




Real player with 105.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Hack and Slash Games.


| Gameplay | Fast Action, Very button spammy, Multiple skills per character, Taking over sectors, fighting bosses |

| Story | Three different endings, Different paths, unlockable true ending |

| Graphics | Nice environmental designs, bad character graphics, great character designs |

| Sound | Okay Menu Sounds, Nice Skill Sound Effects, Great Sounding Dialogue |

Real player with 72.1 hrs in game

Fate/EXTELLA LINK on Steam



––Spoiler Talk in here, be adviced—

I think Extella is the worst entry in the Extraverse series due to how it just shits on any base material.

The story starts semi-ok, the ending from Extra got retconned, but that’s fine and can be forgiven. You start with following Nero, which isn’t too bad.

But then comes the kicker, suddenly Tamamo is also there, and she recognizes you as her Master, she mentions that she was your sub-party Servant (Suddenly you had 2 Servants in Fate/Extra?) And just seems to be even more clingy than before, but that can be somewhat forgiven due to her personality being like that.

Real player with 182.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Hack and Slash Games.

Fate Extella is a hack and slash musou game, where you get to use characters from the Fate universe. Each characters have their own stories, where 3 of the stories covers the main storyline for the entire game. Objective in this game is very simple; capture enough areas (call sectors here) so that the balance of power falls onto your side (which is termed in-game as ‘completing the Regalia matrix’, and then face the boss. Sometimes you will start with facing the boss right off the bat. There are some variation here and there, but generally, you will win if you beat the boss.

Real player with 148.1 hrs in game

Fate/EXTELLA on Steam



As a work that can be played for free, the story and STG level are high quality.

This work is set in South Korea in 2033, and in this era, human beings were deprived of “everything” from the “AI” they created, and it was completely monitored and governed by “AI with high intelligence”. The situation was suffering from inhumane acts.

There, Maya, the hero with high fighting ability, born from many human experiments, challenged “AI” and stood up to release humanity from the control of “AI”.

That is the content.

Real player with 271.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Third-Person Shooter Games.

So fun, i wish i could play more, really hope the dev sees the reviews and expands on this game as it has potential to make it big and the combat feels fun too. a really nice short aesthetically pleasing game with a fun un-clunky combat system. Will follow the Dev for future products/games, i really hope to see this develop into a fully fledged game one day.


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☑ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

TheDawn on Steam

Attack on Titan 2 - A.O.T.2 - 進撃の巨人2

Attack on Titan 2 - A.O.T.2 - 進撃の巨人2

Attack on Titan 2 is the only one game I don’t regret spending so much money. After 400+ it’s finally time for me to write a review for it.

First of all, the Custom Character we create - probably I’m going to be the only one, but I dislike it. We can only choose details from other characters, there’s nothing original. But okay, it could’ve been worse. But I don’t like how the character we create has no impact on the history. It goes just like in the anime, with few extra scenes. We don’t change the fate of some characters, who was told to be dead, is going to be dead (+ our character at least twice could’ve saved the cast characters, but didn’t do that, which I find very annoying). We can only save them after beating Story Mode. We’re just extra character. Personally, I’d prefer if we could change the fates of characters as the story goes, based on our decisions.

Real player with 449.3 hrs in game

TLDR: I LOVE THIS GAME. And I want to emphasise the word “game”, because THIS is a game. Not like the first one, which was extremely overpriced and lacking in A LOT of aspects. This has been a massive upgrade from the first game, which was merely cool because of living the anime, but not necessarily because it was a good game. If you ask me, the first game feels like the beta version, while this one is the final product. I still believe sixty dollars is a bit much, but it’s definitely worth far more than the first game. Better combat equipment and combat system, funner quests, good story-mode.

Real player with 228.5 hrs in game

Attack on Titan 2 - A.O.T.2 - 進撃の巨人2 on Steam

Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles

Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles

This is a great game but they really need to fix it, it’s probably the most irritating gutter I’ve played because there are SO MANY input bugs it’s unreal. The connection is terrible I have 3 disconnects and I’ve never disconnected only the game crashing. Secondly the input bugs cause from either the poor connection or just overall bad development. It’s just a bunch of ghost inputs could be not even touching my controller and it’ll start dashing around. Now see this sounds like a bad review for the game but honestly it’s a great game really fun when it’s not messing up BUT they really need to fix those two things.

Real player with 343.4 hrs in game


















Real player with 135.5 hrs in game

Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles on Steam



Flash revised for steam sale 2020-06-20

$36 is a fair price!

I liked the first game, but this game is… bad. I play it a lot, and I enjoy my time with my part of the PC community, but we all wish the game was less bad.

The game is not beginner friendly anymore, unlike its predecessor. It’s about memorization. Make sure to pick the best characters or the game will not be fun, because matchups are also important!

There was a core gameplay which was largely intact in the first game, where each option you could take in battle had advantages AND risks, and those risks were clear to the other player. But that’s not true anymore; the risks your opponent is taking on are invisible and only revealed through experimentation, if indeed there are any risks at all to what they are doing. And that invisible risk profile for each moveset is different for each character and how each person plays each character, so I hope you like homework.

Real player with 804.2 hrs in game

Fun, floaty, and buggy are my top 3 words for this game. this is the only anime arena fighter ive ever played, but ive heard globku say its one of the best ones out there. the characters are diverse and fun, and its clear that at least some passion was put into making the game. but the support is lacking from the devolopers, as the only updates so far have been silent, small updates that only do things like sometimes give you 500 coins as a bonus after the online match. hawks is going to finally release soon, and we all hope that we get some good balance patches to accomodate his release. overall id say this game is fun if you enjoy your character(s) that you play, and can tolerate the mass amounts of bugs and poor netcoding, becauae this game has often disconnections or poor internet moments. The community is small, but close, and there some awesome people in it. the lack of crossplay means that you can only play players of your same console, which is both good and bad, depending on how you see it. this does breed little “subcommunities”, like the small pc community ive become a part of, which is close-knitt and sick to be in. you can enjoy this game if your tolerant of its issues. also network play is arguably the best part of this game. the story, per usual with most fighting games, isnt going to knock your socks off. mission mode can be an annoying grindy mess, and is bad. arcade mode is an improvement from last time. character and hero card custimizations are also better from last time. UI is cleaner. Ranked mode in online is a definite upgrade as only winning or getting oone round for a loss will get you points, the latter only giving one point. disconnections/ragequits also give one point, so a game in which you’ve won one round already that was cut short will give you 2 points, which is a good idea. events arent super special, but is no harm to the game or anything really. i could see it maybe being enjoyable for some people. I have one last note to end off with: the best part of this game is the fact that Mineta is now in it.

Real player with 469.7 hrs in game




Well, having played for a bit now, I am pleased to say, being a fan of the other two God Eaters, this one has not disappointed. Mouse and Keyboard works perfectly for me, I’ve had no problems with either one. It has better graphics and runs perfectly.

My computer doesn’t meet all the minimum requirements, but I’ve had no problems with it running smooth on high graphic settings. My graphics card is only a GTX 745 and the minimum suggested one is GTX 760. So there is something for those who meet the requirements but have problems. Your computer is the issue, not the game.

Real player with 208.0 hrs in game

After finishing the main storyline I believe it’s time to review this fantastic game.

This third entry adds a chunk of new stuff, such as:

  • Two weapon types: Biting Edges and Heavy Moons; the first one is basically a dual blade wielding style, which you can even combine to form a glaive and unleash a new set of combos, while the latter is a human sized chakram which can morph into a giant axe when charged or during some attacks;

  • Two new features called Engage and Acceleration Trigger: The first let’s you and your party members (be it AI or player controlled character) give yourselves some neat passive bonuses such as HP regen, faster movement or attack speed and so on, while the latter, while still gives you some passive bonuses, has a requirement (which differ for each Acceleration Trigger) that you must satisfy in order to have those buff granted (some example are to don’t get hit by an enemy for 20 seconds, do a ground combo for a total of 5 times, etcetera);

Real player with 130.3 hrs in game

GOD EATER 3 on Steam



This review is purely based on my personal experience as a solo player.


  • You can build your customized ninja with 4 different roles.

  • Fun to play with friends or as first time.

  • Plenty variety of characters “Masters” with their signature moves included that your ninja can learn. Also their 2D art it’s pretty cool.

  • It’s fun to run over the walls and jump from them since your ninja will always use Chakra concentration automatically.

  • Some events from time to time and you get cool stuff.

Real player with 678.1 hrs in game

To be fair, this game honestly has one of the best combat mechanics in any game I’ve ever played thus far, and I’d wanna see more games with similar mechanics to it. The game also features some neat character customization and give some cool rewards for events which are completely achievable for anyone. So with those said, the problems lie elsewhere.

1. There is a jarring amount of bugs - although you cannot expect a game to be completely bug-free, this game has jarring amount of it. Examples include but are not limited to a) Screen dimming after a cut scene b) Ability indicators would display cooldown when inflicted by certain skills despite being entirely unaffected and c) Severe latency issues with the host.

Real player with 297.7 hrs in game


Fairy Bloom Freesia

Fairy Bloom Freesia

A cute and simplistic browler for one player. That’s pretty much it. Fairy Bloom Freesia is one of those games, which just don’t give you enough material for a long and complicated review. It has only five basic levels, on which you should survive a few waves of enemies (at least one of which usually include protecting so-called vortexes, which will probably be harder than fighting bosses). Talking about bosses, every level comes with one. They’re all different, but not unique enough to make you actually remember them. The story is cute, dramatic, but, as everything else in this game, is way too straightforward, simple and generic.

Real player with 66.5 hrs in game

Fairy Bloom Freesia is a game that is played in a 2D plane but with 2.5D graphics. People would call a beat-em-up or hack n' slash with bits of platforming and RPG thrown in. I must say that I was not expecting anything out of this game (curiosity finally struck since I had bought the Edelweiss' Fairy Bloom + Ether Vapor Double Pack, mainly for Ether Vapor) but I am glad as all hell I spent the extra $3 for that Double Pack.

Gameplay involves fighting mobs in arenas, between each day you can invest the mana you earn to learn new normal moves or unlock special moves, any of which can be assigned to neutral, left/right, down, or up + special button. There is a decent amount of customization thanks to the freedom of assigning special moves in this fashion. Lots of combos are possible out of everything you can put together. The game is fairly challenging, and ramps up really quick so a personal tip from me to you: forward + basic attack cancelled into a guard is a quick effective move that can be done repeatedly which is good against big enemies or bosses not stunned by regular hits. You net hits and have the ability to block shortly after your attack when needed but there is some technical prowess to it if you want to do numerous cancels in a short period of time.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Fairy Bloom Freesia on Steam

Granblue Fantasy: Versus

Granblue Fantasy: Versus

Neutral, slightly positive recommendation. I spent most of my time playing online in ranked and EU lobbies. Master Rank Lowain.

It’s an absolutely amazing game, and very easily the second best fighter in the eyes of this fightstick addict. But oh boy does it suffer from a lack of love from its devs and publishers…

You expect an anime fighter like BlazBlue or Guilty Gear but instead you get a super “pure”, polished game centered on footsies and fundamentals. It’s great for both beginners and experts and gets mechanical simplification right (I’m looking at you Fantasy Strike).

Real player with 368.6 hrs in game

So I think this might be my first ever Steam review? But anyways, I play a lot of fighting games, and played the hell out of this on PS4 before it came to PC too so my hours might not reflect my actual gameplay time.

But I think this is deserving of a talk about as unlike most fighting games, this game is designed for both longtime fighting game players and new/casual players coming into it.


  • Simple to play, hard to master: Granblues specials are not like other fg’s where you have to always use things like dragon punch inputs, fireball inputs, charge motions etc to access them, they offer simple inputs as well as manual inputs. This is good for newer players who may struggle with these inputs while still encouraging to learn the manual inputs as the penalty for it is a slightly longer cooldown on the skill for using the easy inputs. Supers can also be done with simple inputs. But yeah, by far this is the biggest reason I love this game, I love the accessibility of it and yet how hard it can be to beat someone better than you in this game. It’s very simple to see where you are going wrong, and it’s a great game to improve yourself in, that’s what I love about this game the most.

Real player with 270.3 hrs in game

Granblue Fantasy: Versus on Steam