieces of cake.

The “challenging” aspect is trying to get used to the controls. As a hacker, switching directions mid travel can get rather difficult and moving as a stealth agent can get wonky, not to mention you need to be somewhat precise when disabling the scanner. Whether this is on purpose or not is trivial seeing as how it certainly doesn’t make it unplayable (lest you have lag which I’ll get into later). It’s fairly simple to get used to and by your second/third playthrough, you should know exactly how to move and exactly what position you need to be in when disabling mechanisms.

Real player with 85.7 hrs in game

Hacktag on Steam



I like the idea of the game and the graphics, however, the way to play is too confusing with the game offering the bare minimum of advice for example it will tell you what each item does but it does not explain in what order to use them in or how they affect what your doing. The very first mission I played I had to pretty much guess my way though it the first time I hacked the node it took 3 minutes of real time the second time I restarted my campaign and did it again it took 32min of real time and the game does not tell you what affects it.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Sci-fi Games.

Cybermere on Steam

The Creation of a Self

The Creation of a Self

A love letter to 80s and 90s retro computing. A game that intersects poetry, programming, computers, love, death, freedom and living. Create a new self, program its memories, and destroy memory monsters created from those memories.


  • a glitched out computer interface sprinkled with the latest retro inspired visuals

  • 2D/Puzzle/FPS game elements: from a runner, a terminal and desktop with puzzles, to FPS levels where you destroy 9 different memory monsters

  • 100s of poems as memories, ready to program a new self

The Creation of a Self on Steam

The Help Desk

The Help Desk

My play through here:


I’m only recommending this game, because I think there is a group of people that will enjoy this game. I did not enjoy this game there’s ZERO percent chance you can outplay everything you’re forced to take mandatory hits and depending on the AI’s erratic behavior if you do try to actually out maneuver your co workers because they’re camping a spot you’re going to run out of time. I’m such a nice guy though I’ll explain some things that aren’t explained in the control scheme it gives you so you don’t have to get gaped trying to figure it out there’s some neat intricacies. For CONFIG you need absolutely nothing swaps you need one computer you can only carry one. 5 discs= 1 life so this is where the game is playable and gives you a chance to win this is a life management/calculated hit type game. This is not a stealth game it’s not a skill game, it’s a strategy game and requires a pretty good amount of RNG. The enemies CAN HIT YOU MULTIPLE TIMES there’s no I frames if there’s 5 enemies sitting in a cramped hallway BETTER believe you’re taking 5 damage. There’s not enough space to outplay shit a lot of the time. I like games where If i play it well enough I can win and not take damage this game you can understand what to do do it and get gaped by the AI the AI I’m not sure if it’s smart or the fact it easily gets trapped in small areas, but they camp it and with your hit box in a 2 square room you’re not dodging. So it’s a NO for me, but if you want a really hard strategy risk management game this is for you. I also love the concept of being an IT worker being frustrated by dum dums.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

The Help Desk on Steam

The Rebels: Prologue

The Rebels: Prologue

In a world ruled by brutal corporations and dirty money, there is no room for sentiment. The voice of freedom was long suppressed and subordinated to capitalist domination of the richest ruthless individuals. Corporations perfectly mask their activities, control television and effectively hide the truth on the Internet. Nobody knows about factories where children work, about slaves trapped in eternal credit lines, about legal drugs that are used to enslave millions or viruses being developed just to sell vaccines. There are no free media. But there is hope! People like you deep within the darknet start to organize and information continues to flow.

Play as a former journalist fighting for the truth. You were not allowed to fight with a pen, so now you moved to more effective methods.

In this combination of FPS and Stealth elements you have to carry on the fight. Run single missions and decide if you want just shoot all the enemies or use your stealth and cunning to win in a more pacifist style. In time you can get loyal companions and create your own resistance cell. Decide between hit-man style, guerilla or frontal assault tactics. Develop your organisation and employ hackers and own scientists to level the playing field.

Join risky missions to destroy corporations and corrupt governments. Steal and reveal their secrets. Execute their CEOs and key scientists or sabotage their secret projects and investments.

Every decision you take will bring you more support or antagonize people. Think carefully which targets you pick and how you carry out your missions. Sometimes it’s good to show mercy but never show weakness. Become a hero for the specific part of the society and enjoy their support or act alone and don’t risk exposure. Ridicule your enemies and address masses or be brutal to bring in extremists. Decide on your approach and fight your way to freedom.

The Rebels: Prologue on Steam



The storyline and complexity for a world first game foreshadowing our current future with technology.

This is a classic that you need to buy/play before going to Watch Dogs 2 so you understand it even more and characters in 2.

7/10 would play again.

Real player with 65.6 hrs in game

This is the first Watch Dogs game that I have played. i bought this game on sale. And it was completely worth every penny. First of all, the story line is engaging and attractive. As it is with Ubisoft, you could do side missions as well (if you want to). I am writing this before playing the last act; and even after finishing this game, I would love to play this one again sometime in future. It was an overwhelming experience for me with Watch Dogs.

Real player with 45.7 hrs in game

Watch_Dogs™ on Steam

GRIDD: Retroenhanced

GRIDD: Retroenhanced

This game eats your quarters as you try to master it.

It’s Starfox but you’re hacking the Gibson.

Exactly the sort of game you’d expect to find at an arcade in the future if you were a character in Ender’s Game or Neuromancer.

Gridd doesn’t hold your hand. You fail and then adapt from what you did wrong. You will be clumbsy at first. If you learn fast, you’ll reach a little farther with each go. It’s not for kids who aren’t up to the challenge. Gridd forces you to develop your skill and doesn’t skimp in the reward for your growth as you unlock the next mind-bending level of gameplay.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game


Mechanically: Imagine the most obstacle-course-like parts of Star Fox, with a dash of Space Harrier, topped with an infinite runner/infinite dodger/dodge-em-up/whatever the eternally mutating nomenclature is currently, and you’ll be on the right track.

Stylistically: Pure 1980s neon tinged Tron meets Nightmares (the Bishop of Battle.) Grid lines, modern re-imaginings of vector graphics rendered in 3D and lit with bold colors. Essentially what you see in any of the screenshots is exactly how the game “feels” visually.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

GRIDD: Retroenhanced on Steam

Airhack: Hacking

Airhack: Hacking

You are a secret Agent who begins work for the Airem as Hacker. Hacking servers of global corporations for profit, stealing data, manipulate the stock market, modify peoples academic or criminal records, laundering money, erasing evidence, framing innocent people. Do not trust anyone.

Use bitcoin to upgrade your hardware and buy new software. Connect to many unique servers, each of which has something different. Some servers are just a little fun, but others actually contain vital bits of the game. Airhack (The Origin project) was founded in 2000. This is the oldest thing known on the Internet.


  • Hack users (delete files, formatting disk, transfer money from wallet etc.)

  • Hack bank accounts to transfer money

  • Install and play games

  • Trojans, virus, malware

  • Bitcoin mining

  • Modify your system (theme etc.)

  • Overclocking (CPU/GPU)

  • Help the police track down other hackers

  • Upgrade your hardware and software

  • Connect to many unique servers like casino, stock

  • Phone (send sms, call, chat etc.)

  • They watching You

  • Hacker, Hacker, Hacker

  • Make virus

  • Black hat, white hat, gray hat

  • Ranking online

  • Multiplayer, co-op (hacking bank accounts together) or be a lone wolf

  • Secrets

  • Ufo attack 2 (game)

  • Airhack could be aslo an immersive terminal-based hacking simulator for PC

Airhack has many more features which are not listed here to prevent spoilers

Airhack: Hacking on Steam



Firetry is a fun and enjoyable game.

There are more than 50 levels in the game.

To play the next level you must first pass the unplayed level.

Each level has different tanks different level designs.

Each level has a different map, the behavior of the NPC characters in the game is different in most parts.

There are also different enemy characters in each level.

You can design a level yourself or modify an existing level design.

It also has a feature that makes this game different from all other games.

FireTry on Steam