Aboard the Adventure

Aboard the Adventure

Aboard of adventure is a humorous adventure game (with capital ADVENTURE!) in which you will be part of the team of the daring Captain Quinn, with the goal of defeating the sinister Professor Weaver in a race to get various ancient and mysterious artifacts that can change the fate of the world.

Unabashedly pulp!

Intrigue, grave robbers, fisticuffs, NINJAS! Get ready for a roller coaster of thrills and action.

Use poison darts, machetes and whatever else you have on hand to fight your way through your mission to save the world.

No man is an island!

You didn’t think we were going to leave all the weight on Captain Quinn’s shoulders, did you?

Throughout the game you can also control Miguel, the captain’s best friend and second in command - out of a crew of two - aboard the SS Adventure. And also Doc: a brilliant academic whose high IQ is only surpassed by her adventurous spirit!

Fall in love with the characters!.

With full voice acting and fun dialogue, you’ll have a hard time forgetting the many diverse characters that populate the Aboard of Adventure universe. Besides, it won’t be all about throwing punches: you’ll also have to overcome your personal conflicts, help others and even solve some heart problems!

Travel the world solving puzzles at your own pace and enjoy the pixelated experience that we have lovingly prepared for you.

Come on, go on an adventure! And most of all, Have fun!

Read More: Best Action Point & Click Games.

Aboard the Adventure on Steam

Destroy It

Destroy It

“Destroy it” is like a developer test room with only one function: Ragdoll collision. Choose from two houses and a satellite to destroy, click and drag your mannequin, then realize the money spent was a waste. I’d consider this at risk of removal for being some sort of potential asset flip.

Lacking any sort of features or customization, the application opens to a menu with three structures to choose from. Once selected, the said structure spins wildly next to a limp dummy you’re intended to control. No on-screen instructions explain how to do this, but it’s not difficult to discover that the mouse serves to anchor and pull him into the building. There is no environment to speak of, just a large void atop an infinite plane. You can control the camera with WASD keys and rotate with the right mouse button. And that’s about it.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Simulation Games.

Great game, besides the repetetive music and way to simple gameplay and bugs and only 3 very badly designed levels it was great. 11,5/10

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Destroy It on Steam



I love the scenery still clearly a first unity game idk I guess its nice

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Action Simulation Games.

I have literally no clue why someone would release this crap. This game looks like someone’s first attempt trying to understand how the unity engine works. There is literally no physics system, you will start sinking in the ground and can run up horizontal mountains. Everything is buggy and messy. Please delete this from Steam.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game


Posable Heroes

Posable Heroes

Game, with unique mechanic, cool levels, funny scenes and beautiful soundtrack. One-man creation, Posable heroes. I played a lot in this game and i can say, this is not the end. I hope you, Lint, will have a lot of money from this game and buy will briliant pony :D

Игра, с уникальной механикой, классными уровнями, смешными сценками и замечательным саунд-треком. Создана одним человеком, Posable Heroes. Я много наиграл в неё и могу сказать, это не конец. Я надеюсь ты, линт, получешь большую прибыль с этой игры и купишь брилиантовую пони :D

Real player with 97.8 hrs in game

Really fun game, quite addictive when you get the hang of it. Things get a little clunky when multiple characters are interacting in one animation, each throwing the other off their sequence of movements, but for the most part this is a really cool unique game I recommend.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Posable Heroes on Steam

Pixel Game Maker MV

Pixel Game Maker MV

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m now ready to weigh in my thoughts on Pixel Game Maker MV. I’ve been using this software since early access back in 2018.


Pixel Game Maker MV is a great game development engine for those that are not programmers, and want to be able to create either side scrolling or top down action games. It’s got enough for a single person development operation to chew on here to create the game you want to create in the way you want it created; bearing in mind that you operate within the program’s limits. If programming/scripting is outside your reach (or if it’s something you can do), this is a great engine that has the potential to be amazing as long as the developers continue with updates & performance improvements. There are assets and DLC that is available at the time of writing for you to get a jump on a concept quickly, but there are no asset standards (outside of keeping things divisible by 2) to conform with.

Real player with 2587.5 hrs in game

I’ll begin this review with I’m 36, not 16. I have no illusions about making a game and distributing it for gain. This is a hobby for me and that is the perspective I write this review from. I have a day job. I moonlight as a hobby pixel artist, and that drives me to dev software to have fun with, and bring it to life.

I began with RPG Maker MV as my first dip into game dev software. I do not have a desire to learn to code so that software was more interesting to me compared to more advanced engines. After years in RMMV I felt the want for more control from the ground up, and not be boxed in by hard limitations from the software, and the need for plugins to break through those hard limitations. Pixel Game Maker MV grants me that feeling. I did not feel like the learning curve to get going on a project was difficult, even without a large database of video tutorial content on YouTube at the time.

Real player with 1866.7 hrs in game

Pixel Game Maker MV on Steam



Gameguru is a rough-around-the edges, cheap, underpowered game engine. It is a spiritual successor to TGC’s previos successful endeavor: FPS Creator. FPS creator was a dream come true for wanna-be mappers and newbie game designers wanting to create their own simple little first person experiences. It worked well enough for what it was, had a super active community, and lots of mods, an easy-to-learn custom scripting language, and many successful games were made with it.

FPS Creator reloaded promised to be the upgrade everyone wanted from FPS Creator. It was gonna feature all next gen graphical features, a bigger map editor, and in general more freedom and ability. This was proposed on kickstarter where it didn’t meet it’s exorbitant asking donation, so it later was rebranded and came out as GameGuru.

Real player with 650.3 hrs in game

Yeah, okay, GameGuru doesn’t have the best graphics around, but they have a specific look to it, so there’s that. Making the graphics look as good as UE4 and Unity however, is practically impossible. But that’s not my point, my point is GameGuru’s graphics are good enough for making games for the hecc of it.

The engine is editable to certain extents, but not really enough for hardcore coders and developers. Again, this is an engine made more for the fun of it. Making some nice $$$ is possible, but not too easy.

Real player with 387.7 hrs in game

GameGuru on Steam

Draw Music

Draw Music

Dot rhythm game!

“draw music” is a rhythm game made up of Dots 800(px) x 600(px).

You can experience characters, musical instruments,

and classical music of each Dot through game play.

In the game?

In this game, not only rhythm games, but also fights between villains and mini-games.

It’s included, so just because you know music well doesn’t mean you can play games well!

In the game, three large musical instruments were the main focus and several musical instruments were added.

All musical instruments are acquired for “Mi U” through certain conditions.

If you get it, it’s up to you to use it for “draw” or “music”.

In gameplay, the more musical instruments you know, the less difficult the game is.

If you don’t, you’ll have to rely on what’s visible, so it’s very difficult.

There are two levels of difficulty in the game: “Normal Mode” and “Hard Mode”.

I would like to tell you that we don’t recommend “hard mode” in the game.


Main character “Mi U”

The main character, “Mi U”, had musical genius and was no less talented in painting.

When “Mi U” played music, colorful paintings popped up and danced as if they were notes.

Everyone, adults and children alike, danced or shed tears in their emotions.

The two grandfathers, who thought that “Mi U” had tremendous power in the music that made everyone happy, thought.

The grandfather of the musician “White” is the genius of “Mi U” and the great power of music.

He said we should let everyone know. He said we should give her a “Baton”.

The grandfather of the artist “Black” said that the images of music that “Mi U” expresses

It is said that you should give a “brush” as a gift in admiration of what “Mi U” thinks it is shaped.

“White” opinion of wanting “Mi U” to be an idol to everyone around the world with music world.

The opinions of “The Darkness,” which is curious about the future of the various paintings that “Mi U” represents, rather than music, collide.

“Mi U” will receive gifts from two grandfathers on Christmas Day, December 25th birthday.

In the process, “Mi U” makes a choice, and the grandfather who is not chosen is hurt and plays tricks on “Mi U”.

“Mi U” hears that precious instruments have disappeared, so he goes looking for them!


While producing the game, I thought a lot about what to put in this game.

It’s cute and lovely to see “Mi U” play a lot of instruments in the name of rhythm games.

“Mi U” fused with a character to make each “expression” created by “Dot” feel even more cute and lovely.

How on earth can any “character” and “Mi U” blend together to make the character feel better?

At the same time, can you feel the cuteness of the main character, “Mi U”? I lost track of time because I was worried about it a lot.

There are many ideas to show another cute side of Mi-woo even after making the game.

Please look forward to it!

Draw Music on Steam

SCP Foundation: ITTLG - Chapter 1

SCP Foundation: ITTLG - Chapter 1

Downvoted. Can’t wait to see this as a tale! -1

Okay, joking aside, as an SCP author it wasn’t… a bad product. It’s ambitious for a first game and was a pretty good attempt. I streamed it in one of the largest SCP discords with a bunch of authors and we all had good laughs going through it. It suffers from some grammatical errors here and there (if you need or want someone to proofread or grammar… I’m available). I know you were trying to condense the story but the start was initially very exposition-heavy and skipped over a couple of details (like the translation collar, assuming it’s from the D-Class uniform). There was also a problem with how abruptly it cut off - at first I actually thought I had misclicked or something! I would actually recommend just ending it when they go to sleep the night before, and having a “Continued in Chapter 2” card so people don’t accidentally think they exited out of the game. The voice acting quality is… dismal, no offense, but reading over how it was a couple of friends makes sense. If you want, you could always get some professional or even more experienced VAs and keep your friend’s voices in by changing sets of voices - but I’ve never actually worked with RenPy so I don’t know how feasible that is.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

I really enjoyed the storyline. The art is great and the expressions of the characters are on point. Also props to the voice actors, considering this is probably their first time, as well for the game. As for the creator, I’d say this is a great start of your journey in creating games. Even though it isn’t of “standard” quality, the game was still worth it. Looking forward to playing the next chapter.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

SCP Foundation: ITTLG - Chapter 1 on Steam

Ragdoll Party Online

Ragdoll Party Online

This game is art. Screw people who downvote this game for having bugs. The bugs just make it more perfect. Also i think someone complained about the building mechanic, but I mean. Its really not bad

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Multiplayer-up to create levels to play - gauntlets, races, target landing, platform-hopping. Then compete against each other in the maps you made together. Share them with the world and fart up high!


Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Ragdoll Party Online on Steam



Full stop, this game is D..E..D Dead. You can find some random games every now and then but there should be no expectation to join random lobbies as the game died off years ago. You should only aim to purchase this title if you have friends that will be playing with you. I do check randomly for games but they are typically locked or just a 10 wave.

That being said you should add this game to your Wishlist and grab the 5 pack bundle when it goes on Sale. I think this game is worth 25 bucks for the 5 pack and it is a steal if your group of friends like these survival wave based games. This game is best enjoyed in groups of 4 or 5 in my opinion. Three is a decent time but you won’t be pushing as hard as it is harder to cover map objectives on the harder difficulties.

Real player with 137.4 hrs in game

A year or so back I purchased the Fatshark Bundle for myself and a friend. At first glance all the games looked entertaining and the reviews were good. Letting the game run for cards it unlocked one achievement and in doing so dropped my overall percentage score, it is because of this that I have played this game a lot sooner than I was planning.

Before I get into the details of why you shouldn’t purchase this game let me tell you what’s good about it first. The game itself looks good and runs smoothly at 60fps. The gladiators/arena remind me of Borderlands with it’s wise cracking commentator and post apocalyptic atmosphere. It shares the same universe as Krater, so if you wish to find out more details about this world you can do so if you please. Your character’s upgrade system although improperly balanced is fairly fleshed out, allowing for a wide variety of customisation. It’s got achievements, trading cards, a cloud save, and cooperative play, all of which work perfectly.

Real player with 123.1 hrs in game

Bloodsports.TV on Steam