

It is a buggy mess (late game), it crashes a lot and feels like tons of missed opportunities, it looks like… well… but as a concept it is really good fun.

So this game is a mix between tower defense, real time strategy, city building and 3rd person fighting game. You start a game on a procedurally generated map and you have to survive 15 waves of attackers to win. There are rogue-like elements in the sense that everytime you defeat 3 waves you get reward items which you can carry on in your next game (making it easier, obviously) providing a variety of bonuses from extra ressources to extra troops or bonuses and abilities for your lord like damage resistance, bodyguards and a variety of skills and spells.

Real player with 43.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Strategy Games.

Reignfall I think is an underrated gem that I wish a lot of people would discover and get into more. If your a big fan of strategy games like Total War, Age of Empires and also action RPG games like Dynasty Warriors, this is a pretty fine mix of those elements along with roguelite and city builders!

In Reignfall your objective is to defend against an onslaught of random enemies every couple minutes, in between this time frame you must build and manage your town to produce resources and gold to get defenses, soldiers, and heroes to fight on your behalf. Some buildings require chains in order to be used effectively, for example if you want to make a lot of food you’ll need to first get a wheat farm, where do you build farms? On fertile ground (dark green tiles) and you must build the farm plots on said fertile ground. After that you need to construct a mill to have that grain be turned into flour, and a bakery to turn it into food. These chains and production buildings all take gold which you will need to counter balance by building homes to increase gold flow and also purchase units. The game finely balances out and stresses that you can’t just be spend gold happy to get what you need and strategic placement of your buildings to get the most use out of them.

Real player with 37.2 hrs in game

Reignfall on Steam

Scary defense

Scary defense

best defence game for $1

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Strategy Games.

I got a 50% on this game and it was worth it

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Scary defense on Steam

Vampire Clans

Vampire Clans

Become the most powerful vampire lord and lead your clan to take over Paris underground. Expand your base, collect blood and kill anybody you want.

As a vampire, you have to enslave people and drain their blood to keep alive your clan. Build prison and go hunting, fresh blood is the most important thing for vampires.

Vampires are super fast. Use this advantage in smooth, slow motion fights. Use magic, alchemy, weapons and special abilities to beat your enemies. Conquer other clans and enlist their members … or kill them, the choice is yours.

Train your vampires to create the best formation to fight against your enemies. Evolve from cave vampires to the most powerful vampire lords.

Read More: Best Action Strategy Games.

Vampire Clans on Steam

Bow & Crystal Tower Defense

Bow & Crystal Tower Defense

If you click fast enough you have a machine gun.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

pretty terrible

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Bow & Crystal Tower Defense on Steam

Destroy It

Destroy It

“Destroy it” is like a developer test room with only one function: Ragdoll collision. Choose from two houses and a satellite to destroy, click and drag your mannequin, then realize the money spent was a waste. I’d consider this at risk of removal for being some sort of potential asset flip.

Lacking any sort of features or customization, the application opens to a menu with three structures to choose from. Once selected, the said structure spins wildly next to a limp dummy you’re intended to control. No on-screen instructions explain how to do this, but it’s not difficult to discover that the mouse serves to anchor and pull him into the building. There is no environment to speak of, just a large void atop an infinite plane. You can control the camera with WASD keys and rotate with the right mouse button. And that’s about it.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Great game, besides the repetetive music and way to simple gameplay and bugs and only 3 very badly designed levels it was great. 11,5/10

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Destroy It on Steam

Alexei Run

Alexei Run

Information / Review English

Alexei Run is a 2D Side scrolling / Adventure developed by SosiskaGames.

Gameplay / Story

Legend has it that you can’t escape it, but is it true? Find out in this Game. In Alexei Run you run for your life all the Time, avoiding various obstacles such as Traveling cars, Riot police and much more. The Adventure takes Place in Heaven and on Earth. You can find Discs along the way that contain Information and can be traded in later, so you can get the Improvements you need. You can also use it to unlock new Levels and Difficulties. So run for your Life and have one thing in mind, don’t stop!

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

A great runner in which you need to run and run all the time, the game is quite complex and the difficulty increases with the time of the race, the game has good graphics and music, and there is also a shop with improvements

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Alexei Run on Steam

Veil of the Volcano

Veil of the Volcano

Discover the mysteries of the island and form a tribe to survive the impending volcano eruption. Gather everything you will need to survive after the disaster. Soon the island will be full of life again and you can rebuild.

In Veil of the Volcano you will be born into a tribe living in the shadow of a devastating volcano. You will learn about the world around you and build a tribe that can work together to survive. Once the volcano blows its top you’ll want to run and hide, because it could cause the entire island to burn to the ground. It won’t grow back until the Spring, so be sure to think ahead. You only get one chance to build up your knowledge, teach others in your group and collect the supplies needed to last through the hardship.

Veil of the Volcano on Steam

Battle for Sea 3D

Battle for Sea 3D

Battle for Sea 3D is an overpriced game. The controls in the game are terrible, the graphics in the game are terrible. I do not advise anyone to buy this game ..

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

If you’re looking for a battleship clone, look elsewhere: While the gameplay is true to the original, the bland visuals, uncooperative camera, and sluggish pace provide–at most–one to two rounds of enjoyment.

Upon starting the game, you’re greeted by a fullscreen window with only one option: Place your ships. Through quick trial and error, you’re probably figure out that you click once to anchor, then once more to rotate the angle, but nowhere is this shown. Speaking of which, there doesn’t appear to be any settings menu, or exit button.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Battle for Sea 3D on Steam

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders is a brand-new casual, light-hearted city builder with a kid-friendly tone and great visuals. The game revolves around an outcast prince who is trying his best to set up a safe city for his people.

Throughout the review, I’ll be bearing in mind that this is an early access title with limited features currently in place, but from where I stand the game base is good.

*– [Real player with 26.5 hrs in game](*

Barely any content, no real goals or way to beat the game, repetitive, and the challenge of surviving can be eliminated entirely. The only good things about this game are its art style and sound design. Wait until one year or so until it is out of early access to purchase this game. In my opinion this is a little more than a tech demo.

As of August 6, 2021 here are the pros and cons of this game:


-Cute art style and excellent sound design and subtle background music.

-Few but interesting enemy types with unique attack patterns.

*– [Real player with 7.1 hrs in game](*


![Void Encounter]( "")

## Void Encounter


*– [Real player with 0.9 hrs in game](*
