Castle Crashers®

Castle Crashers®

This game is absolutely amazing and is under looked, it deserves a lot more credit and is so much fun to play with your friends.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Multiplayer Games.

Was looking for games then this gem popped up. It’s really fun with friends, would recommend for a group of friends looking for games

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Castle Crashers® on Steam

Full Metal Furies

Full Metal Furies

After playing the game from start to finish, clearing each stage and solving each riddle to 100% I really have nothing but praise to give this fantastic game.

From a gameplay standpoint, each character is incredibly unique and allows you to find the playstyle that fits you. Triss (my favourite) can combo her ground-controlling launches and can protect her party. Erin has rapid, mid-range DPS and can toss in her trusty crowd-control drone. Alex is the whirlwind fighter who gets feverishly into the thick of things and grows in utility as you master her counter-attack and Meg’s the backline powerhouse, who deals serious damage but requires a level of mastery to play well (so definitely take note of the difficulty STARS when choosing a character for the first time - or make sure you’ve a strong front-line partner to work with).

Real player with 86.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action RPG Games.

The world is on a brink of destruction. Prometheus, once a leader of humanity, is dead and Titans fight each other in order to rule the world. For a hundred years is this war going on, leaving the world and its inhabitants in a miserable state. And now, when only four Titans are left, Furies enter the show! Four girls (Triss, Alex, Meg and Erin) with different skills, traits and personalities decide on saving the world and for that they have to challenge the Immortals. But as they progress in their quest, they become uncertain about the outcome as their beliefs and knowledge get questioned by the Gods. Can they save the world? Is there any future left to fight for?

Real player with 53.3 hrs in game

Full Metal Furies on Steam



Payday 2 is one of the best games I’ve ever played. If the idea of sneaking through a heist and cleaning the place out without anyone knowing you were there appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. If the idea of mercilessly slaughtering any guard or cop that stands between you and your payday, with anything from a comically large spoon to the unrelenting force of a minigun appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. There are a great selection of heists, with often multiple methods to complete the various objectives. This game isn’t just a co-op game and can be just as fun playing solo. For how cheap this game is, I would definitely recommend trying it.

Real player with 990.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action FPS Games.

New players may find the different “profiles” and “skill sets,” two different menus to mix-and-match, to be a tad confusing. Otherwise, it is simply a fun game that can get addictive. Game-play aspects can be simple enough to understand, aim and shoot cops while stealing money, while creating builds, and understanding the less-intuitive mechanics like “dodge,” help to also make the game complex. With the continued support by the developers, and funny vr heisters waving their arms everywhere, this game is worth getting.

Real player with 894.1 hrs in game

PAYDAY 2 on Steam

Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos

Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos

I’ve played a bit of the free demo, liked it, and played a bit more of the game, and I Like it!

And I recorded my progress with Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos, please watch if you prefer a more audio/visual format, or just want to get a Feel for the controls and Gameplay:

It Feels Good. 👍

Note: The video starts off in the demo, but that is fine, because progress unlocked in the demo is kept going into the main game! OMG!

Such an incredible feature that I hope other games emulate.

Real player with 103.8 hrs in game


I’m on the fence about “Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos.” We bought it to play online co-op. For that, it’s… OK. It’s fun to play. But, it just feels like co-op was added as an afterthought. If you’re more interested in the social experience of playing a casual co-op game, it’ll be fine. But, if you want to really focus on the game with some friends, you might want to think about it. Single-player presents even more of a poser: you lose some of the fun, social aspect. But, you also lose some of the co-op specific game problems. After 37.8 hours of gameplay (having finished the main/side questlines and working on the last four “grinding” Achievements), I’ll lean slightly negative and Not Recommend it. But, it’s close.

Real player with 49.2 hrs in game

Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos on Steam

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction™ Deluxe Edition

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction™ Deluxe Edition

all online services dead. ubisoft doesn’t give a sht. Don’t buy this if you want to play coop or pvp, don’t buy any splinter cell but honestly don’t buy anything from ubisoft

Real player with 195.1 hrs in game

NOTE: As others have pointed out, save your money and skip the Insurgency DLC. You will most likely not be able to activate it and use it, thus proceed at your own risk.

Is Conviction a good game? Yes.

Is Conviction a good Splinter Cell game? No.

The latest instalment in the Splinter Cell series sees Sam Fisher go on a revenge-fuelled rampage, uncovering and thwarting a conspiracy along the way. It represented a major change of direction for the series (partially rectified by Blacklist), in that it was primarily action orientated, and not stealth focused as the previous games were.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction™ Deluxe Edition on Steam

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction™

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction™

all online services dead. ubisoft doesn’t give a sht. Don’t buy this if you want to play coop or pvp, don’t buy any splinter cell but honestly don’t buy anything from ubisoft

Real player with 195.1 hrs in game

NOTE: As others have pointed out, save your money and skip the Insurgency DLC. You will most likely not be able to activate it and use it, thus proceed at your own risk.

Is Conviction a good game? Yes.

Is Conviction a good Splinter Cell game? No.

The latest instalment in the Splinter Cell series sees Sam Fisher go on a revenge-fuelled rampage, uncovering and thwarting a conspiracy along the way. It represented a major change of direction for the series (partially rectified by Blacklist), in that it was primarily action orientated, and not stealth focused as the previous games were.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction™ on Steam

Lost Planet® 2

Lost Planet® 2

Resident evil 2 remake edit: One of the bosses and enemies had reused sound effects from the monsters in lost planet 2. Not sure if that means anything concerning Lost Planet’s continued decay but at least they know this game/franchise is still here.

Despite the protest, a LP2 (lost planet 2) using the steam doo-hickey system rather than GFWL (Games For Windows Live) will most likely not happen, but dont let that discourage you from buying the game. You see comments talking about how GFWL prevents the game from launching or doesnt work period.

Real player with 119.4 hrs in game

Lost planet 2 is something of an old gem. It was my first online game ever and the adoration I have for it is deep. Perhaps this adoration even blinds me to its issues, my mind telling me that’s just how the game is. For now though I will attempt (read, attempt) to place that adoration aside to give this game a fair review. So…

To start out this game can be a pain to get running. It has Games For Windows Live, and for those of you who don’t know Games For Windows Live is an old, deprecated, cripplingly poor attempt to create an online infrastructure similar to something you might find on a console. It registers your game’s online keys, allows for the creation and retrieval of online profiles, loadouts, and achievements. It lets you play the damn game with friends and invite them. Without GFWL, this game virtually does not exist. But GFWL is a shambling corpse of what it was. NOW, that’s not to say you can’t get that corpse up and running. Check out the guides section and find one of the GFWL setup guides which led to a friend getting done in minutes what took me hours to stumble through. Also, keep in mind this game really doesn’t play well on some setups if not installed to the default install directory, usually on the C drive. And if you crash after missions, switch to the other directx version in the launcher.

Real player with 78.8 hrs in game

Lost Planet® 2 on Steam

God Mode

God Mode

I picked this up during the Steam auction house a while back. My journey started off with annoyances, which later became excitement, followed swiftly by loneliness. Grabbed a few friends and the feeling of loneliness was replaced by shenanigans and hilarious scenes. Long story short: God Mode is a game for you and your mates. Not for you and yourself.

Positive Impressions

-No complaints in regards to gameplay. Supports both keyboard/mouse and controller.

-Visually satisfying and aesthetically appeasing.

Real player with 34.6 hrs in game

I have played quite a couple of hours of this alongside a few friends and have to admit, it is a lot better then I thought it would be.

Starting off on this game on a harder difficulty is a stupid idea, I will tell you that first of all. I would say the people who played, we were experienced players, however even if you have good aim and do not get hit often, you do not have the weapon power, the ammo, the health, or the powers to be able to finish a map. We were able to stay alive, until we ran out of ammo, due to the sheer numbers of enemies. Once our ammo was depleted, we were engulfed with mobs and literally were two shotted.

Real player with 34.5 hrs in game

God Mode on Steam

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days - A misunderstood masterpiece

Dog Days, Follows the perspective of self medicated, schizophrenic, psychopath James Seth Lynch (or Lynch for short) and ex-mercenary Adam Kane Marcus (or Kane for short) and their attempt at a ‘Last Job’ so they can finally settle down and get out of the game for good. Lynch has been working for a criminal businessman who goes by the name Glazer, since the events of the previous game. Glazer has a big arms deal planned that will pay enough to put Lynch into retirement. To aid the deal Lynch calls Kane knowing his expertise will more than help if things go south.

Real player with 176.2 hrs in game




One or two player FPS. Violent adult themes. Great crime-based setting. Brutal story. Graphically visceral, lots of blood and gore. Satisfying gameplay but very taxing on hardest difficulty. Fun multiplayer but low player-base. MP modes require a minimum number of players.

ACHIEVEMENTS: A mixed bag. Story ones cant be missed. Some require MP play.


WHEN TO BUY: ON SALE. DLC rarely on sale.

Real player with 109.9 hrs in game

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days on Steam

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

16 hours between Wulfgar / Drizzt Solo and Multiplayer before deciding to put my 2 cents.

First I’ll start by saying that two main complaints are legitimate but pretty exaggerated.

  • Netcode does need work and diminishes the value of twitch mechanics which otherwise work flawlessly Solo but at the same time you’re in a group so unless you’re the type to scream “But I pressed the button!” and rage. It’s mostly an annoyance right now and not bad enough to kill enjoyment of the game.

  • Enemy AI is indeed a bit derpy taking “Action Movie” turns to attack the player. This is most notable Solo. At the same time if the enemy were to aggro stick the player all at once I doubt it would be Solo’d above 2. Hero difficulty. Far as I’ve seen the issue with hitting enemies from range, esp bosses is generally fixed and in the end this isn’t a competitive game. I’ve seen 5/5 star games where the AI is still easily exploited. Just play the game and stop trying to break it.

Real player with 207.5 hrs in game

To start this review, many of the first negative reviews, and highest rated ones, are both much too critical and based off of a low amount of hours.

This game is marvelous, but it would be ignorant to write this review and say there are no issues. Of course, there are some glaring issues. But many of them are no where near as detrimental as some of the high rated negative reviews make them seem.

The worst issue in my opinion is the lackluster AI. Many of the enemies, simply won’t attack you, if you don’t start attacking them. And you get warmed up to that very fast. However, there are some AI, who are very aggressive, and being warmed up to AI not generally attacking you, it makes it feel like… a normal game. However, if you’re playing with a team, I have not yet encountered an enemy who will actively attack you whilst reviving a teammate.

Real player with 89.0 hrs in game

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance on Steam